Where Our Teachers Spend Their Vacations Miss W iederrecht, who was principal of the High School last year, went to Seattle to stay with her mother during vacation. She does not teach here next year. The Misses Bracons, Reed and Albin returned to Portland, where their homes are, to spend their vacations. Mrs. W alker was engaged as an in­ structor at the summer school at the Medford Commercial College this sea­ son, but it has been reported that she did not fulfill the engagement. Prof. Davis has gone to California to stay until he can enter the Officers' Training camp the middle of August. He has had considerable military train­ ing, having served in the Spanish- American war, and is anxious to get back into the service now that the country is at war with Germany. Miss Pierce returned to her home near Medford. Prof. Stanley, the Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. Ross both live in Central Point. The Professor and his wife plan to make a trip to Spokane this summer, to be gone several weeks. They will travel in their auto and camp out on the trip. Prof. Smith went to Roseburg, where his father makes his headquarters as traveling financial and booster secre­ tary for the Presbyterian colleges. Miss Lester, who lives near C. P.. went to Salem to visit for a few days, after which she goes to Ohio to visit the balance of the vacation with old friends and relatives. Miss Kincaid also lives near Central Point and will spend her vacation at home. Miss Daily went to her home in Medford. Little Miss Blossom They call me little Miss Mischief. But I’m little Miss Blossom Girl, too, And I just love the month of June With its flowers and birds, don’t you? On the fourth of June, our Flower Day, When we give our posies away. They smile with joy on the sick and sad, Trying their best to make folks glad. Any farm er desiring to subscribe for the Herald can pay for same with any- th'ng in the way of vegetables, eggs or butter that the bachelor editor can use. He will be glad to arrange to take such things. See him before he loses any more fat (!). Call at his residence on the same lot th at the printing shop is on. J. B. Young, of Shedds, Ore., with Mr. Rose stopped over one day this week to see Mr. Robnett, en route to Sacramento by auto. Mr. Young and Mr. Robnett are old friends. They did not stop long, as they seemed to be in a great hurry to cross the S tate line. It is somewhat strange that these gen­ tlemen did not appear to enjoy the fine clim ate of the famous Rogue Rivar Valley, for the climate here is far su­ perior to that of the ''W ebfoot” val­ ley. Yet they said they were anxious “ to cross into California, ” one mum­ bling something about being thirsty after the long ride. But we have fine w ater here. Th-y will return by way of E astern Oregon in about three weeks. One naturally wonders why they should w ant to go so far around Central Point on the return trip after spending three weeks in the dryest (?) S tate on the coast. W alter Painter, who has been work­ ing in Yreka, Cal , for the past few months, has returned home. W. E. Price nml family and E. R. • t Gleason and family motored to Apple- : LOCAL AND PERSONAL | gate and G rants Pass last Sunday. What woul 1 this community be w ith­ out a news paper? J. Fred Yates of Corvallis, a promi­ FOIL SALE:- A Thompion nent lawyer and farm er of Benton one and a fourth inch mountain county and a cousin to I. C. Robnett of the Cranfill-Robnett store, stopped hack. Paxson’s drug store. over awhile one day this week to see The Children’s Day program given at Mr. Robnett and Mr. D. C. Grim, who the Presbyterian church last Sunday he has known in the past. Although morning was fine. Miss Agnes Dunlap Mr. Robnett had heard much of Mr. worked out an original program that Yates, he had not seen his consin for was very especially appreciated be­ thirty years, and so did not know him cause it was original. The other teach when he first saw him. Mr. Yates was ers and officers also deserve credit for on his way home from California. He helping to make the event a success. paid the officers' school a t the Presidio The church was prettily decorated with a visit while there. He found Mark flowers and greenery for the occasion W eatherford, the prominent attorney and a goodly number attended. and politician of Albany who ran for Mr Strauss and wife of Sams Valley Congress on the Democratic Prohibition were in the city Friday. ticket last fall, doing the most menial Leave your orders for rubber stam ps work as a common soldier in the ranks. at the Herald office. All those preparing themselves for commissions in the army have to do the Have you saved any old papers regular routine work of a common sol­ or magazines for the local Red dier in these training camps, according Cross? If not, do so at once. to Mr. Yates. Lowell Grim is working Bert R. Greer, editor of the Ashland on one of his ranches near Corvallis Tidings, with two of the Roundup Asso­ E. T. Neal, a form er resident of this ciation men, paid the Herald a call section, paid the Herald a call Tuesday. Wednesday morning. They were trav ­ He was traveling by auto on his way to eling in the form er’s car and were on California from W ashington. Mr. Neal, a Roundup poster trip, sticking posters his wife and daughter have been trav ­ on buildings and posts all along the eling by auto and camping out for route. Ask your dealer for California W ash­ three years. ing It's the washing powde. J. K. Moore, a prominent rancher of that Powder. makes your washing easier and Sams Valley, was in town Tuesday. your clothes whiter. M anufactured at 5-cent toilet soaps will soon be off the 441 B St., Ashland, Ore. m arket on account of advancing prices. We are glud to note that D. C. Grim, Harmony Bath and Goblin still 5 cts. at who has been ill for several weeks, Paxson’s. was able to get out on the streets Mr. Art Lewis and wife of Medford again this week. We wish him a have been visiting at the home of Bert speedy recovery, as do his many f Lends. Peck for the past few days. GOING UPi! So is the price of this paper. Hurry and subscribe before it’s too late! Now is the Time ------- t o -------- B U Y F R U IT J A R S ! Also Jar Caps and Rubbers; another advance will soon come. We are receiving daily HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES The berries are now at their best. The season will be short, so let us have your orders for canning NOW. Don’t wait until they are all gone. Cowley’s Emporium “ The home of Good Things" COWLEY BLDG. Phone 17 Low Round Trip Fares TO EASTERN DESTINATIONS On sale via California Many dates in June, July, August and September Liberal Stopovers. Limit 3 months Enjoy a Beach Outing Trip AT— NEWPORT OR TILLAMOOK BEACHES MANY ATTRACTIONS AND DIVERSIONS ROUND TRIP FARES On Sale Every Day. Return October 31. Also Week End on sale Saturday and Sunday, Return Monday. For information ask our local agent. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES