O u tra i Yînint Irralî* P u b l i s h e d E ve ry T hursday By T H E H E R A L D P U B L IS H IN G CO l-f'T! B. FRANKLIN, Editor and Manager. A n I n d e p e n d e n t local n e w s p a p e r dev o ted to th»» in te re s ts o f (’e n tr a i P o in t and th e Roirue R iv e r V alley, E n te re d a*, second class m a tte r a t th e p o st o f­ fice at ( 'e n tr a i P oint, O reg o n . May 4, lMdtj, a c co rd - i-i," to e n A c t <>f C ongress, M arch B, 1H79. T h is p a p e r is k e p t on file* a t th e D a k e A d v er ­ A g e n c y , Inc., 427 S o u th M ain S tre e t, Los A ngeles an d 779 M a rk e t S tr e e t, S an F ran cisc o , w h e re c o n tra c ts for a d v e rtis in g c a n In* m ade. t is in g Subscription Price $1.00 per Year JUST THE NEIGHBORHOOD SPIRIT The Willing Workers’ Club, a rural club of women in Andrew County, Missouri, expended $2,- 200 in less than a year on road building It is preparing1 now to build a consolidated high school with experimental station and agricultural deparrment. It has inaugurated an annual potato day in the schools, when vege­ tables of all kinds are brought together for those who have none. It has an annual canning day, when members bring their surplus apples to make into apple butter for those who have none. It has indoor picnics in winter and outdoor picnics in summer, with lectures hy inventors, edu­ cators, engineers and editors. It has a union Sunday school. No Willing Worker gossips or listens to gossip. There is no unkind criticism. At the quilt­ ings in Andrew County the sew­ ing is not all equally good, but it has come to be a tradition that all the stitches that can lie criti- ciz d are those taken by the president, Mrs. W. H. Thomas, whose ideals have taken shape in tin's club. There are a good many secrets in Andrew County since the Willing Workers came into ex istence. A neighborhood spirit brought the club into existerce, but a genuine family spirit lias been born, and to this spirit, working with delicate tact, is due the secret acts the Willing Workers will not have them call­ ed charity or philanthropy, hut just the little lifts that enabled one Andrew County invalid to go to a hospital for treatmet t long needed; another to undergo an expensive operation ; a whole family to be shod and clothed and perhaps fed under a crucial period in the family’s finances; a boy to receive surgical help following an accident. The dues of the club are live cents a month if the member can aiTord it: but if she cannot no one ever knows. "Why. no,” said a member of the Andrew County dub, "w e haven’t done very much just developed the neighborhood spirit that is lying more or less ¡¿U in «. very country district. ” Ka ¡. ,.s City Stur. th e h o m e paper Flattering Ex Governor Francis of Mis­ The Chinese are not given to souri once said the following of flattery. newspapers : A gentleman called at a Chi­ “ Each year the loea' news­ nese laundry for his clothes. paper gives from $500 to $1,000 On receiving the package he no­ in free lines to the community in ticed some Chinese characters which it is located. No other marked upon it, He asked, agency can or will do this. The pointing to the lettering : editor, in proportion to his "That is my name, ¡suppose?” means, does more for his town “ No. ’Scliption,” was the than anv other ten men, and in Chinaman’s bland reply, ” ’I-.il all fairness he ought to be sup­ oP man, closs-eyed, no teeth !’ ” ported not because you like him or admire his writing, but because the local paper is the Beugle Brevettes best investment a community cun make. It may not he bril­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lester of Table liantly edited or crowded w;th Rock were visitors at the Prank home thought, but financially it is of last W e e k . Mr. Ho we of Trail Creek was looking more benefit to the community a f t e r inter, -ts here the last of the than the preacher or teacher. week. Understand me, I do not mean plure ire W a'ker has moved his mentally, and yet on moral ques­ family onto the Russell plaee for the tions you will fin-1 most of the summt r. papers on the right side. To- J. I. Krh.k and family were Eagle day the editors of thp local Point vis tors the last of the week. papers do the most for the least Mrs. C S Sanderson and little Dor­ of Co. tral Point, are spending a money of any people in t h » othy, fe w days vi iting at the home of her world. ” son, C. C Sanderson. “AN INCIDENT OF SUMMER” (W ritten by a college student) One beautiful dav in dune the call of the woodland enticed me from the wearisome city. As I strolled in the shady paths the perfurve r»f crol ferns at rl grats, wild flovo-s and evergreens, ac cmnnaniod ever;- breath of the woodland =• it*. The natural soli­ tude of the forest was broken only hy the birds in bush and treetop singing the joyful melo­ dies of June time. The soft, warm sunbeams, pe^pint thru here and there as if watching me, seemed to be saving, ” M.v city-weary friend, lie down on the soft cool grass and enjoy to the full the peaceful quiet of the wood'and, and I will sooth thee to slumber while the birds sere­ nade thee with the songs of sum­ mer.” Obeying, I soon found myself fairly hypnotized hy the soothing magic of the pear ful. restful stillness, the pi- asing odor of the woodland air and the warmth of the sunbeams. I drifted into the mesmeric mys­ teries of Dreamland with the music of the forest serenaders a sweet memory, blending into my dreams. Suddenly my perfect slumber was shattered ! A jar as of a mighty earthquake shook the very earth and sky ! A roar that vibrated thru the air as by a thousand cannon deafened mv drowsy ears! As I was desper­ ately trying to gather my senses, a wounded Chinese pheasant fell ju>t twenty feet beyond me. the victim of an illegal shot. I was the victim though a lucky one, of the magic speil of th? wood­ land in June. The Mayfi ld brothers of Cehtral Point were looking after their cattle around B-agle the last of the week. C. C. Sanderson is spending a few days in town looking a fte r interests there. We understand the Richardson r a w h has been rented. We will all he glad to have some new neighbors there. Tii p a has been vacant for quite a while. W. !. Re g.-is made a business trip to Ct ntral I i ¡nt , nil Medford Tuesday. J. t BARBER Men’s Udirai! • 25c S< hocliioys’ Haircut 20c Laundrv, Clothes Cleaning and Pressing Agency. ^ ¡p 7 .™ ™ - HAY FEVER Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment A T ALL D R U G S T O R E S TUBES 25C JAR S 50C We Have a new shipment of Ladies’ C O M IN G SHADE : For all demands in stock lifi4NFilLL& K uüîi E. t Centra! Point Central Point, Ore 6oi»g to the Roundup j IN JULY ? • IF SO, buy your new hat before you go. shipment just arrived. New j { . F. A. H A W K : 1 he Artistic Milliner”