Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, June 07, 1917, Image 6

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M. D. Good, the popular traveling tlon ®°°n'
salesman for the Wheeler Motter Mer-
Mrs. E. C. F ab er will entertain the
cantile Co. of St. Joseph, Mo., paid Ladies Aid of th e Methodist church
V‘» * + 4 4 4 4 4 4 * ' » + 4 . t « 4 * « * 4 ' » 4 4 + 4 « + + + + * + + + 4 + + 4 4 4 " f r + + + 4 + * * 4 « « £ our business men an oth er visit this nex t Wednesday afternoon. All mem-
Mr». Price of Klamath Fal a was a
W. E. Owen returned from Portland week. He says he will go on his vaca- bers and friends are invited.
pleasant caller in our city Monday. the first of this week. He said his
She was on her way to Portland.
wife was doing very well when he left
Portland is beginning to assume
Mrs. Hazelrig, mother of Mrs. T im ­ her.
mons, arrived here from Yoncalla S a t ­ “ Hose Festival” appearance, he said.
Mrs. Thrasher, of the United Mines
Pineappla pies. 15c, Saturday speci­ on Graves Creek, was in town Tues­
als. Central Point Bakery.
I l f " The safest investm ent; backed by all the
Spring time is kodak time, and if
The vote in Central Point resulted in
wealth of the United States.
Your savings must
a majority of ten votes being cast you h av e’n t a kodak see Paxson Drug
Co. Some nice ones from a dollar to
against the $tj,000,U00 bond issue.
help win this war. Bonds as low as $50. Interest
twelve dollars.
Are you enlisted in the “ Food Pre-
Have you bought any Liberty bonds
3.1-2 per cent, paid semi-annually. Your country
paredness” army? Are you raising your y e t , You can ..do your b it- by pur
own garden and poultry?
needs your help. GO T O T H E N E A R E S T BANK
chasing same a t the Central Point
George Perkins, formerly of this S ta te Bank.
OR BOND D E A L E R . He will give you all particulars
city, who is now living on K a n e ’s
Mrs. Dr. Mulkey, who was inju-ed
Creek, was in town one day lust week.
without charge.
aiiout the face and head in the auto
Jelly doughnuts, 20c a dozen. Central wreck, still suffers considerably. Her
Point Baker y.
Applications for the purchase of Liberty Bonds
many friends wish her a complete and
H. W. Davisson arrived home from speedy recovery.
must be made before June 15. Don't delay. You
Dallas, Texas, Friday evening. He r e ­
Mrs. Frank Mec of Ashland, who has
ports a tine time, and said the Presby been visiting here, left for Newport
have no time to lose.
teriun General Assembly held in Dallas Monday.
was one of the finest ever held.
Kexall Chillhreaker knocks malaria.
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson and mother Money back if it fails. Paxson's Drug
leave n e x t week for Texas, and from Store.
th ere they go to Florida to join Mr.
Arlene Have is spending a fortnight
with her sister in Medford.
A rsenate of Lead, one, two and five
Betts will buy all your old rubber and
pound packages, at Puxson's.
rope. Hotel Central, Centra! Point.
Invalid chair in good condition fur sale.
The prospects are thu t there will be
Inquire a t Herald office.
Making; P ie Crust
a record cr ip of ha,' and fruit t h 's y e i •.
Are you going to th e roundup in
Mt P i t t a s the principal
Miss Dorris Cowley has returned
J u l y ? If so, see Mrs. F. A. Hawk, the
ingredient is fa r less a task
from C. A. C.
local milliner, before you buy your new
and is far more likely to
Swiss marshmallow rolls, 15c each.
‘ turn out well’’ thHn if ordin­
hut. She has j u s t received a new sh ip ­
ary flour is used. The same
ment of hats.
thing can be said of Mt. P itt
B etts will buy all your old zinc, cop­ DK. T. G. H E IN E Physician and S u r­
flour in all o th er bakings. A
Office over M. & M. Store 22.
per, lead, brass, etc. Hotel Central, geon
sack of it ordered today will
E. Main S treet, Med'ord, Phone: 303
Central Point.
prove long before it is empty
th a t our flour is the best h II-
Dr. S. A. Mulkey leaves for Purl laid
N ex t Sunday evening the new officers
aro urd flour made. The » ise
of the Epworth League will he install- np*' Wednesday evening to atten d the
housekeeper is buying a few
cd a t the evening service a t the Methu- convention of the S tate Dental Society.
• arks now to tide the family
over until to*w wh at is fit to
dist church.
If you are bilious, or have frequent
grind Mt. P itt flour now S3 10
On Tutsday, W ar Census Day, 6G
the sack. Favorite flour now
young men, including a number of J a p ­ tle of Kexall Liver Salts from Paxson
| 2 70 a sack.
anese, registered in C entral P o in t. I »rug Co. 25c and 50c.
The latest figures given out by Sheiilf
How many people coming here look­
Jennings gives the to tal registration ing for a new location would ttop, if
for the county a t 138S. O f this total Central Point had no paper?
about 840 will be exem p t for different
The patriotic Carnival will be h Id in
Medford June 5 to a inclu ive.
Curai auìi Smunta I .Struts
Buy Liberty Bonds To-Day
Q uality in th e B a g
I he C en tral Point Mills
nm m
iii*ii*iim r *iim ^ i*i*s B tiim n *ii*ii$ m B *ii*u *^
ì The Men Belt
The most important thing about a bank is the character and ability
of the men behind it: the men who direct its affairs.
The Directors of this bank are well qualified for their duties by rea­
son of their conservative policies, sound judgment, experence, integrity
and financial standing.
I £
Central Point State Bank
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