Teachers’ Examinations Hems Overlooked Iasi Week Notice is hereby given that the Coun­ ty Superintendent of Schools for Jack- son county, Ore., will hold the regular examination o f applicants for State certificates at Jacksonville as follows, commencing Wednesday, June 27. 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday; June 30, 1917, at 4 p. m.: On the middle o f the night o f May 26 the citizens o f Mt. Angel, Ore , hesrd a terrific report that demolished the Rex Theatre there, and the entire pop­ ulation rushed from their homes to see what happened. It developed that two brothers had been quarreling and one had set dynamite under the building belonging to the other for spite. Win­ W ednesday F orenoon United States History, Writing (Pen­ dow panes in that vicinity were shat­ tered, including those in a house owned manship), Music. Drawing. by Dr. Mulkey o f this city. 1 lth Annual Rose Festival -A N D - PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION AT W ednesday A fternoon E. C Faber, proprieto* o f "T h e Cash Physiology, Reading, Manual Train­ Store on the Corner,” is a progressive ing, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course o f Study business man, judging from the im­ provements recently installed in hia for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. store. Along one side has been added T hursday F orenoon new bins and shelves that make his Arithmetic, History o f Education, grocery department both handy and Psychology, Methods in Geography, attractive From hints given the Her­ Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, ald man. these are nat all the changes Course o f Study for Domestic A rt. contemplated. Watch this space for further news. T hursday A fternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type­ writing, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. F riday F orenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng- liah Literature, Chemistry, Physical Culture. F riday A fternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. S aturday F orenoon Geometry, Botany. S aturday A fternoon General History, Bookkeeping. (Signed) G. W. AGER, County School Superintendent. JUNE 13, 14, 15, 1917 This annual event will be one of the greatest patriotic celebrations ever held in the Pacific Northwest. Come, join in and return home a happier and truer American H. W. Davisson Visits Los Angeles H. W. Davisson, of Central Point, was a visitor on May 29th at the big exhibit o f Southern California products maintained free to the public in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. He also attended the lectures, moving pictures and concerts that are a part o f the daily rrogram. The exhibit is the largest of any in the country main­ tained by a commercial organization. Before returning home Mr. Davisson expects to visit several o f the many other places o f interest in Southern California. He was on his way home from (he Presbyterian Assembly at Dallas, Texas. This sews item wss sent us by the Los Angeles Chamber ot Commerce. We must say we admire their wide­ awake methods o f serving the travel­ ing public, and hence of obtaining fa v­ orable publicity. No wonder 1,0* An­ geles is su popular. Some o f our Oregon commerrtal organizations could well take the tip T h e Central P oin t Barber Shop E. R. GLEASON. Propéttor Invites V ou r Patronage Mr. George W. Walters, o f K in g’s Highway, who went to the Dow hospi­ tal at Central Point last Friday morn­ A G E N T FOR ing, was operated on by Dr. Dow that M edford Domestic Laundry morning for a large tumor on his Basket I-eaves Tuesdays and Thursdays—returning Saturdays^^ throat and the operation was entirely successful, although Mr. Waiters is now in his eightieth year. Regarding the hospital, Mr. Walters says it is a first class institution and one is made to feel at home there at once. He is particularly grateful for kind trea t­ ment received at the hands o f Dr. Dow, Mrs. Dow and the nurses.- [M edford Mail Tribune. I ! CENTRAL P O IN T ! DRAY LINE D. C. GRIM, PROP- All kinds of hauling Freight handled, baggage transferred, moving, etc. All orders receive prompt and persona! attention. OE PORTLAND, ORE. ASK YOUR GROCER OR BUTCHER FOR “ACORN” BRAND Crisp, Sweet Breakfast Bacon Spicy, Succulent Ham C E N T R A L P O IN T P A C K IN G CO. Low Round Trip Fares On sale June 12, 13, 14, 15 Return Limit June 18th Ask your local agent for information John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Have you bought your Liberty Bonds ? GOING UP!! So is the price of this paper. Hurry and subscribe before it's too late! Now is the Time TO BUY F R U IT JA R S ! Also Jar Caps am] Rubbers; another advance will soon come. We are receiving daily HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES Next week they will be at their liest. The season will be short, so let us. have your orders for canning NOW. Don’t wait until they are all gone. Cowley’s Emporium "The home of Good Things” COW LEY BLDG. Phone 17