Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, May 31, 1917, Image 4

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    (Trntral P ain t îHrralù
. ,.,“
’ D. EV“ ' r ,U“ D‘ T
l-EE B. FKANKI.IN. Editor and Manager.____
. , . i u
rv j in i h . > im n u r . in I n H 'd i
AN I n d k i - c n [)KNT local new.paper devoted to
th»* i n t é r ê t « o f O n tr a l Point and
R ive r Valley.
hnteretl as necond c I hhh m atter at the pout o f-
fir«.* a t Central Point, OreKon, May 4. 1906, accord-
lira ,i .aniiM rani, vneun, Mo «, iaa,Kcuiu-
I v: teen Act ofConirniM. March 3. 1H79.
Thle paper i, kept on file at the D ak k A iiv k r -
AtiKNftv. Inc., 427 South Main Street, Loa
Anireles and 779 Market Street, San Francisco.
wh.-r.. contract, for advartWa« eaa be awde.
«■■'■ncri,...... I‘i ii-,. iil.lHI |.er Year
I Tut'
7 !
Democracy the Comiruj Order
Those present at the first men­
Stag Party
place were: Henry Riley
! Last Monday evening Mr. O.
and Lee B. Franklin,
"When It is explained that the ex Ockerman entertained a few o f
pense of providing the cru.hed rock his friends at Mountain View
ba#() oa the road* to be hard-surfaced
„ iU be borne by tbc state and not re Heights at a stag party. The
aulred of the counties, opposition to men, half o f whom were old bach­
, r e m o v e d .”
the road bond bill Is largely removed,” elors (the other half being mar­
says Winnie Braden, of Dallas, Secre­
tary-Treasurer or
of Polk County Better ried men),had a fine time playing
, .»
It hilS been Ely “ 500 ” and other suitable games
K o a u s --------------
A s s o c i a l i )n
experience that It Is only necessary for young men. During the even­
to acquaint the Individual opponent ot
hnnH m o u u u r a w it h th e nro- ing the genial host served ligh t(!)
th f road bond m< asure « lttl tne pro
Visions o f th e b ill tO m ake him a COn- (it was tinged with strawberry
T ert to llu . B„ 0(i roads m ovem en t. T h e
juice) refreshments which all
partook o f with many puns poked
warn good roads. All that Is demand- at each other and some who were
Mrs. G. Betts, Mgr.
e(i by them is the assurance that the
¡not present or on hands.
At a
late hour the merry old fellows Central Point,
ir in the construction of the greatest departed, the thotful host show-
possible mileage of serviceable roads ling the visitors the way out and
°efpa ‘Mrm“ne“t aud endurl,‘8 cbarac- holding the lamp to make it safer
“With this assurance and the fur- for the departing guests to get
th,r Kuarantee that ample funds are properly started on their home­
provided in the increased automobile
flcinilPi whlth will have to be paid ward way. On the way home
anyway, to meet both Interest and the guests were invited in at the
principal of the bonds, the voterB of home o f one o f the party for a —
Men’ s Haircut ■ 25c
few minutes. Here they partook
,trongly favoring the road bur­
Schoolboys’ Haircut 20c
o f other light refreshments. Up­
Among th< false statements clrcu- on leaving one o f theparty, whose
Laundrv, Clothes Cleaning
- -v b>' °P ” ;,ents of the $*>,000,000 name is witheld. came near hav­
hill 1 is
one to
to the effect
effect that
and Pressing Agency.
road bond bill
» one
” e burdeI1 of paylng ror the bond«; ing a slight misfortune. He mis-
will be saddled upon the taxpayers of Icalculated the steps on the way
~ ™
- <,t 18 , Uiat
. . . tbe
rw.,ote« AXf.mil 1 state
uih I o road tax,
tax. which Is out— (cut off here by the War
ln effect aiMi has been for the last Censor.)
The man of vision^ ami it
not require a great mind to see
the trend Of civilization- looks
into the future and beholds the
culmination of man’s age-lorg
dream in the fulfillment of uni-
„ . . . , 1
versal peace. He sees in the
new a g e the brotherhood of man
fulfilled in a new order of gov-
ernment which we are begin-
ning to realize is near even to-
day. Alexander the Great and
i Napoleon
«n( /t/i cui i the
m e
r First
i i o i were
w c ic
1.* * a
„ 1
men. but they had the wrong
conception of the purpose of life,
“ utr
He who
w in# wuulu
would ue
he unsi
first snail
shall ue
a .
. .
c. , aid nt that 13 servant to all
snail be exalted” expresses the four years, the taxpayer assessed for
underlying principle that means »1000 win pay 25 cents a year. In the
, 1
2:, years the hoe. :•» are to i un the total
the success or failure of our amount th*- taxpayer will rontribut#
under tills lux will l>e $6.25 and Its
Now. while the world is upset p » " “-“' w1I>
dls,’ “
d °v,r. a
p* rind of 25 years. Besides, this ta i
•' ^ne subnormal condition of a („ already provided by statute and
State of war, while t lie minds of must be paid regardless of whether
men , are , affected by ’ the coi slant election
the r,,ad June
,bo,,d8 4th.
T v°‘
> ‘‘ at ,h° 8p!'rlal
The revenue from
Itemi Ot War news, and now by
Increas'd automobile licenses will
preparation for war and the be more tla n sufficient to pay both
The Hotel Central
^ ¿Z Z Z Z & T S S i
J. E Boswell
Central Point. Ore.
T ^ e Quality in the B a g
Making Pie Crust
•«"¡■.»r ' " * * » a.n*t ««th -d v iin g
machinery here in our own peace- Ti,|Uai taxpayer, therefor**, will not be
fui America as well, lest we for- increased If the road bonds are voted
get. W« Should not lose sight of
No adlll.lo„al blird..„. will bs In.
tr.O Roal, but should think on the posed on any taxpayer by reason of
things the near future has in lhe
of lhe K°od rotd* bond
, „ t
i - j i
s to re fo r m an k in d , k e e p
up ou r
faith 111 the final success of Right
M ig h t and b e lie v e th a t
.1.;^ , __ :i I . .
US ttmble storm IS past,
a n ew an d b r ig h t e r d a y w ill
daw n.
«r ...... j
I l tie democracy IS the only
Issue And If good roads, quicker com
BunlcatloIli , a f .- transportation, bet-
ter traveling facilities, and reduction
*n c° 8t of mov,n* ,he products of
farm. fl»ld, and orchard mean any
tb|nK to the progress and prosperity
of the state, the passage of the good
r o rjs bond Issue w ill be to th# ad-
vanuiK«* of every man. woman and
child In-Oregon. —TUe Spectator tP or*
With Mt. Pitt as the principal
ingredient is far leas a task
ami is far more likely to
“ turn out w*ell" than if ordin­
ary flour is used. The same
thing can be said of Mt. Pitt
flour in all other bakings. A
sack of it ordered today will
prove long before it is empty
that our flour is the best all-
around flour made. The wise
housekeeper is buying a few
sacks now to tide the family
over until new wheat is fit to
grind. Mt. Pitt flour now $3.10
the sack. Favorite flour now
$2.85 a sack.
The Central Point Mills
hope of universal peace, and true
democracy is a
co-operative gov- It ls llmo Oregon was getting out of
e rn m e n t.
h asten
its the
tillilg , II
and appropriations
we W
in nilttino-
putting have
|>oth California
tna(1„ ,arKe
the principle of co-operation into for go„rt road 8 during the past few
practical use right here at home, years, while Oregon has stood ¿till.
Is it worth while to begin , on so for consideration
olii T
In June is an eco
small a scale : If the principle nomic business proposition,
is right there is but one answer
# * *
The annual llcens on all automo-
bil,.* has been doubled. The fees from
N e x t w e e k I sh all e n d e a v o r to this source will be adequate to pay th-
p o in t out o n e o r t w o im p o rta n t Interest and the principal of the $*>.-'
♦ k in ,.,
„ ...1 ] t
i - , 000.000 road bolide. Automobile own-
tilin g s th ill could he d on e w h ic h pr(< art> wlm n(t to p,y the Increased It-
would go far toward crystal ¡zing c, ns. but ask that the money raised
a better and more popular “ com- therefrom shall be spent In road oon-
m n n itv an irit ”
struetion. Why not? They are going
mumt> spirit.
t0 ,)ay tbe bill. And It Will not be
a ,. ,s.u > to raise g. neral taxes, either.
Vote for the bonds.
Were I so tall to reach the pole
# # A
Or mete the heavens with a span
From a series of Investigations, thei
V. S Department of Agriculture has
I must be measured by my soul;
It is the mind that makes the man. found that, following the Improvement
(This fine vers# was handed us by of the main market roads, the Increase
H. II Croft.
He could not recall the In the selling price of tillable farm
lands served by the roads has amount-1
author's name.)
cd to from on*- to three times the total
cost of the Improvements.
^VnEnAm a
T h e Hard Glossy Surface made with
Chi-namel Screen Enamel makes it impos­
sible for dust to adhere.
Dries quickly.
Prevents Rust. A dds artistic appearance.
W . C. L E E V E R
The Hardware Man
Central Point,