TO REDUCE THE HIGH C 08T OF L IV IN G -C O O K RADISH ES A simple remedy for the high cost of living is the use of radish­ es, not raw as commonly used, but cooked just like you would cook turnips. Not many house­ wives know this, but just try it once and you will be surprised at the result. Those who have tried it say it is really difficult to tell the difference between the turnip taste. FOR CATARRH HAY FEVER Dannie Eucalyptus Oint A T ALL D R U 3 S TO R E S T ubes 2« c ja r s soc Put Your Boy Into Two-Horse Brand Overalls wjrifc) B est-looking, longest - wearing and cost no more than Inferior kinds. Banded bib and swing­ ing white drill pockets (not the old style patch pockets th at so quickly wear through). L o o k fo r t h u U b e l— take d o other« \.T FREE A W A R D I O O R A N O P R I Z K A T W. I*. I . WL M ade and G u aran teed by \L E V I STRAUSS & CO-.S« Fn wises Hard Wheat -----W ------ Flour FROM -x~x r — $ 2.75 U P ONE FARMER SAVES ¡c. P. H. S. Alumni Biinquet A FINAL WORD ON ROAO BOND BILL $540 IN ONE YEAR The annual business meeting R u ssell H a rris , C e n tra l P o in t Hisrh School. Provides Immediate Construc­ tion of Permanent Highways Without Increasing Taxes. Much h as been said in opposition to th e good roads bond bill th at has no b earin g w hatever on th e m easure and w hich could be designed only to poi­ son and prejudice th e voters ag ain st It. T h at being th e case, th e follow ing p er­ tin e n t facts are sub m itted for th e in form ation and th o u g h tfu l co n sidera­ tion of th e im p artial voter on th e eve Of th e special election Ju n e 4th: T his road bond bill proposes the Is­ suance of $0,000.000 tw enty-five year four per cent bonds for th e co n struc­ tion of a system of state-w ide hard- surfaced highw ays. T he roads to be Im proved are designated in th e bill and Include the m ain-traveled roads th ro u g h o u t th e state. A dequate revenue has been provided by s ta tu te for payiug both In terest and p rin cipal and re tire th e bonds a t m atu rity w itho ut increasin g taxes. T he m oney d e rite d from the increased autom obile lie< uses and th e existing q uarler-m ill slate road tax will pay th e Interest w id re tire th e bnndB uud leave a su b stan tia l balance for tlie co n struction of o :h er ro ad s not enum ­ erated in th e bond bill. T he increased autom obile license and th e sta te road tax are provided by sta tu te s now iu effect and will have to be paid regardless of w hether or not th e road bonds are voted a t the sp< < ial election Ju n e 4th. T he autom obile ow ner 1 b w illing to pay th e Inert use d license. All th a t he asks is th a t the lio i.s e mom y, w hich has to be p aid anyw ay, be expended in co n stru ctin g th e to ad s propostd in the bond bill. The autom obile ow ner will provide all cf th e money necessary to m eet th e in te re st ch arges and re tire th e bonds. He fails to see why th ere should be any opposition to th e ex­ p en d itu re of th e m oney so provided iu the co n struction of good roads, iu view of th e fact th a t It is his m oney th a t will pay for th e im provem ents. All of th e m oney raised from the bonds will be expended u nder th e d i­ rection of th e S tate H ighw ay C om m is­ sion, ap p ointed by G overnor W ithy- combe. T he C om m ission has announc­ ed th at in expending th e fund all sec­ tion s of th e state will be considered im p artially . A d ollar's w orth of road co n strucliou for every d ollar expend' d is g u aran teed by the C om m issioners, who have declare'd th a t they will p u r­ chase one o r m ure paving p lan ts and lay paving unless satisfacto ry Lids are sub m itted by paving co n tractors. O r­ d inary com m on s< nse business princl- pit s will a . 30 govern th e C om m ission­ ers in th e ir work of road building. S carcity of laber and th e reasonable­ ness of w ar-tim e prices for m a irila ls will d eterm in e th e tim e for in au g u rat­ ing w ork an d th e scope of actual road construction. K ord bulldii.g will not be u nd ertak en by th e C om m ission un­ less conditions are favorable. A pp.oval of th e road bond bill Ju n e 4th will be an in d arerm en t of a ptan th a t in su res for th e sta te the co n struc­ tion of a s', stem of hard-surfaced roads w ith funds already provided by law t.nd w ithout increasing o th er taxes. Vote £14 X YES and help "Hull O re­ gon Out of the M ud.” CRAKFILL & ROBHETT P R O V I D E S GOOD ROADS W H E R E MOST NEEDED Central Point I am for th e rtx.d bond Issue be- cr.use 1 believe it will give us of O re­ gon good read s a td at places w here c L't-'v t: food roads now. and C E N T R A L P O IN T H E R A L D O N L Y $ 1 .0 0 A Y E A R and banquet of the High School [Alumni Association was held in the Domestic Science Room of the What Good Roads Mean School building last Friday even­ to Him. ing. Most of this years class were present and cordially wel­ H. W est, farm er and d airym an, liv­ ing near Scappoose, In an en th u siastic comed by the older members. su p p o rter of th e road bond bill th a t A dinner was served by the w ill be before th e voters for th eir ap ­ Junior girls. Mr. Cowley acted proval a t th e special election Ju n e 4. H e is for th e road bonds because th e as toastmaster and gave every­ value of good roads has been dem on­ one an opportunity to say some­ stra ted to him conclusively. T hrough thing in regard to their school ac- th e co n struction of a m acadam road by w hich he is enabled to send m ilk *ivities. The boys who have re- and cream to m ark et by auto truck, urned from college related some Mr. W est last year saved $540. "B efore th e m acadam road was f their experiences of the past b u ilt,” according to Mr. W est, "I had year. to haul my m ilk an d cream by team None of the officers elected to Scappoose. But now an auto tru ck 'last year were present, so the calls at my hom e daily, delivers my dairy p ro du cts In th e P ortlan d m arket business meeting was turned over and on th e re tu rn trip brings groceries to Roland Flahertv, and the fol­ and o th er supplies rig h t to my door. lowing officers elected : Fred Due en tire ly to th e m acadam road, my saving last year in m ark etin g the Taylor, president; Helen Parker, products of my d airy alone was $540. vice-president; and Vada Al- T his estim ate does not include th e tumes, secretary-treasurer — all saving th at has attend ed th e m ark e t­ ing of my farm products and th e de­ by the railroad method. livery of freig h t and o tb er supplies at A resolution was passed to in v i.ome. "By b ard -surfacin g th is m acadam boost the erection of a new high road, my savings due to im proved school building as much as pres­ roads will be even g rea te r for w ith the ent conditions will permit, and a com pleted road the ro st of operatin g new office created. Russell Har­ auto tru c k s w ill be fu rth e r reduced. Yes, I atn en th u siastically In favor of ris was elected chief scribe. th e road bond bill. Everybody seemed to think Fred Taylor was getting bald- w in r< we need them m ost. T here is headed, but he said that his hair only one plan bi fore us by w hich we hadn’t grown out yet. mh> o alt som e really good and serv -1 Much regret was expressed iceabie roads and th a t is the p resen t j schem e of p erm ittin g th e sta te to sell I over the loss of the fine corps of $6,(lt)0,000 iu four per cent serial bonds high school teachers this year. to be redeem ed both in prin cipal and The teachers were questioned, in terest by th e revenue derived from s state tax on autom obiles. If we do but didn’t seem to have any good not adopt th is plan we of O regon w ill reasons, so they must be “slack­ continue as we have already continued ers.” too long, w ith poorly drained, w retch- [ Not as much spirit was mani­ id ly located and m iserably surfaced roads, im passable in w in ter and im ­ fested among a few of the practical and expensive at all tim es.— Alumni members as might he R ufus C. Ilnltnan, P resid en t of S tate A ssociation of C ounty Jud ges and expected, hut those présent were C ounty C om m issioners. enthusiastic. With the large classes graduated in the past W H A T GOO D ROAD'S MEAN TO M OTORISTS few years and a little organized effort, the association hopes to Every m otorist has observed how bis do a great deal in influencing ra r accelerates when he g ets from au unim proved road to a stretch of hard- the opinion of the community. H. West, of Scappoose. Tells f surfaced; but he may not realize bow large a saving of pow er and gcsollne th a t acceleration represents. If he w ere bo trav el over a hard even s u r­ face h ab itu ally instead of over th e average co u ntry road, his gasoline bill would be g reatly reduced. A m otorist I d M ississippi has figured out th a t hard surfaced roads In his com m unity save hint $30 per year in the gasoline consum ed by a single ear. In the face of th ise facts, is th ere any possible r»ason why every ruto- m oblle ow ner should not vote for the $6.000,000 good roads bond bill? Poor ro-.ds are very expensive th in g s for country com m unities T he farm er who th in k s th a t Im proved highw ays are m aluiv for th e benefit of those who drive autom obiles should reflect on the res'rit of a recent Investigation by th e D epartm ent of A griculture, which finds th at the cost of hauling farm produce over o rd in ary country roads is 23 omits a ton. w hereas over hard surfaced roads it Is only 13 rents. —F act and C om m ent in Youth s Com­ panion. May 1$, 1317. Next Tuesday at the Y. M. C. A. the Epworth League of the M. E. church will hold their annual election and social. All are invited to attend. Ked Cross Making I p Comfort fiaqs The Central Point Red Cross Auxili­ ary is making up “ comfort bags” for the soldiers. The following list of articles compose the contents of a “ comfort bag” : Khaki-colored sewing cotton No. 30, fhite sewing cotton No. 30, white dar­ ing cotton No. 30, needles No. B, arning needle, needle case; buttons, khaki-colored and white, medium size, |in hsgs 3x5 in.; large thimble, blunt- liointed scissors, rake of soap, medium size safety pins, common pins, small comb, tooth brush, tooth paste, small round mirror, handkerchiefs, lead pen­ cil, writing pad, envelopes and post cards, playing cards, collapsible alumi­ num drinking cup, pocket knife, shoe laces, tan. Any of these articles will be g rate­ fully received by the local Red Cross. Any m erchant willing to furnish any­ thing on the list at cost should see the chairman, Mrs. Palmer. How many people coming here look- ing for a new location would stop, if Central Point had no paper^ E