t EVERYBODY WANTS IMPROVED ROADS EVERY PRODUCER W I L L BE AIDE D. Good roads concern and should in­ terest every citizen. They reduce the cost per ton to the producer in mar­ keting his products. This is an im­ portant factor in determining the ulti­ mate cost to the consumer. Good roads mean a substantial saving in the operating cost of 36,000 motor ve­ hicles in this state and will effect a Everybody wants good roads. The further saving of at least 10 per cent need for Improved highways is admit­ In the depreciation of all vehicles. ted. Every citizen is anxious and These two items amount into almost willing to pay his share towards the Incredible sums annually. All money cost of building good roaus. All the raised for good roads will be expended individual ever has insisted upon and In this state, contributing to the wel­ Is asking today is that the public re­ fare of all. Good roads increase the ceive one dollar of value for every value of all land contiguous to the This dollar expended in road construction. highways that are improved. Frequently in the past the public has stimulates road construction In other Could more material not received full value from these ex­ communities. penditures. Hut this has been due reasons be urged for supporting the invariably to the lack of a systematic good roads bond bill at the special plan of road building and an intelli­ election June 4th? gent supervision of the work by public officials charged with disbursing the S T R O N G A R G U M E N T F OR G O O D R O A D B O N OS fund. The last Legislature, however, pro­ — vided the necessary legislation for in­ 1 One of the most forceful appeals troducing In Oregon a systematic and for good roais was that offered for Intelligent campaign for the state wide the Grange measures, which provided for a bond issue and was printed in construction of permanent bard sur ' ft • ; •• :;-’-’»t. From face highways. A complete road code the 1911 off was adopted and a Highway ( ommts- that argumi t !h ■ fellow. n:: s c tote.I: "Business Men and I ii'iu 'r. Produc­ ■ion created for Its administration N o "1 for the Another measure provided for issu­ er and <’«•* s -mer: ance of bonds aggregating $1,800,000 Grange Mee ores, f >r yen •..■no and a.I with which to match an equal amount are Interesi 1 l.i the tlrvp’ p u ,t of provided by the Government, under th * state, that can never he accom­ the Shackleford Act. for the construc­ plished without the construction of good, permanent rop '* b :• 11 ecenom tion of post roads and forest roads. and scientific ally. Spence, Most Important of the Legislative irally measures was that authorizing the Is­ Shaw. Loony. Mason, Committee Ore­ sue of bomls to the amount of $6,000.- gon Stale Grange " 000 for the construction of main trunk lines throughout the state. At the same time, another hill was passed doubling the annual license on ull au­ tomobiles and motor vehicles The revenue from this source, together with the money derived from the ex lsting one fourth mill road tax will meet all Interest charges of the pro­ posed bond Issue and retire the bonds without adding a dollar to the direct taxes of the Individual Of these various measures, only one __the $t;.000,000 Bond Ilill— will be submitted to the voters for their ap I’ hvsieian and Surgeon proval at the special election. June 4th. This measure asks nothing of anybody except that which he must Osteopathic Physician pay under laws which go into effect Offices a” d Residence regardless of whether the bond Issue be adopted All manner of safeguards bave been provided outside the bond­ ing act. The Highway Commission has been reorganized, methods of road construction have been reformed, competition in contracts has been 1 he Central Point made compulsory and an anti conspir­ I acy bill has been passed Amortiza Barber tton tables show that the Income now irrevocably provided will retire the E R. G LE A S O N , Propri,tor $ it .000.000 bond issue, meet the re­ quirements of the Federal Act. pro vide maintenance of roads and leave Invites 't our Patronage a surplus even If there be no increase in assessed value or number of auto mobiles. AGENT FOR * Approval of the bond measure by Medford Domestic Laundry i the voters Is all that is needed to car B m ' L m v m a ry out the good roads campaign effec | Thuisoay« returning Satunl sv» ^ lively. Indorsement of the bonds at the June election would mean that actual road construction .could begin this year. In passing on this measure, voters are not asked to vote blindly The pending bond bill describes the roads that are to be constructed and defines the general character of their construction All roads will be built under the supervision of the State Highway t'ommlsslon which was cre­ ated for that specific purpose The members of the Commission art' men of the strictest integrity The> are among the state s most rep resentatlve citizens who have achiev ed enviable success in the business While You Wait world A* appointees of Governor Withycotnbe. they may be depended upon to conduct the business of state road building with the same fidelity they have shown in their personal af The Shoo Repair Man fairs The personnel of the Commls sion Is a guarantee that all road funds Coming Into its hands will be dis­ bursed wisely and economically. W A R IS—well, what Sherman said Plan That Will Insure State Better Highways to Be Voted Upon in June. F R A N K L IN So are the prices that most dealers are asking for all rood stuffs. Not only will they remain high, but soon the goods will be hard to obtain at any price. Lean times are ahead of us. Don’t Neglect to Plant that Garden It is not too late now, and you can cut down the high cost o f living verv materially bv raising a good garden. A GOOD SUPPLY OF GARDEN SEEDS. We also can sell you F L O U R C A N N E D G O O D S Aw ay below the present market prices Gtwley’s Emporium C O VLE Y £ Í D G. Phone 17 ASK YOUR GROCER OR BUTCHER FOR I Ü “ACORN” BRAND Cricp, Sweet Breakfast Bacon Spicy, Succulent Ham will write your FIR E IN S U R A N C E A N D £jj N T R A L POINT P A C K IN G CO. W.T M. M. n ow M. !\, K. S. LYDIA S. DCW D. 0. THE DOW H O S hiA L Shop | ‘i ruaadaya ,i f B o o st Y o u r P a p e r Show your interest in your Home Paper—an “ all home print” paper—by sending us your dollar when > ou see by the date on the paper that your subscrip- tion is up. That will encourage us wonderfully, for that is evidence of your loyalty. I f you neglect to do this, we wonder what is the matter. ! f you are not a subscriber to your Home Paper, don’ t wait for the solicitor to call on you, but send in or bring in your dollar. than compliments. That will please us more Boost Your Paper SHOES The Herald for One Year REPAIRED For Only $1.00 ! ! ! Jiimes McDowell C E N T R A L P O IN T H E RALD O N L Y $1.00 A Y E A R