INCREASED LICENSE GOVERNOR GIVES HIS GGCD ROADS POINTERS LAW NOW IN EFFECT FULL INDORSEMENT A vote for the road bond bill will be a vote for a state wide system of good roads without Increasing direct taxes. Don’t forget this when you vote June 4th. * Whether the road bonds are voted or not the auto license and the mlllage tax will have to be paid just the Many automobile owners are of the Where would ’ there be any Discussing the $6,040,000 good roads ■ame. opinion that the law increasing the bond bill at the state-wide rally in economy in voting them down?— Mc­ license on motor vehicles is included Portlana, Governor Withycombe em­ Minnville Register. and made a part of the $6,000,000 road phatically indorsed the measure in the bond bill. In this they are wrong. | following language: W ithin the last few days It has de­ The automobile license was doubled “ This is the greatest measure ever veloped that some of the largest in­ in the motor vehicle law which was contemplated by the State of Oregon. terests of Oregon are opposing the enacted by the last Legislature. It is It means more to this State tuan any road bonding act. now a law. The increased automobile measure in its history, not barring the Their fear is that construction of license will be in effect and w ill be Constitution, because the one thing we highways will withdraw from the collected regardless of whether or not need is highways in Oregon. labor market men who will be needed the road bond bill is approved by the " I have just returned from a trip for other occupations incident to war­ voters at the June election. through the interior country. When time operations. Furthermore, the motor vehicle law you realize that great expanse of coun­ Without questioning either the pa­ contains a provision that the money t r y in the interior— the need of set­ triotism or the wisdom of their atti­ raised from automobile licenses shall tlers, the need of men and women on tude, there is no doubt but that It will be available for road construction un­ farms— yoa appreciate the need of have a big Influence In reducing the der the plan outlined in the $6,000,000 roads in that locality. Then go along vote of the road bonds. It is therefore squarely up to the load bond bill if the bond bill carries. !down through our beautiful Valley In other words, if the road bond bill W ith its need of roads. It is time for progressive citizens of Oregon who is defeated, the automobile license us to get out of the mud. This meas­ want roads Improved to use every money may be used for other purposes. ure will give us good roads— it will be atom of their energy to bring out the I f the road bonds are approved, the a highway of prosperity. We should vote at the special election June 4.— automobile owner has the positive as­ stand as a unit for the whole State of La Grande Observer. surance that the money derived from Oregon— there should be no sectional the increased automobile licenses will interest. This happened right in Portland. A be expended in building good roads. | “ These roads are not only for home householder telephoned a fuel com­ Hemember this: The automobile consumption. M ilitary necessity and pany to send him a load of oak wood. owner will have to pay the increased patriotic duty should make every voter The prospective customer was Inform­ license any way, regardless of the fate get out and vote for these bonds. Good ed that the dealer did not have any of the $6,000,000 road bond bill. roads later may Bave Portland, and all such wood on hand and would not be A vote for the road bond bill by the the State. We need and must have able to fill the order until the roads automobile owner is a vote for the good roads. They will add to the had “ dried up" so that the farmer expenditure of the automobile license wealth, thrift and happiness of our could haul it to town. Is It not about money, which has to be paid anyway, people and our State. This measure time, Mr. Farmer, Oregon was getting in building a system of state-wide per­ does not add one farthing to our taxes; Into the road building business on a manent highways outlined in the it Bimply capitalizes waste. It is a practical and result-producing basis? road bond bill. most splendid measure. No sane man Such a plan of road building Is pro­ In voting for the road bond bill, the or woman should offer a single word posed in the $6,000,000 road bond bill on which the people will vote at the automobile owner will simply pave the of opposition to this movement. way for the expenditure of license “ It is placed in the hands of three special election June 4th. money that he will be required to pay. as good business men as Oregon can in building serviceable hard-surfaced ever boast of and is properly safe­ Californians have found bonds for roads in all sections of the state. guarded in every way possible. It is road building a profitable investment. Every automobile owner is directly a step in the right direction. Every Six years ago. by a bare majority, they and personally interested in the road good citizen should take o ff his coat voted bonds to the amount of $18,000,- bond bill. In voting for that measure and work for this bond measure, with 000 for road construction. Last Fall he will merely be asking that the his friends and his neighbors. Every by a 4 to 1 vote they authorized a money he will be required to pay any­ citizen should keep his coat o ff until further Issue of $15,000,000 for the way shall be spent in building roads. election day, for the passage of this construction of more roads. Evidently The automobile owner has everything measure means so much to civilization they were entirely satisfied with their to gain and nothing to lose by voting and the welfare of this great State.” Initial investment. Pretty good argu­ ment for supporting the $6,000.000 for the road bonds. road bond bill in Oregon at the J' nc * * * It is safe to bet that the $6,000,600 I don't believe In going in debt for election. state bonding measure will carry four j something that we don't need, and I to one. and that the county bonding don't think bonding is the best way. The people of Oregon have reason measure will go through with a whoop; Hut. there you are. under the system to congratulate themselves upon the for the people of this county are over­ that this government is run it is the selection of Herbert Nunn as State whelmingly in favor of a hard-surfaced only way to get what we need, and Highway Engineer by the new High­ highway through the county. And why, we all agree that we need good roads way Commission. No better appoint­ shouldn’t they be in favor of these and we know that macadam will not ment could have been made. Ills se­ measures when the highway can be 1 stand the traffic. Will we wait until lection happily eliminated the possibil­ obtained with state and Federal aid? we have the money, or go in debt, for ity that an unfit appointment might Tiliamookers know a good thing when what we all say we need? 1 have be made through political favoritism. they see it, and no one need be sur come to the parting of the ways, and —Coauille Sentinel. prised that they are all Jumping on say. 1 believe those men who figured the right side of the fence. We an on the license paying for the bonds ticipate that those who are opposed to know what they are talking about.— the bonding the state and the county C. A Schuebel, Clackamas County for good roads will soon be advancing! farmer, in a communiieitiou to the the argument that we should go glow Oregon City Enterprise and e * * on account of the war, so as to scare In arriving at a sensible conclusion people. It will not work, however, Dsnnis Eucalyptus as regards the road bond issue it Is for everybody knows that good road AT ALL DRUG STOI : not unwise nor untimely to reckon are the first step to preparedness.— ' T u b e s 2S c j a r s SO c along the line of a twentieth century Tillamook Herald. resident. Do not harken back to the Every automobile owner should vote days when our grandfathers crossed for the $ ■ > Complete line of Ladies’ Canvas Pumps -A N D HIGH-TOPPED LAGE SHOES 1 — ALSO — (Po^pcA- Men’s Outing Shoes % J X ^ ™»DfóíKHAFC:K?RLSSca — CouoT CRAKF1L L & KOBNETT