Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, May 24, 1917, Image 1

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An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Common People
Vol. Nê«No0 2 Xn'
Good Roads Whirlwind Campaign
A big whirlwind campaign in favor of
the $6,(ICO,000 road bond issue has
sta rte d in Jack son county. Prom inent
speakers will to u r the county during
the n ex t week or more. There will be
a meeting a t Central Point on Friday,
Ju ne 1, a t 8 p. m. Good speakers will
be present to address the meeting.
Mayor Gates of Medford, W. H Gore,
I). W. Stone, W. C. Leever a director of
t h e T r i - S t a t e Association, and Mrs. F.
K. Merrick will ba the speakers at the
m eeting here.
Red Cross Making I p Comfort Bags
The Central Point Red Cross Auxili­
ary is making up “ com fort b a g s ” for
the soldiers.
The following list of
articles compose the contents of a
“ com fort b a g ” :
Khaki-colored sewing cotton No. 30,
white sewing cotton No. 30 white d a r­
ning cotton No. 30, needles No. 5,
darning needle, needle case; buttons,
khaki-colored and white, medium size,
in bags 3x5 in.; large thimble, blunt-
pointed scissors, cake of soap, medium
size safety pins, common pins, small
comb, tooth brush, tooth paste, small
round mirror, handkerchiefs, lead pen­
cil, writing pad, envelopes and post
cards, playing cards, collapsible alumi­
num drinking cup, pocket knife, shoe
laces, tan.
Any of these articles will be g r a t e ­
fully received by the local Red Cross.
Any m erchant willing to furnish any­
thing on the list at coat should see the
chairman, Mrs. Palmer.
No. 5
Central Point, Oregon, Thursday, May 24, 1917
Oregon Normal School Notes
Death of an Old Soldier
L ast Friday the stud en t body and
town people had the pleasure of listen­
ing to a splendid address given in the
chapel by Governor Withycombe. He
spoke on the nation’s presen t needs,
especially along military lines, and
highly endorsed the $6,000,000 bond
issue as a g re a t preparedness step.
One of the largest and most highly
enjoyed dances of the y ear was held
last Saturday night in the gymnasium.
Most of th e Normal school boys who
have responded to the call to the colors
were there, being home on a 36 hour
leave of absence. About 40 per cent
of the boys have left school to serve
their country.
The Honor Guard girls are well or­
ganized here and doing splendid se r­
They have planted over an acre
of potatoes and are doing the jan itor
work, thus filling the vacancies of the
men who have enlisted.
T here are
over 300 girls ift this organization here.
They are divided into several divisions
and hold regular classes in “ F irst Aid”
This is the busy season here for all
concerned. Only th ree weeks more,
and into these three weeks will come
Commencement, Junior Prom ., issue of
the “ N o rm ” annual, Senior Classplay,
and various other things, to say no­
thing of exams.
William Edgeley, an inmate of the
Soldiers’ Home a t Roseburg, died last
Saturday a f t e r an illness of about three
Deceased was 94 years of
age, and was the fa th e r of Mrs. John
McDonough of Ashland and g ran d ­
fa th e r of H a rry Beal of Central Point.
Mr. Edgeley was buried a t Roseburg.
For Sale—A Loffargue piano, almost
new, a t half price. See Mrs. M. E.
Owens. Central Point, Oregon
High School Picnic
Mrs. Wm. H am m et and Billie, of
The local High Schoel held their pic­ G rants Pass, were here on Tuesday to
nic on Thursday, May 24, a t C sm p N ic consult Dr. Lydia S. Dow.
up the Rogue River. They had a most
Swiss marshmallow rolls, I5c each.
enjoyable time, the rain not interferin g Central Point Bakery.
with the pleasure o f the outing till the
Mrs. J. L. Rowe, who is in th e Dow
picnicers sta rte d home, when they
is showingsome improvement.
found the roads p re tty slippery for the
machines. The stu d en ts were ta ken in DR. T. G. H E I N E —Physician and S u r­
Office over M. & M. Store 22.
one of Clarence L overn’s Ford trucks. geon.
E. Main S treet, Medford. Phone: 303
B etts will buy all your old rags, ru b­
Applegate Picnic
ber and rope. Will pay i to l i cts. per
The annual Applegate school m eet
pound for Rags. Hotel Central, Central
and picnic of the Valley Pride Cream-
ery, Thursday, May 24, was a bigevent.
Mr. Vaugh and wife were in the city
The High School Band of Medford fu r­
nished music for the occasion. The Friday from Table Rock.
J u s t received this week a large ship­
d a y ’s festivities closed with a dance at
m ent of stationery, which in spite of
the advance in paper are the best
If you are bilious, or have frequent values you will find. Paxson D rug Co.
Mrs Wm, Thompson and Mary Jar-
headaches and lack “ p e p ,” buy a bot­
tle of Kexall Liver Salts from Paxson vie of Willow Springs returned to their
home Wednesday from the Dow Hos­
Drug Co. 25c and 50c.
Mr. Rowe and Miss Eddington of pital.
For Sale -Brown mare. 5 y ears old,
Sams Valiev were in to visit Mrs. Rowe
sound, gentle and tru sty ; single driving
a t the Dow Hospital.
5-cent toilet soaps will soon be off the or riding. Also good saddle, single h a r­
ness and light two-seated buggy, all in
:..ark eto n account of advancing prices.
good shape. A bargain. Phone or see
Harmony Bath and Goblin still 5 cts. at
Dr. S. A. Mulkey, Central Point.
P axsop’s.
Rexall Chillbreaker knocks malaria.
Mrs. Thompson and small d aug h ter
Money ba^k if it fails. P axson's Drug
returned to their home in Willow
Springs the middle of the week.
W a n t e d : Man living near Central
If you w ant the best acclimated field Point for blight patrol. Must be e x ­
corn and American Wonder seed p o ta­ perienced and reliable. Apply to H. H.
toes, buy at the Central Point Mills.
Clark, preferably by le tte r or in per­
Good garden seeds a t Paxson's.
Spring time is kokak time, and if
you h av e’nt a kodak see Paxson D rug
Co. Some nice ones from a dollar to
twelve dollars.
Mr. S trauss and wife of Sams Valley
were pleasant callers Thursday.
B etts will buy all your old zinc, cop­
per, lead, brass, etc. Hotel Central,
Central Point.
The far-sighted man is now planting
potatoes, beans and other garden stuff.
We have a quantity of fancy American
Wonder seed potatoes and K entucky
Wonder pole beans, and a complete
stock of other fancy garden seeds.
Central Point Mills.
E.. P. Anthony of Albany stopped
over a few hours on his way to K la m ­
ath Falls.
Mrs. Coy’s in fan t dau g h ter ia rep o rt­
ed quite ill.
This week F a b e r's store received a
fine lot of new potatoes raised south of
Central Point.
Ask your dealer for California W ash­
ing Powder.
I t ' s the washing powder
th a t makes your washing easier and
your clothes w hiter. M anufactured a t
441 B St., Ashland, Ore.
Leave your orders for rubber stam ps
a t the Herald office.
G. W. Walters, 80 years old, was
operated on Friday for eancer. Con­
sidering th a t the cancer was located
near some arteries on the aged pa­
t i e n t ’s neck, this operation was a very
delicate piece of work. The patient is
reported doing nicely.
Mr. G ardner has returned to his
home in Central Point to stay until
a f t e r the 4th of July. He is one of the
old soldiers domiciled a t the Soldiers’
He says th a t the members
from Central Point are all in excellent
health. Also th a t the general health
of the inmates is good. The average
death rate the past eight months has
been about three in every two months,
out of a total of 180.
Mrs. Dr. Mulker, who was injured in
the auto accident, was able to return
to her home Wednesday.
Arsenate of Lead, one, two and five
pound packages, at P axson’s.
Mrs. Conley of Sams Valley was
trad ing here one day last week.
I f you can
A world
D istraugh t with war
And battlefields
W et down with blood
And sinking vessels
Choking screams
Of dying
Who fought
And died
For w h at ?
They never knew
And others going down today
And others still tomorrow
A sacrifice
For lands
And flags
T hat owned them life
Instead of death
And we
Who live across the world
Look on
And wonder
If this thing
T hat cries for blood
And widowed wives
And orphaned babes
Will reach its hands
Above the seas
And beckon us
And wondering
We look to Washington
To him
Who guides the way
For us
And see a man
With bended head
And tear-stained face
Beside the bier
Of her
Whose life
Had been
The half of his
And who
On bended knees
Had held the hand
When life w ent out
T hat he had held
In loving grasp
Through all the years
Since boyhood days
And for the mom ent
We fo rget
And add to his
Our tears of sympathy
And then forget again
And hurry back
To bloodstained battlefields
And sinking ships
And back iri Washington
Our Man of Peace
Weeps on alone
More tears for one
Than kaisers, czars or kings
Find time to shed
For thousands
Sent to their graves
By them.
Miss Imogene Wallace will appear in
a recital at Medford on Saturday a f t e r ­
noon at the Medford Conservatory of
Music. Miss Wallace is a pupil of Miss
Rev. M. C. Reed will preach next
Ivadell Swindler and is an accomplished
Sunday evening on " S o m e Lessons
pianist. Her many friends in Central
from the G reat W a r .”
Point will be pleased to hear of her ap­
pearance in recital.
FOR SALE:* A Thompion
Have you saved any old papers one and a fourth inch mountain
or magazines for the local Red hack. Paxson’s drug store.
Cross: If not, do so at once.
Invalid chair in good condition for sale.
Leave your bundles at Paxson’s Inquire at Herald office.
drug store.