Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, May 17, 1917, Image 4

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Investigation Cy Government Opponents Lallcieusly Allege
That Only a Few Counties
Shows Such Expenditures
Wiil Benefit.
Are Justified.
Damson Plums.
Broiled Ham.
Fried Cornmeal Mush, Maple Sirup.
Cheese Toast With Dropped Eggs.
Finger Rolls.
Preserved Ginger.
Jellied Bouillon.
Boiled Salmon, Egg and Parsley
Potato Balls.
String Beans.
Sliced Tomatoes.
Turkish Melon.
Iced Tea.
In an attempt to array different
Investigations conducted by tbs
counties against the $6,000,000 road
United States Department of Agricul­
ture prove conclusively that good bond bill, opponents of the measure
roads Increase school attendance, im­ are maliciously alleging that few
prove social conditions and enlarge counties will be able to avail them­
business transactions, while the sell­ selves of the bond measure for the
ing price of tillable farm land Increas­ reason that the cost of preparing
es more than the total cost of the Im­ roads for hard-surfacing under the
Discussing these sub­ terms of the bond bill will exceed the
jects, the Weekly News Letter, pub­ actual cost of hard-surfacing and,;
lished by the Department of Agricul­
Luncheon Dishes.
therefore, be greater than those coun­
ture, had the following:
’AM O M ELET.—Bent yolks o f five
ties can afford.
“ A 15 per cent increase In the pro­
eggs light with u tablespoouful of
Meeting this misrepresentation, the|
portion of the available children at­
powdered sugar. Into this stir a
tending schools took place following State Highway Commission at Its re­ teaspoouful of cornstarch dissolved In
the construction of good roads in eight cent meeting In Salem reiterated its three tnlilespoonfuls of milk, then the
counties studied by the Office of Pub­ previously announced policy on this itlffly beaten whites. Cook In a frying
lic Houds and Kural Engineering of subject. All that will be required of ipau until set. Spread with strawberry
the Department. The Improvement in the counties under this policy will be Jum, fold and serve as dessert.
roads waB followed also in several of the preparation of grade of the roads | Cream Mushroom Soup.—Peel and
the counties, the report shows, by con­ to be hard-surfaeed.
This means trim a pint of mushrooms and boll
solidation of a number of the little
that a county will merely need to bring! them gently until very tender In a
one-room schools into graded schools,
pint of water. Then rub through u
which give the pupils better education­ a road to grade and drain It before sieve. Mix ii pint of boiling water with
al advantages; by a development of
a pint of hot milk. Hub together a
various industries, and by social im­ The rook base is considered a part of tablespoouful each o f butter and flour
provements due to easier Intercourse. the hard surfacing and will be built by and with this thicken the milk and
These improvements are related close­ the state, assures the Highway Com­ water. Benson with salt and pepper
ly to Increases in land values and de­ mission.
t>nd a grating of nutmeg and udd the
creases in hauling costs, effects also
mushroom puste Just before serving.
traced to the construction of improved
Curry Leftovers.—Chop tine any left­
The studies were made in W IL L BE NO CHANCE
overs In the shape of veal, lamb, mut­
Spottsylvania. Dinwiddle, Lee and
TO JUGGLE THE BIDS ton or fowl. Add an equal quantity of
Wise Counties, Virginia; Franklin
boiled rice or any other cereal that you
County, New York; Dellas County,
The State Highway Commission has have on had and season with salt, pep­
Alabama; Lauderdale County, Missis­ (ormulntt d a general policy in the mat­
per, minced parsley, a little onion and
sippi, and Manatee C-unty, Florida.
ter of letting contracts for toad work the curry powder.
Make Into cro­
"T o determine as far as possible the In co-operatlou with the counties as
quettes, using a raw egg to bind them
exact dollars and cents effect on 'a contemplated In the $6,000,000 road
together, dip In beaten egg, then In
county of the Improvement of bad bond bill. It has been decided that
j crumbs nud fry In deep fat.
roads, specialists of the office of Pub­ the Commission sitting with the coun­
Old Fashioned Chicken Sandwiches.
lic Hoads and Kural Engineering of ty court will let the contracts In the
the Department made economic sur­ county In which the work is to tie ¡—Use white homemade bread, butter
veys In eight counties In each of the done. All bids are to be received on It with sweet butter when thinly
siloed, then cover each slice with cold
years from 1910 to 1915, inclusive.
the day of award from the bidders or ¡chicken shredded In strips with the
"This study of the Increase in the agents directly on the day of opening
lingers. Add a dust of salt and black
values of farm lands In the eight coun­ and read in the presence of the bid­
ties reveals the rather Interesting fact ders The object aimed at is to pre­ | pepper and a light sprinkle of dry mus-
that following the Improvement of the clude any charge of the bids having ¡tard. Cover the slices and then cut
I them through with a sharp knife Into
main market roads the Increase in the been tampered with.
I two narrow strips. Pickled gherkins
selling price of tillable farm lands
¡or olives are often served at simple
served by the roads has amounted to
Farmers not residing on any of the wedding feasts with meat sandwiches
from one to three times the total cost
of any sort.
of the improvements. The increase In roads to he Imp'oted under the road
Shrimp Stew.— To each can of shrimp,
bond bill should not for that reason
values in those Instances which were
opitose the bond measure. With the carefully picked over, use a pint of
recorded ranged from 63 per rent to
approval by the voters of the bond Is- mi’k. speck popper, rounding teaspoon-
80 per cent in Spottsylvanla Co.. Va.;
ru , every such farmer will derive a
ft:l of butter, suit to taste. Heat milk
front 68 to 194 per cent In Dinwiddle
two-fold benefit. In the first place, In a double boiler, thicken slightly with
Co , Va.; from 70 to 80 per cent In late
he will be brought that much closer n level tenspo nful of flour, add shrimp,
Co., Va.; 26 to 100 In Wise Co., Va.;
to a hard surfaei d road Secondly, the allow them to heat through, add pep-
9 to 114 In Franklin Co., N. Y.; 50 to
money now expi r.ded on the main ] per, buttei and either some o f the
100 In Dallas Co., Ala.; 25 to 50 In
roads will be available for the Im , shrimp liquor or salt to taste and serve
Lauderdale Co.. Miss , and front 50 to
provement of the connecting roads
with oyster crackers.
100 itt Manatee Co., Fla The estimates
Surely, the farmer, regardless of his
of Increase were based for the most
residí nee w ith respewt to the main
part upon the territory within a dis­
trunk roads, cannot help but recognixe
tance of one mile on each side of the
that he will be benefited by the ex
roads Improved."
These same investigations by the penditure of funds raised by the pro-
Department of Agriculture disclosed wind bond Issue.
In the selection of a Highway
that In the last 12 years there haa been
Young men are being continually Engineer at aa annual salary of $3600,
an Increase of more than 250 per cent
In the total outlay for roads and urgid to "Get back to the Farm.* but the State Highway Commission threw
they are expected to wade In mud up another bombshell into the camp of
bridges in the United States.
to their km es to get there. Vote for those opposing the road bond bill.
the $6,000.000 bond measure and help Opponents of this measure had been
make the farm more accessible to la­
predicting that a $5000 or $6000 man
bor as wi II as to the markets.
would be given this job. The action
There Is un excellent reason why
of the Commissioners in this import­
every voter In every county in the
ant matter only corroborates the as­
State outside of Multnomah County 60 years. Millions of dollars have been
surance previously given that they will
should vote for the $6,000,000 road expended In that time filling mud-
holes The state Is In third place In safely and economically expend all
bond bill. Here It Is
Multnomah County has paved her commerce amt population among the funds entrusted to them. It is entire­
roads. The $6,000,000 pa» log fund w ill Coast states The road bonding prop­ ly in keeping with the announced
all be expended outside of Multnomah osition. on which the people will vote policy of the Commtsston that it will
Multnomah County pays 40 June 4th. I» the first comprehensive give a dollar's worth of value for
per cent Of the automobile license and road programme ever submitted to the every dollar expended In all matters
the quarter mill state road tax. which
With the main trunk lines, provided connected with road construction. Mr.
means she will pay 40 per cent of the
for In the road bdmi bill, taken care Nunn, the Highway Engineer, was se­
$6,000,000 bonds Her contribution to of. road district money will be ex lected because o( his efficiency. He
the other counties for roads will be
perilled on !< cal laterals connecting has had year* of experience In road
$2 400.000
with state mproved highways, bring
Your county will get more back Inn th * tanner, no matter where situ­ building and the records of his worl
from these bonds than It will contrib­ ated In direct contact with the etty show the most satisfactory results
a low cost to those footing the bills.
“ A good road Is a thing that will
last forever, when properly kept in
repair." remarks an exchange. “ The
next generation has no right to be
enjoying an improvement that their
fathers sweat to pay cash for. The
children of today can use the improv­
ed roads In going to school so why
shouldn’t they help pay for them. U»-
der a bonding system the cost Is dis­
tributed over a long period of years
and Is more just than a pay-as-you-go
system which meags a heavy tax up­
on the farmers of today if roads are
really made good, or It means a con­
tinual tinkering with the roads and
eventually getting no real improve­
In an editorial indorsing the good
roads bond bill, the Portland Journal
said in part:
Shall we go on wasting tax money In
the filling of mud holes or shall we
concentrate our expenditures on the
most important roads and when they
are made efficient pass on to the next
in importance and so on?
Shall we continue to spend forty or
fifty million dollars during the next
ten years without system, as at pros
ent, or shall we spend that amount In
a business-like way on some definite
\Ve can not get away from the
fact that we must spend for good
roads wether we have them or not.
The state bonding act (good roads)
does Tiot mean that an indeptedness
will be incurred. It means that the
state will use its credit to build a
hard surface road In different parts of
the state which the revenue from
automobile licenses will pay for in
years to come. It does not mean in­
creased taxation. It ought to mean a
reduction of taxes for has not the old
system of filling up mud holes been
an extravagant and useless expendi­
ture of the taxpayers' money.— Silver
ton Tribune.
.A vote for the good roads bonds
June 4th will be a vote to pull Oregon
out of the mud.
G l F T S
For the Graduates
Nothin«: could more surely make the
firirl graduate supremely happv than any­
one o f the delightful g ift* in jew elry such
as a beautiful La Valliere, a dainty brooch
or pin. a bracelet, a wrist watch, a dia­
mond ring or any article of her fa vo .it«
pattern in the toilet-ware
The boy graiuate, taking a new step
forward, faces the big world o f real lif«.
Give him the right start, plant the seed
of punctuality by presenting him with a
dependable watch or give him military
brushes, ring, cuff links, scarf-pin, studs,
belt buckle, Waldermair chain, gold or sil­
ver knife or an Ever-sharp pencil.
Jewelry is really ^the Gift
of gifts
Beautiful Diamond La Val-
lieres at $7.50 each
( The Jeweler $
always welcome.
Q uality F irst