Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, May 17, 1917, Image 1

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An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Common People
Hermld No. XII.
N«wa No. 2.
Community Day Was a Big
Central Point, Oregon, Thursday, May 17, 1917
Willow Springs Items
T R I - S T A T E 6 0 0 0 RO A D S
Y. M. C. A. Work Bit) Success.
I.a*t Sunday wag observed in Central
Mr. J. W. Alden, who has been aeri
and surrounding communities as
oualy ill for the past two months, i* Governor Withycombe
Urges Point
“ Y. M. C. A. Sunday." The main pur­
now almost fully recovered.
In spite of the hard rains of
pose was to raise funds for the support
Military Highway and $6,-
Mr. and Mm. J. K. Brophy and
of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A.
the night before and a threaten • family, of Derby, spent a few hours
Bond Issue
ing sky on Friday, the Commu­ with the Pr.rker family on Sunday Medford, Or., May 17.—Adopt­ work.
At the Union service, held at the
nity Day exercises, held at the afternoon.
ing a resolution favoring the Presbyterian church in the morning,
Central Point schools, was a big Mrs. L-icy King, of Rockford, III., passage of the $6,000,000 good Mrs. W. E. Kahler and Mayor Cowley
succes. About 125 people enjoy­ and mother to Mrs. R. W. Elden, pre­ roads measure to be voted on in presented the Army and Navy work.
sented the Willow Springs school with
ed the picnic dinner, even if they a very beautiful piece of work appro­ Oregor June 4, the firstday’s ses­ Mr. Cowley made a strong appeal for
this patriotic endeavor. The result was
did eat in the basement.
priately framed. The picture repre­ sion of the Tri-State Good Roads that near $3i>0 was subscribed by local
At 1:30 the program was open­ sents the evolution of the American association came to an end last people.
ed with an address of welcome flag in its different stages. A wealthy night with the election of the In the afternoon, groupes appointed to
by Mayor Cowley. C. E. Gates, resident of Rockford presented one of following officers:
President, visit different community centers, pre­
these tokens to every public school in
mayor of Medford, followed with the State of Illinois, and had 20,000 A. Westerlund, Medford; vice sented the work in the followimg
an address on the schools and extra copies made to be sold to whom president, C. C. Chapman, Port­ places: Tolo, Mrs. W E. Kahler in
charge; Willow Springs, Mayor Cowley
the agricultural conditions of the ever desired one. Mrs. King very land; secretary.George E. Boos, in charge; Antioch, Mrs. Paxson in
valley. County School Superin­ kindly remembered the little school- Medford; treastrer, J. Edgar Al­ charge;
Brownsboro, Mr. Elden in
tendent G. W. Ager delivered an house in the far west about which her len, San Francisco; directors, W. charge.
grandchildren often wrote her. It is a
address on “The Boys and Girls’ valuable and instructive addition to the C. Leever, Central Point, and A. The day’s work netted a total of
about $600 raised or about double the
Part in Food Preparedness.” A school-room wall. Many thanks are Warren Gould, Seattle.
amount of the apportionment of this
patriotic address was delivered due Mrs. King for her very kind re­
Governor Withycombe. of Ore­ district.
by H. A. Canaday, an attorney membrance.
gon the principal speaker at the
of Medford. The program closed Miss A.Thomas, aunt to Mrs. J. W. afternoon session, urged the im­
with the singing of “The Star Birkholz, spent the week end with Mr. mediate completion of the Pacific
Canning and Drying Beans
and Mrs. A. Wylberg at the Home-
Spangled Banner.”
highway from Seattle to San
wood farm near Grants Pass.
Each grade and the H i g h
and Rhubarb
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Coy, on Diego as a military necessity and
School had exhibits at the School May 1st, an 8-pound baby girl.
called upon the people of Oregon
Fair covering all phases of school A number of Willow Springs men to support the road bond bill as
Whenever it is practicable, the
work. The domestic art exhibit folks attended the lecture in Medford a patriotic duty.
housewife should dry her winter
received more attention than any on Saturday, given by H. W. Camp­
supply of fruits and vegetables,
other, many pronouncing it the bell, the expert farmer. Mr. Woody
and the following suggestions
! Bad Auto Accident
best they had ever seen at any Elden, being able to attend, invited
may be of assistance in two
several neighbors to ride with him in
fair. Mayor Gates and Mr. Can­ his car.
driven by K. W. Elden ran into the very valuable articles of food
aday were among those praising The regular meeting of the Parent- car belonging'to Dr. Heckman, on the that are usually canned.
the work of the Central Point Teachers Club was held Saturday at Pacific Highway between Central Point
String beans should be pre­
and Medford. The car was overturned
the home of Mrs. Bert Nichols. Most and the occupants badly shaken up or pared as for cooking and then
In the Field Meet the 5th, 6th, of the members were present.
hurt. Those in the car besides Mr. dried in the sun on a warming
7th and 8th grades competed; D. C. Grim has been confined to his Elden was Mrs. Elden, Mrs. S. A. oven.
They will keep nicely
the 7th grade won by 3 point« home tha past week, but is feeling Mulkey, Mrs. H. W. Davisson and Miss all winter and are very delicious,
Frances Davisson. Mrs. Mulkey and
over the 8th grade.
some better now.
Mrs. Davisson were knocked uncon­ but they must be soaked over
Dr. J. C. Rollins, pastor of the F. H. Hull made a trip into Cali­ scious, and were hurried to the Dow night before using. By parboil­
First M. E. Church of Medford, fornia on business the fore part of the Hospital at Central Point. These ladies ing the beans before drying,
received rather severe bruises, cuts they require less cooking after­
delivered the closing address of week.
Good garden seeds Bt Pax son's.
and sprains, but none of the others ward.
the day.
Mrs. Conley of Sams Valley was were seriously injured. Mrs. Mulkey
Rhubarb should be cut into
was badly hurt about the face and
trading here one day last week.
Registration Day, June 5th Arsenate of Lead, one, two and five head and Mrs. Davisson was injured on short lengths and dried in the
the side, a fractured rib being the most sun or warming oven.
President Wilson has designa­ pound packages, at Paxson’s.
painful injury. Both patients are now
For canning rhubarb, cut into
ted June 5th for putting into Memorial Day services will be held doing well.
one and a half inches long,
effect the selective draft On
The Junior class of the Central Point scald one to two minutes and
that date all men between the
service and everyone is cordially in­ High School succeeded in defeating the cold dip, then pack tight in ster­
ages of 21 and 30 are required to vited.
sophomores in the Anal bebate, and
thus retained the handsome silver cup ilized jars. Three pounds will
register. A severe penalty will
Wanted 60 head of weaned pigs or
be the result of the failure of any shoats; also Holstein bull old enough won last year. The cup was presented fill a quart jar. Make a syrup
by Prof. E. B. Stanley, superintendent, of one cup of sugar to a half cup
man coming under the draft to for service.
C h a s . G il c h r is t ,
and will become the permanent prop­
regie ter. These men will prob­ 3-2t
Sams Valley, erty of the class that can hold the de­ of water. This will be sufficient
ably not be called to the colors Are you enlisted in the "Food Pre- bate championship for three consecu­ fo r one quart. Fill crevices
before the middle of next Sep­ pardnesa’’ army? Are you raising your tive years. The question debated was, with syrup, put on cover, par­
"Resolved, that the Government should tially tighten, and sterilize 20
own garden and poultry?
own and operate all railroads." The minutes.
Swiss marshmallow rolls, I5c each.
judges were Rev. P. S. Bandy, Mrs. I. When rhubarb late in the season
Central Point Bakery.
C. Robnett and I>ee B. Franklin.
becomes tough and fibrous, the
Rexall Chillbreaker knocks malaria.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Gold
may be extracted for jel­
For Sale—A Loffargue piano, almost
Hill spent Sunday with friends here
ly making. — Sarah L. Uwie,
new, at half price. See Mrs. M. E. Store,
last week.
Owens. Central Point, Oregon.
The Lewis Auto Co. have a new
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer of Jack­ Asst. Prof, of Domestic Science,
Mr. Taft, of the Fisher Flour Mills, schedule out. The new time tabel sonville visited friends in our city last O. A. C.
sppears in this issue.
was a pleasant caller last week.
Ors. U istorical So.