I Curai aulì IJrnuntal Jtm s | Business Cards Personal Dr. J. J. EMMENS— S pecialist — Are you enlisted in the "Food Pre- Household goods for sale. Have fu r­ Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Eyes pHrdni s»” army? Are you raising your niture in two houses to sell. Inquire tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and A urist for Southern Pacific Rail­ at Herald office. 2-2 road own Harden and poultry? Company. Offices in M. F. & H. Two houses to rent; parties are leav­ Co. Bldg., Medford. Phone 567. Flant dahlias now. Eight roots, all labeled, for a dollar. R. H. Paxson. ing soo .. Inquire at Herald office. G. HEINE, M. D.— Physician and Sergeant Ted Hill has moved to Med­ T. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, Harry O. Real and bride, nee Miss ford where he is engaged in the work ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Mabel C. Liming, left Tuesday morn­ of recruiting for the Coast A rtillery. Phone: 303, Medford, Oregon. The Hotel Central ing for the north amid a shower of rice E. P. Anthony of the Albany Tan­ tendered them by their many friends ning Compang was in our city one day Mrs. G. Betts, Mgr. DR. I’OELNITZ— Physician and Sur­ from Medford who rushed down in this week. geon. A t Central Point from 10 to automobiles in time to give the newly- Mrs. Teddy Bebb and Mrs. De Lain 12 a m. daily. Central Point, Oregon w ds a -hower before they could net spent Thursday in G rants Pass visiting away on the train. Hr. Reddy, brother of Mrs. De Lain. DR. T. G. H EIN E—Physician and Sur­ Miss Reva Arnold has finished a very Clarence Lovern drove to Crescent geon. Office over M. & M. Store 22. E. Main Street, Medford, Phone: 303 successful term of school at Sterling City last week. and has returned to her home in Cen­ Good garden seeds at Paxson’s. FOR SALE—Second-hand "R anger” tral Point. Thursday evening of this week a bicycle, alm ost good as new, with tool Ri xall Chillbreaker knocks malaria. number bag tools, coaster brake, lamp, of hoboes were seen loitering etc. and W hat will you give? Phone, Mo ley ba^k if it fails. Paxson’s Drug around town. Their actions being ra­ write or call at Herald Office. Store, ther peculiar, a num ber of our citizens Al Musty, who enlisted in the U. S. became suspicious and, in the evening, Cavalry not long ago, passed thru on • hey tried to find them. A fter looking FOIl SALE;- A Thompson the train Saturday morninp on his way around the depot and vicinity for some one and a fourth inch mountain "T H E H ERALD” — $1.00 per year. hack. Paxson’s drug store. to Arizona. lime the chase was abandoned. Jay Hathaway left for southern Cal­ Mrs. W alker, the popular teacher in ifornia Saturday morning. He was to the High School, has been offered a stop at Sacremento to visit friends a very tem pting salary in the High few days School at Prineville. Mrs. W alker for­ Swiss marshmallow ro!ls, I5c each. merly taught in Prineville. This hand- same offer is evidence of her ability, . Central Point Bakery. which was recognized even a t th at It is yet time to plant early garden. time. Mrs. W alker is under contract is responsible for the quality Corrosive Sublimate for potato scab. here, so will probably not accept this of the bread. The problem of ' Formaldehyd foe grain sinii#. Black offer from Prineville. economical living makes it en­ Leaf 40 for aphis. Potassium S ilphuret afternoon the Ladies Aid cumbent upon the housewife or Sulphide for mildew. At ’’axson's. of Wednesday the Methodist church was delight­ to consider flour values. Buy We should plan to raise e-cry hit of fully entertained at the hom - of W. H . from your Home Mill the best, food stud's that we need for our own Arnold on the Pacific Highway. Mrs. that w hich goes furtherest and consumption, for we are surely going Arnold was assisted by her daughter makes the richest loaves. It to lace a food shor’age before many and Mesdames Thorhhrue, Holmes and costs you less in the end than • more months roll by. Don't waste a Purkeypile. A pleasant time w a s shipped in flour. Order our spent with fancy work, and at 4 o’clock l. thing! well-known brands, Mt. P itt A recruiting officer was here the bountiful refreshm ents were served. and Rogue River Favorite. past week and secured one recruit, Aside from the regular members. Mes­ Este'le Mcssner. He went to Portland dames Stanley, Noreross, Strowm eier, Manufactured By 1 Sunday, but was rejected because of Robnett, Altimns, Tithrow, Cummings, defective hearing. He returned Tues­ Tuttle, Pafkt-r, R istel, Williams and day morning. Mr. Messner said that M iss Vada Altimus were guests of the he.Wif* given the best of treatm ent society. The 23rd of this month the and countesy by the recruiting officers, Aid will he entertained at the home of lie said also that they wers rushed Mrs. Tom l’ankey. CENTRAL POINT OREGON night and day examining the new re- Arsenate of Lead, one, two End five fkrruits. •’ fourni packages, at Paxson’s. FRANKLIN will write your FIRE INSURANCE T h e Quality in the B a g The Central Point Mills mmm The Men Behind A Bank I I 5 XII The most important thing about a bank is the character and ability of the men behind it: the men who direct its affairs. The Directors of this bank are well qualified for their duties by rea­ son of their conservative policies, sound judgment, experience, integrity and financial standing. I I Central Point State Bank mmm Mmimm mmm mmm Ï S u