Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, May 10, 1917, Image 2

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    Œrntral goint «rrali» C O M P A R A T IV E P R O F IT S IN B E E T & G R A IN G R O W IN G
Sugar Beets 15 Tons
Oats 6 0 Bushels
Wheat 30 Bushel
Hy T H E H E R A L D P U B L IS H IN G CO. Plowing 1 a c re ..............................$ 2.50
--------------------------------- Harrowing twice at 25c...................
A n I noepknocnt local newflpap<>r devoted to L’l,.a.
the inter..te of <>nlr»l Point and the K<*ue r lo “ ll‘ lK ..............
Kiver Valley.
H arrow ing again ..........................
Seeding........................................... 2.75
Entered as second d a s » m atter at the poet o f ­
fice at Central Point, Oregon, May 4. 1906, accord­ Thinning and tw o h o ein gs............ 11.00
ing: to an A c t o f Congreas, March 3, 1879.
W ater ren tal.................................. 1.00
This paper is kept on file a t the D a k k A d v k k - Irriga tin g four tim e s ... .............
timing aukncy , lnc„ 427 South Main street, let. C ultivating five tim e s.................. 2.00
Anaele» and 779 Market Street. San FrancUco. . . . .
wnere eontracta for advertittina nan be made.
t lowing up b e ets.......................... 2.50
~ —----- ;— ;----- — ;---- ----------------------- Topping 15-ton crop at 70c............. 10.50
S u b s c r ip t io n I r ic e $ 1 .0 0 per Y e a r Hauling 15-ton crop at 60c.........
Beauty o f
Fertilizer 10 tun manure..............
K iver
S p r in g is in fu ll s w i n g !
t im e
M a y - B eet leaves, pasture. ..................
r u le s in a ll
the wealth and brightness c f her 15 ton«
g lo r y .
D id y o u e v e r
b e a u t ifu l s i g h t th a n
see a m ore
th e
f o r a s p in in
h is
$7...............$ 105.00
R ogue
R i v e r V a l l e y is j u s t n o w ?
fr ie n d
k in d ly to o k th e H e r a ld
m an
m a c h in e .
4.85 S tra w .............................................. 5.65
2.00 S t r a w .............................................
$ 20.00
55 50
30 bushels at $1.25...........$37.50
E xp ense............................$20.00
$49~50 Profit
P low in g ...........................................$ 2.50
H a r ro w in g .....................................
F loa tin g ..........................................
D rillin g ...........................................
Seed G rain .....................................
I r r ig a tin g ....................................... 2.50
W a ter ren ta l.................................. 1.00
H a rvestin g .....................................
T w in e ..............................................
S tackin g.......................................... 1.50
Threshing,60 bushels, 4c.............. 2.40
To m ark et.......................................
F ertilizer ....................................... 10.00
P lo w in g .......................................... $ 2.50
H arrow in g......................................
F loa tin g ..........................................
D rillin g ...........................................
Seed G ram ....................................
I r r ig a t in g ....................................... 2.50
W a te r ren tal.................................. 1.00
H a rv es tin g ...................................... 1.00
T w in e ..............................................
S ta c k in g ......................................... 1,50
Threshing 30 bushels................... 2.10
T o m arket 2Jc...............................
10.00 F e rtilize r....................
creases your cost $6.50 and your
ou t
5 tons additional is w o rth ............ $ 35.00
additional gain o f ...............$28.50
$17.60 Profit
A 40-bushel crop increases your
cost $2.15 and your 10 bushels
additional is w o rth ........................$12.50
O r an additional gain o f ...............$10.35
Added t o ......................................... $17.60
60 bushels (1,920 lbs.) at $1.75
c w t ........ ........................$33.60
E x p e n s e .......................... $20.00
$13.60 P rofit
An 80-bushel crop increases
your cost $1.30 and your 20 bush­
els additional is w o rth ..................$11.20
Or an additional gain o f .............. $ 9.90
Added to .........................................$13.60
skirted the western fringe of the
P ro fit....................................... $78.00
valley where we could get a
P ro fit.......................................$27.85
birdseye view o f the level or- ---------------- - — - - ---------------,---------------- —------ --------------- u- —
chards in full bloom or nearly so,
the alfalfa fields so rich in green
tints, the farm homes and other
buildings dotted here and there,
and hemmed in on all sides by
the beautiful hills bedecked in
varied tints o f green and buff
and beryl that surround and
guard the wonderful Rogue River
To the w riter’s mind
this valley cannot be surpassed
in grandeur and beauty at this
A Keductlon of the Water Kate
The matter o f the high cost of
water for use in irrigating the
lawns and gardens in the city
has come up since the local Food
Preparedness Committee came
into existence.
Realizing that
we are facing a food shortage
in the not distant future, and
realizing the importance o f rais­
ing every article o f food for
home consumption that it is pos-
sible to raise, the problem o f
furnishing our citizens w i t h
sufficient water for raising gar-
dens this year is one that we
must consider at this time.
In the two meetings o f the
local Food Preparedness Com­
mittee this question came up.
Some of those on the committee
are of the opinion that the city
dads would not consider a reduo
tion at all.
Others believe that
it should be done, and that the
councilmen would consider the
matter favorably if presented in
the right way
The city council o f Medford
has reduced the water rate for
irrigating purposes this summer
to fifty cents per month on lots
50x100. This was done in recog-
nition o f the vital importance o f
raising every article o f food pos-
sible on the city lots of Medford
in order to be better prepared
for the harder times that are
bound to come.
When we consider the value o f
home gardens to a community at
such a time as this, is it asking
too much o f the city council to
reduce the rate? The present
rate in Central Point is ten cents
a thousand up to twenty thou-
8and gallons; after that t wenty-
fi«-e cents a thousand per month.
This rate is prohibitive for the
use o f the average fam-
ily for garden purposes. The
supply of water has seldom been
taxed, from what we have been
able to find out. and it is not
probable that it would incur a
shortage this summer. It would
not add to the expense o f run-
ning the city pumping plant to
any great extent, and the good
, , ..
. . . . .
that * could do th«f V6ar would-
,n. our °P ,nion’ far outwe,* h
whatever extra expense might be
The women o f Central Point
in mind that the
_ bear
, _
‘e™ 1 Ked Cros3 Auxiliary meets
three afternoons a week to do
sewing. These meetings have
not bf 0 as
»«en d ed as they
J ou,d
hat is the reason ?
^ h a t are the women doing who
do oot attend these meetings?
13 their time 13,460 up with
nobler or better work than the
^a,ltbf u ^ew bave been do' ° e
who have come out to sew ? Of
course ther6 are exceptions, for
30016 mot} e n f 6al|y have to°
[nuch to do to look after their
l" ’ me
to care for the children
" r D®rh*Ps a sick member o f the
^ami y '
do63 S66rn ''k e
more ° f tbe women o f Central
Po,ot cou,d 3acnfic€ at ,6ast 00«
P r o fit.......................................$23.50
afternoon a week to this noble
work which the local Red Cross
Auxiliary has undertaken,
Remember that the big Good
Roads convention will meet in
Medford soon.
The dates of
this convention are May 16 and
Governor Withycombe o f
Oregon and Governor Lister of
Washington w ill be present and
address the convention.
Brst day will witness the big
patriotic parade, when the civic
organizations, lodges, the Red
Cross, Boy Scouts, the 7th Co. of
Coast Artillery, and Co. I, infan-
try, o f Woodburn, the city offi-
rial heads and the Good Roads
leaders will march through the
. .,
8treT*8, o f fth* c? " ven,t,on C,ty’
Don 1 forget the dates !
Com plete line o f
a n fn i Ia n
From talking to a number of
our leading citizens, we are of
. .
the ®P,[,,onJ ihai . a 1I educti ° n ,of
our water rate would meet with
the approval o f the majority of
. . . .
the city residents. What is your
opinion .
$ 2 0 .0 0
Ladies’ Canvds
J. E Boswell
Men’ s Hdircut • 25c
Schoolboys' Hdircut 20c
-A N D —
Laundrv, Clothes Cleaning
and Pressing Agency.
Central Point, Ore.
'ïÇuA (Po^oc
'vyovt oiAvvj
kxvui. tn c^yuurvvui
icY C a V cu Ì o A ò . tbldiA ô,
vtKrHMM o\> coCcuotLA.
0\i d a u d . L æ K r j tlv c
IcGxíiítj and,
-A L SO -
s Outing
-d tA /v ic c .
£)e/wirtA, - C o L a a d o :