Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, April 26, 1917, Image 2

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    CCrntral ¡Pumi ÏJjrralô
P u b l i s h e d E very T hu rsday
A n I n d e p e n d e n t local n e w s p a p e r d ev o ted to
th e in te re s ts o f C e n tra l P o in t and th e Koirue
R iv e r V alley.
E n te re d as second class m a t t e r a t th e p o s t o f ­
fic e a t C e n tra l P o in t, O regon. M ay 4, 1906, ac c o rd ­
in g to a n A c t o f C o n g ress. M arch 3, 1879.
T h is p a p e r is k e p t on file a t th e D a k e A d v e r ­
A g e n c y , In c., 427 S o u th M ain S tr e e t. Los
A n g e le s an d 779 M a rk e t S tre e t, S an F ran cisc o ,
w h e re c o n tra c ts fo r a d v e rtis in g c a n b e m ad e.
Subscription Price $1.00 per Year
Have You Joined ihe Ked Cross?
If not, don’t put off joining
another day. The Table Rock
Auxiliary already has nearly
fifty paid up members. Every
patriotic citizen of Central Point
owes it to humanity, as well as
the country, to do “your bit” in
this humanitarian work.
We can’t all go to war, but there
are very few people who cannot
help in the Red Cross work.
At the present time the Cen­
tral Point auxiliary has sixty-
seven members paid up, but it
ought to have no less than two
hundred! See Mr. R. H. Paxson,
or Mrs. E. S. Palmer, Chairman.
diately to determine the amount
of ground available and the
number of persons who may be
enlisted to put it to the best use.
Encouragement and instruction
should be continued in a system­
atic way throughout the season.
The Oregon Agricultural College
has prepared a special series of
pamphlets on poultry keeping,
vegetable gardening, the econom-1
ic use of foods and canning foods,
which will be available to the
people of the State. We shall
be glad to send a supply of these
publications upon receipt of
evidence that this work is being
efficiently organized in your
Extension Service,
R alph D. H itzel ,
Corvallis, Ore.
One Frederick C. Howe says
the days of universal public
owership of railroads is almost
The San Francisco Bulletin
Induslridl Preparedness
quotes him as showing the
No phase of preparedness for enormous efficiency of the na­
the Navy crisis which we are tions that own railroads.
now facing is of greater import­ For nearly three years the
ance than that of the food sup­ great nations of Europe that
ply. The present food shortage have public ownership of nearly
will be greatly intensified by the everything have been at war.
withdrawal of many producers There can be no doubt that
who are being called into the the powers of centralized govern­
military service. With our en­ ment are tnormously increased
trance into the war, our obliga­ oy owning lailroads, telegraphs,
tions to furnish food to the allied etc.
nations will be greatly increased.
Centralized power with mil­
We must meet this situation. itarism reduces the masses of
This can be done by increasing the people to serfdom and ren­
production and by more econom­ ders them pawns in the great
ical use of food.
game of war.
Vacant city lots and backyards
The strength of democracy is
afford the best means for prompt to keep every avenue of individ­
relief in production. If these ual initiative open autocracy is
are properly used for raising veg­ powerful with the least initiative.
etables and poultry, thousauds of War and increasing govern­
dollars worth of food products ment control, even of the peo­
can be added to the normal sup­ ple’s food supplies and social and
ply in a few months. At least moral affairs, have gone hand
sixty percent of the city lots and in hand.
back yards now available are not
Extending government owner­
being used. In the Nation, in­ ship means adding millions of
telligent, sober and well organ­ officials armed with laws and
ized efforts should be made to regulations over the affairs of
aid in improving the situation.
the citizens.
It is respectfully suggested that
The citizens are herded like
all organizations interested in the sheep and the sheep are all label­
public welfare should get togeth­ led and numbered and stay in
er and plan a campaign for their} the pens where they are put un-
respective communities. A joint til wanted.
committee representing commer­ The Bulletin concludes from
cial clubs, and other organiza­ Mr. Howe's argument that “gov­
tions, parent-teachers’ associa- ernment and democracy are now
tions, school officials, and other nowhere in the world synony-
organizations .interested in pub- mous. ”
lie problems should appoint rep-
But are they not most nearly
resonatives to serve on a joint synonymous in this nation of
committee to be charged with 100,000,(XX) which has less gov-
the direction of the campaign.
ernment ownership than a n y
A survey should be made imme- European nation?
and prices on almost all food stuff, hardware
and paints are going up daily. We be­
lieve that the thrifty man will make
money by B uying T o day. All prices are
high now, but
Everything W ill Be higher Tomorrow
Come in today and buy all the groceries and
hardware that you can possibly pay for.
Cowley's Emporium
Plant your garden today.
It will
help out on the high cost of living.
You will find in our store, the best
assortment of seeds in our city.
Phone: 1 7
Opposite Post Office
Boost Y our Paper
Show your interest in your Home Paper—an "all
home print” paper—by sending us yourdollar when
you see by the date on the paper that your subscrip­
tion is up. That will encourage us wonderfully, for
that is evidence of your loyalty. If you neglect to do
this, we wonder what is the matter.
If you are not a subscriber to your Home Paper,
don’t wait for the solicitor to call on you, but send
in or bring in your dollar. That will please us more
than compliments.
Boost Your Paper
The Herald for One Year
For Only $1.00 !!!
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
T u b a s 2SC
J ars 50 c
will write your