Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, April 26, 1917, Image 1

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    An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Common People
H e ra ld No. X II.
N ew * No. I.
0 . A. C. Speakers Here
The Savoy Theater was well
filled this morning: at 10:30, most­
ly by the h:gh and grade school
students and teachers, although
a few of the local citizens were
The first speaker was W. F.
Miller, assistant general freight
agent of the Southern Pacific
Company of Portland. He has
charge of the special which is
carrying the 0. A. C. speakers.
The special began its tour at
Ashland, and is working north.
The first speaker of 0. A. C.
was Miss Johnson, one of the
intructors. Her address was par­
ticularly to the public school chil­
dren. She impressed upon her
hearers the fact that the prob­
lem of supplying the nation with
food in time of war is much
greater than the prob'em of rais­
ing a large army. She also
emphasized the important fact
that each boy and girl can, by
raising chickens and garden, do
their bit for their country.
Miss Johnson made clear the
fact that American people are
very wasteful in all their habits
and urged her hearers to realize
the importance of economy.
The next speaker was Miss
Helen Cowgill, state agent of
girls’ club work of the United
States Department of Agricul­
ture. She demonstrated to the
girls the best way to can fruit,
vegetables, etc. In her demon­
stration she actually put up some
fruit, a sample of which was a
tempting jar of rhubarb.
0. C. Lamb, poultry extension
man of 0. A. C., was also pres­
ent, although his time was taken
up with a committee meeting. At
the meeting Prof. Stanley, sup­
erintendent of the Central Point
schools, announced that it was
decided to hold a meeting the
early part of next week for the
purpose of organizing a perman­
ent committee to co-operate with
0. A. C.
The teachers in the public and
high schools of our city were all
present, aud are all enthusiastic
about the work. The fact that
Superintendent Stanley dismiss­
ed school and marched the entire
school down to the theater to
hear these speakers ¡s sufficient
evidence of the enthusiasm.
A large number of those pres­
No. 1
Central Point, Oregon, Thursday, April 26, 1917
Eleventh Anniversary Number
As announced last ^ cek, an error was made in the date of the
anniversary. It was not “April 19,” but is April 26. The paper
was founded on April 26, 1906.
We also announced last week that we had decided on a “ better
way.” Instead of running all our special features in one issue, we
will run them in the succeeding issues. The first special feature,
the story entitled, “ The Sky Love Sign,” began in the last
issue. — [ E d i t o r .
ent signed cards on which they
marked the amount of garden
ground they could use, the num­
ber of hens they had, and how
many quarts of fruit they intend­
ed to put up this season. Further
informatidn will be furnished the
public through our columns.
The Odd fellows Anniversary
The Odd Fellows and ftehekahs of
the Rogue River Valley g a th e r at
G rants Pass today (Thursday, April 26)
to aid in th e big celebration th ere to
commemorate the 98th anniversary of
th e founding of the order.
A t the
gath erin g plans will be formulated for
the celebration cf the Centinary Anni­
v ersary two y ears hence. A special
train from Ashland went thro Central
Point today carrying delegates from
way points.
Quite a number of the friends of Earl
Obenchain went to the depot to meet
him Wednesday morning. They were
disappointed to learn th a t he was not
on the train, although th ere were sev­
eral cars of soldiers on the train going
to points south. L ater it was learned
th a t the contingent to which he be­
longs. the Signal Corps, received orders
to wait at Vancouver several days long­
er. L ate this afternoon it was learned
th a t he would pass through Central
Point Friday morning on train number
13. All his friends are urged to be at
the station to give him a royal send-olT.
Mrs. H. R. Stearns will enter­
tain the Woman’s Home Mission­
ary society of the Methodist
church next Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 o’clock.
Mrs. W.E. Kahler, secretary.
Oregon Presbytery
The annual meeting of the
Southern O r e g o n Presbytery,
and also of the Presbyterial. was
held in Roseburg, April 18th.
Those in attendance from Cen­
tral Point were: Rev. Paul S.
Bandy, pastor of the local church,
and Mrs. H. W. Davisson, dele­
gate from the Missionary So­
The ministers and delegates
from the various churches were
most hospitably entertained while
in Roseburg by the members of
the Presbyterian Church a n d
Missionary Society.
The meetings of both organi­
zations were helpful and in­
spiring. Among t h e notable
speakers w ere: Mrs. Aldrich,
national field worker of the Home
Missionary Society; Mrs. Wal­
ters, of Portland: and Rev. Geo.
Dunlap, a missionary from the
Philippine Islands, who told of
his work in the islands and of
the progress of Christianity in
the last twenty years among the
The fall meeting of Presbytery
will be in Central Point, and the
speakers in attendance will be
well worth hearing.
The Red Cross benefit e ntertainm ent,
presenting Miss K atherine T revette, of
Chicago, in a reading recital, was not
very well attended Profeasor Stanley,
of the public schools, was kind enough
Former Deaconess Had lived
to tu rn this en te rta in m e n t over to the
Goncecrated Life
local Red Cross so th a t the organiza­
"M rs. Maggie May Sherm an, d ea­ tion m ight realize something from the
coness of the N orth Yakima church, entertainm ent. I t was quite a disap­
passtd to her eternal rew ard on March pointment to those in charge to barely
27. She was 48 y ears of age, a ch a rte r break even on expenses. Those who did
mem ber of our church a t Ashland, Ore., attend say th a t the e n te r ta in m e n t was
where she served as deaconess, deacon­ well worth the money and was a most
ess a t the church a t Salem, and dea­ enjoyable one. Besides the readings by
coness here. She was faithful and sac­ Miss T revette the High School Glee
rificing; was greatly loved and respect­ Club rendered several delightful num ­
ed. She leaves a husband, four chil­ bers. Master Edwin Cook, from the
dren, a father, mother, two brothers W est Side school, also zang several
and a sister. She triumphed in God in [ catchy patriotic songB. This young
the very face of d o s t h .’’—Alpin M. singer made a g re a t hit with his au­
Bowes, Pastor of the North Yakima dience. He certainly did well for a boy
Methodist C hurch,N orth Yakims.Waeh. of his age. A num ber of those present
Mrs. S h e rm a n ’s surviving brothers , congratulated Edwin and his mother
and Bister are John Hesselgrave, near ' on his singing a f t e r the program.
Central Point, Frsd Hesselgrave, of
Talent, and Mrs. Effie Mee, Applegate.
Mrs. S herm an 'a fa th e r and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Hesselgrave, are
well-known residents of Central Point.
A p re c io u s o n e from u s h as Rone,
A vote« w e loved is stille d ;
A p la c e is v a c a n t in o u r hom e,
W h ich n e v e r can be filled.
God in H is w isdom h a s recalled .
T h e boon H is love h ad R iven,
A n d thoucrh th e body s lu m b e rs h e re .
T h e soul is s a f e in H eav en .
Ralph Waldo Elden joined the " M e d ­
ford Home G u ard ” laat week. The
company m eets every Wednesday even­
ing a t the High School building for
drill. Captain Knight, a form er drill
m aster in the regular army, is a splen­
did officer. There are more th an a hun­
dred men in the organization a t pres­
ent. Mr. Elden says th a t he would like
to aee m ote of the Central Point mar-
I ried men and business men enlist in the
Ore. H istorical
P e r io d Cre