i» « . CENTRAL POINT HERALD And SOUTHERN OREGON NEWS o An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Common People © ^3 Herald No. XI. N ews No. I. Vol. Central Point, Oregon, Thursday, April 19, 1917 N .i. 5Í-S G_ Local Red Cross Auxi liary Making Progress The Central Point Red Cross Auxili­ ary is making progress. At the reg­ ular meeting of the auxiliary Wednes­ day at the Red Cross Headquarters ac­ ross the Highway from Faber’s store the plans were well worked out. The regular officers wera> elected at the meeting held the week before. The next regular meeting of the auxiliary will be held at the Red Cross Head­ quarters next Wednesday evening. All members should bear this in mind and come. The women will meet next Saturday afternoon at 2 o ’clock to begin the work of sewing. The first work under­ taken will be the making of pillowslips and sheets. 'Ihe women who want to help with this work must come prepar­ ed to wear a napkin about their head and an apron over their dress. This is one of the strict rules of the organiza­ tion. The officers of the auxiliary are:— Chairman, Mrs. E. S, Palmer; Sect'ry Mrs. S. A. Mulkey; Treasurer. Ralph Waldo Elden; Director, Lydia S. Dow “ fa d s and fancies of a Colored Courtship” The caste of the coming play, ‘ ‘ Facts and Fancies of a Colored Courtship,” have been working hard and are mak­ ing progress with the work of learning their parts. There have been three rehearsals already. The next rehearsal will be on Friday evening, at the Y. M. C. A. Rev. M. C. Reed, the author of this wonderfully humorous play, has been directing the work of the re­ hearsals. The date set for the play is Wednes­ day evening. May 9. Those who have witnessed the rehearsals say this play is one o f the best amateur productions that they have ever seen. The play is one humorous succession of laughable and ridiculous incidents and remarks, the wit nearly always coming at the unexpected moment. The fourth annual convention of the Oregon Cattle & Horse Breeders’ Asso­ ciation will be held at La Grande, Ore., April 24-25, 1917. All stockmen are invited to attend. Red Cross Benefit, Monday The local Red Cross Auxiliary will present Miss Katherine Tre- vette, of Chicago, recitist and impersonator, in a benefit enter­ tainment at Central Hall, Mon­ day evening, at 8 o ’clock. The money raised will go to the local Red Cross work. Miss Trevette is an artist of rare ability, and will give readings f r o m t h e works of such men as James Whitcomb Riley, Eugene Field and Booth Tarkington. Admis­ sion, 25 and 15c. P E L E V E N T H A N N IVER SA R Y NU M BER Not April 19th. but April 26th ... , . “ Oregon Outdoors” iU t 1« the name o f a handsome little book- Ye pore editor beprs to say that let re, ontly Kotten oot by the Southern this error is not his but one made Pacific Co. This beautifully illustrated by Mr. Dyer. While this may little booklet contains many attractive sound like he was trying to views of summer resorts, mountain shift the responsibility of a big peaks and a very fine cut of Crater Lake—the wonder o f the West -views mistake onto someone else, since of some o f the leuding colleges of the Mr. Dyer is absent, yet in justice state, farms and orchards, waterfalls to fact this honest confession to and fishing streams. The view of Cra- innocence of this particular error ter bake is especially fine, the picture is made. In looking over the old beinK in color3- This This l,ooklet may be had free of charge by sanding to the files of the Central Point Herald, Southern Pacific Co., Portland, Ore. this error was discovered just this week. Central Point The Central Point Herald was School Notes first launched forth on its mis - ion of service to Central Point To-mcrrow, Friday, April 20th, the and the famous Rogue River West Side Rally will be held. Old and Valley on Thursday, April 26, youug Hre invited and a fine time is 1906. The founders were S. A. assnred. The program lasts all day. At noon there will be an old style pic­ Pattison and J. E. Lancaster, nic dinner. Everybody come. “ Eat, the firm name being “ Lancaster drink and be "merry !” and Pattison’ ’. Mr. Pattison was <• * + + + + + + + + * + + + + + editor and Mr. Lancaster was business manager. :j APPLEGAIE In the first issue of the Herald we find many interesting items. * 5 * * 5 * •§• & •b *!• * 2 * * 5 * * 5 * *!* -V *!* * !« One was an editorial on the Mr. and Mrs. George Mee, great San Francisco Earthquake v ho came here from Washing­ and Fire that shocked the world ton to attend the funeral of the at that time. Another shor^ t-.rmer’s father, the late Jas. VV. editorial explained that the paper Mee, will remain here and make was a week later getting the this their home. first issue out than they had Mrs. VV. A. Crane has been expected to be. So with this our confined to her bed for several explanation of the error in that c* a- v s last week on account of a calculations, we will say wjH severe cold and billiou3 attack. the Anniversrry Number come out NEXT week instead of Miss Hellen Mee has been hir­ this week. ed by the directors to teach the And furthermore. realizing Thompson Creek school the com- that we have undertaken too ing year, commencing this" fall, much, with our present equip- This will be Miss Mee’s first ex- ment and help — since Mr. Dyer perience, but as she was Very is not with us — to get out the thorough in her school work and large special edition as we had is ambitious to succeed we be- planned, we have decided on a speak for her success. better course which we feel sure Capitolists of Seattle, we hear will not disappoinh our readers. it rumored, were here Monday Instead of trying to put all tie looking at the quartz mine of E. attractive matter in one big issue, M. Sha*tuck’s, two miles south we will instead give a part of of here on Thompson creek. We this attractive matter in each anticipate there will be some issue, beginning with this one, some mining interest and devel­ and continueingin the succeeding opment in this vicinity in the numbers till all has been used. near future. In this way we can handle it. Frank Knutsen has applied Otherwise we would be swamped, submerged overwhelmed; taxed ^or see^ corn contributed by the beyoad our capacity, deadlocked Farmers & Fruit growers Bank and stalled; overworked, worn o f Medford to encourage scholars out and disgusted, discouarged, to grow corn, and which is for Sugjr Beet P r’zcs • We desire to offer prizes to school girls and boys for the best one-half acre or larger tract of beets. There must be at least ten contestants in each district. The following prizes will bo paid in addition to the established price for beets: 1st Prize $15.00. 2nd Prize $10,00. 3rd Prize $5.00. For further information Utah-lduho Sugar Co., Grants Pass, Oregon. 1 wish you would kindly run a suit­ able ad in your paper, giving this mat­ ter ar much publicity as you can. Very truly yours, Paul E. Kuker, Cashier Utah-ldaho Sugar Co. Grants Pass, Ore.—Encourag­ ed by the larger returns to be made through the growing of beets for the local, sugar factory a number of the hop growers in this district are digging out their hopyards and will plant beets this season. Nearly all the hopyards along the Apple- gate river are to give away to the beet. The death of Dr. J. P. Hearst, in Saint Ignance, Mich, formerly pastor o f the Central Point Pres­ byterian church, announced last week came as a surprise to those who used to know him. Those who knew him best feel the loss of a true friend, for he was a man well liked. During his distinguished career he was sent by his denomination to Japan as a lecturer and missionary, where he served nine* years. In hissojeurn in the little kingdom o f flowers and sunshine, he won both fame and the highest honors in his denomination and in the little brown men’s country as well. He won the heart of the Japanese v\hen they found that, by his advice, they could save their children from such common diseases as measles, when form­ erly their children had died line ^ *es. f i k .j u t Mr. un