Hid i ross Work txpidined idsi Sun- day at Presbyterian Church L ast Sunday a t the morning service, the I’resb y’erian church was well tilad to h ear the sermon, “ The Triumphal E n try of Jesus into Je r u s a le m " , by the pastor. Rev. Paul S. Randy. The sermon w s most appropriate for the occasion and the pulpit and choir loft were p rettily decorated with flow­ er plants and greens in commemoration of Palm Sunday. A f te r this able discourse by the pas- or, A S. V. C arp en te r of Medford was introduced to the audience by R. H. Paxon. Mr. C apenter is a mem ber of the Medford Red Cross committee and he briefly outlined the work and the pur- pos of the Red Cross movement. A f te r a few rem arks by Mr. Paxon, who had been appointed by Mr. C a r­ p enter as bis assistant in the work of in teresting the people of Central Point in the Red Cross, a goodly number of those present sign si the membership blanks passed around. Mr. paxon informed us Wedne day th at 20 local people had signed up. lie is \ery enthusiastic about the work and feels confident th a t Central Point will have an auxiliary of her own in the very near future. In fact he said he would tak e the' time himself to call on all the business men and as many others as poss hie in order to insure tiie success of the effort. Anyone interested ill the work of the Red Cross should see Mr. Paxon at his d rug store on Pine S treet. (Continued from other side) th us gaining a mixim um of efficiency. A n um ber of distinctive advertising schemes a re being worked out. New York. March 2.7.—News dis­ patch from Austria-H ungary states that it is A nsi' a Hungary and not Ger­ many 'h at is ready for a revolution. The liberty-loving H ungarians, the Ru- -¡an loyal Slavs, and the oppressed Bohemians, who are In the majority ia the Dual Monarchy, will he the first to lie inspired by the "new Russia.” Prlneville h as let a contract for grading the brmich line connecting the city with the Oregon trunk main line. T h e distance is about IS miles, and work will lie commenced within two Qur Churches ______ B A R G A I v N S ix x . r to . . . 1 Presbyterian Sunday School a t 10 a.m. Mrs. H a t­ field, Supt. Morning worship at 11 o ’clock. E aster Sunnay. Subject: "T h e Risen C h ris t." The following special music will be rendered at this service: A n th e m ," T h e Risen K ing” (Sehma ker) by the Choir. Solo: “ H o sa n n a ," (Jules Grazier) by Mr. H erb ert Clark. A nthem: Finale to “ The Risen King, ” (Schmacker, by the choir. Methodist Sunday School at 10 a.m. Preaching a t 7:30 p.m. Epworth League a t 6:30 p. m. P rayer Meeting at 7 p.m. T hu rs­ day. Rev. M. C. Reed, P asto r. The E aster Baptismal service announc­ ed for Sunday afternoon will be held at the evening service hour. Special music has been arran ged for and the Talent choir is expected to be here with a musical program worth hearing. Come. The Ladies Aid will m eet at the p a r ­ sonage Wednesday afternoon, April 11th a t 2:30. R efreshm ents will be served. All members and friends are cordially invited. Dowden Spud Planter. Farm Wagons. 1 Work Horse. Work Harness. J.F.Roclio 115 GrBn:sH^ND P’it Yo’jr Boy Isto^ Two-Horse Brand Ov rcr d h J Ä Best - looking, longest - w earing and cost no more th an Inferior kinds. Banded bib and swing­ ing white drill pockets (not tho old stylo patch pockets th a t so quickly w ear through). L o ck fo r tbic label —take no otbera A V V A P D ID G R A N D P R IZ E A T P. P. I . tL M a d e and Guaranteed by LEV I ST R A U SS & CO.,San Francisco f Baptist Sunday school a t 10 a. m. Rev. S. J. Miner of Kansas, who is here visiting his brother, will preach i.t 11.a. m. next Sunday. You a re wel­ come. ' ta* V.»* . - rH b22X J B f > . ■' \\ toa A* fartSi BÜPNS, CUT 3 and WOUNDS Dennis Eucalyptus Otntmont The Hotel Central Mrs. G Betts, Mpr. Central Point, Oregon AT ALL DRUQ STO R ES T L 'S E S 2 S C JA R S ( ? o J| oca , EOO If you want quality seeds pet them at The Central Point Mills. We handle both Field and Garden Seeds. An especially pood value is our Alfalfa seed from Montana and Idaho ibsolutely free from dodder and at a low price. Silk (laps for sale at Hull's Leever, the hardware man. C o / yv | u \ a >, aa I v ovviar k i/ru l CtAcuJUjM, tÆUÂà, trrrW eta trt/ coiti tort . - i t a w c l V a d t . irj t t v t » iw a ld /ij an* ^cA /w o c. THE BKH'HAFFNE? PRESS ca e/w ir t/p — Cclr'.&d. '-tr. _