Central Point herald and Southern Oregon news. (Central Point, Or.) 1917-19??, April 05, 1917, Image 5

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Voi. NewSIUiX1
Democracy Drawing Near
In Germany
Readjustment and Extension of Popular
Controll Favored bv Holivveg
Berlin, March 28.—Chancellor von
ltethmann-Hollweg may decide to
Brant electoral reforms in Germany
looking toward increased democracy
in the em pire before the end of the
war, according to a significant hint
contained in the Cologne Gazette to­
The Gaette declared that the ehan-
celor's speech of March 14, in which
he declared in favor of an extension
of popular control and promised such
a re adjustm ent after the war should
end. was not made as a result of the
revolution in Russia, because it was
Impossible that be could have heard of
the democracy movement there at
that time.
Central Point, Oregon, April 5th 1917
No. 51
Weekly Review
important World News fold in Uriel
W ashington, D. C. March 21. Pres-
dent Wilson called extra session of
congress to meet April 2, and has de­
cided to meet Germ any’s affront on the
high seas with sweeping aAion.
Portland, Or. March 27. The mobili­
zation of the Third Regiment, Oregon
National Guard, was completad today.
It has been just six months Bince the
regim ent returned from the Mexican
April 4. - The senate passed the war
resolution by 82 to 6 votes,
April 5. - The W ar D epartm ent handed
President Wilson a detailed report of
the plans to rsise an army of 2,000,000
men if necessary ” to bring the govern­
ment of the German empire to term s” .
Rome, Italy, Feb. 18.—The literacy
test clause of the new immigration
Medford May Have fine New Hosp tal
law In the United States that goes
Choir Girls Company
The largest real estate deal in Med­
into effect on May 1, has already re­
ford city property In five years was SAVOY. Sat.. April 7th
10c 20c sulted in the stim ulation of the study
consummated Saturday, according to
of the English language by those Ital­
the Medford Sun, when Dr. E. H.
ians hoping to obtain admission Into
Porter bought from Dr. E. D. Pickle
the United States.
the quarter block opposite the federal
H oke -N orwood
building on Sixth and Holly streets, H. Eugene Hoke and Miss Elizabeth Seattle, W ash., March 26.—Prepara­
for a consideration of fG.OOO. The deal Norwood, both of Medford, were united tions for war may cripple athletics al
was made through Karl S. Tinny.
in m arriage at the Episcopal church the universities of the Pacific Coast
Dr. Porter plans the erection imme­ of Medford at noon last Saturday, Rev. according to Dean A rthur Priest. The
diately upon the site of a private sani Hamilton, the pastor, iterfornting the mobilization of the National Guard
tarium and hospital to cost $K>,0uh ceremony. The newly weds will make troops lu the coast states will take
The plans for the buildings are now their
home on "C" street, Medford. many of the leading athletes of the
in the hands of the architect and will Roth of the young people are state universities and other colleges
be ready early next week.
Southerners, Mr. Hoke having come of the coast.
Other details regarding the new from
where he was born and
project are in course of formation. bred, Florida,
while Mrs. Hoke Is a native of At a meeting of the roundup direc­
South Carolina. Her accent is unmis­ tors and the Commercial Club of Ash­
takable recognized as Southern the land trustees last Friday evening a
Hull Printing Co.
minute she begins talking and she is harmonious agreem ent was reached
a very charming, fine young woman. regarding a num ber of details of the
Mr. Hoke Is an employee of the Rogue Ilyin Hehe and the Ashland roundup.
Job Printing
River Valley Canning Company, of The advertising Committees of the
Xledford. where his father is the man­ mtindtip and eelehration committee are
ager. The many friends of the couple planning to work In elose harmony,
will be glad to hear of their marriage.