I 200 Room* 100 Baths Near Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof TEST ALL SEED CORN | Hotel Hoyt Corner Sixth and Hoyt Sts., Portland, Ore LOU HIMES. Manager RATES:—75c to *2. S P E C IA L -W e ek or Month ILTNOMAH T E W o rk Can Be D one In Late W in te r or E a r ly S p rin g W h en T im e Other- w ise W o u ld Be L o st— Sim p le T e ster Described. LARGEST and FINEST1" Mr. Average Farmer, Is your time worth $4 an hour? That sounds like get-rieh-quiek scheme, doesn’t It? Well it isn’t. J. C. Hackleman of the Mis­ souri college of agriculture figures that you can make that much testing seed corn. The average Missouri farmer raises about twenty-six acres o f corn each year. He falls to test his seed corn whereby he loses $1.50 (this is conservative estimate) an acre. Mr. Hackleman says that about te hours of actual labor would be required to test the seed for the 26 acres. By such testing the yield can be Increased at least $1.50 worth. Hence the time required to test the seed is worth about $40, or about $4 an hour. The more corn a farmer grows the more money he can make by the test. The man who raises 100 acres can Increase 1 H O T E L is tie N O R T H W E S T ^ | ] Eric V . Hau*er, President. ( J ]5 5 0 * * i _ 75 ] Rooms J f V S s S Sample r ! $ 1 -0 0 M a M H i l Rooms 1 Day-Up B S S B H H $2 Up( lA n tlu r of America's Exceptional HotelscJO W e Are Buyers of Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc. Your shipments to us will bring to you prompt returns and best possible prices. W RITE FOR SHIPPING TAGS. VA LLE Y PRODUCE COMPANY, 115 Front St., Portland, Oregon O il ID H I T * Vcal» Pork’ Beef» Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record o f 45 years o f Square Dealings, and be assured of TO P MARKET PRICES. F. M . CR ON K H ITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all yon have. Write for prices anil shipping tags THE H. F. N o r t o n CO. Portland. Ore.; Seattle, Wn, 10,000 LBS. HENS WANTED 19c per pound guaranteed. No commission. Checks by return mail. T h e S a v in a r Co., 100 Front St.. Portland. Ore. Cap. $10,000. Mar. 687. “ C. B .M M IN E R S & CO . UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ANO REBUILDING. N. I. COR. FIFTH AND QLISAN STS. I PORTLAND, OREQON Gas Tractor and Auto­ mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com­ plete course in both for the price o f one tuition, for a short time only. Large class now graduat­ ing and have room for few more men. Catalog and details free. Hemphill’s Trade Schools, 20th & Hawthorne Portland, Oregon. W E W RECK AUTOMOBILES FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. Organizer and Developer. Patents secured or Fee Refunded. FREE, Toy X-Ray Plate; shows every bone in your body right through your clothing. Suites 701, 701A, 701B, 701C. Central bldg.,’Seattle Every Ford Car should carry one ex­ tra tire it save changing on the road. THE T W IN R IM fits both front and rear wheel. Applied in 5 min­ utes. Saves time, clothes, temper and religion. Price $6.50. Sent parcel post prepaid, upon re­ ceipt o f price. 0RE00N VULCANIZING CO., “The Tire Shop.” 333-335 Burnside st., Portland. Oregon !§& o r o ®ranula-8 U se d A n U m b re lla . Doctor— Well, how did your w ife manage the shower bath, deacon? Deacon— She had real good luck, lim e. Moody told her how she man­ aged. She hud a large oiled silk cap. with a cape to it like a fisherman's that came all over her shoulders and head. Doctor She's a fool for her pains. That's not tiie way. Deacon So my wife thought. Doctor— Your wife did nothing of Hie sort. I hope Deacon—Oh, no; she used an um- brllly.— Exchange. Tim e it! In fi minutes all stom­ ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape’s Diapepsln is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs It is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of F are’s Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf­ fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any “ Anurie” cures Backache, Lumbago, stomach disorder. It’s the quickest, Rheumatism. Send 10c Dr. V. M. surest and most harmless stomach Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial doctor in the world. package. c * c c £ « c = C iL iL iU U L lL iL fi-iL iL fiJ iJ iJ iJ U L S J L fiJ U U U L iL f Spanish Woman Does Not Lose Her Maiden Name at Marriage. The bride's maiden name is valued in Spain and Is not set aside by mar­ riage. When u Spanish woman mar­ ries she merely adds her husband's name to tier own. But never does she lose her Identity by dropping her name entirely and taking over that of er husband. And to her Intimate, she is known more by her maiden ime than her husband’s. Morn than that, an unmarried per­ son Is known hy both the mother’s nd futlier's name, Joined hy the let- er “y." That makes the formal name. Informally, a son, for lnstunee, is known only hy Ills father's name. Thus a person may be Smith y Brown, or Its equivalent, the father being of one surname, arid the mother in tier maiden days of the other. When that person marries, to avoid compil­ ations the mother's name Is dropped, nd the husband's name tucked on 1th the aid of the prefix “ de.” In that way the “ señorita” or "señora” Is unnecessary to distinguish married from unmarried women. A Little Stick of WRIGLEYS Makes the Whole World Kin I Th is fam ous ch ew in g gum aids appetite and di­ gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet. No wonder WRIGLEV’S is used around the world, when­ ever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. HIT AND M ISS ON SALE EVERYW H ERE Some men never use kind words If there Is a club handy. An eccentric woman is one who pre­ fers comfort to style. It flatters a married man to tell him that he doesn’t look It. When fame comes to the average man It roosts upon his monument. Never lend money to a stranger. If you must iiave financial transactions with him, borrow. “ Know thyself' Is all right as a pro­ verb, but some men who know them­ selves do not know much. If your heart prompts you to do a Furred Tongue, Bad Taste. Indiges­ tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ SWINE CRAVE FOR MINERALS aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowela, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi­ S u p p ly of Coal, W o o d A s h e s and C h a r ­ gested food, which sours and ferments coal S h o u ld Be K ept Before A n i­ like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s m a l. at A ll Tim ea. the first step to untold misery—indi­ gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow Provide plenty of atone coal, wood skin, mental fears, everyth’ng that is ashes and charcoal fo r the awine. horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret Tou’ve seen the sows trying to eat the tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and aoft atones they root up. straighten you out by morning. They You have heard them cracking some­ wr>rk while you sleep— a 10-cent box thing they found In the ground. They waat minerals and e s p e c i a l l y lime. you have heart fullure. ing good for months. The Flavor Lasts =Arr I -.A V t ! ■ V . "M-tx f Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. C O S T IV E F o r S ic k H eadache, S o u r Stom ach, S lu g g ia h L iv e r and B ow el»— T h e y w o rk w h ile you Bleep. Scott ft lUiwne. Uloomfichl, N. J. f E. * WRIGLEYS ^ --1 SO LO IEPS in EUROPE (i ÏM ï M JXPWNESE O IR IS IN TOKYO J// y I