* ! forai unit Personal tr- «*- y- Something unusual soon. It is c ,niii Have you heard what is cornine? F r i d Warner waa down Wednts lay. I i about two weeks. li » 11 l e from Trail , " 1 Mi ¡;. |j land VYediui- , ' ‘ xei.os fwr you is.e ask ),'lie.’ in Lloyd March o f Telo was in town on Ci r business Tuesday. t. W. H. Morgan of Tolo waa trading I. ¡; ,. in town Tuesday. California v.. F. Roe of Sams Valley was in toe,n Arthur \ awhile Monday on hi.-- nay to Ja c k s ; - la . s turd ville. Mr. Roe is a deputy assessor of i ,. .- ari ,. this county. ,, . Mrs. E. M. Mrs. Middleliusher, a prominent rrer- i ur city ! chant of Trad, was in town Wedncsd y on business. , ei tinned I. t l n r k , rn Orr- hi'' -’ b n The e hostiss sss and Vlrs. W. Mr and '. ’ ul time J . V. Calvert, who hag been interest- M . 1. , 1 . ;, ed in the realty business in Grnnts-Rin s i: was visiting in our city Wednesday. H. W. Copinger and family, who re- c. .. cently arrivi d in Central I tint from S turd Montana, purchased a house and lot of ,, D. E. Reno last week a: d have moved . into their new home. ihis we. k Irs. B. li ghter had than eight sday from tie valley y‘ sny | laces t business ir valley, is moving njoyed a CARD (If THANKS " 'o desire to expr. -=* our sincere ihanks to nil frier.d.- for the kindly as- distance and many ot er kind acts sh wn ns uurin tl'.e recent illness and m death o f our beloved husband and rd father, and for the beautiful floral of- it- ferings. Mrs. Rachel Raitney, Ren Raimey, ,l!lss 1’ca!'1 Rosr' our W0l thy telephone Martha Rai 0t> rat r ‘ spent a coup!;; of days this " e* k i:l 0 r ’:lt:3 i>uss with Mr. ami t Wm’ Shl|,le>' Rc' i ;' Frank Hatfield is still seriously ill The Ladies Aid of the Moil o- *y(•!:■ »id fever, i:l bough he shows dist church will meet at the par­ F0 I’e imi ! ” over his critical con- sonage on Wednesday afterneon, dttion last Saturday, J March L’Slli, at 2:30. This will J . V,'. Pruett and family left Tues- day to live on a r-.nch aitovc Medford, b e a business meeting and all We are sorry to lose them from our members are urged to be pres­ midst but wish them well in their new sent. home. ladles A J ü'e lintj Sari But T ru e Harrison v. ent u fishing, And Hull wc-nt along, Roth got their feet wet, Rut no fish got on. imam Mead, an employee of the Herald olfive, aced ently chopped his left hand Tuesday evening. Dr. Lydia S. Dow, who dressed the injury, found it refus h y to take live stitches. Mrs. Anna Thompson l e ft Tuesday morning for Klamath Fails where she will meet h r brother, B. S. Grigsby, a ai attend to s me business matters. Mrs. Thomas suys she may not return for some time. They returned for supper. With ¡leads hanging low, Each told his little story, No one believed them though. They said they’d go again, When they were feeling better And hoped they would at least Not get very much wetter. II ill. Quotat.u. F. cm C . 'i - .r t * VVorkj That , Will Live Long. Not tin; t imiuiliau» <>t Slivtuliiu nor even the li,u..i'i::eu of OhuUespeure are more easily first til tlielr rvspcctlv* c i,1SM S than are the Gilbert und Sulll- v:ui cmnio o| td-a.s in theirs. In all htl- D>tn probability they never will lie equaled, u:»l the liest of them have •omi‘Udn.: of that quality “not for u day, but for all time,” which wars uy lib : o' '. •!* see nee and leads to their constant rev I . „1 c veil ns “ Huinlet" und “Macbeth,” "T he Rivals" and " T h e BcliOol 1 or Scandal" and Goldsmith's —g;,«. Stoops to Conquer” are eonstant- ly revived. Even should the stage in time to come know thi'ni no more they would not be dead, for, besides adding Im- measurably to the Innocent gaycty of the English speak! g nations and to their treasury of enduring songs, the ° l ’' ,n,s have enriched tlio sto k of household s..\ lugs. ., . „ . ...... I nun "rinafo ru we have "W h a t? Never!" und the response “ Marilly ever," “ his sisters, his cousins und his Hunts," ‘'in spite of ail temptations to belong to oilier nations," “ You're ex- eeedingly polite, mid I think It only right to return the eompllmeut,” “O Joy, <• rapture unforeseen I” "Never mlial the \\ hy and wherefore“ and s have learned that “take one considera­ tion with another,” ”a policeman's lot is not a happy one." From ‘Tulanthe" come “Said I to myself, said !.” “did nothing in par­ ticular and did It very well" and that perfect specimen of Mie Inverted tru­ ism: Hearts Just ns pure a n d f a i r W a y b e a t to Melgravw s q u a r e A s til t!io lo w ly a i r O f S e v e n D ia ls . To “ Piillonce" ure iluo “a most In­ tense young man,” “ultra poetical, *u- perai tb ‘tie*l," and "there will b * too much of me." But perhaps the best known of all Gilbert Isms nmi tho one that comes bftenest to the lips Is that refrain iu “The Mikado" that almost sums up the whole Bciencc o f au enllglitened penolo­ gy. “ I.et the tmnlshmcnt lit the crime.” A wiser je s t was never penned. From "T he Mikado" also comes “ He's got ’em on the list, they'll none of 'em b j mlsseil," “ Here's a pretty stale of talups!" "H ere's a pretty bow-de ilo!" “ the flowers that bloom in the spring,” “Somethin* lingering, with boiling oil In It." “three little maids from school,” “* source o f Innocent inerrlmet, " mid “ He's going to marry Ymu-Yum.”— 1 every well dressed man is Shayne - Brun tailored, but those who wear Montie Rrigg, ex shoe dealer of Ash­ land, was a pleasant caller at the Herald office I the Hud Printing Company office last Monday. Mr. Brigg was talking over publicity m at­ ters in con ucti 1 with the Ashland I! gue River Hound-lip Cell bratlon. Scy "Shayiie-Brun" TailoriRS are c e r t a i n to be well dressed. There’s a grace, a tailorish finish about the clothes that shows at a glance the quality in the fabrics,the quality of the hand-tailored work­ manship, the style. And with ev. y g a rm e n t c o e s this p e rm a n e n t gu aran tee: “ W e A rc N o t ” L e t us t a k e y o u r m e a s u r e Î _ J ! I 1 i ♦ * T t f Î ( ! I t I To liable patrons of llie Herald to easily compv with this r i ing this ollice has put in a supply of the standard sizes o, but or paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and upward and deliver it by parcel post at the following prices: 100 Sheets, 2'R) Sheets, 300 Sheets, 500 Sheets, 1(5 or 32 ounces 1G or 32 ounces 1G or 32 ounces 1G or 32 ounces $1.00 1.35 1.75 2.50 S nd "our orders to us hy mail accompanied by the price o'" the paper and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the very best butter paper obtainable and our w i. anan: ip is ot the best. Let us have your next order and you will not regret it. Centra! Point Herald - Officiel! Directory C y of Central Point Phone 2 8 LEWIS W. A. COW I f.Y , Mayor AUTO LINE j . w At uns, ,, i . t J . O. ISAACSON, Treasu rer .) II. ITlI,MI'S, Mar,hut 1‘. !'. C! AUK, Wat*. I Sunt. 1'. C. ORIM. l'Ira C hl.r nu W. Mc »1 M. DOW. City Health Officer COCNCll.SBN K A! vender. IV evident J ! ' W illiams L. I * Norerosa I). C. Grim , H. F. Peart Southern Pacific Schedule South 13 17 15 “ “ “ North “ “ 11 10 North No. I I No. n; Hixitti |.( 8 :5 1 a . n 4:20 p. n 10:38 p. rr 8:28 a. m. 0:28 p. m. MAIL SCHEDULE. Mall Closes Mall Opens l l ............. 0 * . I m . .... ....... X g : 80 a. m l l ............. irs o f age in April, he won at the Pen ileu-n Hound L'p and ‘ith ir frontier celebration*. Noted sculptors ~ird rt -, w ■) have come from all parts of th i United S t a t e * to ea<* Sun- down for a model, have pro” on need him AccorilRitr to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy and Food (' imiitisiion all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in thi state must bo wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words “ Oregon Dairy Butter, 16(or32) ounces lull weight, with the name and address of the maker. IL :! c uric i leave post office at lo o'clock a. in dally, except Sundays find holidays. Portland morning dallies arrive at S:.ri1 it. tn. Eastern in.ill arrives at S:"U n. in., dally. Ir Jijpcn -able Men. Tu "ritinga I Roinemluir" Sidney 107 W. MAIN ST. MEDFGR l ) VYhitman lolla am ene fila rerollci tliina h'»iv oii ime o easlon J a n . c i (binimi Mr. am! Mrs. E. C. Faber and family Dennett rubi <1 frinii l ’iiils to New Y i . k ori ri li v thè ili-adnirg.1 n, wh > i pr. sente I J a c k - motored to Phoenix Sunday. I, r or thè h ' t(T T he mniiuger replleil son County at ti.e recent legislature, r. .Ing bhii in reeonalder thè mailer, has accepted the pi ition of manager a i ilio < • iplo; o in qnestlon ivits India. ot the Grunts Pais Chamber of Com­ J '..ii!/ le . "IM k . Iinrge every Indlspen- merce, formerly the Commercial Club aabl;. man oh thè pnper,” waa Mr. Ben- of that city. Mr. Sheldon has reported uett'a ri'ply. "I myself uni not India for duty and with ids wide knowledge of Southern Oregon and his ability will be a moot valuable man for the Grants Named In a Suit. Fo r Sale " l i e 's 114-ell tinnii'I In a milt." A biey do r ' p i i r shop a^d gtnjk a ">\Tint! I tlimr lit him to b e n most v»ii -e prn-e. For (mrticulars, sei H. W. Adrian, who has made this ad Ire- Geo. B u tt., Central Point, < ‘Xemplary Ja-raon!" territory for several years in behalf of "Ho Is; he's biut.-rit «“ Uii' c v punsivo 1 it, -• li Tut bis inibir rn u n i the n mo his own company, the Adtian Neek- r, ,o the ui it poi ket." Dtlffnlo Ex- Fubiic Health Notice ware Co., of Portland, was a pita-ant S c h o s n h .v ü Satisfied Unless You Are. The following Central Point Schriners and their wives attended the [Kirty given by Hilluh Temple in Ashland last Thursday evening. They report a very enjoyable time. W. C. Lecver, tVayne Leev , K. II. Paxson, I. C. Fobnctt, Lira. Dow. W. II. N o r c m s . B u tte r W ra p s t ............ .......................$1.3.) to $1 01 ' $38.60 .................................$30.00 hay baled........................... $18 to $19 ...........................40e cou ntry........................................... 30c ............................................................ 20e ................................................. ti$e to 7c ................................................6|c to 6c ........ ....................12c to 121c One Way 15c, Kound Trip 25c 1............................................................. 10c 20 Rides tor $2.00 .................................................................7c ngs, pant............................................. 9c W. L. Lewis, Proprietor .............................................................. 15 i t ....................2 lb or less 17c icka ....................................................7e ys No. 1. I 7 e ...........Dressed 21-23 ..................................................... 10c (young)........................................... 10* ......................................................... 10* h s .................................................. $3.00 . A. J . F o ils was in from the ranch this week and sla tes that he hud s t a r t ­ ed a crew of 14 men a t plowing ju st before the rain.of Tuesday night which necessitated his laying them all o!T. The rain was much heavier a few miles east of the city thun it was here. P R IN T E D Central Point, Ore. v\ a l t Be be is in receipt of 150 iittlo chick . from the O. A. C. They are thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks. Mr. Beebe has ordered 25 ) White Leghorn chicks und expects to go into the chicken business in the right manner. Mrs. A. M. Thomas le ft for RutLc, Montana, the pn.it week where she goes to settle estate of Mrs. Clura Egan, recently deceased. Mrs. Clara Egan formerly lived at Eagle where she was well known. A t that lime her name was Mrs Mi sters. !X. HUY H o m i : P R O D U C T * Medford Cleanmq and Pressinq Co. No. 8 S. Central. Pilone 57 Leave all work a t Ross Confectionery Ixjcal A Rents Central Point Phone Watch these spaces next week 8*nr!o Ore D J Well Enough* *. ¡1 I ■ k- Henry, i nee I um ui* .iiilary— Increase your Earning Capacity at the I he Central Point Barber Shop E R. GLEASOi »♦tor Ca"f<»ml« W ashing Powder t especially g k ^I in ci,!d, warm hard or hot water t ’ *c with ot with,.ut loap. Make* waahinii AGENT FOR luJIr-r l Domestic Laundry B »f .’t l,*nven Tuesdays and -UM .ay -returninK Satofdsya. Medford Commercial College i >:«.y and N':' ht School Commercial Branches Shorthand and Typew riting Bookkci ¡ ing and Civil Service Instruction Individual and in Classes Students E n te r a t Any Tim e ! . the College and See us a t Work I’hone: 16-L 31 N orth Grape S tre e t