“ C. B . ” M IN ER S & CO. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AN9 REOUILDIRO. N. E. BOR. FIFTH AND O l UAN ST I. PORTLAND, OREQON. FR E D P. G O R IN , Patent Attorney. O rga n izer and D eveloper. Patents secured o r Fee Refunded. F R E E , T o y X -R a y Plate; shows every bone in your body riffh t through your clothing Suites 701, 7U1A, 7U1B, 7U1C, Central bid*.."S eattle L E A R N A T R A D E . Gas Tractor and A u to ­ mobile men a re in demand. W e are g iv in g a com­ plete course in both fo r the price o f one tuition, fo r a short tim e only. L a rg e class now gra du at­ in g and have room fo r fe w more men. Catalog and details free. Hemphill’s Trad« Schools, 20th & Hawthorne Portla n d , O rego n . W E W R E C K A U T O M O B IL E S F o r th eir good parts. P a rts at h alf price, can du plicate most any part. W e have w recked over 100 d ifferen t makes o f cars o f recent date. I f in need o f any w rite to A u to W reck in g Co.. E9 N o rth Broadw ay. Portland. Oregon. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, S old, R en ted and R epaired W A L K E R E L E C T R IC W O R K S Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. Machinery Second-Hand Machin ery bought, sold and exchanged; e n g in e s , boilers, sawmills, etc, J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st St., Portland. Send fo r Stock L is t and prices. O O regon V ulcanizing C ompany moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., P o rt­ land, O re. L a rg e s t T ire Repair Plant in the N o rth w est. Country service specialty. U se Parcel Post. HIDESS, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want ell you have. Write for prices end shipping tags THE H . F. NORTON CO. Portland. Ore.; Seattle, Wn. Without Operation H abits and chronic diseases o f e v e ry description and kind. I have cured thousands o f people in the last 12 years by the use o f Radium. X Ray, Electric Cur­ rents, L igh ts, Bakeovens, V ib ra ­ tors, M agn etic W aves, Ozone. Packs. D iet, Adjustm ents, M an­ ipulations, Massage and Baths. Consultation free. W rite D R . W . E. M A L L O R Y , 600-6 Broadw ay Bldg. Portland. - - Oregon Cancers G oiters Tumors A pen dicitis Rheum atism Eczem a Catarrh A np ylosis Hem orrhoids A sthm a Diabetes B righ ts disease. W H E N IN MEAT INJURIOUS 10 I K K Ttike a tablespoonful of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kid­ ney Double. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have sting­ ing pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad­ der is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in had weather, get fr .n your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kid­ neys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged k'dneys, to neu­ tralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus end­ ing urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves­ cent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. TA K ES OFF DANDRUFF, H A IR S T O P S F A L L IN G Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence o a neglected scalp; of dandruff— that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish­ ness and i ing of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die— then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight— now—any time— will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you w ill just try a little danderine. Save your hair! T ry It! SEATTLE’S LARGEST “ Do you know what time your sis­ A n tic ip a te d E y e -S o re s . ter’s young man left last night?” Ma— I think Josephine had better “ I think it was about 1, dad; be­ cause when he was going I heard him study painting instead of music, then say: ‘Just one; only one.” ’— Pearson’s she won’t make any noise practicing. Pa— Oh, I don't know. There’s an Weekly. end to noise, but pictures will last for Take care o f your health and wealth years.— Boston Transcript. will take care o f you. Garfield Tea S h ak e In to Y o u r S h oes promotes health. A llen 's Foot-E ase, a po w d er fo r the fe e t. I t cu re* painful, sw o'len , sm arting, sw eatinfr fe e t. Makcn new shoes easy. Sold by a ll DrupKists and Shoe Stores. D on’ t a ccep t any substitute. Sam ple F R E E . A ddress A . g . D im ,d el. Is- Roy. N Y . C lu b By buyinn direct from un at wholrnalo prices and nave the plum ber's profits. W rite us to­ day your needs. W e w ill giv e you our rock- bottom “ direct-to-you " prices, f. o. b. rail or boat. W e actually save you from 10 to 35 per cent. AH Broods guaranteed. N orth w est headquarters fo r L ea d rr W ater System s and Fu ller & Johnson Engines. END 212 Third Street. G a ssy S to m a chs s u re ly feel fin e In fiv e m in u te s. i BITTERS| A s U s u a l. E m b a rra s s in g C la s s ific a tio n . He— You know, men want to look on women as angels. She— But not as recording angels.— San Francisco Chronicle. Portland, Oreiron OUR LUNGS R ates. "M y wife and myself are trying to get up a list of club magazines. By taking three you get a discount.” “ How are you making out?” “ Well, we can get one that I don’t want and one that she doesn't want,, and one that neither o f us wants for »2.25.”— Life. L e a rn in g to Be N o rm a l. HOTEL “ P ape's D ia p e p sln ” m akes S ic k , S o u r, HOSTETTER’ S l stomach F o r a R a in y D a y. S T A R K - D A V I S 'C O . O nly three blocks from D epots and Docks. O p­ posite C ity H a ll Park and Court House. T H E F I N E S T D O L L A R R O O M I N A M E R IC A W ith detached bath, 1 person. $1.00 $1.50 2 persons. • $1.50 $2.00 W ith p riva te bath, 1 person. $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 2 persons. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 You Should Try “ Are you saving anything up for a rainy day?” asked the thrifty citizen. “ Yes,” r .lied Mr. Chuggins. “ In a little while I expect to have enough to buy a brand-new top for my auto­ mobile.”— Washington Star. “ Husband, daughter wants to go to the normal school." “ W ell?” “ Do you approve?" "The normal school, eh? Yes, 1 think lots of people could take a course at such an institution with profit.”— Louisville Courier-Journal. STOM ACH TR O U B LE , G A S E S O R D Y S P E P S IA I I WHEN IN | NEED OF a | TONIC OR f a p p e t iz e k | S a ve y o u r H a ir ! G e t a 25-cent bottle o f D a n d e rin e r ig h t n o w — A ls o sto p s itc h in g scalp. ARE DELICATE O verw ork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness If what you just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and w ear refusing to digest, or you belch “ W h en in Seattle Try the Frye” lead, gas and eructate sour, undigested the sensitive lung tissues. food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach-headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need­ less it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. should be taken prom ptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, It's the quickest, surest stomach doc­ o r w hen strength is low ered from any cause. Its high tor In the world. It’s wonderful. KOTO EMISION Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now « You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment it is ap­ plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without inflaming or even ir­ ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle o f freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one’s feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone he can get it at any wholesale drug house for you. “RUPTURE The S ilv e r L in in g . A Riverside mother was injured in a motor car accident lately and a few days afterward her little boy said: “ Mamma, I am glad you were hurt.” “ Why?” exclaimed his mother. "Because,” he replied, “ now you are always home when I get back from school."— Patterson Call. I V M n r ln - a ft e r K j p o i m r e In f o lt l, C u l l i n g W i n d s a n d D u s t. I t R e s to re s , H e i r , .--lies a n d P r o m o t e s E y e H e a l t h . G ood fo r a ll E y e s th a t N eed C are. M u r in ' Eye R em edy C o .. C h ic a g o , S en d s E y e B o o k on re q u e s t. H Is A lte rn a tiv e . "It is true that Miss Richley has money,” said the engaged man’s best friend. “ But she is very exacting. If you marry her you will have to give up smoking and drinking.” "Possibly,” said the engaged man, "but if I don’t marry her I shall have to give up eating also.”— Exchange. nutritive value creates resistive force to w a rd off sick­ ness. T h e rich cod liver oil im proves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. , Catarrh for Years ? Three No Relief UICOOOO"» Bottles J PERÜNA Made R e se n tfu l S a c rific e . "Do you approve of prohibition?” ■«ODDO "Yep,” said Uncle Bill Bottletop. IT’S CAUSE A N D C U R E ” Mr. Eli Lefevre, Jr., 854 Brush St., " I ’m willin’ to abolish licker rather U the till« of a booklet. W e will mail yoo one than see It wasted in a lot of folks Detroit, Mich., writes: “ I had been free. Addre u Dept. C, around here that can’t appreciate i t " troubled with catarrh for a number A. LU ND BER G CO., of years, and had been taking medicine 1107 T h ird A v t . , S eatU e. — Washington Star. j for it, but they did me no good. In reading one of Dr. Hartman's books entitled 'W inter Catarrh,’ I discovered that Pcruna was good for catarrh. After I had taken only three botles of I ’eruna I was cured of the catarrh. I n o w a d v is e e v e ry b o d y tro u b le d w ith c a ta rrh to ta k e D r. H a rtm a n 's P e ru n a .. as it is a su re c u re f o r c a ta rrh . “ Friends to whom I recommend Pe- j run a tell me that It Is also good for [ headache, dizziness, and pain In the j stomach.” T h o s e w h o o b je c t to liq u id m e d i­ c in e s can n o w p ro c u re P e ru n a T a b ­ lets.