(Ücntral point l^rralö P u b l is h e d E v e r y T h u r sd a y By THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A n I n d e p e n d e n t local n e w s p a p e r d ev o ted to th e in te r e s ts o f C e n tra l P o in t a n d th e R ogue R iv e r V alley. E n te re d a s second class m a tte r a t th e p o s t o f­ fic e a t C e n tra l P o in t, O regon. M ay 4. 1906, a c c o rd ­ in g to a n A c t o f C ongress, M arch 3, 1879. T h is p a p e r s k e p t on file a t th e D a k e A d v e r ­ A g e n c y , Inc., 427 S o u th M ain S tre e t. Los A n g ele s an d 779 M a rk e t S tre e t, S an F ran cisc o , w h e re c o n tra c ts fo r a d v e rtis in g ca n be m ade. our sincere desire to boost Central Point, may we humbly suggest that we get together at once to organize for concerted action? With apology to Editor Hull we quote: “ Reciprocity will help make our city wortn while and in which we would be proud to live. United we are power—di­ vided we accomplish naught— shall we not unite for one aim— SUCCESS? Does it pay to in- : sure against loss j by fire? Before the fire the ma­ jority say N O After the fire the majority say YES. t is in g Subscription Price $1.00 per Year Old Sandy Says YES All \ m JU S T A SU G G E S T IO N . HE new proprietors of the H e r a l d are new-comers in this section and we are well pleased in every respect with our new home. We are pleased with the climate and especially with the people of this community. In m my respects Central Point is one of the finest little cities we have ever seen. The local busi­ ness men impress us as being broadminded, progressive and al­ ways ready to supportany under­ taking or move that will assist in the upbuilding of the community. At present Central Point has no active commercial organization a i 1 that indicates that the town people are not pulling together. We want to pe cousidered among the list of “ live Wire” business m m of the city. As evidence of T Consistentency in quality and price is the most im­ portant factor in business —our store is no excep­ tion to the rule. c f the Tim e. W HY? t How a stranger is impressed the first time he attends a church service in your town and discov­ Because he is the Insur­ ers that the ancient custom of Jewelry Repairing ance Man and Knows women wearing their hats during Diamond Setting divine service is still in vogue? Best American Companies W atch Repairing That it isn’t so difficult to be a booster after all? G. S. Sanderson That Central Point stands a rattling good show of being put Office in the Cowley Block on the map in bigger and bolder Central Point, Ore. type tnis year? latrhmakrr Sc Irtnrlrr That a factory whistle in Cen­ (Crntral Saint, (rirv. tral Point would be welcome mu­ Loose Alfalfa Hay. Minnesota sic morning, noon and night? 13 Seed Corn, and Seed Barley That it is some difficult to count for sale.—Fred H. Hopkins. the teeth on a buzz saw going full speed? TH E C EN TR A L POINT M ERC H A NTS A P P R EC IA TE YOUR PATRONAGE That a two-year old hen has no teeth? That Central Point wants a creamery, a cannerv and above all, a sugar factory? That Central Point will have what it wants if everybody helps to organize a “ booster” club? Offers Standard Courses by Individual Instruction and That the merchant with modern Class Methods in Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Short­ ideas is a winner in any commun­ hand, Typewriting, Arithmatic, English, Rapid Calcu­ ity? lation, Spelling, etc. That Mayor Cowley will soon Graduates Assisted to Positions. Make Early Application for Place. issue the annual “clean up” pro­ clamation? 311 N. Grape St., Medford, Ore. Write, call, or phone 151 That the “snow man” has fal­ len in love with this section of the country and is delaying the arrival of “Spring” ? ***************************************************** Let us show you how you can make your I I ÏÏI. ftisuyan Increase Your Pay Check Medford Commercial College N OT every well dressed man is Shayne - Brun tailored, but those who wear Schoenbrun Say ’’Shayne-Brun” Tailoring Secret ot tne Baked Potato. Occasionally a re sta u ra n t or a sys­ tem of railroad dining curs becomes fam ous for Its baked potatoes At the San F rancisco exposition several col­ lege girls operated an establishm ent a t which th e baked p otato was the piece de resistance and cost 50 cents. All these successes have been based on a simple little trick. A potato should be larded before be­ ing baked, so as to 811 up th e porous skin and retain tb e full flavor. It Is necessary to cover only th e rk in with a little lard, bacon grease or b u tte r to accom plish the end. A potato so treated and linked Just the proper length of time, usually three q u a rte rs of an hour, will surpass a potato cooked in any o th er way. It m ust alw ays be broken open Immedi­ ately upon being taken from th e oven, so th a t th-> steam mav escap e.—New Vork Sun. Farm Work Easy and Save Money & Labor f An Electric M otor «ill work harder and more steadily and give you less trouble than any horse or engine you can buy. We can Furnish You, fo r less than J the cos of a ood horse, a Motor which will last a life tim e and give you riot one m om ents trouble. You w on’t have to feed It, and it costs nothing a t all when it isn’t w orking. It will do the work of six men at •ess cost fo r c u rre n t than th e w ages of one. I t will run day and night and turn out eig h t tim es the work of » horse, and it is More Reliable than Old Dobbin, too. I t d o esn 't g et tired, Btop to eat, and never g e ts sick. Are you taking advantage of our service? It costs nothing to investigate California-Oregon Power Co. 216 W. Main St. MEDFORD. R im ili are c e r t a i n to be well dressed. There’s a grace, Ail knowing themselves in a tailorish finish about the debted to the Crane Mercantile * clothes that shows at a Co. are requested to call as soon elance the quality in the fabrics, the quality of the hand-tailored work­ manship, the style. And with every parm ent g o e s this perm anent g u aran tee: ** W e A r e N o t as possible and make settlement, and greatly oblige—Crane Mer­ cantile Co. — Adv. 5 Highest grade Alfalfa Seed from Montana and Idaho. Free I from dodder. Also Red Clover Germination on L e t u s t a k e y o u r m e a s u r e and 'limothy. all seeds better than Standard. £ Prices right The Central Point Mills. S a tis fie d U n less Y o u A r e . ” CKANFILL&ROBNETT OREGON A SK YOUR OROCEIi OR HUTCH ER FOR “ACORN” BRAND Crisp, Sweet Breakfast Bacon Spicy, Succulent Ham CENTRAL POINT PACKING CO. |