w m iim m u m ili TAXES \ \ uim n timii lim in g 1 I We now have the City Tax List and also a list of some of the county property out­ side of city at this bank, where the taxes now due may be paid. This bank in unison with other banks, is this year making a charge of 15c for each tax collection to protect the bank against a loss of money, as has been the case in former years. Iì 5 a Central Point State Bank BBS u Ztmnmin 1/mimtitmamiii An E X P L A N A T I O N . The Herald last week Inadvertantly «■ante n ear g e ttin g ‘in bad,” and we want to explain. As It som etimes hap­ pens, an err o r in the adv ertise m ent of th e Central Point Mills slipped through undetected and Manager Klsworth S at­ urday was kept busy explaining th at the price of th eir best brand of flour bad not hit the toboggan and dropped from $2.15 to $2.06. but th a t the printer had erred. Saturday also proved a busy day for ItarriBon A- Itetts, the local waste m er­ chants, and it tran sp ired th at the H er­ ald man had jum ped to conclusions when he en n u m erated am ong other th ings that they were in the m ark et for "old iron and bottles." About six different farm ers decided to bring in a load of old Iron and cir culate the proceeds among th e local merchants. It appears even the youngsters read The Herald for It seemed to Mr. Har­ rison th at every youngster in the burg had suddenly become a bottle mer­ chant, and for a time it seemed The 'te r s ld would have to hang out a sign, "old iron and bottles wanted," to save th e day. The Herald pencil pusher intends to proceed more carefully now, but we are pleased to note the undeniable proof that it "pays to ad vertise in The Herald." tin r latest "exchange" Is the Hep- p n er Herald, which h as been recently purchased by S. A. Pattison, the founder of The Central Point Herald. Mr Pattison lias been farm ing near ***********+ ************* | WILLOW SPRINGS | Grange met on Saturday evening, March 10. O ur progressive neighbor, O. S. Blackford, has just installed an elec­ tric h eater in his milk house. The Willow Springs P arent-Teachers Club met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Widen on March 3rd. Miss Anna M. Turley of the home economics de­ partm ent of the O. A. C., gave a very instructive and interesting lecture. COMPANY & After th e m eeting dainty refreshm ents were served by the hostess. The fifteen-acre ranch on Scenic Highway, formerly owned by Mrs. C. McKlintock of Albuquerque, N. M., was sold at auction to the Fish Lake Ditch Company. s h i p p e r s Live and Dressed Poultry Fresh Ranch Fggs POINT Eight named and labeled bulbs for $1.00 postage prepaid, asso rt­ ed colors and classes C a c tu s,P e ­ ony and Decorative. D ealer’s list from 20c to 50c each. 12 un­ labeled, all different, my d» -t selection f o r ....................... i p 1 Lee If. Franklin, of The Herald of­ fice, left Tuesday for Portland, where he will spend several days on busi­ ness. R. H . P A X S O N Central Point, T Peart & Lyons REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF CENTRAL POINT STATE BANK B la c k s m it h s W h e e lr ig h t s AT CENTRAL POINT, OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OF B U S IN E SS M ARC H 5, 1917 L o an s a n d d is c o u n ts ..................................... $91.370.73 O v e r d r a f ts , secu red a n d u n s e c u re d ............ 390.05 B onds a n d w a r r a n t s ..........................................17,384.83 S to c k s a n d o th e r s e c u r itie s ............................. 100.00 B a n k in g h o u s e ..................................................... 3,064.58 F u r n itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s ......................................2,000.00 O th e r r e a l e s ta te o w n ed ............................... 6,368.21 D u e fro m b a n k s n o t r e s e r v e b a n k s ........... N one D u e fro m a p p ro v e d re s e rv e b a n k s .............. 48,724.85 C h ec k s a n d o th e r c a sh it e m s ......................... 58.02 E x c h a n g e s f o r clearin a: h o u s e ..................... none C ash on h a n d ........................................................10,319.92 E x p e n s e s ............................................................... none O th e r re so u rc e s. Gold D u s t ........................ 35.69 T o t a l ..................................... All work guaranteed to be up-to-date. Horse shoeing a specialty. — r * T he Central Point Barber Shop I E. R. GLEA SO N , Proprietor .$179.816.88 L IA B IL IT IE S C a p ita l sto ck p aid i n ........................................$25,000.00 S u rp lu s f u n d ......................................................... 4,210.00 U n d iv id ed p ro fits, le s s e x p ’n es & ta x e s p d 2,075.72 D iv id e n d s u n p a i d ............................................. none D ue to b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s ........................... no n e P o s ta l sav in g s Etank d e p o s its ........................ none In d iv id u a l d e p o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ........ 91,963.91 D em an d c e rtific a te s o f d e p o s it ..................... 721.49 C a sh ie r c h e c k s o u ts ta n d in g ......................... 433.43 C ertified c h e c k s ................................................... no n e T im e a n d S a v in g s d e p o s its ......................... 55,062.33 N o tes a n d bills re d is c o u n te d ........................ none B ills p a y a b le fo r m oney b o rr o w e d .............. none R eserv ed fo r ta x e s ........................................... 350.00 L ia b ilitie s o th e r th a n th o s e ab o v e s t a t e d . none T o t a l......................................................... $179,816.88 I, J . O. Isaacso n . P r e s id e n t o f th e ab o v e-n am ed b an k , do solem nly s w e a r th a t th e ab o v e s ta te m e n t is tr u e to th e b e st o f m y k n o w led g e an d belief. J . O . IS A A C S O N . P re s id e n t, C O R R E C T A tte s t: OREGON Oregon For Sale A bicycle repair shop and stock a t in­ voice price. For particulars, see or address Geo. Betts, Central Point, Ore. STA TE O F OREGON. : C o u n ty o f J a c k s o n :" CENTRAL PAXSON’S Superb D a h l i a s RESOURCES & b u y e r s uimnmzs nimiimm Castle Rock, Wash., for a num ber of years, but the lure of th e scissors and ink pot was too much for him, and he is back in the game. He says: "T he w riter is not exactly a stra n g e r In this section of Oregon. He was for several y ears a resident of Gilliam's capital city (Condon) whose surround­ ing hills of golden grain have made her farm ers famous. After spending the past decade west of the Cascade Range, however, he confesses to a quickening of the pulse, a more elastic step, a re­ newed lightness and buoyancy when again the ozone of the bunch-grass land fills his nostrils, which no deni­ zen of the webfoot country can ever know.” Mr. Pattison gave Central Point a live newspaper, is a wide-awake hustler, and his many friends h ere are wishing him much success in his new field. 3r Central Point Poultry Egg _ ï W C. L E E V E R , W J FREEM A N. I .C . R O B N E T T . ’ D irecto rs. S u b sc rib ed an d sw o rn to b e fo re m e th is 15th d a y o f M ar.. M U C. S. S A N D E R S O N . N o ta ry P u b lic . My com m ission e x p ire s A p ril 29th, 1917. | Invites Your Patronage ; — a AGENT FOR v Medford t I i Domestic Laundry I Basket Leaves Tuesdays and ^ T hursdays—returning Saturdays, Safety First! BUY HOME PRODUCTS C alifo rn ia W a s h i n g P o w d e r • especially good in cold, warm , hard or hot w a te r— Uae with or without soap. Makes waahing easy. F o r S a la b y —Cranflll k Rob- nett, Cowley's Emporium, Olson a Son, Faber, the Grocer. j