Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, March 08, 1917, Image 7

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    A Poser.
L A R G E S T and F IN E S T ^
Eric V . Hauser, President.
j Rooms
SlH B S tjS f?!! Sample ;
[¿A n olbtr * f Amtrica's Exceptional H oleU iJ“ !
Total area revested in United States about
2,800,000 acres containing agricultural, timber and
powersite, mostly in 18 counties in Western Ore­
gon. from Portland to California, part on each side
Southern Pacific Railroad. Agricultural and tim­
ber lands will be opened for settlement and sale
under government laws. Large map showing re­
vested sections in 18 counties; synopsis o f provis­
ions under which land was granted and revested;
entry modifications; information about county,
soils, crops, rainfall, climate, elevations, etc., sent
yoa postpaid for $1.00.
234 North 19th Street, Portland, Oregon.
W ithout Operation
II Habits and chronic diseases of
¡' every description and kind.
, have cured thousands o f people
lj in the last 12 years by the use of
j Radium, X Ray, Electric Cur-
i rents. Lights, Bakeovens, Vibra-
! tors. Magnetic Waves, Ozone,
j Packs, Diet, Adjustments, Man-
! I ipulations, Massage and Baths.
Consultation free. Write
DR. W . E. M A L L O R Y .
600-6 Broadway Bldg.
II Portland.
, Free Information on
L How To Do Tanning
-From the worthless-
j looking green hides
r to the finest., soft tan­
ned furred leather:
moth-proof, at fac­
tory prices, made up
into beautiful ladies’
furs, coats, robes,
mittens and caps.
Taxidermist w ork.
Send for catalogue.
W . W . W eaver, Custom Tanner. Reading, Mich.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Egg*
and Farm Produce
to the Old Reliable Everdlnn house with e
record o f 45 years o f Square DeaHnas. and
1» assured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
45-47 Front Street
Portland, O r«ton
M o t o r c y c le s
$ 4 0 and U p
W rite for list A o f rebuilt Harley-
Davidsons. Indians. Excelsiors, Etc.
Harley - Davidson Service Center
. for the Northwest. Largest exclu-
% sive dealers o f Motorcycles in N. W.
209 Fourth St.
Portland. Ore
For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmony.
Made to see how good they can be; not how much
they will bring. Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo.
Ukelele. Slogan: " I f you don’t find ’em better
than any. send ’em back at our expense.” 311 to
111 Labba Bldg.. 227M, Wash. St.. Portland. Ore.
On the menu card of a big hotel In
New York the following notice is
printed: "Articles brought into the
hotel and used at the table will be
charged for as though furnished by
the house.”
On reading this one guest inquired:
"Does this apply to false teeth?"—
Boston Journal.
Dairying, Hogs, Chickens, Truck Farming, Stock Raising
20 to 2000 acres. Rail, water, and auto transportation to Portland. Lowest
freight to stock yards and other Portland markets of any agricultural dis­
trict in Oregon or Washington St. Helens district (with co-operative cream­
ery and cannery and a $60,000 payroll per month) now rapidly developing;
most productive soil, light clearing, spring water; adjoins highly improved
farming district. $10 to $35 per acre. Terms, 6 per cent. It’s worth your
while to have a few minutes’ talk with us about the best opportunity offered
in Oregon for you to get a farm home of your own. Write Charles L.
Was Against Over-Restraint.
He— It’s hard to keep from kissing
She— You must be careful not to
over-exert yourself. — Boston Tran­
“ What picturesque variations you
have introduced into your dancing.”
“ I am entitled to no credit,” said
Miss Cayenne. “ What you call varia­
tions were the efforts of my partner
and myself to quit stepping on each
other’s feet.”— Washington Star.
517 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, or
G ot T w e n ty -Y e a r P olicy.
Mother’s Troubles
Ryan (with newspaper)— It took six
policemen to get wan fightin’ Oirish-
man out of the saloon.
Shea— Huh! Shure wan of thim
moight hove done it dead aisy.
Ryan (warm ly)— Indade! An’ how?
Shea— Pwhy, be standin' outside th'
dure an* callin’ the Oirishman a loiar.
Darkens Beautifully and Re­
Guest in country hotel— I say, land­
stores Its Natural Color
lord, I left ray boots outside my room
door last night, and this morning they
and Lustre at Once.
A n H o n e st H ouse.
hadn’t been touched.
Host— Sure!
What d’ ye expect?
Ye cud a le i’ them there for a year if
Common garden sage brewed into a
ye’d liked, an’ nobody’d touch them. heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol
W e’re honest here!—Judge.
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri­
S O U R , A C ID S T O M A C H S ,
ant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur
G A S E S O R I N D I G E S T I O N recipe at home, though, Is troublesome.
An easier way is to get the ready-to-
E a c h “ P a p e ’s D ia p e p sln ” D ig e s ts 3000 use preparation Improved by the addi­
g r a in s food, e n d in g all sto m ach
tion of other ingredients, costing about
m ise ry in fiv e m inute*.
60 cents a large bottle, at drug stores,
known as “ W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur
Time it! In fi - minutes all stom­ Compound,” thus avoiding a lot of
ach distress will go. No indigestion, muss.
'While gray, faded hair is not sinful,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested we all desire to retain our youthful
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul appearance and attractiveness.
breath or headache.
darkening your hair with W yeth’s
Pape's Diapepsln is noted for Its Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
speed in regulating upset stomachs. can tell, because it does it so naturally,
It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ so evenly. You just dampen a sponge
edy in the whole world and besides it or soft brush with It and draw this
is harmless. Put an end to stomach through your hair, taking one small
trouble forever by getting a large strand at a time; by morning all gray
ftfty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsln hairs have disappeared. A fter another
from any drug store. You realize in application or two your hair becomes
five minutes how needless It Is to suf­ beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux­
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any uriant and you appear years younger.
stomach disorder. It's the quickest, W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound
surest and most harmless stomach is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is
not intended for the cure, mitigation
doctor in the world.
or prevention of disease.
H e r S te p s T o o A udible.
W h a t H e Said.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the
original little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They regulate liver and bowels.
"H ow are you going to reconcile
your present statements with some
you made in the past?”
"I'm not going to try,” replied Sen­
ator Sorghum. " I ’m going to be per­
fectly fair and let the people who
hold either opinion fight it out among
themselves.”— Washington Star.
G I V E “S Y R U P O F F I G S "
“ The man I marry must be a hero
— brave, daring and gallant; he must
FRED P. GORIN, Piled Attorney have enough to support me comfort­ D e liciou s " F r u it L a x a tiv e ” can ’t harm
ably; must have a country home,
tender little 8tom ach, liver
Organiser and Developer: patents secured or FEE
and bowel*.
RE FU N D ED ; free btwk on patents. Suite* 701. and, above all, be honest."
701-A. 701-Band 701-C. Central building. Seattle.
"That's all very good; but this is
love— not a department store."— Le­
Look at the tongue, mother!
Second-Hand Machin­ high Burr.
coated, y r little one’s stomach, liver
ery bought, sold and
and bowels need cleansing at once.
exchanged: en gin es,
boilers, sawmills, etc. J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st
When peevish, cross, .Istless, doesn't
Eco n o m y.
Bt.. Portland. Send for Stock List and price#
Unquestionably, honesty is the best sleep, eat or act naturally, or la fever­
policy, but a lot of folks think they ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has
ORtBON VULCANIZIN8 COMPART can get along with something less sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold,
moved to 833 to 887 Burnside St.. Port­ expensive.—Richmond Times-Dispatch. give
a teaspoonful of “ California
land. Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant
Syrup o f Figs," and in a few hours
in the North west. Country ierrtca a
specialty. Use Parcel Post
all the foul, constipated waste, undi­
Henshaw— I hear he was operated gested food and sour bile gently moves
out of its little bowels without grip­
on. What did he have?
For Ih*ir rood parts. Part* at half pries. We
ing, and you have a well, playful child
Gee Whiz.— Money.— Exchange.
an duplicate most any part. We hare wrecked
again. Ask your druggist for a 60-
roer 100 different makee o f car* o f reoent date. If
bottle of "California Syrup of
M ig h t Be W o rth T ry in g.
a need o f any write to Auto Wrecking Ce., ta
tortli Broadway. Portland. Oregon.
Maybe it would be a good idea to Figs,” which contains f ’ ll directions
blindfold the groundhog. — Nashville for babies, children of all ages and for
No. 9. 1817
P. N. U.
An old man went Into a life insur­
-U P -A -C O L D
ance office in Hartford, Conn., and I WEEKS’
o fte n p ro vo n t a sort- 2 S c
requested to be Insured. The com­
I t>ua aitai proKingod attack .
pany asked his age. His reply was
“ Why, my good man, we can not
T r u ly U n lu ck y.
insure you,” said the company.
Scenario Writer— Beware of opal
"W hy not?" he asked.
rings. They are unlucky.
"Because you’re 94.”
M o th e r’s u n e n d in g w o rk a n d
Director— I know they are. I gave
“ What of that?” cried the old man.
drain s a n d strains h e r
“ Look at the statistics and they will
one to a girl once.
Scenario W riter— What happened? tell you that fewer men die after 94 physical strength a n d le a v e s
Director—She married me.— Chicago than before it.”— Chicago Herald.
its m a rk in d im m e d e y e s a n d
“ Thump-rattle-bang!” went the pia­
no. "W hat are you trying to play,
Jane?” called out her father from the
next room.
“ It’s an exercise from my new in­
struction book, ’First Steps in Music,’ ”
«1 «Ml ill r*4 Ian. Write 1er prices m 3 sllppiai tigs she answered.
“ Well, I knew you were playing
TRI H. F. NORTON C o . fsrtlMi. Ore, Seattle, H i with
your feet,” he said grimly, "but
don’t step so heavily on the keys— it
L E A R N A T R A D E . Gss Tractor *nd Auto-
mobile men are In demand. We are giving a com­ disturbs my thought.” — Chicago Her­
plete course In both for the price of one tuition, ald.
fo r a short time only. Large class now graduat­
ing and have room for few more men. Catalog
and details free. Besqèll’s Trade Scûols, 20th A Bjwthaw
Portland. Oregon.
c a rew orn
e x p r e s s io n s — she
ages b e fo re h e r time.
A n y m oth er w h o is w e a r y
a n d la n g u id sh ou ld start tak in g
as a strengthening food and bracing
ionic to add richness to her blood
and build up her nerves before it
is too late. Start S C O T T ’S
today— its fame is world-wide.
N o A lc o h o l.
Scott It Bownc, Bloomfield, N . J.
jn jr
M isa p p lie d Culture.
The trouble with some men is that
they spend too much time developing
a paunch instead of a punch.— Evans
vllle Courier.
Most Eminent Medical
Authorities Endorse It.
Dr. Eberle and I)r. Braithwaite as
well as Dr. Simon — all distinguished
authors—agree that whatever may !*■
the disease, the urine seldom fails in
furnishing us with a clue to the princi­
ples upon which it is to be treated,
and accurate knowledge concerning the
nature of disease can thus be obtained.
If backache, scalding urine or frequent
urination bother or distress you, or if
uric acid in the blood bus caused Hun*
matism, gout or aciatica or you smqx’ct
kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr.
Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N .Y.j send a sample of urine and de­
scribe symptoms. Yon will receive free
medical advice after Dr.Pierce's chemist
baa examined the urine — this will ho
carefully done without charge, and you
win be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce
during many years of experimentation
lias discovered a new remedy which ho
finds is thirty-seven times more power­
ful than litnia in removing uric aciil
from tlie system. I f you are suffering
from backache or the pains of rheuma­
tism, go to your best druggist and ask
for a oO-cent box of " A t t u n e " pnt up
by Dr. Pierce.
Dr. Pierce's Faverito
Prescription for weak women and Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for
the blood have been favorably known
for the past forty years and more. They
are standard remedies to-day—as well
as Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets for
the liver and bowels. Yon can get •
sample of any one of these remedies
by writing Dr. Pierce.
Doctor P ierce’e Pellets are unequaled
•* ® Liver Pill. One tiny, tiugnr-coated
Pellet a Done.
Cure Stole Headache,
Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa­
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements of the Liver, Btomacli
hud Bowels,