Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, March 08, 1917, Image 6

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    Central Point Poultry
- __ COMPANY _
Live and Dressed Poultry
Fresh Ranch Eggs
going to Montague ”
Margaret Howard left this week for
Ut. IV
1 I V I , Cal.
Wilbur has entered the third
Melissa Will
(Continued from first page.)
remittances having been received in
January and February, 1917.
The County Clerk is peculiarly well
adapted to the handling of that office,
in several matters he has Installed
Mrs. G. Betts, Mgr.
methods of handling the business which
have not only made the record more
accessible, and convenient, but which
ceived from all sources,
have saved the county considerable
the sum of ..................... 748.719.31
sums of money like, for instance, in
the matter of envelopes for election
Making a total of............. $917.606.80
supplies. The law says how those sup­
He paid out during 1916 the sum of
plies shall go out, and the supply
houses furnishing envelopes, printed, $738,131.29, leaving a balance of $179,
charge largely in excess of the amount. 475.51 in the treasury January 1, 1917.
All of his receipts corresjwnd with
It costs the county under Mr. Gardner,
who. by a simple device, answering the the amounts deposited by the several
requirements of the law, quite as well, officers, under audit, and as to those
has made a substantial saving, run­ deposits which were made from out­
ning into several hundred dollars each side sources, like remittances front the
election in that matter. This is one state officials, etc., they correspond
of the large clerks offices, and will with the receipts Issued by the treas­
soon become larger when the records ury. All of his vouchers for payment
are placed In the clerks hands, and it are in order, duly proven, and filed in
Is well to realize that the clerk is the clerks office.
All of the officers enumerated above
fully qualified and industrious and dili­
gent enough to keep the office up to are entitled to have their official bonds
exonerated, so far as the handling of
a high degree of efficiency.
county funds is concerned. It is sel­
The S h eriff.
The sheriff has collected and de­ dom I can find a county where every
posited In the treasury milage to the cent has been properly accounted for,
amount o f $180.05. Hut he deposited and Jackson county can now claim to
also $10 in addition thereto in the be in every respect a model county.
month of July, 1916, which amount This is especially gratifying to me for
he Is entitled to have returned to him. I have seen the evolution, in Jackson
County, from the old time methods of
As Tax Collector
He has collected the following hit and miss, to this perfection, and I
more than suspect that this gratifying
On 1912 and prior years
$ 8,181.37 result is, at least in part, due to the
1913 ................................ _
3.323.55 fact that |>eriodical audits are in vogue.
The Hotel Central
Central Point,
plained the work which was gone
through to preserve the interests of
the county in the J6.000.000 road
(Continued from first page)
Southern Oregon needs a representa­ bond bill In the recent legislature.
"Jackson county,” he stated, “ can­
tive at Washington fam iliar with the
two great questions which here con­ not be neglected in the apportion­
front us, namely that o f Crater Lake, ment o f money under this bill unless
and the rate question. W e all know the road commission deliberately
that we need a freight rate which elects to ignore her. The highways,
will enable our business houses to Pacific and Crater Lake, are specific-
successfully compete with those of ically named in the measure for hard
surfacing at the earliest
northern Oregon and California.
"T h e condition upon which I will date.”
W ill G. Steele stated that there Is
enter the race is tills: Southern Ore­
gon must absolutely unite upon one In the treasury o f Jackson county
man, whether it be myself or some­ $30,000 available for
one else. I believe the time is ripe work on the Crater Lake Highway.
for such a race and that a candidate If the county will add $30,000 to this
if given undivided support has an ex­ amount, the state will add a sum
equal to both amounts and this the
cellent chance of winning.
"T o win tills fight each and every United States government will match
man of you must get in the fight and making a total of $200,000 available
stay in it to the finish. It is to your for highway work this next summer.
J. W. Morris spoke upon the Ore­
Interest to do so. If you will do so
State Motor association and as­
it means nothing but success. Under
tills condition I w ill be glad to put sured support to Jackson county pre­
myself forward as a candidate at the dicting that within five years motor I Oil ...................................
traffic w ill be open even over the
coming election.”
Sisklyous, there by the aid of snow 1915 ...................................... 629,718.54
The members of the Medford Com­
All of these collections he has de­
plows, 36!» days out of the year.
Dr. j . J. EM MENS—Physician and
mercial club, and Jackson
sut geon. Practice limited to eye.
J. A. Westerlund, president of the posited In the treasury, and of which
liusiness Men's association unanim­
ear nose and throat. Eyes scien­
Tri-State Good Roads association an­ for 1912, $13.11; 1913, $5.78; 1914,
tifically tested and glasses supplied.
ously endorsed the candidacy o f Mr.
nounced that a convention o f the as­
Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R
sociation will be held In Medford in
Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. bldg.,
tion this to save confusion in future
flood roads were discussed from May.
opposite P. O. Phone 567.
many angles, legislative, clubs, ap­
Other speakers on the
MC M. M. DOW M. 0 ., M . S.
propriations and tourist traffic. W wore: Hen Sheldon, C.
In addition to this the sheriff seems
Physician and Surgeon
II Gore, who worked earnestly for George Putnam, D. M. Lowe, H. L. to have had on hands a small balance
the interests o f Jackson county, ex- W alther, Hert Greer, R. L. Ewing, between seven and eight dollars, which
he deposited during January, 1917.
Osteopathic Physician
F. J. Newman and J. W . Morris.
This was entirely outside the record,
Offices and Residence
and sup|H>sed to be differences in mak­
ing change.
The next and probably one o f the last
Cowley Block, Central Point.
basket ball games of the season will
be ,uayed Monday,March 11, when the The treasurer had on hand
answered promptly day or
hP itorn girls and the Medford boys
January 1, 1916
m .
J team play as a return game to During the year 1916 he re-
night. Night telephone service:
tin I'coitd girls game at Medford. Our
Ring: Two short-one long.
girls played two games at Medford,
w inning one and losing the other, so
this game decides.
those on the honor list for the 4th
ix weeks period are; Violet Mayfield,
J u n e Dunlap, Lysle Gregory, Katnerine
Nealon, Lela Peart, Harry Skyrman,
lmogeue Wallace, Helen Warner, and
Hypermetropra Mypopra and Astyma- William Welch.
tism and other eye strainscan tie easily
The schools o f the different towns of
relieved and the vision saved
attend­ the valley have organized a steriopti-
ed to promptly.
1 have made arrange- can lecture circuit with pictures tur-
inenta to open
i. is tied mainly by the University o f
Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural
college, about every three weeks. The
first installment consisting of pictures
on Fishing. Dairying and Lumbering m
Oregon; the beautiful land of Japan,
In the Cowrley Emporium whore I Helgium, France and Italy.
Paul Re-
will be equipped to make personal ex vere's Ride and Italy were shown in
animation of your eyes
the local schools during the past week.
M o n d l y W e d n e s d a y and Friday.
1 he pictures were interesting and in­
structive, giving s much better idea
Evenings, from 7:00 to ¡1:00 o'clock.
along educational lines than can be
1 am a graduate o f the Spencer Opti­
learned from the school text books.
cal Institute of New York City.
The teaching in the 6th, 7th, and 8th
1 have had over 10 years experience
grades of.our school is being done on
in fitting glasses, and especially solicit
the departmental plan this year, that
difficult cases, and guarantee a perfect
Offers Standard Courses by Individual Instruction and
is, different teachers teach the differ­
ent subjects. Mr. Davis teaches arith­
Class Methods in Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Short­
metic and agriculture; Miss Pierce.
hand, Typewriting. Arithmatic. English, Rapid Calcu­
Special Examination by Appointment
EnglislJand reading; Mr Smith, his­
lation, Spelling, etc.
ex a m in a tio n « Fraa
tory and geography; Miss Albin, pen­
manship and Mist Hard, music.
Graduates Assisted to Positions. Make Early Application for Place.
Allen Lommasoo of the first grade
left this week for Montague. Cal.
311 N. Grape St., Medford, Ore.
Write, call, or phone 151
When asked by Miss Albin if he was
Telephone 17
Centre! Point, Ore going to leave ua, he replied, “ No.SI'm
Vour F’ es
Central Point Auto Co.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and quickly done
Agent for W right Ford Auto Trucks
Optical Parlors
Clarence Lovern, Prop.
Increase Your Pay Check
Medford Commercial College
I. R. Hamilton