IF Was Up Against I t Going Into a teleg rap h office one day Snapper G arrison, the jockey, saw an old sp orting friend engaged in w rit­ ing a telegram . “G arrison,” he said, " I’m sending a telegram to my wife, and I'm broke. Be a good fellow and prepay it for m e.” G arrison took th e m essage and glanced a t i t It read: “Cook up ev ery th in g you’ve got in th e house today. I'm com ing home tom orrow to hock th e stove.” G arrison se n t th e message. 10 CENT “CASCARETS” IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE F or S ic k Headache, S o u r S tom ach, S lu g g ish L iv e r and B ow els— T h e y w o rk w h ile you sleep. Resinol F urred Tongue, Bad T aste, Indiges­ tion, Sallow Skin and M iserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, w hich cause your E;it less meat also take glass of stom ach to become filled w ith undi Salts before eating gested food, w hich sours and ferm ents like garbage in a sw ill barrel. T h a t’s breakfast. the first step to untold m isery—indi gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, m ental fears, everything th a t is U ric acid in m e a t e ic ite s the kid­ Evident. neys, they becom e overw orked: get O fficer (w ho has “lost touch” with horrible and nauseating. A C ascaret sluggish, ache, an d feel lik e lum ps of th e troops on field -train in g )—I say tonight will give your constipated lead. The urin e becom es cloudy; the serg ean t, w here have all th e b lith er bowels a thorough cleansing and straig h ten you out by m orning. They b lad d er is irrita te d , and you may be ing fools of the com pany gone to ? Granulated Eyelids, obliged to seek relief tw o or th ree Eyes inflamed by expo­ S e rg ean t—Shure, a n ’ I don’t know, work while you sleep—a 10-cent box tim es durin g th e night. W hen th e kid­ sorr; it seem s we’re the only two left from your druggist will keep you feel sure to Sun, Oust and Mind ing good for m onths. neys clog you m u st help them flush —T it Bits. quickly relieved by* Murine off th e body’s urinous w aste o r you’ll £ . Y « 7 3 Eye Remedy. NoSnu No Smarting, be a re a l sick p erson shortly. A t first Ar just Eye Comfort Comfort At Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood, erad­ Heart Throb. you feel a dull m isery in th e kidney icate* rheumatism, dyspepsia and many Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye W hen h e a rts are trum ps region, you su ffe r from backache, sick chronic ailments. SalveinTubes25c. For Books! IbeEyeFreeask And I would fain h eadache, dizziness, stom ach gets Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago C ut o u t th e chum ps sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu- Where Are They? A round Elaine, m atio tw inges w hen the w e a th e r is T he m an who had m ade a huge I g e t my bum ps bad. fortune w as speaking a few w ords And hold chicane. E at less m eat, d rin k lots of w ater; to a num ber of stu d en ts a t a business —L ouisville C ourier-Journal also g et from an y p h arm acist four class. Of course, th e m ain them e of ounces of Ja d S alts; ta k e a ta b le ­ his address w as him self. Not To Be Helped. spoonful in a g lass of w a te r before “All my success in life, all my tr e ­ “T h at m an has m ore money th a n he b re a k fa st for a few days and yo u r k id ­ know s w hat to do w ith .” m endous financial p restige,” he said neys w ill th en a c t fine. T h is fam ous F o r alm ost a "I h e ard th a t and w as try in g to help proudly, “I owe to one thing alone— q u a rte r - century sa lts is m ade from th e acid of g rap es him ou t by show ing him several pluck, pluck, p lu ck !” K o w - K u r e has and lem on Juice, com bined w ith llthla, th in g s in w hich h e m ig h t invest H e made an im pressive pause here, guarded the health and h a s been used for g en eratio n s to money. And still I couldn’t in te re st but the effect w-as ruined by one stu ­ . . , , , thousands of the best dairies in the country. It is clean clogged kidneys and stim u late him .”—L ouisville C ourier-Journal. dent, w ho asked im pressively: the one cow medicine th a t can be them to norm al activ ity , also to neu “Yes, sir; but how a re we to find depended upon in any case of tra llz e th e acids in urine, so it no long­ th e rig h t people to pluck?"—P hiladel­ Abortion, B arrenness, Retained An Incidental Consideration. e r is a source of irrita tio n , th u s end­ A fterbirth, Milk Fever. Scouring. phia Ledger. "W ould you m a rry a m an for his Bunches, and other cow alim ents ing b ladder w eakness. m o n ey ?” which a re likely to re su lt from a Ja d S alts is inexpensive, c an n o t in­ Whenever there is a tendency to constipa­ run-dow n condition of the diges­ "N o,” replied M iss C ayenne, “ I’d jure; m akes a delightful e fferv escen t m erely tive or g en ital organs. tion, sick-headache, or biliousness, take a cup in sist th a t h e have a lovely llth la w a te r d rin k w hich everyone of Garfield Tea. All druggists. Kee B ut I'd ta k e in to consid­ ¡ep your cow healthy; It pays. should tak e now and then to keep the disposition. Kow -K ure w ill do . It. Buy a era tio n th e fa c t th a t a m an w ithout kidneys clean and active. D ruggists m oney is very likely to be w orried THICK, GLOSSY HAIR package and follow th e simple directions. 60c and J1.00 from h e re say they sell lota of Ja d S a lts to and ill-natured.”—W ashington Star. FREE FROM DANDRUFF your d ru g g ist or feed dealer. folks w ho believe in overcom ing kid­ Valuable book, "The Home Cow ney tro u b le w hile it is only trouble. Girls! Try It! Hair gets s ft, fluffy Doctor,” free by w riting, A Concession. and beautiful—Get a 25 cent “A fter looking a t th e postal stam ps D A IR Y A S S O C IA T IO N COM PANY The Reason. bottle of Danderine. B y n d o n v llle , V t. He— W hy do th o se football men of o th e r co u n tries I have come to the conclusion th a t you c a n 't b e a t ou rs.” w ear Bpikes in th e ir shoes? If you care for heavy h a ir th a t glis­ "M aybe not, b u t all th e sam e, it It—W hy—e r—th e y a re th e new ten s w ith beauty and is ra d ia n t with C oast defense. (D eep stu ff.)— Widow. g ets lo ts of lickings." — B altim ore life; has an incom parable softness and A m erican. A Good Way to Find Out. is fluffy and lustrous, try D anderine. S tu d e n t—How m uch board do I Aa we grow more sensible, we refuse drug J u s t one application doubles the An Improvement. cathartics and take Nature’s herb cure, Gar- E d ito r—Y our sto ry lack s originality. beauty f your hair, besides i im m e­ owe you? held Tea. L andlady—How long hav e you been You em ploy the old hackneyed ex p res­ diately dissolves every particle of sions. T ak e th is line, for example: dandruff. You can not have nice in college?— B runonian. Gas. "I h e a r Jo n es died from a single “ W ith th e low cry she san k to the heavy, h ealthy hair If vou have dan­ druff. T his destructive scurf robs the floor." blow.” Beware. A uthor—W ell, then, w e’ll have h er h a ir of its lustre, its stren g th and its "W h a t h it h im ?” M any a cap tiv a tin g co-ed h as lost very life, and if not overcom e it pro­ sin k to th e ceiling. — B oston T ra n ­ "No one. H e blew out the g a s.”— good stand-in by gueeslng duces a feverishness and it hing of a th e perfectly script. Illinois Siren. w rong nam e over a telephone.— th e scalp; th e h a ir roots fam ish, loos­ en and die; then the h a ir falls out M innehaha. Blamed Again. G uest—Good gracious, w aiter! Nine fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of K now lton’s D anderine from -n y drug and n in e m ake IS, n o t 19! W alter—Ah, b u t m onsieur m u st re ­ sto re and ju s t try it. m em ber th a t ev ery th in g has been au g ­ m ented by th e w ar.—S outhern W om­ Cincinnati authority saya corns A Motorist's Resentment. a n ’s M agazine. “ Have you studied economy in the dry up and lift out hom e?" Scientific Comparison. with fingers. “ Yes," replied Mr. Chuggins. “ I’m “Do you reg ard th e D arw inian th e­ tired of paying out all th is m oney to ory as p ro v e d ?” “No,” replied the stu b b o rn citizen, keep up a cooking range, instead of Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! T h is kind of rough spending it for gasoline.”— W ashing- Mrs. Quinn's Experience talk will be h eard less h ere in tow n if “In my opinion it’s one of th o se things ton Star. people troubled w ith co rn s will follow th a t k e p t being in v estig ated so long Ought to Help You Over th e sim ple advice of th is C incinnati th a t everybody decided th e re w asn ’t the Critical Period. a u th o rity , w ho claim s th a t a few drops any an sw e r and lost in te re st." —W ash­ of a dru g called freezone when applied ington S tar. to a te n d e r, aching co rn o r h ardened With Plenty to Eat. Ik>well, Mass —“ F o r th e last three callous sto p s so ren ess a t once, and T he annou n cem en t th a t an explorer years I have been troubled w ith the soon th e corn or callous dries up and who is going to try to g e t close to the C hange o f Life and lifts rig h t off w ithout pain. th e bad feelings H e say s freesone d rie s im m ediately north pole Is planning to ta k e w ith common a t t h a t and never Inflam es o r even Irrita te s him food to la st six y ears will proba­ tim e. I w as in a th e su rro u n d in g skin. A sm all b ottle bly re s u lt in a g re a t ru sh of applicants very nervous condi­ of freezone will cost very little a t any to Join th e p arty .— B altim ore Star. tion, w ith headaches d ru g sto re, but will positively rem ove The Reason. and pain a g o o d every h ard o r soft corn o r callous “ If I sta n d on my head, th e blood deal of the tim e so I from one’s f e e t M illions of A m erican w as unfit to do my women will welcome th is announce­ all ru sh e s to my head, doesn’t i t ? ” No one v en tu red to co n tra d ic t him. work. A f r i e n d m en t sin ce th e in au g u ratio n of the “Now,” ho continued triu m p h an tly , high heels. If your d ru g g ist do esn 't asked m e to try have freesone tell him to o rd er a sm all "w hen I sta n d on my feet, w hy do esn ’t Lydia E. Pinkham 's th e blood all rush in to my fe e t? ” b ottle for you. V e g e t a b l e Com­ “B ecause,” replied H o ste tte r Mc- pound, which I did, Glnnes, “your feet a re not em pty.”— and it has helped m e in every way. I Getting at the Facte. R am 's H orn. am not nearly so nervous, no headache "Did 1 u n d erstan d you to say th a t or pain. I m u st say th a t Lydia E. your friend P ennlbbs w as engaged A Cynical Parent. Pinkham ’s V egetable Compound is the in lite ra ry p u rsu its,” she queried. D aughter — Oh, b u t m en a re so b est rem edy any sick woman can take. ” "W ell, I hope not,” replied th e dreadfully lacking in self-control. —Mrs. M argaret Q uinn , R ear 259 know ing y ung m an. "I m erely sta te d M other—D on't get excited about it, W orthen S t., Lowell, Mass. th a t he w ro te alleged sto ries and dear. If they w eren 't m ost girls would O ther w arning sym ptom s a re a sense poem s for th e m agazines."-E xchange. die old m aids.— Boston T ran scrip t. of suffocation, h o t flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of im pending evil, A Compensation. His Second Childhood. tim idity, sounds in the ears, nplpitation of the h e a rt, sp ark s before th e eyes, “G eraldine, this is a bad h a b it of "T he idea of h e r m arry in g a m an in irregularities, constipation, variable yours g e ttin g a new d ress every th e evening of life like old G rum ley.” week.” appetite, w eakness, inquietude, and “T h e even in g of life ? H e's fu rth e r dizziness. "Tee. ma. and see how easily this along th an th at; I should say early in If you need special advice, w rite to bad habit fastens on ma.”—Baltimore th e n ex t m orning." — B oston T ra n ­ A m e ric a s the Lydia EL Pink ham Medicine Co. s c r ip t [confidential), Lynn, M ass. will stop that itch Sore H u rra h ! H o w 's This WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE ELPFUL EALTH IN TS C h oose an able diet. agree- K eep th e d ig estio n norm al. S e e th a t th e liver is a ctiv e, and The b o w e ls'a lw a y s regular. Should weakness develop, TRY HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters