(Trairai Jîmnt îijrruki P u b l i s h e d E very T hu rsday B. H. D ye r , Proprietor A n I n d e p e n d e n t local n e w s p a p e r d ev o ted to th e in te r e s ts o f C e n tra l P o in t a n d th e R ogue R iv e r V alley. E n teret! a s second c la s s m a tte r a t th e p o s t o f­ fic e a t C e n tra l P o in t, O regon, M ay 4, 1906, a c co rd ­ in g to an A c t o f C o n g ress, M arch 3, 1879. T h is p a p e r s k e p t on file a t th e D a k e A d v e r ­ A g e n c y , In c ., 427 S o u th M ain S tr e e t, Los A ngeles a n d 779 M a rk e t S tr e e t, S an F ra n c isc o , w h e re c o n tra c ts fo r a d v e rtis in g ca n be m ade. tising Subscription Price $1 00 per Year ufactured at home in its varioss forms for m ix turfs he will add a nice sum to his annual profit. F u rth e r notices will be given of Prof. L am b ’s itinerary while in the valley and the places and dates a t which he will lecture. Everybody interested in poul­ try (and everybody should be) is urged to atten d these lectures and hear the discussion of one of the big featu res of every m a n ’s farm business. RECLUSE FOUND DEAD. The body of George Van Tassel, a rancher ving on Samson creek twelve miles east of Ashland, was dis­ covered in his cabin on Tuesday by neighbors. He had evidently been dead two days. He was a bachelor recluse, living alone and was the own er o f several hundred acres of land in th a t vicinity. His body was brought to this city Tuesday evening by Deputy •5**$*»l#*§**î**§**5**§**$**l*'$**$**$**î*»$* *5* ❖ Coroner Dodge. Examination showed th a t the man died of n atural causes, an inquest being deemed unnecessary.Von Tassel had no known relatives in this section, and the funeral arra n g e ­ •j* *.* -.* v v *>* %. v *;* -i* ments are being delayed pending de­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Martin, velopments. February 22, a ten pound boy. Mother and baby doing nicely. Drank' Drwitirs We're on our Way to see “Chris” as Betsy in the Senior Class Play tomorrow evening March 2, SAVOY THLAIKt Mining Man Dies at Ray Gold. Card of Thanks W. Humphrey, a well knowen min­ ing man of the valley, died a t Ray Gold February 28 a f t e r a ten-day sickness with pneumonia. He was 66 years of age. Mr. Humphrey came to this sec­ tion 10 years ago from Colorado where he was engaged in mining. Lately he has been a p a rt n e r with A. E. Reames and C. J . Christopher in th e Whitney One of Jerrold’s Retort*. \ ery (art was Douglas Jcrrold ’s re­ mine near Ray Gold. He leaves his wife tort to a would he wit who, having and seven children. fired off nil Ids stale Jokes with no ef­ fect, exclaimed: “Why. you never laugh when 1 say All knowing themselves in­ a good thing!" debted to the Crane Mercantile "Don't I?” said Jerrold. “Only try Co. are requested to call as soon me with one!” as possible and make settlement, Our school is closed for a week on We wish to thank our many friends account of the bad weather. The and relatives for the sym pathy ex ten d ­ teacher, Miss Beebe, is spending the ed in our latejb ereavem en t and for the week a t her home near Central Point. beautiful floral offerings. T. J. Noonon. There will be a dance a t W alk e r’s W ill Scott. n e x t S aturday night. Everyone come and have a goad time. Expert Will Address Poultry Raisers in the Valley. (By W. W, Watson, Secretary) Prof. C. C. Lamb, representing ex ­ tension work in the poultry d ep artm en t of the Oregon Argricultural college, in which he is a specialist, will devote live days to t h a t work among th e poul­ try peoole of this valley, beginning Tuesday, March 6, and concluding S at urriay, March 10. His first le c tu re will be given in Medford, Tuesday, March fi, a t the public library hall, and his last Saturday a t the sam e place. Prof. Lamb will address the poultry raisers of Ashland on a day to be named later. Gold Hill, Eagle Point, and prob­ ably one oth er place in the valley will hear him while here. At these places he will discuss the several im portant projects in his departm ent of th e col­ lege. It is through the good offices of Prof. Claude C. C it e , county pathologist th a t Prof. Lamb comes to us at this time. I t is the season a t which instruction in poultry husbandry may be applied prac­ tically without delay. It is the time at which Rogue River valley poulterers need information most. Among the projects to he discussed by the specialist will be feeding, both for eggs and for conditioning the m a r ­ ket fowl; the tr e a tm e n t of poultry ail­ ments, including those of the chick; housing and w hatever Prof. Lamb may deem appropriate at this time. Southern Oregon Poultry association is the neuclus about which is develop­ ing a big industry. The work accom­ plished during its first year nf existence under extrem ely unfavorable conditions at times, exposed to the farm er the op­ portunity of turning his farm flock to profitable account—not merely ior pin- money. but as an im portant asset in farm economy, Ha has already begun to pay taxes, buy additional implements and make necessary improvem ents out of his poultry money; and that, too, with a mere sm atterin g of how to do it. In this manner he has practically dem onstrated the g re a t value of a well- kept farm flook. O thers are preparing to go into poultry husbandry more e x ­ tensively for g re a t e r profit. The association and its proposed egg circles will help him to buy necessary feed this y ear a t a more reasonable fig­ u re than he can obtain it alone, and it will show him why he should not here- a ft e r im port his feed at all. By pro­ ducing h,s owr feed and having it m an­ A n o th er social event of Beagle, in which all participants had a good time, was a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. A r­ thu r Jones last Saturday evening. The evening was spent in music and play­ ing five hundred. A dainty luncheon was served a t midnight. Those pres­ e n t w ere: Mr. Lucus and wife, Mr. Pollard and wire, Mr. Sanderson and wife, Mrs. Henry Morgan of Klamath Falls, Miss Olive and Mattie Gordon, Messrs. J a m e s Rodgers, Fred Brown, Sam Gordon, George Stacy. Elm er Simmons was visiting friends here Saturday and Sunday. W. J. Rodgers was a business visitor a t Central Point Wednesday. Mr. Wyland drove his cattle down to Mr. Gardens Wednesday to feed for awhile. *•> * « * + 4 ; <• ***** * * ***** * ** W IL L O W SPR IN G S and greatly oblige—Crane Mer­ Modern Printing at the H erald cantile Co. — Adv. Central Point Auto Co. Repairing of all kinds neatly and quickly done Agent for Wright Ford Auto Trucks Clarence tovern. Prop. Î — 11 [fzziô t^ zi lie:: fry Mrs. McKay is improving very slowly The good old-fashioned time th a t was to ta k e place a t the G range last S a tu r­ day evening had to be postponed on ac count of the stormy w eather. So don’t forget March 10th. The merry shouts of th e children were again heard a t th e Willow Springs schools a f t e r a vacation of a few days. Due to the inclement w ea th e r and to the fact th a t s o many children had colds it was th ought best to discontinue school for a short time. Frank Tompkins was a Medford busi­ ness visitor Monday. Miss Eleanor Crowder is home on a two w eek 's vacation from her school duties at Echo. Too much snow in the roads was the cause of school closing. A. Tillery was a Jacksonville visitor Tuesday. Mrs. M. Murray of Portland is visit­ ing with her sister Mrs. Sam Ander­ son. The Willow Springs P arent-T eachers club will m eet at th e home of Mrs. J . W. Elden, Saturday, March 3rd, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. C. Casper, of Monroe, Ore,, is visiting with the O. S. Blackford fam ­ ily and other relatives in this vicinity. Don’t fail to hear Rev. Tucker at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening—also every evening next week. Everybody cordially invited. They are Here Now Our spring line of nobby, up-to-date Conqueror Brand Hats FOR MEN in black and other shades Cranfil & Robnett CENTRAL POINT, O REG O N