Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, January 25, 1917, Image 4

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If you have checks to deposit and do not have the time to come to the bank, you can safely send them to us thru the mail by endorsing them as follows:
“ P a y To The O rder Of Th e C en tral Point State B an k”
Sign your name. Upon receipt of the same we will immediately credit your account and send you a receipt by return mail.
This will only require a few
minutes of your time as it will not be necessary to write us a letter, unless you so desire, we will understand and return you a receipt.
Our Mail business is growing and we are now getting nearly as many deposits thru the mail at over the counter.
We wish to serve you as best we can and
if at any time you see where we can improve our service you will confer a favor by calling our attention to the same.
house from the comm ittee on health
ments. Both houses tackled the prob­ and public murals, it has become a
Let us show you how you can make your
lem last week. The senate desired to storm ce n te r of contention.
have a Joint com m ittee of both houses
One point urged against the ineas
W A. C O W L E Y , M ayor
handle all consolidation bills, but the are as introduced and favored by the
J . W. JA C O B S , R ec o rd er
J O. IS A A C S O N , T re a u u re r
house rejected a senate resolution fa- : committee, is th a t while it w ithdraw s
j B. h o i y ¡a tf u * t » l
Few of the Important Meas­ voring th a t plan; so each house will ! sta te aid from sectarian institutions
F . F . C L A R K , W a te r S u n t.
have a com m ittee to pass upon con- which now handle these children, it
I). C. G R IM . F ir e C h ie f
An Electric Motor will work h arder and more steadily and give you
ures Have as Yet Been
D R. Me M M. DOW . C ity H e a lth O fficer
less trouble than any horse or engine you can buy.
We can Furnish
■olidaUon bills.
m akes no money provision for th eir
You, fo r less than J the cost of a good horse, a Motor which will last a
First Consolidation Measure Loses, care und er s ta te supervision.
W. E. A le x a n d e r, l'resi»le n t
life time and give you not one moments trouble. You won’t have to feed
The first of th e consolidation m eas
Woman Member Offers Bill,
D A. L yons
J . F . W illiam s L. L. NorcroBs
it, and it costs nothing a t all when it isn’t working. It will do the work
D. C, G rim , B. F . P e a r t
six men a t less cost for cu rren t th an the wages of one. I t will run
ures to come to a vote in either house i Mrs. Thompson, the only woman
A ppropriations Asked for Total $425,- provided for a new s ta te board of edu- I member, introduced h e r first bill, a
day and night and turn out eight times the work of a horse, and it is
More Reliable than Old Dobbin, too. I t doesn’t g e t tired, stop to eat,
000— Rural Credits Bill Causes Con­ cation of th ree m em bers and a paid i m easure which would compel the corn-
and never gets sick.
trov ersy—Consolidation of State De­ secretary at $1800 a year. In th is m itm ent of patients to the institution
A re you taking advantage o f our service?
p a rtm e n ts on P rogram —"Bone Dry” board w ere to be combined the s tate for th e feeble minded. Any county
It costs nothing to in vestigate
board of textbook commissioners, the judge may, u n d er th is m easure, cause
Bill on Way— No Change In Tax
board of higher curricula and the a feeble-minded child to be brought
Notice Law — Woman Introduces board of regents, respectively, of th e i before him and conduct an examina-
216 W. Main St.
Universlty of Oregon, Oregon agrtcul- | tion. One or m ore com petent physl-
tural college and s ta te norm al schools, j cians a r e to constitute the examining
Salem .—T h e legislature began the
The sen ate co m m ittee on education, board.
The relatives of a person
third week of the session with all the
retu rn ed unanim ously a recommenda- 1 adjudged feeble minded can have the
big co n stru ctiv e legislation yet to re­
tlon th a t It be indefinitely postponed, privilege of appealing. O ther states
Han Purchased the
ceive attim tlon. In fact, aside from
The sen ate adopted the report.
have sim ilar laws.
| Represen tative A nderson’s m easure
Creation of a state d e p a rtm e n t of
Legislative Brevities.
I to m ake effective th e "bone d ry ” con­
agriculture un der which would be con­
Service on jurors by registered mall
stitu tio n al am endm ent adopted a t the
solidated several s tate boards and of­ is provided for by a house bill, intro­
N ovem ber election only one or two
ficers now operating separately Is pro­ duced by Stafrin, of Polk.
other b/lls of any g reat Im portance to
vided In a m easure Introduced Into
A mem orial to P resident Wilson
the s t a te a t large had been Introduced.
Can feed the biggest erowd in the sh ortest tim e of any r e s t a u r a n t or
the sta te house of representatives by asking a speedy re tu rn of the Oregon
W hen th e legislature adjourned last
hotel in G rants Pass.
H ig hest score by S ta te Inspector of any R est- f
R epresentative Vernon A. Forbes of troops on th e border was adopted.
B a rb e r Shop
a u r a n t in Southern Oregon for Cleanliness and Hygienic Conditions.
Friday tn o l d e r to perm it m em bers to
visit t b e agricu ltural college a t Cor­
The d epartm en ts consolidated would death of Admiral Dewey w ere unani­
vallis S aturd ay, one third of tb e 40-
be the fair directors, live stock sani­ mously adopted by the house and se n ­
And he took
tary hoard, stallion registration board, ate.
session had expired and leaders ap-
over the shop
A bill for the repeal of the m o th e rs’
prer late th a t It will be necessary to hoard of horticulture, dairy and food
South Sixth St., Electric Sign “ Good E a t s ’'
comm issioner and deputy sealer of pension act of 1913 was Introduced In è
get down to business this week if the
the house by W. At. Jones of Marlon * ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « • i
usual rush is to be avoided during the weights and measures.
The new dep artm en t would be divid­ county.
cfcUBlng days of th e session.
ed Into five divisions—live stock, hor­
A bill to prevent Jap an ese from
During th e second w eek of the ses
slon th e volume of bills Introduced ticulture, agriculture, fairs, grain and owning or controlling property within
hay and dairies and pure food. A com­ the s ta te of Oregon was introduced In
was larg er th a u during the first week
and If th e bills dropped into the legis­
lative h op per con tinue a t th e present and a director manage each division. River county.
Every man has a right to work, says
Hearing on "Bone Dry” Bill.
rate th e proposed legislation will be
The "bone d ry ” bill introduced In R epresentative L aurgaard, who in tro­
alnnwt as g rp at as II was two years
ago. T he se n a te adjourned with 11!) the house last week by R epresentative duced a Joint resolution in the house
bills on the calendar, compared with Anderson started on its way through proposing an am end m ent to the con­
98 at th e s a m e time In 1915 and the the legislative mill Monday evening stitution which will grant state em ­
house had 1 <’6 compared with 206. when the Joint sen ate and house com ployment to all unemployed who have
Pour m e a s u re s passed both bouses, m lttee on alcoholic traffic gave whole­ been residents of Oregon for a period
two of which revolved the signature sale grocers, food m anufacturers and of five years.
With but one opposing vote the sen­
other Interested parties an opportun­
HOP C O O K IES .—These will keep of the governor. The senate sen t six
ate tock a crack at high in te re st rates
for several days. Work n cupful teen o th er bills o v e r to the house for ity to be heard on the provisions reg­
which prevail in many of the central
of blitter iinfll creamy uuil add action and the ho use sent twenty-two ulating the use of alcohol.
A b drafted the measure prohibits and ea ste rn Oregon counties by pass­
gradually, while healing cousluntly, a more bills to th e sen ate.
cupful and a lifilf of sug ar and three
the importation of liquor into the state ing S en ator Pierce's bill reducing the
First Bill Signed is for Expenses.
egga well benteu. Add a teaspoonful
by any person by any means for any legal con tract In terest rate from 10 to
The first hill to pass both houses
o f soda dissolved In tw o aud a half
purpose other than medicinal, scien­ 8 per c e n t per annum, and reducing
tatOespoonfuls of hot w ater and two and receive th e s i g n a tu re of the go\ | tific or sacramental.
It carries un the regular legal in terest rate from 6
cupfuls of (lour mixed and sifted with ern o r was an ap p ro p ria tio n of $26.000
emergency clause desigued to make to 5 per cent.
a tcuspoonful nml a half of salt and a to defray the expiwis« s of the leglsla
teaspoon fill of cinnamon. Then add a tu re Itself. This is o n ly a sta rte r and It effective immediately upon its pas­
cupful of chopped n n t meats, a cupful several more hills relliting to the ex sage and as soon thereafter as the
governor has signed the bill. The
of raisins, sccdoil and chopped, and a
ponses a re likely t»> follow. The total bill does not contain the "search and T urnar and HI* Great Painting, "Tha
cupful and a fourth o f flour. Drop by
B uilding of Carthaga.”
► poonfuls au Itioli a p a rt on a buttered expenses for the ’¡915 session ran up seizure” clause, which has been so
to $69.416 0.1 and It Is hoped the ex ­ much talked of during the last few
sheet and hake In a moderate oven.
When T u rn e r exhibited his great pic­
penses of the p re s e n t session will keep months.
ture. "T he Building of C arthage." he
Mock ( hocolale 'Parts -T ake pastry
was disappointed because It had not
insde tilth a cupful ami a half of flour, within th at figure.
Would Punish Drunken Chauffeurs.
been sold at once at the private view
a lei el teaspoonful of salt, a h alf cupful
Appropriations a g g re g a tin g $424.
Without a dissenting vote the sen­ aud ang ry with the press for criticising
of cold laid uuil mix thoroughly. I'se
87 50 have boon Introduced.
a te passed the bill which makes it a It severely. Sir Robert Peel called
enough |co w ater It» make u stltT dough
budget of the s tate game tlnd fish coni
•toll ami Hue gem pans. Kill with the mission came In w ith an addition of crim e for a person to drive a motor upon him.
“ Mr. T urner,” said he, ”1 admire your
follow lug: Yolks of three eggs, two-
Jessie C hauncey
$99,600 and
m l s o 'l l a m tuis
th lnls of a cupful of sugur, wllb heap,
liquor: prescribes a penitentiary sen­ ’C arth ag e’ so much th a t I w ant to buy
lug tAhlospoouful of flour mixed with
tence or Jail for th e person who, while It. I am told you w an t 5500 guineas for
sugar, a . upful of sour milk, a tahle- total of $620,9 N.5# which has been Intoxicated, drives an auto In a care­ It.”
"Yes.” said T u rn er; "It was 500 guin­
spointful of butter, a teaspoonful of asked of the (vglshiture during the
vanilla and a cupful of sour Jelly or first two w eek s Inasmuch as the leg less or negligent manner,* and causes eas, but today It's 000.”
Com e O ut
'Well,” said Sir Ro!>ert, ”1 did not
Jam melted. Heat whites of eggs stllT Islature lariat a budget of $715.382.09
and add three tsKespoonfuls of sugar In excess of the 6 per cent limitation person; prescribes a fine of $10 a day come prepared to give 000, and 1 must
and spread on tarts after baking Ite- am endm ent when It convened It finds for any person who shall knowiugly thluk tt over. At the sam e time It
t u m to oven and lirowu.
employ as chauffeur a person addicted seems to me th a t th e change is an ex­
Itself at th e close of the second week
traordinary piece of business on your
to drunkenness.
Dslntv P a te Pudding.—A cupful of
with a to tal aura of $1,194.830.15 which I
ehoptsst dates, a cupful of nuts, a
"Do as yon please." said Turner.
tablespoouftil of flour, a level teaspoon* It m ust cut o u t to k e e p w ithin th e con
"Do as you please.”
ful of Poking powder, a half cupful of stltu tton al req uirem ent*
After a few days Sir Robert called
augur and three eggs. Mince together Must Make Rural C red its Effective linquent tax notices and su bstitute a
system of postal card notices was un ­ again upon the great painter. "Mr.
well the dates, nuts, sugar, flour and
One of th e Im p o rtan t task s before
Puking powder.
Stir Into the well th e presen t master, !W to enact a law animously disapproved by the senate Turner." he began, “although I thought
committee on assessm ent and ta x a ­ It a very extraordinary thing for you to
beaten yolks of eggs aud lastly fold In
the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Hake m ak in g effective tt»e ru ral credits tion following a public hearing at rHlse your price, I shall 1« proud to buy
lu s ow oven one-half hour. Serve with a m e n d m e n t to th e s ta te constitution which the dangers of the measure th a t lecture, and I am prepared to give
you the 000 guineas."
ad op ted a t the last election
whipped orsarn.
were vividly brought out.
’Ah!” said Turner. ’’It was 000 guin­
d n u a to r S h an ks of W heeler county
Dutch Apple Cake.—Tw o cu pfu l, of
It was th e feeling of the committee eas. but today lt'a 700.”
flour, ouc half teaspoonful o f salt, four has sought to tree« the situation by th a t even in this Multnomah county
Sir Robert grew angry, and T urner
T o Pop Corn.
tcuspooufuls of liaklng powder, on» lutnoduclng a bill c r e a t in g two new
m easure it would not be wise to adopt laughed. ” 1 w as only ln fun.” he said.
Hero Is the proper way to pop corn:
fourth cupful of butter, tw o table- offb es and an e x p rn a tv s system of
spoonfuls of sugar, one-fourth tea- a d m in is te rin g th e r u r a l credits fund. the postcard system. Informal discus­ “ I don't Intend to sell the picture a t alL P ut the regular quan tity —th a t Is, a
sion am ong the comm ittee members It shall be my winding sheet.”
very small q u a n tity —Into the popper
•i 1 "«fill .,f cinnamon, au egg. a cup of
Kits hill a l n a d y h a s become more or
For years he kept It la his cellar and hold it u n der the cold w ater faucet
nitlk and tw o sour apples. Sift flour, let» of a s to rm c e n te r and has engen revealed th e decided opiuion th at a
Then It was brought up and hung tn long enough to thoroughly sa tu ra te the
postcard system of notices is so in- I
buklng powder and s a l t Work tn b u t­
his gallery, where It remained as long
d ated a co ntroversy betw een Senator
te r aud milk aud a ts-sten egg
adequate, and involves such daugcr as be lived. When he died he left It to kernels. Shake the popper an d place It
on the back of the range to allow tbe
Spread m ixture In shallow pan l ’are S h an k s and S ta t e T r e a s u r e r Kay
to titles, th a t some provision ought to the nation.
corn to dry, th en pop. T he kernels will
and cut apples In sections, lay In rows bill re p resen tin g th e view s of the state he made for publication of the delin­
be very large, aud there will be no
on dough and aprtukle th e top with land hiMrd and lh*’ organisations quent tax list.
H it E a rly Struggles.
bard center.
sugar nud cinnamon. Hake In hot oven which Initiated
th e rural credits
All kinds of Hauiing.
She—Tell m a abolit your early strug­
tw enty live to th irty minutes. Serve am endna nt will he ready for Intro­ Contention O ver C are of Dependent*
handled, naggac*
The Bowman bill providing for the
warm. Peaches cau be used Instead of duction this we«$k
H i* Snarl.
• Pplrs
mere I struggled the more the old man
moving, ete.
An uflo rt will be made at thla sea
"Come on. Tliram.' ivm 't yon want
laid It on -B .w to n T ra n sc rip t
to work out an effective plan to fective children w ent back to comm it­
to see the ossi fled m an?”
All orders reeive prompt
"Naw I kin show y,»u a whole town
l i t e s ta ll offices and depart tee for fu rth e r consideration after It
After croare* and losses men grow
personal attentk n.
had come on third reading for final
of 'em
K:iu«a* City Journal.
humbler an d w i s e r —Franklin.
passage Since it came hack into the
Official Directory
City o f Central Point
! R. J.
Farm Work Easy and
Save Money & Labor
California-Oregon Power Co.
♦ J. 8. Boswell
Best Meal in the Roque River Valley
For 25 cents
American Restaurant
JAN. 15th
State League
s ^
á S ¿ i
K iT Ö r tE N
QUESTION:--Resolved, That Oregon
should adopt a wage earners' compulsory
health insurance law embodying the es­
sential features of the Standard Bill.
Glendale, Affirm ative
Central Point, Negative
The winner of this contest will debate Ashland for the
championship of Southern Oregon.
and help
Central Point defeat Douglas county.
Several special musical numbers
Central Hall, 7:30 P. M., Friday
Jan. 26th, 1917
Admission 10c to all
D. C. 6 R IM, P 1 0 P
A * * » A /L ^U U rvJ.