Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, January 25, 1917, Image 2

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C en tr a i P oint H er a ld
W m . R.
Ü r o w
ek .
P O IN T H E R A LD 'JA N . 25. 1917
individual and Social Perseverance
Lewis Auto Line.
Regular auto service between
Central j Point
nt a
A n I D fcPfcNDJCNT l o c a l newspaper devoted to
the interests o f Central Point and the Hogue to achieve his purpose; despite, not only the initial difficulties, but e e
IVe anuary
111 ver Valley.
Daily Except Sunday.
also the obsticles that continually insinuate themselves at every Leave* Central Point
Leaves Medford
kept on file at the D a k k A d
A M.
8:00 A M.
VEKT181NG A g e n c y , I n c ., 427 turn.
' 8.30
South Mam Street, I
Angeles, and 779 Market
This form of energy that we are all pleased to call persever­ 9.00
9treet. San Francisco, whore contract« for adver-
tUina can be made for it
9.3U, satuniaj
Saturday only
ance, feeds and strengthens the will, and the labor we put into any | »•».
10.00. Saturday only
given purpose, as a result, does not weaken us, neither do we be­ 10.30. SatuHay only
P ublished E very T hursday ,
Su.Mcnpliou price, $1.60 per year, in advance.
11.00, Saturday only
come debilitated by defeat and overwhelming odds.
I f I am a 11.00
weak, narrow and small individual I do not appreciate this wonder­ 12.30 P. M.
12.30 P. M.
ful faculty o f perseverance, and, as a result o f this lack o f appreci­ 1.00
ation, my will goes to pieces with the first adverse wind that blows. 2.00
My ardor is cooled with the first gentle zephyr o f adversity and I
3.00 Saturday only
Sermun Preached at the Presbyterian am quick to throw down my hand in disgust and say the deal is 3.00
3.30 Saturday only
3 30
Church, Central Point. Ore., by rotten. So, as an individual, I prove myself to be, not a good 4.00
sport. I quit in the middle o f the game and lie down at the most 6.00
the Kev. Paul S. Bandy
in opportune time. Being weak, narrow and small, la m under the 6.00
dominancy o f the street, and the street, I fear, makes cowards of 7:30 Saturday only
TE X T: Philippian* 3—14.
" I pres* us all.
8.00 Saturday only
But the man o f perseverance and purpose does not heed 8.00
towards the mark for the prize of
the street, but uses it when it pleases his fancy, and when it be­ 10.50 Saturday only
the high culling o f God in Christ
Midnight 12.15 Saturday only
comes garrulous and personal he becomes oblivious to it.
Jesus. ”
It is interesting to study life:
It is when the street becomes of real social signifigance, which is rarely,
Leave* Central Point
Leaves Medford
also interesting to study the different does he become attentive and alert.
9.00 A. M.
9.30 A . M.
vieWR of life. Many men of v is t ex­
The persevering individual utilizes all that is about him, but is
perience and keen observation have
P. M.
learned to take a comprehensive view
1.00 P. M.
of the world. Such men have been all concerned.
So long as I write about the benefits o f perseverance, to the 3.00
poets and philosophers.
Others are
warped by their environment.
They individual, I am sure o f having a sympathic responce from the 4.00
live, but in the immediate present, and
reader, but when I tell you, my dear reader, there is a social per­ 6.00
soon give up in the swift current and
The Hardware Man
severance to which fhe individual must relate himself some wil 7.00
hopelessly drift through life.
The great Shukspeare considered the
world as a stage, and all the people as
A community must possess perseverence and thru mutua
players, only a few actors who entered effort, directed by intelligent and conscientious leadership, it be'
W. I, LEW IS. Prop.
into the personality o f their part ill life,
cheaper and better and save
gins to develope a serial conciousness and mutual helpfulness is
with it’a passsions, sentiments and
Wm. Lewis, o f the Lewis Auto Indoor Picnic An
money by doing so.
grandeur of existence. The rest, were started, that does not have some one, or only a few, individual’ Line from Medford to Ashland,
There are no better black­
has purchased the Lovern and
mere players in the drama of life, and welfare at stake.
Enjoyable Event smiths anywhere than are to be
to all appearances, supernumeraries
We often hear the words “ get together” used. They aregooc Chapman lines from
found in Central Point, likewise
never entering into the great passion of words if only their true signifigance is grasped and the great task Point to Medford and intends to
Forty Sunday School children garage and automobile repair
improve the service.
He has attended the indoor picnic at the men.
living; foolish theatricals.
In pensive
Where can you beat our
which lies before a “ get together” movement is comprehended
one Ford, lengthened for 3 seats Presbyterian church last Satur­ dentists and doctors, hospital,
moments such people ponder upon the
and one Ford with 8 individual day afternoon.
great question is life worth living?
and nurses, bakery, implement
seats which will run on this line
They carry u bold front, trusting to the band, marching to a hall, listening to local and imported spel
A number had roller skates men, poultry and egg dealers,
their make-up for the stage o f this ex ­ binders, and then all partaking o f coffee, ham-sandwiches anc Mr. Lewis will run the two cars and enjoyed the cement floor. | and where can you find as ac­
istence; mere pretense o f paint, dress doughnuts.
This would be simply a mob movement.
A social as per schedule above and will N ew games were provided and commodating people as are in
also run extra trips on request. many old ones were revived.
and jewelry, dyed or bleached hair,
Central Point?
Why sir, we
movement has a different origin. In it. the emotions are not play
In case o f shows or other extras
penciled eyebrows all outward, no
have the most accommodating
ed upon, primarily, but judgement, poise and deliberate action are to Medford, a third car will be
heart work.
people that are to be found any­
cafeteria style.
Mob-movements, basec placed at the disposal o f the
In ancient Greece and Rome there brought out and kept in the foreground.
It was such a success that the where. W e are in a class with
lived and flourished a school o f philos­ as they are, on the emotions, are necessairly short lived, and per patrons.
board decided to hold one each New Orleans when it comes to
ophers. who held such a view o f life severance is impossible for the reason, that the mob never posses
having accommodating people.
that people called them "T h e Perauad-
Central Point is going to grow
es reserve force. A mob-movement is always o f a low order even
ers to Die.” They taught that to get
now you mark my word.
It is o f vast importance and necessary
A Bamboo Forest.
pleasure was the chief aim in life, they when its object is worthy,
you say? Well with the best
There are few spots Imaginable more
said, " g e t pleasure," and they tried so to understand, that a social movement cannot be launched and that
people on earth in and around
hard to enjoy life, they pursued the it must be cultivated.
An orchard cannot be launched, it must be beautiful than a Japanese bamboo for­
Point and with all o f the
est. It Is the most lovely In color, the
phanton o f worldly pleasure with so planted, cultivated and carefully tended.
So a social movement most aristocratic and the best behaved honored and beloved pioneer of wealth back o f the little city
much vengeance, that they could not
must be equally cared for. Every intelligent, persevering man or forest In the world. It whispers pleas­ Jackson county, Oregon, died what is to prevent it from
get the enjoyment they so much longed
antly and gently, and the severest January 22, 1917, at her home at growing?
for. So they carried their system of woman, fully understands that they must relate themselves to the winds ennnot make it angry. The long,
A Business Man.
709 North Riverside
They must put slim bodies of Its trees are useful long
philosophy a step further, and came to social order in which they may find themselves.
Medford, Oregon, age 81 years,
the conclusion that since experience
forth honest, intelligent effort. Things then begin to be done that after death, for they are made into nine months, ten days. She was
demonstrated that life was subject to are beneficial and a community interest begins to formulate anc water pipes, canes, fences, picture
New Time Card
born in Alleghany City, Penn.,
frames, vases, fishing rods, roofings,
more pain than pleasure, therefore
April 12, 1836, where she resided
soon there begins to appear what may be termed, a persevering flutes, fans, furniture and poles.
man is u fool "to suffer the slings and
until 1853, when with her par­
urrows o f outrageoua fortune."
So social life, functioning in a healthful, progressive environment.
ents she moved to Decatur City,
Following the S ty les.
they were called Cynics and taught the
•The average woman spends most Iowa, where the following year
• *
8:51 a. rn.
doctrine o f the practicability of suicide; uii ideal mun. He looked upon life as a exposing pretense, It Is hard to live a
« <
of her time thinking about what to 1854, she was married to tne late
4:20 p. m.
and practised it with great vigor. Such struggle, in 8 vast amphi-theater, be­ he.
« <
Uriah Gorden.
In 1865 they
10:38 P- m.
people scoff at everything;! have heard fore a cloud o f heavenly witnesses;
We admire the dignity of a man
" I fear you are mistaken.”
crossed the plains settling in
people who never doubted their own with Jesus as the author and finisher, whose bearing demonstrates, that he is
“ Why so?"
Polk county, Oregon where they
8:28 a. m.
wisdom and who certain grades of the ideal to strive for.
"W herefore just what he pretends to be. There
"She spends most o f her time think­
« «
remained until the spring of
6:28 P. m.
people dubbed, "s m a rt," say, " L ife is
t us lay aside every weight and sin no sin that shrivels the soul as does ing about what to wear next.” —Bir­
1867. when they came to Jackson
only a big game o f chance, that it is winch doth so easily beset us, and let pretense. It is a hindrance that the mingham Age-Herald.
county, where she spent a num­
not to be played above the tuble, but us run with patience, the race which is Christian must lay aside in his strug
ber o f years on the farm known
it is he, who is able to slip the needed set before us.” This is a religion, our gle for the Christ Ideal.
The Christ
Judge—Have you anything to say be­ as the Gorden ranch on upper
trump down his sleeve at the right rtdigion, mid therefore let us pass to u who was the carpenter’s son. a crafts­
Later they moved
fore I pronounce sentence upon you? Rogue river.
moment, that wins out in the great consideration o f what we have in our man, a humble Nazarene, who associat Prisoner—Yes, Judge. I certainly buve.
to Medford where she resided
game of life .” Such people never get
ves that is u hinderance in this race, ed with the fishermen on the shore of But It’s dinner time. Let's wait until
until her demise. She leaves to
very near to nature's great throbbing that which is holding us back, keeping Galilee.
after we've had It. I have quite a mourn her loss ten children, be­
heart, fhuir idea is the survival of the us from realizing the best that is in us,
There are multitudes of discontented reputation as an after dinner speaker. sides her immediate family, she
strogest, regardless o f the poor, the that which we do not need, those things people in the world.
We all think -Yonkers Statesman.
leaves many grandchildren and
wcuk and the needy; they reply as did that are not worth while in the strug­ when we hear any one complain, that
great grandchildren and a large
Cain, to the question, "A m 1 my gle for VThe Christ Ideal.” And then their grievance is nothing as compared Eliminate worry from your life as you
circle o f friends
brother's keeper," with an emphatic let us strive for those things that are with our own. We complain o f our en would cut a nauseous weed from your
Funeral service were held at
negative. All such nutures are based essential in realizing "T h e
Christ vironment, and say it is not good for garden. It poiaons your life and leaves the Christian church, in this
on pure selfishness.
Ideal. ”
us, are we good for our surroundings? you unfit to look upon anything in it ’s city, Tuesday afternoon at 1:30
We all meet people who boast that
Every life has it's obstacles; and It Carlyle says, "Th e situation that has true light.
Worry is reflected.
It Rev. Tucker officiating.
Inter­ Hypermetropra Mypopra and Astyma-
they neither fear nor hope, they claim is the overcoming of these that not it's duty, it ’s ideal, was never oc­ springs from the past.
Paul says, ment in the Central Point ceme­ tism and other eye strains can he easily
to la- Fatalists. This is an extreme, to strengthen the character and bring the cupied by man.”
We all have a duty, 'This one thing I do, forgetting those tery.
relieved and the vision saved, if attend­
jo h
$ 1.00
7 for 35c
Your Eyes
the previous idea. Human nature is as life into the proper equasion.
ed to promptly.
I have made arrange­
Now non performance o f duty is always pro things which are behind, and reaching
ments to open
prone to hope and fear as an apple is character building is a process o f elimi- ductive o f discontent, so it is not our forth hnto those things which are be­
to full to the ground. For Fear is hut nation and ubsorption, that which is environment that causes our discon fore, 1 press toward the mark of the
wavering hope. The Mohammedan is bad should be eliminated.
tent, but the lack o f our relatedness to high calling of God in Jesus Christ.”
the only example, and he is a fatalist
Today I wish to invite your attention our surroundings and our lack o f in
Again; people have a universal sin—
Why not have a city market of
only in the height of his own fanutn to u few things that must be eiiminat clination to meet our duties face to selfishness. Back to the time when
In the Cowley Em porium where I
our own?
Why not have the will
____ be
c equipped
cu to make personal ex-
cd, or, as Paul says, "laid aside," by face.
the ambitious angel rebelled against
of your eyes
Such and many more are the views him who is to strive for the high calling
Our ideals should not be far distant, the Soverign will till now, selfishness
wagons in on some o f the va-‘
Monday Wednesday and Friday,
that various people take o f life.
of Christ Jesus.
| in time or space, but we should be has been the cardinal sin.
Our social
Evenings, from 7:00 to 9:00 o’clock.
the world is indeed a stage and people
In almost every walk of life we ace working them out each day and hour, complications result from the greed of cant lots near the post office and
I am a graduate o f the Spencer Opti­
too often are mere players, having no pretense. People are pretending to be by doing what we can to bring about a the acquiring classes. Political oppres­ give us a vegetable market say cal Institute o f New York City.
Inner light or appreciation o f the deep something thay are not. They are dis­ better state of affairs, in our church sion, and the tryant—greed. " I t is
I have had over 10 years experience
When they bring in in titling glasses, and especially solicit
and real things o f this world or the satisfied. or possibly disgusted with and in our community. Activity is an man’s inhumanity to man that makes can do it.
their vegetables and produce let difficult cases, and guarantee a perfect
world to come.
L ife's
legitimate themselves, as they are, so they try to antidote for discontent. Cast aside dis­ countless thousands mourn.
the townspeople buy from them fit.
aim is to lind and give pleas
fool the world into believing they are content. Apply yourself to duty in
So far. we have been considering the and not go to nearby towns.
ure, but he who seeks
pleasure something else. Pretense is futile, it society, in the church, in politics and things that hinder the Christian in his
We have the best stores in the
only, Hilda in the end, only ashes. is so easily detected, it starves the soul in the home.
Take an interest in race towards the Christ Ideal. In this
and even then some people Telephone 17
C entral Point, O r«
Many people consider life's drama, only end pinches out the least spark o f in­ everything, and with your heart un sermon it has been my desire to help
u game, they soon grow weary of dividuality and kills all possibilities for burden of discontent, you can then run especially, those who have chosen the will go away from home to trade.
playing, and throw down their hands in a spiritual life. Do not be guilty o f with patience, the race that is set be­ better part: and who are trying to get Let us buy from our home mer­ Special Examination by Appointment
disgust and discouragement.
Sueb is living more expensively than your in-, fore you, with your eyes fixed upon closer and more in touch with the chants where we can get things
examinations Fras
the end of the person, and this end may come permits. Do not strive to put Christ Jesus. The Saviour said that he blessed Saviour
corns years before they are ready to yourself on a par with a swell or high­ did not come to condemn the world, but
Let us now tunWo a more pleasant1
"shuttle off tins mortal coil," leaving er cast of society.
to save it, and to make it better.
He side o f our subject and determine what
them to spend their weary days in re­
Y et it is permissable and rommen- went about doing good in every way,
hould be substituted in the Christian's
gret and disappointment. Life.a weigh uhle, for a person to cultivate and de­ to every one. in every place.
race for the Christ Ideal. Let me say
bears down heavy on such an one. velop himself for any position, which
Did you ever notice the host of that all the good that comes to us, and
Even yet there is hope if they will only he might be asked to fill. This ia be­ pinched, troubled faces about you? that has ever come to the children of
trust in God and love ull creation.
ing only ones self a higher and better People work like Trojans; then worry. men, it through the person of Jesus
Fruitless, barren, and unsatisfactory, self, no pretense about it. Aesop tells They worry because they have formed
hrist. "Looking to Jesus, the author
are these views o f life.
Ami those of an ass that put on a lion's skin, and the habit. It ia a want o f faitb. When and finisher o f our fa ith ;" let us study
who hold to them do not have the calm­ went out into a field and frightened all people look after trouble they are al­ that character.
Let us keep it con-
ness, poise, and contentment that tin* beasts away, ao that he had the ways sure to find It.
tantly in the foreground o f our coti-
should characterize earth s children. whole field, with its rich grass, all to
Rusk in gives us consolation by say­ ciousness. Let it's beauty and loveli-.
'I lo se view s leave
passionate himself; but the fool sh ass was so ing that. "God gives us always ness fill our wjiole ^horizon.
Let it's
yearning heart of humanity, a hunger­ exultant in the fact, that all the brutes strength and sense enough (pr every­ purity possess our soul o f souls, and
ing and thirsting for something tang­ in ‘ he field feared him, that he forgot ‘ thing he wants us to do."
God gives let it ’a power dominate ourwills. This
ible \ view of life that will give hope to graie; but gave vent to his pride in us strength, and pute us where he is the Chrift Ideal. There ia victory
and happiness and life more abundant. his characteristic bray, then the beasts 1 needs us, and we worry for a different and achievement for all who run in the
Saint i'aul was a scholar, a phlioao- feared him no more
And thus we see or broader field of operation.
This is Christian race.
striving for the goal, of J B a v i n g of $ 1 . « ) ^
5 L 5 0 > 0 r $ G -5 0 for both,
pher and a Christian: the composite of the true character in people will out radical inconsistency.
So is worry 'th e Christ Ideal
Our Home Market.
Optical Parlors
J. H. Hamilton
A Good Daily
Good Reading
Our Clubbing Rate with the Portland
Evening Telegram is
$ 5.50
... w r»..... .nr
JJY1!ng *
Telegram will be $5.00 ner