Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, January 25, 1917, Image 1

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    Ore. Historical So.
W ill jfive >ou a “ s q u a re d e a l"
e v e ry tim e. T hey a p p re c ia te y o u r
p a tro n a g e a n d w ill tr e a t you r ig h t
E stablished A pril 26, 1906
C entral P oint H erald
C entral P oint , J ackson C ounty , O regon , T hursday , J a n u a r y 25, 1917
Gore Bill To Extend Seed
V olume
W i l l c o -o p e r a te w i t h yo u on any
p r o p o s i t i o n f o r t h e b e tte r m e n t
o f C e n tr a l P o in t a n d it* v ic in ity
E leven
N umber 41
Doesn’t fru it Growers Meeting
Like Testing.
School Ages,
Twenty-Five Weeds to The Control of Dock False-Worm H O R N B R O O K H IT B Y
Square Foot.
An apple insect pest which in its at­
tack on the fruit somewhat resembles i
the codling moth ¡9 described in a new
professional paper of the Bureau of
Enotomology, Bulletin No. 265 of the Strong Plea Müde by Jackson County
United States Department of Agricul-j
ture. by E. J. Newcomer. This green j
worm, known as the dock false-worm, !
is found throughout the northern sec- The Sun: —
tion of the United States and is notice-
Salem, Ore., Jan. 22nd—A pub-
ably prevalent in the State of W’ash- j lie hearing of the "bone dry”
ington. The insect feeds upon certain ; prohibition bill was held Monday
succulent plants such as the docks, | night T>efore the joint committee
knotweeds. and bindweeds.
When on alcoholic traffic of the senate
these occur in an orchard the worm and house of the Oregon legisla-
makes its way up the trunk of the tree ture. Practically every interest
and burrows into the fruit, causing it affected by the proposed measure
to rot. There can be little or no dang- was represented but no voice was
er from this insect in clean-cultiyated raised in objection to the "bone
orchards fir in orchards where its food dry” feature of the bill.
plants do not exist. However, where vision for the sale of alchol
a perennial cover crop such as alfalfa . caused the most discussion,
is grown, other control measures must j A strong plea was made by C.
be taken.
Thomas, representative from
Efficient protection may be secured j Jackson county, which adjoins
by banding the trees with cotton bat- j California, for a more stringent
ting or with some sticky substance. In regulation to prevent illegal Ship-
experiments by the department an 8- ments of liquor from California,
inch strip of cotton batting was placed He declared that a community
about the trunk of each tree and tied composed of "the SCUm of th e
with a cord about the middle. T he1 earth” has sprung up in the
upper half of the cotton band was then "mail order” town of Hornbrook
rolled down over the cord. Good re- just across the line,
suits also were obtained by applying to j
the trunks of the trees a band of a J
... ■ - ■ ....
commercial sticky substance one-eighth
inch thick and 4 inches wide. The! Mr. Walter Gray is making
lower limbs of the trees should be kept some alterations to his house,
well up from the ground, any any props which will gnre Jlim an additional
used also should be Danded. Bands bed noon and otherwise improve
should be put on in the latter part of on all ready attractive residence.
August and left on until after the fruit Dick Hay the popular carpenter
and painter is doing the work.
is harvested.
A large gathering of fruitgrowers
A sample of red clover seed recently
“ Our alfalfa seed has always been
SALEM, Jan. 22.—Representative satisfactory and we might add that no were present at the Public Library at received at the seed-testing laboratory
Gore of Jackson county has introduced criticism about germination was ever Medford, Saturday to hear the discus­ for test carried a purity of 78 per cent
a bill extending the school age from 9 made until these laboratories for test­ sion on, "Oil Sprays” . Mr. S. W. and bad approximately 86,000 buck-horn
to 15 years to 7 to 16 years. The bill ing seed were established and farmers Foster, representative of the General seeds to the pound. Buckhorn seed
were shown germination tests,” writes Chemical Co. of San Francisco was is somewhat similar in size to red
reads as follows:
Introduced by Mr. Gore and read first a California seed company. A request first to address the meeting on the sub­ clover and rather difficult to clean out.
is also made for “ a copy of your seed ject and said in part: “ That while One not familiar with the appearance
time, January 17, 1917.
Section 4119. Every parent, guardian laws so that we will know what to do great benefits could be derived from of it is likely to overlook it. To sow
the use of these sprays, it should not these twelve pounds to the acre, which
or other person in the state of Oregon in order to do business in your State.
having control, or charge of any child, Evidence is accumulating that Oregon be accepted by the grower as a cure-all. is the regular rate for red clover,
or children between and including the is no longer a dumping ground for in­ But from observations made in the would mean the seeding of more than a
ages of seven and sixteen years of age, ferior seeds and that seed dealers must Sacramento Valleg, where the oil had million buckhorn seeds on every acre,
shall be required to send such child ur expect to give the farmers a square been used for several years in combat­ approximately 25 seeds to the square
child en to the public schools for a deal. Farmers of Oregon, Washing­ ing the Pear Thripp, he finds Fire foot. It would be ruinous to plant such
term or period of cot less or more than ton, ami Idaho, as well as seed dealers, blight, has decreased. The trees have seed, The analysis of seed and the de­
the number of months of public school can get seed tested free by sending been stim ulate', and are producing tection of weeds of this sort, the ap­
held annually in the district in which samples to the U. S. College coopéra larger crops. The Crude Oil Emulsion pearance of which many farmers are
such parent, guardian or other person tive seed-testing laboratory at O. A which costs $16.00 per barrel used as a not familiar with, is one of the most
dormant spray will not control scab but important services which the seed lab
in parentnl relation may reside; pro­ C., Corvellls, Oregon.
takes the place of lime-sulpher for oratory offers to the farmers of Ore­
vided, that in the following cases,
"San Jose scale.” A lighter or “ miss- gon, Washington and Idaho.
children shall not be required to attend
able oil” is used about blooming time farmer in this territory is entitled to
public schools:
purity, and ten germination tests
Hear The Cannery Talk. as a repellant to insects. To this can five
(a) Any child, or cnildren, who is,
be added Atomic sulpher and arsenate each month of the year.
or are being taught for a like period of
of lead which are used in the control of
time in a private or parochial school,
scab and codling moth.
such branches as are usually taught in
J. S. Miner of the Willow Spring
County Pathologist C. C. Cate in his
the first eight years in the public district, who has lately returnea from
school, or has, or have, already acquir­ Salt Lake City, where for several years address stated that neither office or the A MAN W E H A V E F O R G O T T E N .
ed the ordinary branches of learning he has been the efficient manager of county experiment station had suffici-
taught in such schools, the fact of the Mormons large cannery at that ent funds to conduct proper and nec- M a t t h e w F o n t a in e M e u r y , W h o W e e e
R e a lly G re a t A m a ric a n .
which acquisition of such ordinary place, will give an interesting talk on cessary experiments along this line and
Every one who has heard of Robert
branches of learning by such child, or canneries at the public session of the
Fulton, certainly every one who hns
children, shall be determined by the Grange, next Saturday at 2 P. M. in ers the coming season that it might be heard of S. F. B. Morse or Cyrus W.
school board in charge of the public the Willows Spring school house.
Field ought also to have heard of Mat-
sctool in such district;
Mr. Frazer addressed the meeting on they Fontaine Maury. But that Is not
What a great benefit it would be to
(b) Any child, or children, who is, both orchardi^ts and the community, if the subject of "Dust Sprays” . The the case. For my part, I had never
or are, physically unable to attend a cannery could be located right in our main point advanced was that while heard of Maury until I went to Vir­
school. In such cases the truant officer midst.
the liquid sprays were just as efficacious ginia. I have asked schoolboys if they
have heard of him. None of them has.
shall require a written statement of a
The public is cordially invited to yet the saving to the grower in time Yet Maury’s scientific researches and
competent physican certifying that come out to this meeting, for much in­ and labor amounted to about twenty-five accomplishments have had an enor­
such child, or children is, or are, physi­ terest is being taken in this subject, per cent. After the meeting he gave mous effect, not only in this country,
cally unable to attend school;
and the Grange, alive to everything a demonstration with his machine on but throughout the world.
Cheap Chicken and hog feed
(c) Children between the ages of that interests the farmer, is very an some of the tall trees in the City Park
It may be said that Maury laid the at The Central Point Mills.
seven and ten years of age, whose xious that all may profit from what is
foundation for our modern weather bu­
reau and that the science of meteor­
parents live more than one and one- sure to be a most interesting discourse.
(Prices paid the producer.)
ology began with him. He founded
half miles, and children over ten years
to $1.40
of age whose parents live more than
New Floor
the hydrographic office In Washington Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work. Rye............. .................................. $1.76
three miles, by the nearest traveled
and discovered, among other things,
O a ts ................................................$86.00
road, from some public school; piovid-
State U. Library
the cause of the gulf stream and the
B arley............................................ $35.00
ed, that if transportation is furnished
We are greatly pleased to know existence of that plateau In the north The organization of boys’ and girls' Corn........... .'................................... $26.00
pupils in said district this exemption
that Cranfill & Robnett has so
Alfalfa baled..................................$16.00
shall not apply;
much business of late that the taken, made possible the laying of the way. This will allow the workers from Grain hay baled ............................ $14.00
(d) Any child, or children, who is,
floor in their store building has with reference to this, “Maury furnish­
B u tte r.................................................35«
or are, being taught for a like period versity at Eugene contained on
worn thru and they were obliged ed the brains, England the money, uud the State Department of Education to | Eggs.................................................. 35«
of time by the parent, or private teach­ January 1st a total of 67,909 vol­
to put down a new one. That I did tho work." Further tbuu tills, devote the greater part of the year to Steers.................................................. 6fic
er such subjects as are usually taught umes, 9,494 additions having
looks good for Central Point. the charts of the north Atlantic which work with those enrolled.
C o w s................................................... -lie
in the first eight years in the public
There is a reason for this, in Maury made years ago are today the A few changes have been made in the Hofra ......... .................................. 7J to 8c
school but before such child, or child­ use of the library during 1916 in­
fact two or three reasons. The basis upon which that ocean Is navi­
ren, can be taught by a parent or pri­ creased 35 per cent over 1915.
bers are asked to sign the enrollment
gated by all nutlons.
Hans.................................................... 14
vate teacher, such parent or private
able goods from this firm and I am informed that though he was card, thus indicating their approval.
Broilers..........................2 lb or less 14«
teacher must receive written permis­ books, are freely sent to resi­
During 1916 the price is right. Second, the ments, he was never given so much ns A bulletin on Club Work, its pur­ Old cocks..............................................7«
sion from the county superintendent, dents of the state.
pose, organization, general rules, and
people are on a good footing back
who is hereby authorized to grant such there were 2,407 individual loans of Central Point because they a cheap little medal by that of the list of projects, will be mailed to all Turkeys No. 1. 17«.........Dressed 21-23
United States, and that his name has
permission only in case of necessity
are farming on a diversified plan, not been kept alive by any memorial or who request it.
Ducks (young)...................
and such permission shall not extend
if one crop fails there is another
Geese ............................................... 10«
longer than the end of the current county superintendent shall order the to bring in some money. Let us other token of his country’s gratitude.
Potatoes........................................... $2.26
school year
Such child, or children, parent, guardian or other person in trade at home and help build up —Julian Street In Collier’s Weakly.
In general, alfalfa should be cut for
must report to the county school super­ parental relation to send such child, or our home industries.
hay when the young shoots at the base PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKT
intendent or some person designated by children, to school the remainder of the
of the plants first appear.
if these Prime C a ttle .............................. $7.25 to $8.60
H e T ra v e le d .
him at least every three months and school year. Failure on the part of
The clock atruck 12.
new shoots become long enough to be Common ........................... $6.00 to $6.00
take an examination in the work cov­ the parent, guardian or other person in
“I wish I had enough money to trav­ cut off by the mower, the new crop Cows ................................. $6.75 to $7.00
ered. If, after such examination, the parental relaiion to comply with the
We have a large stock of the el,“ remarked the young man.
may be badly damaged. The blossoms S ta g s ........................................... $6.00 to $7.50
county superintendent shall determine order of the county superintendent, original Biatchford’s Calf and “Here’s a car ticket,” announced her often appear simultaneously with the Hogs ................................. $9.36 to 10.86
that such child; or children, is, or are, shall render such person liable to the Pig Meal at right prices. The father, making bis appearance at that new shoots, but blossoms alone are not Sheep .............................. $7.00 to $8.00
point—Louisville Courier-Journal.
not being properly taught, then the penalty provided for in this act.
Central Point Mills.
Lambs .........................$11.50 to $i2.00
safe guide to the time for cutting.
Our New
The Most Delicious I
Have You Seen Those
Biscuits, bread and pasteries are made
from the best flour.
The flour which
Garden Seeds
Are Here, and we have the
Largest Assortment
in Town
Come in and secure your wants before the stock is
Cowley ’s Emporium
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1
t h e fl o u r
es the best
II ouse-
our f lo u r
results they
using it.
It is the flour which makes a friend of
the whole family.
the best flour.
We also have Dried
Beet Pulp and all kinds of Feed and
Poultry Supplies.
Just Received at
Telephone 17
Also Fisher’s Poultry supplies and a
full line of Groceries and Hardware
sells best is
which giv
wives know
and like the
obtain b y
The Central Point Mills