Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, January 18, 1917, Image 1

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*' W**tarici»| S it,
C entral P oint H erald
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Will urive jo u a “ square deal”
every time. They appreciate your
patronage and will treat you riirht
E s t a b l is h e d
A p r il
C entral P oint , J ackson C ounty , O regon , T hursday , J anuary 18, 1917
Will co-operate with you on any
proposition for the betterment
o f Central Point and its vicinity
V o lum e
E leven
N u m b e r 40
No Town in The Valley Has Better Backing Than Centra! Point
640-Acre Homestead
Books and
Directors Meeting
fo r Use and Loan
On Dec. 29th, 1916, the President ap­
At the regular quarterly meet­
proved what is known as the 640-acre ing o f the directors of the Cen­
Homestead Act.
tral Point State Bank held at the
This act provides that any person banking rooms on the 2nd of
Attention is called to the fact that
qualified to make entry under the January a complete examination
the Pathologist office has a supply of
homestead laws may enter such lands was made o f the affairs of the
bulletins and circulars on hand for free
as have been designated "stock-raising bank which resulted in finding
distribution. They cover a variety of
lands” , not exceeding 640 acres, of un the usual sound financial condi­
subjects as Poultry, Dairying, Horti­
reserved public lands, in a reasonable tion. The bank enjoys the dis­
culture, Gardening, Florictlture, Hogs,
compact form. The Secretary o f the tinction in banking circles of be
Horses, Entomology, Farm Mechanics,
Interior is given authority to designate, ing one of tne very strong banks
Food for the Family, and others.
on application or otherwise, as stock- o f the valley as well as of the
Farmers interested should avail them-
raising lands, subject to entry under state.
selveB o f this information.
this act, such lands as are chiefly valu­
The directors at this meeting
able for grazing, which do not contain
set aside 10 per cent of the earn The Oregon State Library furnishes
merchantable timber, are not suscepti­
ings to the permanent surplus the office with a set of 25 books for
ble of irrigation, and do not contain
account, reduced the furniture loaning to all interested. We also
water power or reservoir sites-
and fixtures account, reserved a have about 50 personal copies which can
When an applicant applies to enter
sum for taxes, declared a divi­ be loned should any one desire them.
land that has not been previously des­
dend and left several hundred
ignated as stock raising land, his appli­
dollars in the undivided profits California Fruits, Wickson.
cation must be accompanied by corro­
Fruit Growing in Arid Regions, Pad-
borated affidavit, in duplicate, showing
The dividends declared at the dock & Whippie.
that the land applied for is o f the char-1
acter contemplated by the Act.
Such July meeting and at this meeting Manual o f Gardening, Bailey.
Vegetable Gardening Watts.
application accompanied by the usual j total 4 per cent for the year.
fees and commissions, will be received [ On January 11th the stockhold­ Diseases of Economic Plants, Stevens
& Hall.
by the Register and Receiver, and sus ers held their meeting for the
Diseases, Duggar.
pended until the Department may act­
ually ascertain the character o f the sulted the reelection of the entire Plant Breeding, Bailey.
While the application stands board with the exception o f J. The American Apple Orchard.
suspended the applicant may not enter W. Myers who is now at River­ The Pruning Book, Bailey.
Soils, Fletcher.
or improve the land, until it has been side, Cal.
Central Point may well feel Soils, Burkett.
definately designated as stock-raising
proud of its banking institution. Soil Fertility and Permanent Agricul­
ture, Hopkins.
A former entry, o f land of the char­
First Principals o f Soil Fertility,
acter described in this Act, will not
prevent a person taking up land under
Fertilizers and Crops, Van Slyke.
this act, within a radius of 20 miles
Fruit Growers Attention Farm
Manures, Thorne.
from the former entry, but the total
may not exceed 640 acres.
In lieu of the area of cultivation re­
A public meeting will be held Alfalfa Farming in America, Wing.
quired by the homestead law, persons at the Library
in Medford The Book of Alfalfa, Colburn.
entering land under the 640-acre act Saturday, Jan.
20th, at 2:00 Farm Management, Warren.
will be required to show improvements o ’clock,
the discussion Principle of Rural Economics, Carver.
to the extent of $1.25 per acre, at the o f Oil
Spray for the en­ Dairy Farming, Mickels.
time of final proof, which may be with­ suing
fruit Insect Life, Comstock.
in three to five years from date of al­
growers interested in this line of
lowance of entry. At least one-half of work are invited to be preseat.
such improvements must be made with C. C. Cate, and S. W. Foster of
in three years from date o f entry.
the General Chemical Co. of San
It is probable that considerable Francisco, will address the meet­
amount of the vacant unappropriated ing.
lan of this district could come under
the classfication of grazing land,
July 1st, 1916, there was vacant land
in the various counties in this district,
Sunday School Picnic
as follows: Benton, 3377 acres; Coos,
15,379; Curry, 35,963; Douglas, 33,845;
Jackson, 55,885; Josephine, 33,488;
This Saturday afternoon from
Klamath, 638; Lane, 28,516; Lincoln,
1038; Linn, 319.
Only a portion of 2:00 to 5:00 the Presbyterian
Linn, Benton, Lincoln and Klamath Sunday School will entertain its
members in the basement of the
counties are in this district.
This office will furnish on application church. All those children who
a list, by township and range, o f the are not already enrolled in anoth­
vacant lands within any particular er Sunday School are cordially
county or counties within this district. invited to meet with them. The
We have no maps for distribution, but committee is making extensive
township plats showing all vacant land plans and has a good time in
and all unsold railroad lands within the store for all.
township will be supplied at $1.00 per
township plat.
The 640-acre homestead law will not
A fair amount o f prosperity
apply to the railroad lands when they has been seen in our city as per
may become open.
the article entitled “ Directors'
VV. H. Canon,
Meeting’ ’ , and also the brand
new floor in the story of Cranfill
R. R. Turner,
Receiver * & Robnett.
Manual for the Study o f Insects, Com­
Entomology with reference to its
Biology and Economic
Injurious Insects o f California, Essig.
Economic Zoology, Kellogg and Done.
Economic Entomology, Smith.
Invertebrute Zoology, Drew.
Plant Physiology, Peirce.
Vegetable Physiology, Green.
Principles of Botany, Bergen & Davis.
A Text Book of Plant Diseases, Massee.
Fungi and Fungicides, Weed.
Diseases of Plants, Ward,
Methods in Plant Histology, Chamber-
The Apples of New York, Beach.
The American Fruit Culturist, Thomas.
Systematic Pomology, Waugh.
Barry’s Fruit Garden, Barry.
The Nursery Book, Bailey.
The Forcing Book, Bailey.
The Horticulturists Rule Book, Bailey.
The Evolution o f our Native Fruits,
Trees, Shrubs and Vines, Kirkgaard.
Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases,
The Spraying Plants, Lodeman.
Public Schools
State Superintendent Church-
hill has recommended that one
unit of credit be given for Bible
study to the high school pupils
of the state of Oregon.
work must be done in the Sun­
day School or home. The ques­
tions fpr examination are pro­
vided by the State Superintend­
ent of Public Instruction.
credit is given for Old Testament
and one credit for New Testa­
ment work.
Stanley of our schools is planning
for such Bible study to be taken
ud by any pupil who desires it.
Making frisky Rabbit
Substantial Central
and Ground Squirrel
Central Point id admitted by all to be
tho most substantial town in the Rogue
Hunt Hole
rich agricultural country back of Cen­
tral Point there can be no doubt as to
the correctness of the statement.
Our alfalfa is the very best grown
anywhere and we have the sunshine to
cure it to perfection, our wool is the
finest erown in the west, our cottle
cannot be excelled, sugar beets are be-
The ( work o f rodent controls has i ing introduced and seem ro be what is
already been under way with some j needed as they are not so eusily killed
startling results,and will now be coordi­ j out by the lute frosts that sometimes
nated to increase its effectiveness. visit the valley. Then the hogs are be-
Farmers in the counties infested by the j ing improved so that now they are ad­
gnawing pests are joining hands with mitted to be the best for bucon of any
the Federal and College men to combat locality in the West.
Fumigation Methods, Johnson.
them, demanding the greatest number
Our timber will be milled into lumber
Chemistry of Plant and Animal Life,
of lives for the least amount of money. one of these days, and there is no bet­
R. A. Ward, of the U. S. Bureau of ter lumber than the fir that is so com­
Qualatative Analyses, Dennis & Whit-
Biology Survey now in charge of the mon to us.
work in jaekrabbit and ground squirrel
Another industry that is springing
Organi Chemistry, Remsen.
control in Oregon, working with the into existance, and one that will make
Inorganic Chemistry, Newth.
county'agricultural agent, has concluded people sit up and take notice, is the
College Chemistry, Remsen.
a campaign in Crook County which res­ poultry industry, which has been stim­
How Crop3 Grow.
ulted in the killing of 75,000 rabbits last ulated by the poultry shows that have
Essentials of Bacteriology, Ball.
year, at a cost of about $700. It is esti­ been held at Medford and at the Coun­
Ventilation King.
Oregon Almanac, Oregon State Im­ mated that if the rabbits had lived and ty Fair. You may expect some record
effected the normal increase they would birds in the next year or so around
migration Commission.
The Oregon Farmer, Oregon State Im­ reach the enormous total of 600,000 this Central Point, as well as an increase in
coming year.
dressed poultry and and increase in the
migration Commission.
United States Department Agricultural
The loss in a single Central Oregon output of eggs.
And then there is a chance for Cen­
1911-1912-1913-1914 1915. County last year due to jaekrabbits was
Dept, of Agriculture.
about $75,000..while in Crook County tral Point to have a sugar factory and
Diseases of Horses, Dept, of Agricul­ the farmers had the pleasure of seeing it is nearly a sure thing that it will be
more than this sum roll uwayon wheels located just North of Central Point with­
instead o f going Into the stomachs of in a mile and possibly within!« half mile.
Central Point property will advance
Diseases of Cattle, Dept, of Agricul­ the omnivious rabbits. With County
Agent Blanchard Mr. Ward held 18 Quickly if the factory is located close by.
Then there is another thing about the
Milks and its Products in relation to meetings in Crook county recently,
Public Health.
where the clubs organized expressed people of Central Poit they are in a class
Public Health.
the intention of continueing their eam- by themselves, they never grumble
about a little sewer tox or paving tax
Experiment Station Record, Record of pain.
j but pay their assessments quietly and
new publication relating to agricul-
Poison is the weapon used. It is
make little fuss about it. Do you know
mixed by a specially trained mixer,
Journal of Agricultural Research, and applied under the direction of ex­ that, o f the paving and aewer bonds
weekly publication of scientific trnat- perts so that in no way endangers the which amounted to about $117,000.
that there has already been paid the
ises on everything pertaining to lives of domestic animals and birds.
sum of $46,000.? While it is true some
of the outlying lots are delinquent on
Phytopathology, Journal on plant
sewer assessments, but look out some
one will pick them tp, one of these days
Journal of Ecsnomic Entomology,
and then we will wonder why we did not
Treats of Entomology.
do it when we had a chauce.
Farm Jotrnals, Five in all.
(Prices paid the producer.)
With all of this vast wealth and div­
Daily Weather Maps, Weather Bureau. W heat..................
Monthly Weather Review.
R ye.............................. ....................$1.75 ersified farming buck of Central Point,
National Weather and Crop Bulletin.
O a ts......................... ..................$35.00 there is only one conclusion, and that is
Weekly News Letter, Dept, of Agri­ B arley................ .
..................$35.00 it will always be a good substantial town'
Then again do you know that Central
Press Bulletin of the Oregon Agricul­ Alfalfa baled.........
..................$15.00 Point enjoys the disinction of being the
tural College.
Grain hay b a led ....... ..............$11 00 best sewered town regatdless of size in
the State, and for this reason h o many
A large number of State Publications j B utter..............
wish to reside here.
treating on everything relating to E* jk *........................
Wake up to our conveniences.
Breathe deep the best air in the world
In most cases these books and other C o w s .......................
tinctured with fir and pine that so
publications can be loaned for a period No*«.......................
bountifully couer our hills.
of two weeks or more. Of the bulle-, Sheep...........................
We are rich in many tilings that
tins on file only a few con be taken out Hens...................
of the office as they are intendod for Broilers....................... .2 lb or less 14c appear common because we have become
aceustomee to them, wuke up to the
reference. This information is here Old cocks....................
privileges and opportunities.
for your benefit and we want you to Turkeys No. 1. 17e. .
make use of it at any time.
Ducks (old).........
....................... 10c
The Public Library also has quite a Ducks (young)........... ....................... 10c
number o f books pertaining to the Geese .........................
Cheap Chicken and ho^ feed
varions phases of agriculture.
Potatoes........................................... $2.25 at The Central Point Mills.
It’s for the frisking rabbit and busy
ground squirrel to hunt their covers.
No less distinguished personage then
highly specialized scientists of the
Oregon Agriculture College Extension
Service, are after their scalps, pelts and
mischievous little lives.
The Most Delicious
Have You Seen Those
W e Have
Biscuits, bread and pasteries are made
from the best flour.
sells best is
t h e flo ur
es the best
H o u se-
And all the other good
things for your chickens
recommended by the lec­
turer at the recent poult­
ry show
The flour which
wives know
our fl o u r
and like the
results they
using it.
It is the flour which makes a friend of
Cowley ’s Emporium |
the whole family.
Just Received at
the best flour.
M t. P I T T
We also have Dried
Beet Pulp and all kinds of Feed and
Telephone 17
Poultry Supplies.
The Central Point Mills