Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, August 31, 1916, Image 2

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    C E N T R A L P O IN T H E R A LD AUG. 81. 1916
would be no occasion for the present
administration's campaign publicity
measure, which at best Is a very poor
substitute for the law repealed.
C fntfal P oint H erald
"Inadequate" aptly rbata<'terlzes the
Wilson udmlnlsiration, but almost any
synonym of unsatisfactory will do.
V\ vi. It. M k o w EK. Publisher
When Charles E. Hughes said: “ The
I'resldeut Wilson's campaign man­
deullngs of the «(liulnl-u ration with
agers are entitled to all the comfort
Mexico constitute a confused chapter
they can get out of calling the roll of
of blunders," he gave an explicit char-
Progressives who are going to vote for
aeterlzatlou of the Wilson administra­
him. It would be an endless task to
tion's policy In oue sentence.
call the roll of Progressives who are
not going to vote for him.
Just ss It Is now obstinately shut­
ting Its eyes to the need o f Industrial
For every reason that can he ad­
preparedness, for three years the W il­
vanced why Progressives should vote
son administration refused to see the
for Wilson ten can tie advanced why
need of adequate military prepared­
they should vote for Hughes, and the
ness. With war on our southern bor
beauty of It Is that they know the rea­
© Pach Broa.
der It was content to rely on a regular
sons without having to he told
army that could only muster 40.000
available men and refused to continue
The Wilson administration went Into
the established policy of building up
our navy. When the time came for uc- Mexico to punish Villa for his out­
Tw o futile Invasions of Mexico and tlou the country had not sufficient rage on American soil. The only pun­
nix separate and distinct policies on troops to police the border, and this ishment Inflicted has been on American
the question of permitting arms and force has been supplemented by a trifle soldiers, who were shot down at Oar-
ammunition to be sent Into that coun­ more than one-third the war strength rlzal by order of First Chief Carranza
try are Included In the performance of the national guard. If the national
of the Wilson administration In Its administration had had the ability to
"Franklin Roosevelt, assistant secre
dealings with our southern neighbors Interpret the signs o f the time military
tary of the navy, sees a strong trend
In less than three years. It Is this preparedness would have been well tin
for Wilson in Maine."—News Dispatch.
characteristic Instability of the gov­ der way instead of barely begun.
Who can Maine a man who for three
ernment that makes people want a
years has been assistant to Josephus
Charles E Hughes, the Republican Daniels for "seeing things?"
candidate, recognizes an Important
Rrynn relterntes that he Is out for fact that Woodrow Wilson, the Demo­
Even Woodrow Wilson could not
Wilson. "Mark from the tomb n dole cratic president, nppeurs to have over
save the Infamous Clarke amendment
ful Bound."—Philadelphia Inquirer.
looked (hut the United States Is big to the Philippines hill. He lost the
enough to help Mexico out of the con­ ablest member of his cabinet. Secre
The stopping of Governor Hughes' dition o f anarchy in which that coun­ Miry Gan Ison, because of hD advocacy
auto by a Canadian soldier will not try Is plunged and, by securing order of the policy of scuttle, but even the
mutter, Inasmuch as the hand wagon's In Mexico, Insure peace on our border. sacrifice of Garrison could not save It
progrès« Is not to be interrupted.
A •• 1 n i »E»'ENDENT local newspaper devoted to
» of tiu Lral Point and the Koifue
Hive* ValUy.
| |l| v
p ll> ll/
I . pt on fib at the H a k e A i >
JiLi I /\i I l\ vi.KiisiNu A gency .
I nc , 427
South Main Street. L oh Ai.tfeles. and 779 Market
an Kninn •
wh» re contracts for adver­
tising can be made for it
P u b lish h i F. vek y T h u r sd a y .
Subscription price, $1->J per year, in advance.
btinjiiiii Ddy
It i all th e.ro these days, so
the H raid will have one.
fake to this birgain day, it is a
straight ''ut of one-third, that is,
1916, the Herald
will he SI.00 for a year’s sub
script ion, in advance.
Now li ten, do riot come to the
office oil th" lOih and expect to
get the cut rate, It Can’t Be
I irthermore, all back
subscriptions must he paid up at
$1.50 p ;r year and the .$1 00 will
then pay you a year in advance.
And what is more, if you take
advaniage o f each Bargain Day,
you paper will cost you a $1.00 a
year instead o f $1.50.
I f you are paid two or three
month ahead, save a half dollar
dollar hv sending your paper one
year ahead o f the present date.
New subscriptions at $1.00
each on that day only.
’Those c lining by mail must be
postmarked Sept. 15th, 1016, or
the sender will get credit for hut
8 months.
1 ¿V ;
Pernoornts who harbored hopes that
Josephus would catch the virus from
the llryan and Garrison resignations
lire still nursing their disappointment.
Nothing remains for them hut to re­
sign to u realization that Josephus will
not resign
/ ¿■ H S */ / £ H H */ / */ / J
All Must Go
Sell Them All
Sell Them All
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Pair of Pants
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Overcoat
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Mackinaw
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Sweater
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Hat
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Shirt
in the store
Every One Must Go
$1 B. V. D. union suits
FI I’orosnit union suits
Every Suit of Clothes
fide 1! V. D. underwear
$1.50 union suits
$2.1)0 union suit
$ 1.75 pajamas cut to
$2 50 pajamas cut to
$1.00 nightshirts cut to
$1.50 nightshirts cut to
Big Lot of
Sailor Straw
Hats, values to
$3, going for
12 l-2c handkerchiefs 7c
20c handkerchiefs
Regular 25c garters
25c suspenders
50c suspenders
50c silk ties
10c canvas gloves
75c and $1 work gloves 59c
$1.25 work gloves
$1.75 work gloves
$2.00 dress gloves
Cut the Price
Sell Them All
All hiiiiK
•’itM light underwear
SI kind union suits
After Checking Ove>- the T. E, Daniel’s Stock Last Night, We Have Decided to Let ’em Go
j All $ 1.00
Dress Shirts
Trick by Which He Turned the Tablet
on Sheriff Bill Nye.
To nearly every oue the uame of Bill
Nye brings the picture of u genial. Mu
loving man whose Jokes were once fa ­
mous all over the country, hut in those
who lived In Wyoming some thirty
years ago Sheriff BUI Nye of Laramie
county means something else too
Sheriff Nye was absolutely fearless
g e was resolute, decisive, quick to act
and tireless in pursuing offenders He
failed to get his man on only one occa­
sion. and that failure was due to tbo
tenderness of heart that was always a
part of his character.
Nye started out ouce after a typical
bad man wbo had shot or stabbed
some one and quickly learned that ha
had fled to the mountains. Summon
Not So Far Wrong.
ing a deputy, the sheriff sprang on his
“ Have yon written all the invita­
horse, and the two started off. After tions to my party, mamma?" queried
riding nearly 200 miles Into the wilder­ little Eva.
ness they learned that their man was
“ Yes. dear." answered her mother.
biding in an abandoned miner's cabin, "They are all written and mailed."
whither he had brought his young wife.
"And how soon will the acceptions
Soou after darkness fell Nye quietly and deceptions begin to come In?"—
rode up to the cabin and dismounted Chicago News.
before the door. He sent his deputy
round to guard the rear of the little
Work of a Beacon.
shack. Then N.ve threw open the door
There is a flashing beacon on Rich­
and dashed Inside, with his revolver ardson ro k. a wave swept spot west of
cocked and ready for Instant action. the Santa Barbara Islands. California.
The criminal was asleep on the bed,
I which without attention, will flash Its
and his wife, who sat close by, was
: warnings every three seconds for seven
stroking bis forehead. N.ve covered
months, or over ii. 0 U 0 . 0 U 0 flashes, before
them both with his gun and told them
! it requires recharging with gas.—Ar-
to throw up their bands.
' gouauL
“ I've got you.” he said grimly. “ Now
you get up quietly and come along.
All Sorts.
The lady can stay here If she chooses."
"How's this seven different styles
The bad man admitted that the game
of plug hats?"
was up and began to roll his blanket
"The line officers of our lodge. Each
Into n bundle. “ Never mind that.”
bought a plug hat the year he was
said Nye. "W e've got plenty of blan­
elected."—Kansas City Journal.
kets in the place you're going to.” The
desperado then asked If he couldn't
To dread no eye and to suspect no
say goodby to his wife.
“ I reckon it's the last time I'll ever tongue Is the greatest prerogative of
see her,” he continued. "You've cot Innocence —Dr. Johnson
The Beans
Are Spilled
12 1 -2cgood work sox 9c
12 l-2c black & tan sox 9c
20c black and tan sox 13c
25c lisle sox
25c wool sox
f>0c silk lisle sox
35c wool sox
50c silk ties
fide suspenders
10c arm bands
Good r»0c work shirt 39c
The Insuperable handicap of the W ILSON’S POLICIES BLOWN UP
Democratic party In this campaign Is j Charles Evans Hughes did have ex
Its record.
plosives with him when his motorcal
was searched by a Canadian soldle'
If the Democratic national adminis­ but they were under the candidate'-
tration had left on the statute books In
hat. Mr. Hughes will set them off o'
18'.i4 the federal corrupt practices act
his western tour, and some of Mr. Wl!
placed there by the Republicans there
«in's poll les will tie blown lip—Nov
fork Fun
the goods on me this time, sheriff, and
I reckon I'll swing for I t ”
He appeared so east down that Nye’a
warm heart prompted him to grant the
"A ll right." he said
“ I'll
give you two minutes."
The criminal rose from the lied. The
next Instant those tightly rolled blan­
kets came whirling through the air and
struck N.ve In the face so heavily that
be reeled hack against the wall. Be­
fore he could recover his balance and
throw off the blankets the criminal
had dashed out o f the cabin. lea[>ed on
Nye's pony and was galloping down a
mountain trail in the darkness.
Of course Nye's deputy cuuie rushing
round from the rear o f the cabin and
started In pursuit, but the bad man
was never heard from afterward.—
Youth's Companlou.
Work S hirt
$1.00 all new fine shirts
$1.25 all new fine shirts
Every Necktie
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Pair of Sox
in the store
Every One Must Go
$1.50 all new fine shirts $1.19
$2.00 all new fine shirts $1.59
Every Garment of Underwear
in the store
Every One Must Go
$1.00 shirts.French cuff
Every Night Shirt
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Suit of Pajamas
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Handkerchief
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Pair of Gloves
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Suitcase
in the store
Every One Must Go
Every Trunk
in the stole
Every One Must Go
$1.25 shirts, French cuff
$1.50 shirts.French cuff $1.19
$2.00 shirts.French cuff $1.59
$1.00 shirts,collar
$1.25 shirts,collar
$1.50 shirts,collar
$2.00 shirts,collar
All new sailor
Straw Hats
$3 & $ 4
all going for
i I The I. E. Daniels Store, known as Daniels for Duds, Medford, Ore. Ï
Í10.00 $12.50
Nsw T w o -P Is c s Suits
1.1 S7-89
$1 50
$3 50
#4 50
$2 l ’.5( 525 Ik'
K link i Norfolk
Auto Suits
• »a
This Seasons Nsw Suits
Cut t. $ 1 2 .8 9
$2 Off cloth hat* cut ti 9 8 c
Be sure and come, your choice of thi»«tnc'
Nsw Suits
Cut to $ 5 .5 8
"H silk hats .-ut t
#1 39
. $3 49
.$4 98
Fall ami winter goods are included in this sale, they all must go. It will pay you to buy now for winter.
to pick from
Every dollar s worth will be sold. Come every day. Sale continues daily. It's all going.
k a k s k i p u n t*
su per g ra d e
(irt»ss p a n ts
d r e n » p a n t*
d r e ** p a n t»
$2 50 felt hats cut to $ 1 .8 9
Cat to $ 1 4 .8 9
Cut to $ 1 9 .8 9
$11.50 felt tuts ,-ut to $2.59
All $5.00 and H O I hats, your
!• f • -v- k « ,v . BMk
, .
{ „ the , tore for 53 29
Muokinaws and all must ^u.
1 ,ns 9,ock mw t
turned ,nt0 cash r,t once'
Absolutely the Entire Stock to choose from.
The items above are only a few o f the hundreds o f wonder
ful bargains that will be here for you to choose from. R «member you have a complete stock to select from. This is an annual event with the greateststore
in America