CENTRAL POINT HERALD THURSDAY, JUNE 1 ; i I 1916 GREAT We sold more shirts last week than we expected, and they are still moving fast. There’s a Reason— Superior Quality and Price of Green Hood Work Shirts and Dress Shirts and the celebrated “ E L K -H E A D ” SPORT SHIRT Special prices will continue another week FREE! With every $1.00 sale of Liberty Oat Flakes or Wheat Flakes we will give absolutely free, a 10-lb. sack of Whole Wheat. Only a limited amount on hand. VV e have just recently received a shipment of fresh roasted 99 Coffee—ninety-nine per cent, better than any coffee on ihe market sold at the same price. Try it once and you’ll do as others are do ng—drink it. Liberty Soda Crackers in Sanitary, Air Tight Tins, Only 9}c per pound ll not under obligations to trade elsewhere we solicit and will appreciate your patronage, and guarantee every article satisfactory or money refunded. Give us a trial order . . . . CRIME GROCERY Two Doors West of Postoffice CENTRAL POINT OREGON