CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915 P~ STING OF THE AGY. MUSICAL A ENTERTAINMENT Friday night, December 17, the eighth grade of the city school will give an entertainm ent at the opera house. Exercises musical, patriotic, literary and educational. “Where Rolls the Oregon” 100 stereopticon views, with lecture, showing beauty spots of Oregon. These views, direct from the VVeister company of Portland, have been shown throughout the east and aroused universal admiration. Shown for the first tim e in Southern Oregon. Squad Drill U. S. Army regulations. E ight boys in uniform. The Contest of the Nations Patriotic cantata. Sixteen girls, in costumes, representing the nations, complete before Liberty for the laurel crown. Liberty crowns, with imposing ceremony, ihe representative of the most deserving nation. Proceeds for the benefit of the school library. Music by the high school orchestra. Reserved seats 35c; general admission 25c; children under tw elve 15c. Seats on sale at Hull’s. Doors open at 7:30; performance begins at 8 o’clock sharp. Prof. V. A. Davis, director. Mrs. S. A. Mulkey, music direet- or. Miss Esther Pankey, pianist. ♦ N L PAGE THREE 0 T Madagas car P la n t T h a t C a n Co. N Feb. 22, 1916, we will give away to some patron of Central Point Rural Routes Nos. 1 and 2 or Medford Routes Nos. 2 and 3, two sacks of flour. The contestant having the greatest number of votes will receive a sack of the celebrated “Fishers Blend, ” and the one having the next highest vote will receive the sack of Fishers Art flour. W e think Fishers Blend flour the superior of all other flour manufactured on the coast. Try it once and jou will use no other. Votes will count in the following manner: Every cent purchase of staple and fancy groceries, drugs, patent medicines, jewelry, Holiday goods, will count one vote; every cent purchase of Fishers Flour, Heinz Vinegar, Coffees and Teas, Stationery and School Supplies, 10 votes; every cent applied ot subscription to Central Point Herald, 100 votes. O Profit Sharing With Patrons V E R Y Contestant and patron voting may participate in our Profit Sharing plan, which is a plan whereby we divide a percent of our profits with our customers. We sell only goods of standard quality and at the most reasonable prices. Here is an opportunity to obtain a sack of flour at no cost whatever. There must be at least three contestants on each route. Any patron may enter or nominate someone. Four votes margin won sack of flour given away Dec. 1- a sack of flour for 4c. Y O U might get one for less. Try it. E New Year Gift for Some Contestant The Rural Rout Contest will commence Saturday. Dec. 11. hut anyone wishing to enter may do so later. Votes will be counted between Cnristmas and Dec. 31, and the contestant having the most votes will receive a suitable New Year present. Every person entering this contest will be presented at once a convenient and desirable household article. Remember, your goods cost you no more here than elsewhere and you share with us in the profits CRANE GROCERY CO. 2d Door W . Postoffice C e n tra l P o in t Sturtevant Location Drive Men Mad With Pain. Among the m any peculiar am i dis­ concerting plan ts and creatu res Unit abound in M adagascar, probably none Is more surprising and disconcerting tb au the agy tree, so called, w bleb is not a tree, but a clim bing plant. The following Incident, quoted by Mr. Jam es Sibree, F. it. tj. S„ in "A Nut- ] u rallst lu M adagascar," illustrates tlio painful result of contact w ith the agy. j T he story is told by a Mr. Moutgom- , e ry : W alking under som e trees and push- I Ing aside the reeds and grass, I w as j startled by a sudden tingling and prickling sensation over tile backs of my hands and lingers. I stopped in j sudden surprise, for the pain w as so- ! vere, and I had touched nothing ex- I cept the grass. B ut in another m inute the pain increased, the tingling, buru- I lag sensation seem ed to be extending rapidly up my w rists, and I could see nothing to cause it. As 1 low ered my | head to look scalding pain shot into my ears and neck and grew w orse every in stan t. Dazed an d bewildered, I stood a few seconds in helplessness, for I could neither see nor guess at the cause of th e terrible distress. Then I got | hack to my company w ith agony w rit­ ten plain enough on every line of my | face. T he men started up when they saw me. crying, "You have been stung by the agy!” Some of them led m e to a seat, others rushed for w ater from the river, and tw o or three brought sand heaped up In their hands. Then they chafed me w ith the sand and w ater to take out the stinging hairs, which they knew caused Ihe mischief. As ihey rubbed me I felt the pain abate, and a fte r they had chafed me for nbout n q u arter of an hour I w as com ­ paratively free from pain. W hile the men w ere rubbing me I w as able to discern to some extent the cause of mv distress. Couutlcss hairs, like tiny a r rows, alm ost tran sp aren t, pointed ut eith er end and from a third to u fourth of an inch long laid dropped on me In an invisible show er from the agy tree as I stood under i t Before I cam e aw ay th a t afternoon, very cautiously I ventured to exam ine th e tree a t a little distance and found that the tiny hairs grew outside a thickish pod or shell not quite so large as a sm all banana. Tlio pods w ere fully ripe (unluckily for me) ju s t a t th a t time, and the light wind w as scattering th eir coverings. S T O R Y O F A M EAN M AN. The On W ashington's Birthday The Crane Grocery Will Give Away Two Sacks of Fishers Flour Notiic tor f'uLlitdlion Millionaire W h o Refused a Lo a n to A le x a n d e r D um as . “T he m eanest m an 1 ever knew ," said M ark T w ain to a fellow trav eler he m et on shipboard, “lived in H anni­ bal. H e sold his son-in-law the half sh are of a cow and then refused to give him any milk because he hud only sold him the front half." Well, th a t story m ay he apocryphal, although there are lots of men who rise to its standard of m eanness, but the follow ing is tr u e - When A lexander D um as the elder w as sh o rt of cash lie w rote a charm ing little note to a m il­ lionaire who was proclaim ed In every paper to he a model of generosity. D um as ended his letter with some verses, half Jocular, h alf serious, in fuet, the letter w as u literary gem. T his financier, who respected literary men for th eir talents, hut had little tru st In th eir [lower or will lo pay their debts, refused D um as’ request. The sam e evening he en tertain ed some men of letters a t his m ansion, and Ihe con versatlon turned ou (he value of auto graphs. "H ave such trifles a comm ercial valueV" asked the millionaire. "C ertainly,” replied one of the guests. “A le tte r by Hugo or 1st m arl iue or G au tier Is m ors tbau w orth its weight iu gold.” “And a letter by D um as tills one. for instanceV” “I will give you 5 louis for It?” "A greed!” And th a t generous, flattered million­ aire financier, who had been m aking bargains and nothing else—all Ids life, sold for more tbnn 100 francs Hie letter of I lum as, whom he hud refused to oblige iu tiic m orning. Could m ean­ ness go fu rth er? I'earsou's. O ne W a y to C u t Brass. To cut sh eet brass chem ically the fol­ lowing m ethod m eets w ith g reat suc­ cess: Make a strong solid ion of bichlo­ ride of m ercury In nlcobol. W ith h quill pen druiv u line «cross the brass « here It Is to he c u t Let It dry on and with tiie sam e pen d raw over this Hue w ith nitric ncld. The brass may (hen he broken across like glass th a t hue been cut with a diam ond.— Exchange. R ecomm en dat io n N o t N . c . a . a r y - "So you’re going to leave us. M ary?" “ Yes, mum. I’ve got to." “A nd do ¡o u w ant me to give you a letter o f recom m endation?" " I t a in 't necessary, mum. The man l in going tu work for is willing to lak e chances. I'm leavin’ lo get m ar­ ried ."- D etroit Free Press. T h a S piri t of C h a r i t y . “ I'm aw fully sorry th a t my engage­ m ents prevent my un en d in g y o u ri liar ity concert, but I shall I* with you in spirit.” "Splendid! And w here would yon like jo u r spirit to sit? I have tickets here for $2 50, $5 and $ 1 0 "—8t. Ixmls Post-D ispatch. Touching. Ptie Your fi lend Jim s w as hero this m orning asking for you and told me such n touching story. He tab- sentm lndedly)—F or how m uch?—Bnl tlm ore American. Department of the Interior, U. S. 1 I Land office ut Roscburg, Oregon, Nov- ■ ember 2il, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Howsrd R. Fox, of Butte Falls, Oregon, who, on April 1, 1910, made Jloun stead on try Serial No. 00039 for SJSVV i. Sec- | tion 18, Township 1’I S., Range 2 E., | Williamette Meridian, hns filed notice of intention to make Heal live year Proof, to establish claim to (lie land above described, before \V II. Canon ■ U. S. Commissioner, at Medford. Ore­ gon, on the 11th day of January, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: John Higinbothnm of Hutto Falls, Oregon. S. H. Hawk of Derby, Oregon. Ever­ ett Abbott and Carl Cobleigh of Untie Falls. Oregon. 12 2-15 1C 16 J. M. UPTON, Register ■CV" -C ^ Notice fur I’ ublkation ' The Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Reselling, Oregon, Nov­ ember 26, 1915. Nolice is hereby givtii that John I Higinbothr.m, of Butte Falls, Oregon, j who, on November 6, 1909, made | lor Homestead entry Serial No. 05606, for VVJSEi EjSW, Section 20, Township1 •'!4 S., Range 2 E . Williamette Mi rid-I an, lias filed notice of intention to truke Final five year Proof, to estab­ lish claim to the land above described, before VV. H. Canon, U. S. Commis­ sioner, Medford, Oregon, on this 11th day of January, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: How­ Have your 1 hilo tt.ben r.t ti e I i e- ard R. box, of Butte Falls, Oregon, or Xmas gifts. S. H. Hawk, of Derby, Oregon, Ever­ ett Abbott and Carl Cobleigh, of Butte 1‘We Succeed by Successful Fitting” Kalis, Oregon. 12-2-15 1-6-16 J. M. UPTON. Register PERFECT Flour Every PURPOSE C rane G rocery Golden Glow Coffee, a superior quality imported specially by Chase & Sanborn for Pacific coast customers;at Crane Groceiy A BARGAIN—Two English slipon rain coats, specially ordered, for sale at bargain prices See them at the Crane Grocery Co., first do ir east of Sam Moores. p r o f e s s io n a l w. POELLNITZ J)R . R. . p h y s ic ia n & SURGEON Office hours 9 to 12 a. in. Calls ana we red day or night. Ofllco phono one lonR- and ono short I’lmnc«: Rear Crank. Table It.« k. Tra il Crank W illo w Spriiura- cm.'I. X X 5 In the R O S T E L OLDG. Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey D EN TIS T THE PROFESSION PRACTICED IN ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES Hour*: 8:30 A M. !.. 12:00 1:00 to 4:80 P. M. Other» by appointment. Phonr 3 4 Office in Rostel Bldg. Central Point.Ore MULKEY & CHERRY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JACKSON COUNTY BARK BUILDING MEDFORD j-; OR EG O N DR. W. H. H E C K M A N OHICt, ROSTtl BUIIOINO. C EN TR A L PO INT - - OREGON Hours- 10:0« a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Night: 7:00 to 8:00 O’clock. Phones: Office. Main 3x1; Residence, Main 23x1; Medford Line, Phone 500 Rf, ALL CALLS AN SW ERED PRO M PTLY DAY OR NIGHT. E. R. G L E A S O N , BARBE R , ■ • Y -V „ 0 1 E .M A IK 'Y fi* r-a&iMiuwN o a * « p « Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roscburg, Oregon, Nov­ ember 10, 1915. Notice is hereby given that William McLeod, of Derby, Oregon, who, on May 18, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 06252, for the NWl of Sec­ tion 34, Township 33 S., Range 1 E. Williamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land ubovo described, before VV II. Canon, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Medford, Oregon, on the 2«th day of December, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Janies W. Herrinn, of Medford, Oregon, Court Hull of Medford, Oregon, Harvey M. Mdntrye of Derby, Oregon, Thomas Ci. Spangler of Prospect, Oregon 1111 12- 16d J. M. Upton, Register Notice for Public dtion Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roscburg, Oregon, Oct­ ober 19, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Francis I). Hill, of Derby, Oregon, who, on December 15, 1908, made Homestead Entry, Seriul No. 02724, for the SEJ of Section 34, Township 34 S., Range 1 E., Willamette Meridian, bus filed notice of intention to make Final Five- tear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. H. Canon, U. S. Commissioner, ut his office at Medford, Oregon, on the 26lli day of November, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: A. H. C h a r t r H W , W. J. Cameron, Alva Marion, Irvin F. Koruig, all of Derby, Oregon, 10-21 ll-25d J. M. Upton, Register. AGEN T FOR M E 0 F 0 R 0 A N D G R A N T S PASS ______ LAUNDRIES EM MENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien­ tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. p. R, R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. bldg., opiHisitc P. O. Phone 567. DR. J . J . Central Point Auto Line Dally Schedule L e v . C . n t r . l P o in t L . n v . M .d f o r d 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p in. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p.rn. 5:00 p.m. 7:0O [i. m. 8:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. .Saturday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:3o a. m. 1 ;00 p.m. 3:0« p.m. 4:30 p.rn. 6:00 i m. 7:30 i m. 9:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. Sunday Schedule 9:30 a m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p. in. 2: