CENTRAL POINTHER a LD, THURSDAY. Funds on hand at that date in Jackson county were: General county and state$75,467.- I ïy H a sslek & B ebb 62. General road, $298,035.24. 1'. 1’. H a s s l e s , Editor Road districts, $8,713.15. County schools,$31,336.60. Special school A n ! . i .v\r loral newspaper devoted to districts, t7.915.ll. State school. the n.t< •• Central Point and the Kojfue* $4,828.19. Register and indem­ Hiver Valley. I- pi m c d E v e r y T h u r s d a y , nity, $219.44. Bond interest and ; ,'jbfo-r ipt.on pri* e, $L&0 per year, in advance. miscellaneous, $14,204.77. Total Mr 11 "red a : Vrond-clasa matter. May 4 1906, at the IV i o 'i i t ' “ ;t Central Point. Oregon, under funds on hand, $441,347.55. Tot­ he a ct o i (»n»rre.s : o f M arch 3. Ifc79. al »indebtedness: County road bonds, $500,000. Outstanding THIS PAPE K ,; ^LN ofiÄ«t«ch; Di“ ..*£ warrants, $472.451.92. Agen c y funds liability, $59,131.54. Total tiaini: can bo made for it. county indebtedness, $1,031,583.- 46. Total indebtedness over the rio chance, our council meets amount of funds in the treasury' s ■ often? is $590,235.91. C entral P oint H erald DECEMBER 3. 1914 WH4T ARE WE UP AGAINST? during the number o f business men the purposes of economy re­ form arrived at in creating this board have been lost sight of. Its function# will probably be Are Our Taxpayers to be [burdened by merged with those of the State ^ ^ fur|hef pes|re Board of Education, ___ fs t im n M'ut horrors . i.t t »eon one person injured, h less killed in an automo* . evident in that city. And • li> is this so? Because in Port- mi th e driver of an automobile w ,ii ("W ills the speed limit is put to work on the rock-pile, for H' mi two tothirt> days. No fines accepted, if tiie driver Is con- v icteii lie must do his time at hard 1 it, i and no exceptions are made. : d'l land’s streets are safe to ped- trians. Here is an idea that : to spread eastward. i ti, s 1 1 ,l\; KM IN UH MY ,r I». Oil to a - 1 'o-.irt- it is at hand sho.\- ial standing of the o state at close of . tomber 3 », 1911: it m , FURNISHES THE BEST TO BE HAD IN PRACTICAL EDUCATION Jackson County has been most liberal in voting bonds for public enterprises. A half million was voted a flattering majority for the construction o f a highway *rory *-be summit of the Siskiyous TTill. Now comes a proposition fath- ered by the Rogue Lands Irriga­ tion Co., to bond that section of Jackson county lying under their ditch for irrigation purposes. The scheme proposes to make a “ District” of that section and S G 0 7 T WOOL F E V E R Y boy and ifirl can­ not attend the University! or High School for four I years; but every boy and | girl can attend the M e d ­ ford C o m m e r c i a l C o l - l e K e for six months, or a| year, and get an education I that pays dividends for | life. C O M P L E T E HOUSE FURNISHER N EW & 2ND HAND GOODS T r y Kiney R o m e Bed S p rin g s P j foi tlu* soli* purpose, is concerned, for there is general to hi* advance in the position at Low- 0f claiming supremacy in the) complaint. I ic*. in Poland, during the week, noth publication o f exclusive news. I Public school books not only I,he Kua*ian and <5,’rman capt,al'' ln' ,i.„ i • .. ,1 ... , , . . . sist the enemy Is being held In check. iNtver in the histoi v o f the I cost too much but changes are ..... . _ . . newspaper has there been such , forced upon the people altogeth- Poland ¡ire primarily inversions for a demand for truth, yet never in er too frequently. The first text preventing a Russian Invasion of Ger­ the history of the newspaper has book commission, appointed by many. General von Hlnilenherg. who has truth qjon so carelessly handled. 'Governor Geer under great pub- just been maile a Field Marshall by No wonder tiie reading public I’ e pressure, was composed alto- Emperor William in recognition of the is weary o f "w ar news.” gether of business nun. It cut protection he and his troops have giv- the list of books used about one- on the East Prussian frontier, in an Will the fai mers o f Willow half and reduced the price n a- “r,n> order Issued at Thorn sajrs the Springs stand for irrigation? tor-ally, giving the pupils a high Oortnans have brought the Russian or fenslve to a standstill and Inflicted Lumbermen o f the Pacific North-Idas* o f text books. The next heavy losses. west have been asked to bid on text book commission was j artlv It appears from the communications railroad ties for the Orient ag- composed o f business men and of the Russian staff commander-ln- ihief that the Germans have been com grogatingtU'00,600 feet,and with partly o f "educators.” and orders for the same material com- This commission increased the fal1 from Rxgo ing from Kurope.it is expected number c f books an I made some Tu iyn ,hr;,UiTn !’'*eitny and how under condition* most disidvan- the millmen o f this territory will ehanges.also increasing the total tageou* to them. The German* suf­ be right in line for ttwir share expenses. By adding "educat­ fered enormous losses during the r » of the ant cipatc I good times. ors” to t' e commission, ; nd re- treu L RIGHT and success is half attained. S TART This school gives more than a theoretic. I knowledge of business branches. It trains each student individually in the practical methods of real business. It equips for the emergencies of life. No term divisions. Enter any time, Day or Night School. In Session all Year f o r f u r t h e r information call, Tele p h o n e 1 5 L , or w rite Subscribe for the HERALD and get 2000 Piano votes • ♦♦♦ y ^ • e e ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦» ♦ IRRIGATION IS GROP INSURANCE Y OU can raise some crops every year and all crops some years without irrigation. But if you want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. The value of any crop any year can be increased 50 to 500 per cent, by irrigation. If you have water supply from well, creek or stream,we can supply you with electric power for pumping. On receipt of information card we will be pleased to make you estimate of cost. J : m M E D FO R D , OREGON of an Irrigation Monoply? ‘What is a game of WHY 1)0 TENANT EAKMERS MOVE? Say Mike G ua ran te e d 2 0 years. c ianc<*.' ' The past two months, as is .Mike. “ That's a simple ques- usually the case in fall, has mark­ Central Point people are tio k any member of our city ed the sale of much farm prop­ requested to call and inspect c luncll.” erty in the rural communities 0f , f ubin' t' *-be jand 0Arners with- our large stock. Prices are 1 iciit the number o f bills is the the state and the moving of far- m boundaries the proposition right to all. n ly v ay for the next legislature mers from one farm to another! as to whether they will take the WE ARE M AK IN G VERY to cut down expenses. ¡'This frequency of moving, or in­ ditch company’s water at fifty ($50), dollars per acres and $2.- LOW PRICES ON H E A T E R S stability of occupancy, very like- 50 per acre perpetual upkeep of Official returns from all fbe jy js one 0f the Chief causes tor 2 2 S o u t h F ir S t r e e t counties in the state show that j the decline of rural prosperity.cr the system. The Company by M E D FORD - OREGON capital pun shment has been ab-1JS a hindrance to greater prog the terms of the proposed move- olished in Oregon. ress. Frequency o f removal o f \ men^ ‘s lo Pu^ tbe water upon farmers is one o f the greatest of some sPot within each fortV acre be grandmothers of Spring- causes why the roads and bridges t,act The fighting in France and Flan- fiel 1, Massachusetts, have form- j The voters within the district , ders has been unimportant throughout are generally in a poor condition ed a club for social service arid |. ' ’ , W " “ ............ ¡ w i l l have the bonding scheme ' [J,e past week, though there have been i because the farmers, moving at pb-: sure. The chief requirement [ frequent periods are not pai tic- submitted to them by authority persistent reports that the Germans lor membership is the status of ularly interested in their upkeep. o f the County Court of Jackson are preparing for a retirement. These grandmotherhood. in due course o f time, rumors 8eern Improbable at present, ! Farm buildings o f such farms are county , in view of the French governments proi.ai.ly by January 1, 1915. offlcla, statement that the allies are Cleveland, Ohio, pastors will not usually kept in good repair, If the proposition receive sixty outnumbered by the Germans. Fifty sound ttie “ shop early” Xmas as the man who is about to move per cent, of ail the votes cast German army corps are said by l'aris s ■ a slogan from their pulpits. will leave the repairs for the next thereon, it becomes binding upon authorities to be in France and Bel tenant to make. The same reas­ The aid o f the churches in the ! gium, making probably a total of 2 all. movement came at the request ons will apply for lack of interest t . , . ... , I 000,000 men. That the allies have been In consideration of this sub- linabIe as yet to 8Urpa88 thl8 number o f the Cleveland Consumers by the unstable farmer in the ject, several questions will arise ; ¡s (]tie without doubt to their shortage schools, churches, and general League an orgination of buyers naturally. j of equipment. They must wait for welfare of the community. ahe shop-keepers. 1. Are all the lands within the ,nor‘i arms antl ammunition before This section of the country is district within need of irrigation? t,hey C!,n develop a " umerlcal aupe^ A junk dealer from the middle noted for its open-handed hospi­ iority in Flanders and assume the or 2. Are some of the lands with- fenslve. west had heard that Ford, the tality, but are we really as hos­ auto manufacturer, used tin cans pitable and as neighborly as we in th e district o f i-UCd a n atllie | noth the allied armies and the Ger 1 mans facing them on the long battle in tiie construction of his car. believe ourselves to be? Let us as to be injured l y irrigation? 3. If all the lands need irriga- front through Belgium and France are He gathered up several hundred be honest with ourselves. Do we in the present | utterly cxhausted' The German, hav tomate, sauei kraut and oyster welome the incoming tenant and tion, .... can they, e . ... , hurled themselves against the stone- and wall ,, defense . , .. allies from Ypre cans and sent them to the Ford try to make them permanent condition o f transportation 1 of the factory along with a request that members of the community? If markets, support an initial cost to the 8ea wtthout success, for more they be made into an auto. A not, let us begin with the next o f $50.00 per acre with acontinu- 1 than a month. They have fought duy week later In received a Ford by new tenants, starting out with ing upkeep expense of $2.50 p e rjan thl8 number of men soon will be us try to get the viewpoint of the line parties who would not sub- available to reinforce the allies' lines h el been sent out through his dis- scribe of their own free will? stranger, and if we are wrong, | These second line troops have been t iet undi r his frank. While his 6. If some land owners fail in kept from General Joffre's array hero let us about-face. If we are hide­ action was doubtless question­ the payment o f the burdens of tofore because of the lack of guns bound and stand-offish, let us put able, as long as the practice is the bonding scheme, who would ! clothing anil war equipment. the Golden Rule in operation. If al!o\ e(| and upheld, still one can- The condition of the French troops become the ultimate owner of our loeal laws and regulations in the field is declared to be excellent no1 Main«1 the jury much, espec­ are too puritanical, we have the such land, and would there be despite the winter weather which set ially it they were constituents many tracts to be sacrificed un­ in a month ago. Reports of the move­ remedy at hand. wh i were » x pec ted to read tl e der tiie application and enforce­ ment of guns and troops behind the junk. WAR WlAKY ment of the scheme in the last German lines coupled with the general cessation of violent fighting, is taken analysis? The obligation that rests upon mi l'ut h nu I o k .smoiKS 7. I)o tiie people of Jackson tiere to mean that the Germans are bringing up new guns and troops to decent newspapers to toll the In t i< so dins of freak legisla- truth is ever a sacred and respon­ county feel themselves already strengthen the lines weakened by se­ iiin, fanatical laws ; n I attempts sible one. Right-minded people bonded to the utmost of good vere losses of recent weeks. Paris is afire with new enthusiasm in regulate habits and personal have wearidofthe unending pro business policy, and should the aliairs by le .a! rules, it is re- cession of tales o f the war’s mir­ people of tlu* proposed irrigation because of the arrival at Havre and other French coast points of Field freshin to tome across a new ror, cruelty and destruction, and district be made to suffer added Marshal Sir John French's reinforce­ ¡'I i n lily ordinances which, are eager, even anxious, to ad­ burdens when any considerable ments to the number of nearly 1.250. hurting no ore, ¡ets as a means dress themselves to the construc­ number o f its people object? 000 men. aving lives and reducing the tive policies of peace. The plain This second great expeditionary HIGH ( OS I 01 SCHOOL bOOKS force arrived from England in a steady tubero. accidents. Portland truth is, the reading public is stream from troop ships. Nearly 200 tie city which is to be compii­ sick and tired o f the monton.v of A committee created by the last ships comprised the fleet. la iiti'il upon writing iuta its code the war diet served up to them. legislature is investigating the The work of equipping this new a which has made the place Yet how many sensational news­ high cost o f school luniks in M ul-jarmv is suing rapidly forward and as to in i no respect. There are papers disregard their duty to tnomah county. The same sub- i fast as ,hey “re p'“ in reauine*‘ for service at the front they are being i .uni) people in Portland and their readers, ar d careless of ject should interest the legists- : I. H. B A U M A N B. I. V A N G IL D C R MEDFORD T h e S c h o o l of M o d e rn Methode California-Oregon Power Company 216 We3t Main St., Medford, Oregon. ► ♦ ♦ «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦<►♦«•♦ »»»♦ ♦ « Phone 168. •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WATERS Store 1 Headquarters for Pictures and Picture Framing 318 East Main Street MEDFORD, : : : ; ; OREGON We give S & H Green Trading Stamps ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ 9 * VISIT THE ; ♦ : : : ♦ S T A R THEATRE : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BEST PHOTO PLAYS IN THE WORLD ♦ t M atinees............................2 :1 5 p. m. ♦ ♦ Evening..............................6 :4 5 p. m. ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Admission Always - 5 and 10c M e d f o r d , .........................Oregon ********* ............................................. .... ............... . Old papers at this office 5c a bundle. ••««.«I Auctioneer and Valuator The Famous Nurmi s Butter Nut à Pun Dandy Bread ARC NOW ON S A LC AT A. P. G IL L E T T E S TO R E C antral P o in t Try a loaf 5c. GEO. L. N E A LE 10c for large size SALES arranged and C O N D U C T E D Have had 25 years experience andean guarantee satisfaction A share o f your patron­ age is solicited. \wl- : N T 1 ; a L P O I N T . O R E G O N ♦ ♦ ♦