Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, June 25, 1914, Page 5, Image 3

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Our Items of I^ocal Interest
Those Who Go and Come With Company They Entertain
With every dozen photos
amounting to $4.00 or over
we will give
A Large Picture
Mrs. Frank Tompkins was the guest
of Mrs. II. W. Davisson Tuesday.
As a “ water cure” city, Ashland
promises to become a noted place. Its
up to them now to find a cure for “ that
tired feeling.”
State Representative E. E. Blanch­
ard will hear thecagle scream at Grants
Pass July 4th, and is on the program
for the principal address.
A b s o lu te ly P u r e
Mrs. J. E. Watt and daughter, Miss
Helen, Mrs. S. A. Nye and son Steven,
Wm. Watt, and Mr. Goodrich of Med­
ford were callers at the L. Hatfield
home last Sunday.
Mrs. Diggins arrived Monday after­
noon from Walla Walla, Washington,
Portland municipal dock No. 1, will
Cannery, cannery, is the cry of thfc
to join her husband who has accepted be enlarged to hold two large ships at the Albany business men.
the pastorate of the local Christian same time.
Independent bar pilots hnve reduced
church. Rev. and Mrs. Diggins have
The Oregon Power Co., has 100 men
moved into the Mrs. Gibson house on at work extending its intake for the rates from $1.50 to $1.00 per foot draft
for vessels.
South Second street.
Springfield water supply
Under the head of a state industrial
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Shirley went to
The Progressive party in the state of
Ashland Wednesday morning to spend Massachusetts propose to spend $50,000 survey the water power on the Rogue
river is to be investigated with a view
the day with friends in that city, and in their coming campaign.
to putting the state into the business
from which place they leave today for j
San Francisco where they expect to lo- I While the heat is somewhat oppresive of generating electric power.
Freak laws have bad the same effect
cate permanently. Mrs. W. E. Owen these days, consider well that there is
yet a hotter place with all its torments. in Wisconsin as Oregon. In both states
accompanied them to Ashland.
taxes have doubler). Wisconsion went
A friend in southern California writes j As June is rapidly approaching to a up from $2,566,711 in 1913 to $7,655,-
us to send him several copies of the close, the brides-to-be must get a bus­ 318 in 1914. For many years they had
H e rald for distribution and says: tle on themselves and not loose the
no state levy.
“ Whenever I receive my paper it is golden opportunity that this month be­
eagerly sought for by many who con j
template going to Oregon, and I may j As a precaution against fire, would it
be in a measure fortunate enough to , not be feasible to at once begin burn­
land several good families in your vi- \ ing off the dry grass that surrounds
cinity. ”
your home? Don’t wait until the Mayor
Have opened a shoe shop
Quite a number from here went to J compells you to do so.
in the A. P. Gillette store
Gold Hill and Grants Pass Sunday after- I The women teachers of Oregon are
and would appreciate a part
noon to see the ball games. Medford j seeking legislation to establish salaries
of your patronage in this
played at Gold Hill and lost 11 to 12. | for women equal to that of men teach­
line. I have a well equip­
Talent played at Grants Pass and won ers. They declare that the discrimina­
ped shop, use the best of
8 to 6. A special train was run from tion against women teachers in the mat­
materials and guarantee
Ashland to Grants Pass and return ter of salary is based upon neither econ­
good work.
which was fairly well patronized by the omic necessity, logic nor justice, and
“ fans” along the line.
they are determined to force an adjust­
Shotm akar
C e n tra l Point.
The Presbyterian Home Missionary ment of the matter. Go to it, school-
society met with Mrs. H. W. Davidson mams.
Wednesday afternoon, June 17, and
spent a very delightful afternoon.
There were 18 members present and a
very interesting program was rendered.
See the R EA L S H O E B A R G A IN S
The minister, Mr. Basham, was pres­
In Sturtevant’s Window.
ent and gave a very interesting talk
which was greatly enjoyed by all. Two
new members joined the society at this
Faber buys poultry at all times. 3tf
Take your spring chickens to Faber
E. C. Faber spent Sunday afternoon & McDonald.
with friends in Medford.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Swain,
See samples in window at
Do you know Waters? He is the Paint J une 12. a son.
man in Medford.
the Studio. This is good
Mr. Booth was a business visitor in
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boren, Medford Tuesday.
during the month of June
June 16, an 8} pound daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of this city spent
Jim Vestel was down from Phoenix , Sunday with relatives in Medford.
We also do enlarging,
Sunday for a short visit in this city.
Yes sir. We frame Pictures.—
copying and kodak finishing
Carl Bennett, of East Medford, was
Waters, Medford.
Come in and see the new
a visitor in this city Monday evening.
Mrs. M. O. Broadbent and children
just arrived.
L. L. Love was a business visitor in spent Tuesday with relatives in Medford.
Medford and the county seat Monday.
For Sale or Trade—Span of small
Central Point Studio,
Tom Pankey and wife, of Sams Val­ Mules for a good horse. Inquire of Ike
M r s . L e s m e s ls t e r -P r i c e , P r o p .
ley, were visitors in this city Tuesday. Williams.
G. S. Sanderson was a business vis-
Rev. R. Arthur Basham was a busi-
ness visitor in Medford the first of the I tor in tl>e county metropolis between
trains Tuesday morning.
All members of the Rebekah lodge
Misses Mildred Stewart and Tesele are requested to be at the lodge hall on
Miss Bertha Eliason of Ashland was
the guest of friends in this city over Neale went to Medford Tuesday after- 1 Friday afternoon, June 26, at 2:30 p. m.
noon for a short visit with friends.
Floyd Kyle went to Lebenon,Oregon, i C. S. Eicher brought in a fine load of
Dr. E. Kirckgessner, of Medford,was
a business visitor in this city Tuesday Wednesday where he will spend a few logan berries Tuesday morning and dis-
weeks visiting friends and relatives.
j posed of them to Central Point mer-
Jessie and Bessie Fredanburg.of Sams i chants.
T. J. Kelsoe was up from Gold Hill
The Government will spend $4,100,000
Saturday for a short business visit in Valley, are spending the week in this
city with their sister, Mrs. Ed Moore. in the river and harbor improvements
this city.
Mrs. J. H. Byerley, of Kanes creek, at the mouth of the Columbia river in
I. F. Williams and his father wore
visitors in Medford between trains i sPent a few hours in the city Saturday this state.
Mr. Williams of Merlin came down
evening trading with our local mer­
Monday morning.
latter part of last week for a visit
Alfred Gillette and wife were in from
Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney of Grants with his son, I. F. Williams, and fam­
Beagle Sunday for a short visit with
Pass spent a few hours Sunday visiting ily in this city.
relative in this city.
Rev. Basham dined with Mr. and
the home of Mrs. Emma Bebb and
Oliver Adams of Klamath Falls is
Mrs. R. W Elden at their pleasant
here for a visit with his brother, F. M.
M. E. Root, W. A. Pybum and Archie country home “ Green Acres” near
Adams, and family.
were among those who had Seven Oaks, Wednesday.
Dr. S. A. Mulkey made a business
Mrs. Wiley who has been spending
in the
trip to Ashland Saturday afternoon, re-
, 8 ,n
lne county metro-
several days in this city as the guest of
turning Sunday morning.
P° “8 Monday afternoon’
Irvin Bebb who went to Portland to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Purcell and Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Nibert, who has been ill
the Rose festival accepted a Mrs. Robert Kyle, left Wednesday
at the Dow Hospital, has entirely re­
position in a caffeteria and will remain morning for her home at Lebenon, Ore­
covered and returned to her home.
in that city for the present.
Uncle Sam Murray and J. F. Williams
The Secretary of the Interior has de­
Mrs. Guy Tex returned Tuesday morn-
have returned from the Applegate dis­
; ing from a couple of weeks visit with signated a tract of 284,000 acres of land
trict where they spent a week prospect­
friends and relatives in Portland and in Oregon for entry under the enlarged
ing and hunting.
other cities in the northern part of the homestead law. Most of these lands lie
Mrs. W. L. Lull, who has been a state.
in the Deschutes and John Day river
patient at the Dow Hospital in this
George Wallace, who has been very
city for the past few weeks, is report­
Ed Roberts, president of the state
ill for some time past,and who suffered
William Redzom, a butcher employed
ed as convalescing.
a relapse, is now well on the road to re­ board of horticulture, was in the valley in a meat market at Grants Pass went
We have just received a full line of covery, much to the gratification of his the latter part of last week looking
over conditions regarding his line of crazy in that city last Wednesday and
the celebrated Conkey stock remedies. many friends.
work and while here he was the guest after procuring a couple of revolvers at
Come in and get a valuable poultry
Place your orders early with The
of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hopkins at their a hardware store he engaged in a duel
book free. C. P. Feed Store.
Central Point Feed Store for new and
with the chief of police. The chief
Mrs. MacCullough, of Medford, will second hand grain bags this season, home north of the city.
escaped without injury but Redzom was
be here next Sunday to hold the regu­ and you wont be disappointed. We
The first freight vessel to be towed
winged in the right arm and gave him­
lar morning and evening preaching ser­ also handle sack twine.
through the Panama Canel was the
self up to the officer. He was com­
vices in the local Baptist church.
Grace liner Santa Clara carrying a car­
The Rogue River Hardware & Plumb­
mitted to the insane asylum at Salem.
Your films developed 10c per roll. ing company has added a stock of fur-
O. F. Williams and wife, of Albany,
Printing 4c each. Fine photos $1.25 iture to the store and will hereafter be cent of which was loaded at Portland,
are here visiting Mr. William’s
per dozen. Up-to-date Studio, 232 East prepared to supply the wants of cus­
at New York. The vessel is compara- father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. I. F.
Main street, Medford, Oregon.
tomers in this line. When in need of
atiaely new, this being her third trip to Williams. They drove overland from
The building recently occupied by the furniture look this line over.
Albany, consuming five weeks for the
the Pacific Coast.
Siskiyou confectionery which belongs
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Harrison, of Med­
trip in which they spent looking over
to L. L. Love has been much improved ford, came down the first of the week
the country and especially that part
in appearance by a coat of paint on the to take charge of the hotel in this city in Masonic hall at Medford on Wednes­
lying near the coast. Mr. Williams and
for a few weeks pending some exten­
accompanied by his mother, will
ed grand matron, Mrs. Nellie McGowan,
Roy Davidson and Henry Kilburn left sive changes which the Ray company
who was elected by the grand chapter leave within a week for Klamath county
the ; first of the week for Crater expects to make in the building.
by an almost unanimous vote. The where they expect to reside permanent­
Lake where they expect to find em­
Mrs. Parker and daughter, Eduma affair was very elaborate. The officers ly. His mother goest o visit her daugh­
ployment during the summer. The trip Carroll, left Saturday evening for Deer-
and past grand officers of Jacksonville, ter who lives near Bonanza.
was made with teams.
lodge, Montana, where they will visit Ashland and Central Point being invit­
Among the Churches.
We are Jackson county agents for relatives for a few weeks and then go ed to attend.
the famous Cyphers Incubators, Brood­ on to Iowa where most of the summer
Miss Bickley, who has been the guest
ers and Poultry Supplies. They are will be spent with relatives and friends. of her aunt, Mrs. S. G. Showalter, in
Basham, Pastor.
the standard by which all others are
this city for several days past, went to
judged. The C. P. Feed Store.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Shasta Retreat Monday expecting to
Use "Corona” Dry Arsenate of Lead
Morning Service, 11:00 a. m.
In recent real estate transfers re­
spend several days there. Tuesday
Sermon—“ Rounding Up The Race.”
corded at the county court house we and you’ll get the best results. I t’s morning a message was received from
Evening Service This will be a Rose
note that of S. E. Colver et vir to the powder that stays in suspension, the young ladies home in North Dakota
Henry B. Kilburn. lot 3, block 5, Oak has no sediment; and is uniform in stating that her father had died sudden­ Service. The church will be decorated
strength. I t ’s efficient, economical and
Park Addition to Central Point.
ly there. The message was forwarded with roses. There will be special music.
convenient. Why buy water? "Coro­
Miss Bickley will likely return at The pastor will give a short talk on
The Rogue River Valley band went na” cannot dry out. At The Central
some live subject. Sunday evening July
to North Dakota.
to Gold Hill Friday evening where the Point Feed Store.
5th, will be given over to the children.
boys assisted in furnishing music for a
Wm. Tallman, of Baker, president of
George Wright was over from Klam­ the Cattle and Horse Breeders’ asso( i-
dance given there for the benefit of the
ball team. A very nice time is report­ ath Falls the latter part of last week ation of Oregon has advised O. M.
Rev. C. L. Creesy, pastor.
after a load of goods. He started on Plumber, manager of the Pacific North­
ed by all those who attended.
Sunday School 9:4.i a. m., preaching
the return trip Sunday afternoon and west Livestock
* V
n aooiA
iouuii th
at an
an nil-
im- at 11:00; Junior League at 3:00 p. m.
While several districts of the valley
was accompanied by Robert Dunlap and pgrtant meeting of his society will be Epworth League devotional service 7:00
have at different times advanced claims Clifford
Gardner who expect to work in
of record breaking laying hens it rests the Klamath country during the sum­ held in Portland during the livesteck p. m.; preaching service 8:00 each Sun­
show at the Union Stockyards next day. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00
now with a Phoenix poultry raiser to mer.
Fall. Stock raisers from all over the p. m. Choir practise every Friday at
set up a new record for setting hens.
Northwest will be expected to attend 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. V. G. Frost of that place has a
hen which was given a setting of seven­ urday afternoon the ladies tendered a this convention.
Morning subject: “ Play Ball, a lesson
teen eggs and when she came off with farewell reception to Mrs. Parker and
One of the prominent featuri s of the from the Diamond.”
the brood there were eighteen perfect­ her daughter who left in the evening Salem Cherry Fair, to be held June 25-
Evening subject: ‘Church Federation.’
for eastern points to spend the summer. 26-27, will be an electrical parade the
ly good chicks.
League topic: “ The Im­
Refreshments were served and a very last night of the shov/. There will
Leader, Miss Lenore
pleasant time spent by all the ladies probably be ten floats in line, all gor­
geously decorated and illuminât id. An-
Temperance address tonight by a rep­
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Odell, of Sioux ' other interesting feature will be a resentative of the W. C. T. U. at eight
Falls, South Dakota, arrived in the city street dance led by King Bing and o'clock.
Tuesday morning and went out to Ag- Royal Ann and which will be psrtici-
ate for a few days visit with Mr. and P*ted in by the Cherrians an<J the Royal
Mrs. E. J. Odell, of that place. They Rosarians of Portland.
Bible School 10 a. m., and II. Y. P.
are on their way to California where
A prominent feature of the Pan ima- U. 6:45 p. m. every Sunday. Preaching
For that next order they will spend some time with friends Pacific Exposition will be an extensive services every second and fourth Sun- ;
in different cities.
Oregon out-of-doors life display to coat days. Morning 11:00 and evening 8:00 '
At the recent meeting of the Rebekah approximately $10,000. An area 60x o'clock. Rev. Mrs. W. T. D. MacCul­
| Grand Lodge Mrs. Betta Pankey was 350 feet between the Oregon buifd'ng lough, pastor.
appointed District Deputy and Install- and the bay ahore has been securt d by
j ing Officer of the local order by the the Oregon Commission and contmcts
But whether you use the phone request of tha members of Mount Pitt have been let for the initial work This
Rible School every Sunday at 10:00
or call in person remember Rebekah Lodge No. 167 of Central feature will be unique at the Reposi­ a. m. W. E. Alexander, Superintend­
it is always our endeavor to Point. This is the highest honor that tion, nothing of the sort being attem pt­ ent.
Preaching services next Sunday, June
serve you in the very best can be bestowed by a subordinate lodge ed by any other state. One of tha most
one of its members and besides interesting features will be a miniture 25, at 11:00 a. m. ar.d 8:00 p. m. with
possible manner at all times. upon
having (the endorsement of the local reproduction of 200 miles of the Colum­ Rev. Diggins in charge.
j lodge the candidate for this office must bia river, showing fisheries, night sig­
Your order will be
| have the work of the lodge letter per- nals. rapids and waterfalls. This real­
appreciated a t ........
1 feet. It will be seen, therefore, that istic bit cf scenery will, extend ap-
Christian Science services are held
I Mrs. Pankey’s many friends may have P’.oximately 60 feet. In r/ldition, it is i every Sunday morning at 11:00 a. m, in
just cause for gratification for the announced that a reserva cion of 7,000 ! the church edifice, on West Pine atreet.
honor she{has won and the Rebekahs square feet has been m e « for Oregon j Sunday School at 9;40 a. m. The public
are |to be congratulated upon having in the palaces of hort'eu iture, agricul­ \ la cordially invited to attend these
A t the %. H. M u r r a y Sta nd.
such an interested worker in the office. ture and fotd products.
. services.
T h e only Baking Powder mado
from RoyalCrapeCream ofTartar
Shoe Repairing
Think it over, have your measure taken for an Ed. V. Price
& Co.'s made to measure suit, for the Fourth of July will
soon be here. Do It Now!
For a Short Time Only
W e are giving an extra Pair
of Trousers FREE with every
suit order. Why wear hand-
me-downs when made to
measure clothes, hand-tailored
cost no more.
. . . L et us m ak e your July 4 th Suit . . .
ORRES & LaMAR, Tailors
2 0 6 W . M ain St.
- -
M E D F O R D , ORE.
W a fa a tu ra difficult a lta ra tlona and ra p a lr w o rk .
Ha ve y o u r old suit m a d t o v a r In new sty le .
Garden Tools
Call Up
Of Every Description
The Hardware Man
O L S S O N & SON.
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