Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, June 18, 1914, Image 1

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    C entral
o ur
W ill jp v e you a "s q u a r e d e a l"
every tim e T h ey a p p re cia te yo u r
p a tron a ge and w ill treat you r i« h t
E stablished A pril 26,
C entral P oint , J ackson C ounty , O regon , T hursday , J une 18. 1914
point herald
Examinations HelJ June 17*20
Superintendent J. Percy Wells,of the
Methodist Sunday School Scholars county schools, gives notice that he will
hold the regular examination of appli­
Entertain at Morninq Service
cants for teachers certificates at Jack­
Following is the program rendered by sonville, commencing Wednesday, June
Attempt is Made to Lynch Is o Special the scholars of the Methodist Sunday 17, at 9 o ’clock a. m., and continuing
school at the morning service last Sun­ until Saturday, June 20, 1914, at 4:00p.
Deputies— Intimidate Newspapers
day before a very large audience of ap- m. Following is the program of the ex­
| preciative listeners:
Butte, Mont.—An attempt to lynch Processional . “ Golden Summer Days’ ’ amination:
Wednesday forenoon, writing, U. S.
two special deputy sheriffs, efforts to
History, Physiology. Wednesday after­
throttle the newspapers, Intimidation Recitation.............. “ A Little Rosebud’ ’
noon, Physical Geography, Reading.
of the fire department of the city and
Thelma Pankey
Methods in Reading, Met­
general rioting featured the Sunday I Song. “ The Bible The Children's Book”
hods in Arithmetic.
disturbance brought about by the
Thursday forenoon. Arithmetic, His­
schism In the Miners’ Union, which Responsive Reading Pastor and Chorus
tory of Education, Psychology, Methods
became wide Saturday during the cel­ Prayer.......................Rev. C, L. Creesy
in Geography. Thursday a fte rn o o n ,
ebration of the organization's 34th an­ ¡Recitation... . “ Children of the Bible’ ’
Grammar, Geography, American Liter-
niversary, and was capped by the dy­
ature, Physics, Methods in Language,
namiting of the homes of two officials
j Exercise.‘The Sunshine of God’ s Truth' Thesis for Primary certifícate.
of the union.
Mrs. Faber’s Class
Friday forenoon, Theory and Prac-
Early in the afternoon a crowd took
Song.....................“ On Children's Day’ ’ tfce. Orthography, English Literature,
two prisoners from the jail; later took
iGhemistery. Friday afternoon School
possession of an aerial fire truck,
Recitation. "The Cradle Roll and Baby’s Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern-
which was moved through the street
Everett Faber
Soul” ment.
by the city authorities in an effort to
Recitation..........."A Prayer for B aby". Saturday forenoon,Geometry, Botany.
disperse the crowds, and threats to
Otis Broadbent
Saturday afternoon, General History,
lynch Special Deputies Owen Cribben
Exercise.............................. “ Baby Girl” Bookkeeping.
and Martin Harkins, failed to mater­
Primary Girls
Subjects for thesis for primary cer-
ialize only when police, with drawn
Recitation. “ America’s Grandest Crop” tificates are given below. Each appli-
guns, rescued the two men and backed
Lorna Hamrick
cant for primary certificates may select
down an alley with them.
Recitation.... “ The Worth Of A Man" one from this list;
A delegation visited the three news­
Darrell Altimus
1. Garden contests.
paper offices and demanded that no Recitatjon............................ “ Our Aim”
2. Music in the primary grades.
further mention be made derogatory
Violet Scott
3. Punishment as seen by children.
to the I. W. W. and that the words Song....................... “ Word o f the Lord”
4. Physical defects as cause o f dull­
“ mob" and “ rioters" not appear in- any Song............ “ Open Mine Eyes to See”
ness and disorder.
newspaper story.
Mrs. Faber's and Mrs. Hamrick's class
6. Civic pride aroused through co­
The riots were caused by long­ Recitation........."Women of the Bible”
operation of home and school.
standing ill-feeling between the reg­
Joy Hamrick
ulars of the 9000 members of the Recitation................... “ Pure in Heart”
Mid-Summer Least
Western Federation of Miners here
Irma Hamrick
An old-fashioned Scandinavian mid-
and the Insurgents, mostly members S on g.. “ Beautiful Flowers of Summer”
s immer feast will be held at Pheonix,
of the I. W. W. The members with
Primary Boys
sentiments in favor of the I. W. W. Recitation... . “ Imagery of the Bible" Oregon, on Wednesday, June 24. All
t le 999 Scandinavians in Rogue River
objected to heavy assessments levied
Verona Brenner
against them by the Western Federa­ Solo..................... “ Just a Little Pansy” V Bley are expected to attend, and to
b ing lunch along.* Morning trains leave
tion of Miners international officers
Bessie Price
and local officials as strike benefits Primary Exercise.. “ Pulling up Weeds” Giants Pass 7:06, Medford 8:30, Ash­
land 9:40. Hacks will bring people back
for the Michigan copper mine strikers.
Primary Class
t i Medford late in the evening. Lemo-
Washington.—Governor Stewart, of Recitation.. . “ A Threefold Education’ ’
n ide and coffee will be served, and no
Arlene Hay
Montana, telegraphed President Wil­
one need to lake the starvation cure.
son asking that federal troops be held Song............................. "Loyal Service”
Folk-games will be played around the
In readiness to restore order in the
May pole and all must sing:
Butte copper mine districts in event Collection Exercise....... “ The Seed and
“ Hej, hopp du skona,
Miss Pankey’s Class [the Harvest”
of further rioting.
Nu skall vi dansa i det grona”
Offering for the Students Aid Fund
Illinois Court Upholds Suffrage.
Exercise................“ The Little Sailors"
Six Small Boys
Springfield, III.—Illinois women suf­
frage act, which permitted women In Song ................................ “ Holy Song”
Mrs. Martin Bowers and little daugh-
this state to vote for offices created
j ter, spent Sunday with her parents,
by statute and on propositions pre­
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. O’ Harra, in this
sented to the electorate, waa declared
Mrs. F. J. Newman, o f Medford, was city.
valid in a decision by the state su­
| Mr. and Mrs. George Eiffers, o f Phoe­
a Sunday guest of Mrs. Hugh Price.
preme court.
J. C. Smith, county commissioner, nix, were here the first of the week for
daughter, Marjory, came up from a visit with Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Tethe-
Northwest Postmasters Named.
, row, west o f town.
Washington.—The president nomin­ Rouge River Sunday to visit his broth­
Mayor W. A. Cowley, o f Centrsi
ated the following to be postmasters: er, F. S. Smith. The two men have
Washington—S. S. Moritz, Dayton; gone near Crater Lake to look over the Point, has been requested by Governor
Arthur A. Barnes, Pasco; Helen R. road work of the county and expect to West to appoint a delegate from this
city to attend the tri-state roads meet­
Whitney, Wapato; James M. G. Wil­ be gone a week.
son, Waterville; Idaho—William T.
Miss Rutli Paxson entertained with a ing which is to convene at Medford on
Roberts, Bellevue.
Emil Seidel Nominated as Senator,
Milwaukee, Wis.—Emil Seidel, ex­
mayor of Milwaukee, was nominated
by the Social Democratic party of
Wisconsin for United States senator.
The skyscraper limit has been raised
at Portland from 160 feet to 200 feet.
1:00 o ’clock luncheon on Monday at her
beautiful home north of the city. Her
Work has been commenced in the
guests were Miss May Hoke, of Med- preparation o f a 400-acre tract of land
ford, Mrs. Wayne Leever and Miss one mile from Hermiston for the pur-
Hazel Herring. A perfectly delightful Pose ° f seeding the entire acreage to
afternoon was enjoyed. Miss Paxson alfalfa. The owner o f the tract ei-
leaves Friday for Berkeley, California, pects the venture to be immensely sue-
where she will take the summer course cessful, as he has been producing a I f a -
in library work.
j fa in that vicinity for a number of years.
Roman Stripes
A nd New Plaids
The Old Reliable,
Cranfill &
President Declares Irust LeqislatloH
H ill be Pushed at Present Session
Q R Q fR
Will c o -o p e ra te with you on a r y
p roposition f o r the hot ferm en t
o f C entral P oin t and its vicin ity
V olume N ine
N umber 8
Pastor at PresbyterUn Church
Washington. — President Wilson Military Forces Occupy the D efected
came our with a flat declaration that,
I rovinces and Quell Disturbance
daspite what he characterized as a
deliberate campaign by certain Inter
Rome.—With the occupation of the
eats to bring about an adjournment
disaffected provinces by the military
of congress and postponement of the
forces, order is rapidly beiug restored J
administration's trust legislation pro­
and it is expected that within a day
gram, he would use every influence at
or two the district of Romagna, aom -'
his command to get the pending bills
prising the provinces of Bologne, Fer­
through the senate at this session.
rara. Ravenna and Forli will have re­
Choosing his words carefully, the sumed normal conditions.
president disclosed his belief that or­
An outstanding feature in the gener­
ganized distribution of circular letters al strike situation was the proclama­
and telegrams among business men,
tion of an Italian republic by the peo­
members of congress and other public ple of several towns bordering on the '
officials, calling for an adjournment Adriatic, in northeastern Italy.
of congress, a halt in the trust bills,
In some towns like Fabriano and
an increase in freight rates for the Riniiui scenes similar to those of the
rail roads and a "rest for business' French revolution were enacted. The
R ev . K. A rthur B asham
was responsible for what he recently inhabitants, misled by reports issued
NeWly appointed Paslor of Central
described us a "psychological depres­ from the headquarters ot the anarchis­
Point Presbyterian church.
tic committee at Ancona, an important
The Presbyterian church is favored
Some Letters Made Public.
seaport on the Adriatic, to the effect
iu having for its pastor this summer,
In support of that view the White
Rev. R. Arthur Basham, a live young
House made public copies of such let­ been successful in overthrowing the man direct from the city o f New York.
ters and telegrams which have been monarchy, proclaimed a republic and Already he has begun his services, and
brought in by friends of the adminis­ substituted for the national flag the has lost no time to win his way into the
tration. One of the letters which fell black banner of the Peasants' League. confidence of the community.
into the hands of White House offi­
In discussing his plans for the work
cials was circulated by the Simmons MEXICAN AKMISTICE ASKED o f the church in Central Point, Mr.
Hardware Company, of St. Louis, un­ Notify Carranza Must Cease Warfare Basham Bays “ I have no* come here
der date of June 9.
Before Can Participate.
aolely in the interests of a single ehureh,
Just prior to that date President
Niagara Falls. Ont.—The three but largely for the purpose of general
Wilson had ottered to E. C. Simmons, South American mediators formally helpfulness and at the same time to be­
president of that company, a place on advised General Carranza by telegraph come fully and richly familiar with all
the Federal Reserve Board. Just be­ they would not admit ills representa­ the needs of tiiis beautiful place. As
fore the president expressed his views | tives to the conference here unless an early as this 1 have come to love the
on the trust program, it was announc- ■ armistice was declared and internal people here, and certainly enjoy my
ed that Mr. Simmons had declined the as well as international phases of the prospect of working with them. I have
appointment and that Charles S. Ham- 1 Mexican problem accepted as the a lot of work to do, and need the help
lin. of Boston, would be nominated in scope of mediation.
of everyone.”
his stead.
Tills action followed the receipt of a
The "new minister” has been in some
note from Rafael Zuburan, special of the largest churches as assistant in
Statements Create Sensation.
representative of Carrunza in Wash­ the East. He has had a great deal of
White House officials denied the
ington, announcing the appointment experience in many of the most impor­
Simmons letter had to do with the de­
of Fernando Iglesias Calderon, Luis tant activities of life. He is as active
clination of tlie appointment. It was
Cabrera and Jose Vasconcelos as con­ and liberal in his view-point as a citizen,
said, moreover, that the president did
stitutionalist delegates to the media­ as he ia aggressive in h>8 work as a
not know of the letter when he offered
tion at which, according to the view pastor. We welcome Mr. Basham here,
Mr Simmons the place.
of the constitutionalist chief, “ it is and believe that he will find his place
The president's declaration and the sought to settle the international con­
among us one of pleasure.
publication of the letters created a
flict which has arisen between the
mild sensation approaching that which
I hdiiqe ol Ddtih
United States and the Mexican repub- j
followed the president's denunciation
By request of many members ai d
of the “ Insidious lobby” which, he
others who desire to attend the conven­
said, was threatening the tariff bill
tion of the Tri-States Good Hoads As­
Favor Ashland Normal
last year.
sociation, to he held at Medford, Ore­
Resolutions indorsing the campaign
Wilton Will Open Canal Formally.
gon,which was set for July 17-18, which
for the re-establishment of the South­
President Wilson will leave Wash­
dates conflict with some important State
ern Oregon State Normal School were
ington on March 5, 1916, for Panama,
and International meetings and func­
unanimously passed by the Alumni As­
to attend formal opening ceremonies
tions previously act for that week, and
sociation of the University o f Oregon
of the Panama canal at a date to be
reason, that in the Counties of some of
June 16. The matter was brought up
the States, the Supervisors and Officers
determined later. The president will
by the Honorable Allen H. Eaton, of
(who desire to attend thia convention)
leave the capital the day after con­
Eugene, a Lane county representative
under their State law are required to
gress goes out of session. He will
in the Legislature, and was warmly sec-
make the Journey to Panama on the
ait as a Board o f Equalization o f the
oned by W. A. Dill, proprietor of the
County Tax Roll, during tin- week of
battleship New York. The dale of the
Springfield News, and Professor R. W.
July 13-1H
formal opening ceremon.r for the canal
Prescott, of the University of Oregon.
will be decided before the president
Therefore, it is deemed expédiant
The measure which comes before the
leaveR here and the exerv'lscs will take
that the dates o f the convention he
pjople at the next general election was
place soon after he reaches there.
changed and set for Monday and Tues­
recommended for passage and the aid
On the old battleship Oregon, which 1 and support of the alumni o f the Uni­ day July 27 and 28.
It ia to be hoped that the change will
attracted world wide attention on her versity was promised. The resolutions
he more agreeable to the largest num­
famous run around the Horn Just he- j are as follows:
fore the Spanish War, the president
Whereas, the legislature has referr- ber of prospective participants and that
with members of his cabinet will e i to the people of Oregon a Bill for the news of this change lie given its
make the first official passage through fi e re-opening of the Southern Oregon widest publicity.
Very Respectfully,
the canal, and then ptsx-eed to the Slate Normal School on a (»ermanent
Panama-Pacific Exposition at San b isis, which Bill is to be voted upon
Tri-State P. C. G. R. Ass’n President,'
N ivember 3, 1914;
GEO. E. BOOS, Secretary.
And, whereas. Normal Schools are
National Capital Brevities.
P. O. Box 392, Medford, Oregon.
Peace treaties will soon be signed
by the United States. Great Britain for the training of public achool teach-
and France, after plans suggested by era, and the m >st progressive states in
educational matters have developed a
Owing to the very scant supply of
Secretary of State Bryan.
s rong system of normal schools in or- | water in the city well, we ask all water
Action on the Hobson national pro­
d -r to better the conditions surrounding consumers to he extra eureful about
hibition amendment has been post­
t ieir public schools;
wasting any water, and to see that all
poned by the house rules committee j
And, whereas, the southern part of loaky faucets, toilets and hydrants are
until July 1.
our state is without such a training cen- promptly fixed.
Immunity of members of congress
t*r and its public schools have increas- ' The scarcity of wider has also com­
from civil and criminal action as re­
e l to auch an extent that some provi- ! pelled us to shorten the irrigation hours,
sult of their official duties, lias been
sion of this kind is imperative, being in order to save any for lire protection,
strengthened as by ruling o f the Unit- i
tio far removed Irom the normal] and we trust that everyone will cheer­
ed States supreme court.
fully cooperate with us in enforcing
a -hoot at Monmouth to receive much these regulations, for if they are not
Impeachment ciuirges worn present­
b -nelit therefrom;
complied with, it will he necessary to
ed In the house against A. t]. Dayton, j
And, whereas, the Alumni of the entirely cut out the use of water for
United States district Judpje for the
State University are in sympathy with irrigation.
northern district of West Virginia.
every movement for bettering the pub- I
The interstate commorce commls- ;
lie schools of Oregon and realize that
aion suspended until Octol « r 13. the ■
t -achers without good preparation for
Irriqdlion Hours Shortened
proposed increase of the ci .rload min- I
teaching may he of very material dam -.
Commencing Thu nui« y evening, June
imum weight on mixed ca rload ship- '
age to the work of our schools and the 18, the time for irrigation will be ahull*
ments of vegetables from fallfornla
development of the pupil;
ened one hoifr in the mornings h i »«! one
points to points in Gregor. Hearings
Now, therefore, he it resolved by the hour in the evening*. Chung«* y< ur
will he held heft re fall i/j determine I
Alumni Association of the University card* ho that they will read lor the
morning« that you are allowed to i i m -
the reasonableness of s u pended or j
of Oregon that we indorse this measure water; 5:00 a. m., to 0:30 a. m. Fur
and extend our aid to the Alumni o f the evening* that you are allowed to
'I he unusually prolonged nghi in ron-
the Southern Oregon State Normal uae water; 5:30 p. m., to 7:00 p. rn.
gress over canal toll* enut d when the
school in their campaign for the re­ Sunday* from 0:00 a. m.. to 7:0 » a. rn.
By order of Board of i ’uhlic Work*.
house, after a brief debars and with- j
establishment of this institution.
Dated June 18, 1914.
out the formality o:' a conb'erence, ac- I
cepted by a v o t e of JIG to 71 the sen­
Notice of Dissolution ol Pdrtnershlp
Bids YVdr.ltd
ate amendment apt» ificel y reserving
ail rights the Unite 1 Htati « may have To whom it may ernrern:
Bids will be received by the under­
Notice is hereby given that the firm signed clerk of achool district No. fi for
under the Hay-Pa uncefoto treaty or
o f Karra A DeVore was dissolved on 80 cord* of solid body four foot fir wood
to he delivered at the school house in
The house of represent/.tlvns passed the Sixth day of March, 1914, when
Central Point, Oregon, and corded up in
f'ongressman Slnjiott's Mt amending Fred I). Karra withdrew from the 4ni*i- shape for measuring.
All bids most la- in by June 2*>, 1914,
the homestead law by prt ivldln* that ness leaving same in the hands of J. B.
homesteaders may divide their five DeVore who will collect all account* and the right is reserved to reject any
months' leave of absence each year In­ and he responsible for all hilla contract­ or all bids.
J. W Jacobs,
to two periods if they i io elect, pro­ ed from that date. Signed,
Clerk of I fiat. No. li.
Fred D. Farra.
vided they reside on the Ir homestead
“ Toots” Ross was in Grants I’ii- S
seven months In each year A* the
F. M. Smith returned the latter pait Tuesday making the final arrangements
Inw now stands the lea ve of absence
must be taken during ft ve consecutive of last week from Wmier, Oregon,
where he spent a week with hia son.