Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, July 03, 1913, Image 1

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    O U R
Will Rive you a "squ are
every time Th**-
O reg°n
Historical Society
E stablished
A t r il
26. 1906
C entral P oint , J ackson C ounty , O regon , T hursday , J uly ", loi."
Will coeoperau* with you on any
proponi timi for the U’ttei m«ant
of C entral Point and ita vicinity
V olum e
E ight
N umber 11
1 has been remodeled and furnished for
| their occupancy.
l upiJ Murks Busy Week diiJ I wo quaintances of lung standing having
Commute Issues Subpoena tor Agent
known each other some years ago in an
Mjrrijqes TdKe Pldce
Mdruldc hirers' Association.
eastern city where they both resided.
Since coming west this acquaintance y e|erjns ()f |\|,.|noidblf BdttlO 11If- W ashington Further sensations in Suspicious Actions Brings lourist lo
F. J . Taylor [letted lo That Position
Miss Mabel Ann Peart, daughter of has ripened into courtship ami m arriage
the senate's lobby Investigation were
at Tuesday Evening's Meeting.
Mr. and Mrs H. F. Peart of this city, with the result that another home is brjle Semi-Ccnltnnidl ol tvent.
foreshadowed when it became know n
Lockup on Serious ( harge
and Edward Carl Bennett of Saera- added to the list of perm anent Central
that a subpena had beeu served on
The city dads m et in their regular mento, California, were married S atur­ Point residences.
Gettysburg.—i"..,y years ago G ettys­ Martin M Mulhall of Baltimore, re­ A tram p giving the name of J. W.
monthly session Tuesday evening in day, June 28, at 10:00 o’clock, a. m. at Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth have the burg was a i amp of war, this week it ported to have been for many years Smith was taken into custody Wed­
the council room at the city hull and the home of the brides parents, Rev. sincere congratulations of their many Is a camp of peace. In a tented city the active "field agent" and lobbyist nesday forenoon about 11:00 o’clock on
friends in this city.
transacted the routine business of the It. N. Aldrich officiating.
spread over the historic battlefield, of the National Association of Manu­ account of his suspicious actions to­
month, allowed some bills and went The wedding was a very quite one
thousands of veterans who met in facturers.
ward the 9-year old daughter of Mrs.
over the m atters of importance to> the attended only by the immediate rela­
diadly conflict half a century ago The subpena was ordered by C h a ir­ W right who resides near the railroad
Willium Jdtkson Nichols Dodd
city at this time.
tives of the bride and groom. The
gathered from all parts of the country man Overman, of tlie lobby conuiiit- track in the southwest part of the city
The office of tire chief has been va­ ceremony was performed in the parlor Coming as a shock to the friends of to celebrate the semi-centennial of the ti \ after representations had been and after rather a strenuous chase the
cant for some time ana after due con­ of the Pearl residence and the room the family in this city word was re­ greatest battle of the civil war, and made to him that Mr. Mulhall was j stranger was captured. He had been
sideration the members of the council had been decorated with mountain ceived Saturday noon that William J. clasped hands across the chasm of willing and able to give the com m ittee noticed about the city for a couple of
came to the conclusion that Frank lillies and brides’ roses. The bride Nichols had been accidently killed the years. Aged men, some garbed In im portant facts regarding attem pts to days hut until yesterday hud given no
Taylor would make a perfectly good wore a beautiful embroidered gown of day before while at his work as forest blue and others in gray renewed their Influence legislation.
fire chief and his appointment by Mayor white which she herself had made and ranger in the Cascade mountains near youth and fraternized. Time had dealt The nature and extent of the dis­ The stranger was first noticed by
. It was not until late heavily with most of them, yet their closures that are expected were out­ Miss Ella Hay who saw the man talking
Cawley was heartily endorsed by the carried a lovely weath of artificial
executive body of the city. Since hi: lillies of the valley which her mother in the evening that any particulars of enthusiasm was unbounded despite the lined in an article published, unde/ to
the little girl and thought there was
appointm ent to the office Fire Chief carried at her wedding thirty-fi/e years the accident could be learned and then lapse of time, and they shook off the tin' sworn signature of Mr. Mulhall, la something
suspicious in his actions.
Taylor has more than proved his effi­ ago. The bride and groom were un­ a telephone message gave the inform a­ weight of years and fought over again the New York World and the Chicago She
father and he started up
ciency by the competent m anner in attended for tlie ceremony. Sister of tion that a log had rolled over him and the battle that larked the ‘'high tide Tribune.
to find out what the stranger was after
which he has disposed of the numerous the bride, Miss I.ela Peart, played the crushed him to death. He was watch­ of the confederacy.”
The Mulhall article named many for­ but as soon as the man saw Mr. Hay
requests for grass burning privileges wedding march and Rev. II. N. Aldrich ing a woodsman cutting a log out of a The program was divided into four mer and present members of congress coming
started to run up the track.
th at has come to him. His appoint­ spoke the words which united for life trail on the mountain side and stotd section», one for each day. Tuesday, who were alleged to have been active Mr. Hay he called
for him to stop ami
ment to the office gives universal satis tlie young couple.
below the workman. When the tree July 1, was known as "V eterans' Day," agents in support of legislation de­ gave chase. Fred
F arra who was work­
faction throughout the city as he is a A fter the ceremony a sumptuous trunk was cut through a portion of the and all surviving veterans were parti­ sired by the National Association of ing in the Snowy Butte
orchards joined
most popular business man and is ul- wedding dinner was served and Mr. n g rolled down the hill toward Mr. [ cipntn ; In a ¡ : -at camp-fire, presided M anufacturers. It specified employes in
r. ady serving in two or three official and Mrs. Bennett received the con­ Na'hols. The ground where he stoed I over by Ihe ca: niniaiulei s In chief of the of congress who had been retained to overtaken. He was brought to was the soon
positions in city and school work.
gratulations and best wishes of their was wet and slippery and when he Grand Army of tho Republic and the secure information, and alleged that lockup and held until afternoon city
Representatives of the California- relatives and friends. They left on the tried to get out of the way he slipped United Confederate Veterans.
even the page boys of the house of then taken to the county jail to await
Oregon Power company were at tlie afternoon train for points in California and fell. Before lie could regain h s Wednesday was designated "Mili­ representatives were used to pick up a hearing.
m eeting and discussed at some length where they will visit fur several days feet the heavy log caught him ard tary Day" and the exercises wero un­ s Information about proposed legisla­ The stranger claims lie had no inten­
the proposition for another line for before going to Iheir future home in crushed him. He lived for a short der the chief of-staff of the Uultcd tion.
tion of harming the little girl and that
electric current to the city pumping Sacramento, California, where they ex- j time but soon succumbed to his injuries States army.
Caucus is Deaf to W esterner's Plea they were after a ribbit which he in­
The exercises on Thursday were
p’ant. The objection to the present pect to be settled by the 15th of July and passed away.
the efforts of sev­ tended to cateh for the girl. His run­
The body was brought to this city known as "Civic Day" and were under eral Notwithstanding
l.ne lies in the fact that a fire near the and ready to receive their friends.
to induce the ning away at the appearance of Mr.
alley north and running parallel of Fine The bride is one of tlie most aecom- !
free list all Hay, however, would indicate that he
street would necessiate the shutting plished and popular young ladies of the bera of the I O. U. F. took charge of nor of Pennsylvania and the partici­ woolen cloths, clothing, blankets,
uud was there for no good and while the
off of the power and leave the pum p­ ity and has a host of friends here who the remains and directed the funeral pants were the governors of the var o th ir m anufactures of wool, an over­
against him may not he suffi­
ing plant without power. It was re- will wish her the very best in happi­ arrangem ents. Services were held at Ions states, their staffs and the gen­ whelming m ajority stood out against evidence
cient to prove unything it is not amiss
quested that a line be run in that would ness and fortune in her new home. the residence Tuesday afternoon where eral public.
endm ent and defeated It.
to demand un explanation of his action
do away with this and the officials The groom is also well known here Rev. J. F. Vernon of the local Presby­ Friday, July 4, was appropriately this The am western
present expressed themselves as being having resided here a number of years terian church preached the funeral ser­ designated as "National Day." The asmuch as raw wool is placed on the in court.
favorable to the proposition and prom­ prior to hts removal to California and mon and interm ent made in the Central chief justice of tlie supreme court pre­ free list, it would be only fair to the Progress Made In Oregon I urm
sides and President Wilson and mem­ woolgrowers and the public generally
ised to take the m atter up with the he and his bride were school mates. Point cem etery.
company at once.
He now has a position with the North­ William Jackson Nichols was born in bers of the cabinet, (lie vice president, to place on the free list the m anufac­
As the line now runs it would leavi ern Electric Railway company and is Douglas county, Oregon, October 23, speaker of the house of representa­ tures of wool, which would really ben­ At*the annual convention of the Ore­
the city in grave danger from fire stationed at Sacramento, where they 1862, and came to his death Friday, tives, Justices of the suprem e court efit the consum er much more than gon S tate Bankers' Association, held
and tlie congressional com m ittee will free raw wool.
should the power be shut off the one will reside and where they will have June 27, 1913, being 51 years of age.
recently at Corvallis, the progress made
line now connected and to get this the best wsihes of a great many Cen­ Deceased had been in the governm ent be the guests of honor.
The comm ittee Insisted that If m an­ in agricultural development and educa­
m atter s a tis fa c to rily adjusted will he tral Point friends who will be pleased service as a forest ranger for a number
ufactures of wool were placed on the tion during the past year was carefully
W est Upheld
quite an advantage.
in w hatever good fortune may come to
years and was formerly stationed Salem, Governor
list there would be a large deficit reviewed. Reports from all over the
to an opinion free
! near here but a couple of years ago was rendered Or.—According
these most worthy young people.
in the treasury, and for this reason state indicated that the effort made
transfered to a range in the Cascade ford, Governor W est has the right to the comm ittee and the caucus would last season to interest the school child­
mountains where he was at tlie time of put Into operation his "honor system " not accept the proposed am endm ent. ren, as well as their parents, had met
All qualified voters of Willow Springs
please register at the home of Mrs. 1). The home of Mr. ami Mrs. H. A. j | his death.
to any extent he sees fit, outside the Several Changes in Currency Bill with rem arkable success, enabling the
M. McNasser, official registrar.
I.atta ju st northeast of the city was j He is survived by his mother, Mrs. M. penitentiary and state institutions, In Several changes were made In the association to hold fairs in every
In order to vote on the bonding issue the scene of a pretty wedding Tuesday j E. Mitchell, of Gold Hill; four sisters, and near tlie capital city. The Altor currency hi I as the result of the nu­ county in the state except two at which
for road building soon to come before evening when Mr. L atta’s neice, Edith Mrs. Joe Perry, Mrs. Howard Betz and ney General holds that the executive's m e ro u s conferences In which P resi­ the various articles made and the pro­
the voters it will be necessary to regis­ Glover M artin,became the wife of R. H. Mrs. Will Welch of Gold Hill, and Mrs control of convicts was restricted by dent Wilson, dem ocrats of the house ducts grown by the children were ex­
ter a t once.
Ellsworth one of the prominent business M. J. Fisher of Fullerton, California; the law creating the hoard of control and senate comm ittees, Treasury de­ hibited. A t these county gatherings
Jam es Vlttitoe, who left Eugene sev­ men of this city. Only the members two brothers, R. L. Nichols and Ira only to the convicts in tlie prison and part meat officials and n comm ittee the finest specimens were selected and
eral weeks ago, leaving over $1000 in of the family were present at the cere­ Nichols of Lookout, California; his those assigned to work in and near of ImnkerH took part, hut despite earn­ forwarded to the S tate Fair at Salem,
bad bills, was arrested at Missoula, mony which was performed by Rev. J. widow, Mrs. W. J. Nichols, of this city the city. If he sc< s fit, according to est appeals that the federal reserve where the children were awarded prizes
Mont., and was recently brought back F. Vernon of the local Presbyterian an,1 ^VL' children, Mrs. E. N. Young of Mr. Crawford, the governor may as­ board to control the proposed new in an am ount aggregating $20,000,
for trial on a charge of lnrceny by church.
Kirhy, Oregon, and Lawrence, Brice, sign every man confined In the peni­ currency system be Increased and that It was pointed out that under the
bailee, was acquitted by a jury i t tho A fter the m arriage rites a sumptuous Bernice nnd Ruth Nichols of this city. tentiary to road work, and that par the bankers receive representutlon.no provisions of Senate Bill 72, passed at
circuit court.
wedding dinner was served and con­
ticular work finished, if the m?ii are change in this provision was made the recent session of the Legislature,
The Lebanon cream ery has been gratulations were extended to Mr. and W a n ted Middle aged woman with­ not pardoned or paroled meanwhile, The board will consist of seven men the counties of the state are authorized
awarded the contract by the state Mrs. Ellsworth. They left on the 11:32 out children to do cooking and general they may he rt turned to the peniten to lie appointed by the president.
to provide an unlimited amount of
board of control for supplying the for the south where they will spend a house work in country. Apply Box 7?, tiary and receive credit.
In the scenate, Henator Cummins money for the purpose of currying on
state institutions with butter during week or two visiting places of interest Route 1, Centrul Point.
contem plates proposing an am endm ent educational farm work and to pay tl c
the month of July. The contract price and will probably spend a few days at
which would make the board an elec­ salaries Hnd expenses of field Hgents,
is 29 cents for cubes and 29 cents for the Shasta Springs. R eturning here milk and wants steady position at
with a further provision that appropri­
tive body.
packs. About 3000 pounds will be they will take up their residence in the ranch work. Apply Box 73, Route 1,
Reinserted In the hill was the orig­ ations made hy the individual counties
used during the month.
bungalow on north Sixth street which Central Point.
inal proposition for retiring the pres­ will he duplicated by the state. Front
ent banknotes within 20 years and the splendid reports coming in from
the substitution of additional federal all over the state to the Superintendent
London.—The prolonged efforts of reserve notes for them.
of Public Instruction and to the A gri­
the powers to prevent the outbreak of To Study Government Aid for Schools cultural College, the Bankers' Associa­
a fratricidal war between the Balkan
was convinced th at it could not
step toward solving the question tion
allies seems lo have failed Just .it the of A governm
to discontinue their support of
aid to the founding the movement
moment when it appeared possible for of vocational ental
such time as it
schools was could he taken until
the four powers to meet at St. Peters­ taken by the educational
over and carried for­
burg and submit their differences fur tge of Senator lloke Sm ith's bill pro­ ward by the state.
Russian arbitration.
for a commission of nine ex­
Fighting has begun all along the viding
Old Mdlds’ Convention Pleases
study the question and rsport
lines where the Bulgarian forces are to the next
"Old Maids’ Convention” staged
facing the Servians and Greeks, and The bill is expected to halt action at Central
Wednesday evening by
according to tlie Greek official report tem porarily on the various vocational local talent Hall
tin- In radii <.I lie V M.
the Bulgarian attack extended over school hills now before congress, and C. A. surely for
good with the pre­
the Greek and Servian front of 140 ib h have been he subject of much diction of the made
man who did the
The commission that advertising ami pronouneed it "tire hit
"This is m anifestly war without a discussion.
would be authorized would not take of the season" on the hills, A good
previous declaration of hostilities, and up
tho consideration of agricultural sized crowd was in attendance and en­
w e accordingly are forced to order our
work, which Is covered In joyed thoroughly the excellent work of
divisions to advance,” says Hie official s* parafe hills
before rongn-sa The the talented perform ers who took part.
statem ent.
We only have a few suits of men’s clothing
commission would he appointed by the It has been a crowded season in the
left, and these run in sizes 34, 35 and 36 no other
president to serve without pay.
home talent entertainm ent line in this
other of initiating the offensive.
city and some excellent productions
National Capital Brevltiea
sizes. Likewise we only have a few suits in boys’
The Bulgarian representatives nt
Athens and Belgrade, respectively, Golden shoulder straps are to be have been staged but of all the good
clothing, sizes running from 15 to 19 years inclu­
presented notes protesting restored to the uniforms of naval offi­ things there hasn't been anything to
sive. Prices on th e above will range from
against Grei k and Servian attacks. cers, according to an order Issued by provide more am usement and good
hearty laugh* than the appearance of
The Servian govemmi at replied by Secretary Daniels at W ashington.
The house has passed a bill for a Professor Pinkerton and hi* "tra n s­
charging that the Bulgarians a re rank
$4.00 TO $10 PER SOIT
¡rig attacks and repudiating all re­ prohibitive tax of $2011 a pound on the form (II Jer " with the company of *ev< n-
‘ T h e O l d R e lia b le ”
manufacMirc of opium, ui.d also pro­ teen old maid* who went through the
hibiting Its Importation except for rejuvenating machine with more or li ^
satisfactory results.
Court Agrees to "Unrr.erginfl" Plan medicinal purposes.
St. lo il, Minn Federal Judges A bill will soon be Introduced In the Those who did not attend certainly
W alter H. Sanborn, William T. Look house to distribute 300,000 discarded missed a treat but the m anagement
and W ain r I. Smith, sitting as the Krag Jorgensen rifles among clubs of feel that all things considered they
district court of 'lie United States, ap­ civilians, In order to stim ulate general were well patronized and those who
bought tickets sre free in saying that
proved the plm .- agreed upon by At Interest in rifle-shooting.
Attorney General McReynold* sent as u*ual the Y entertainm ent gave them
torney General Mr Reynolds and At
torneys for the Union I’seiflc road, to congr< all the correspondence re­ more than full value for their money.
and the famous Union Pacific-South lating to tin- Diggs F'amlnettl and
Crawford Choked, le Verdict
ern Pacific merger, known ns the liar W estern Fuel cases, which caused the Private
W ash.—The death of J.
riman combine, praeiIrally came to an recent rc-lgnatlon of District Attorney A Crawford, the
soldier from Fort Ste
\f< Nab nt Han Francisco. Hs did
Tens, whose body was found on the
In the Intere-i* of the farm ers of demand for an Investigation now pend north Jetty of Grays H arbor a week
the state, the Pendleton commercial 1 irig
ago, was due to strangulation, accord
the house
club and the Inland (.rain Growers' A In "gentlem
to the verdict of the coroners
ans agreem ent" was Ing
as.-ociafIon sent telegram s to the mem made between the
Jury which held an Inquest over the
liera of the Oregon congressional dele of the house that no business shall be disinterred body here The Inquest
gation protesting against the placing 'is i> led during the next two weeks was held at the requeat of the com­
of j 15 per cent duty on grain bags. ' txi
manding officer of Fort Bteveug. ; j>
cot on unanimous tunscuL