4 CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1913 A Hundred Years Ago to be Repeated Next Saturday Evening The remarkable success that attend- e l the production of the Old Folks Con c rt at its initial performance here February 19, and the re|teaied requests o ' many o f those who witnessed that v ry mcritoroUK production to have an o qiortunity to enjoy it once more, has caused the mnuapement of the Y. M. C A. to arrange with Mrs. Ituhson, the a -complished director, for a reproduc- t it o f this musical farce on Saturday e i ninp, March 9, in Central Hall. Many new features will be mtroduc- e l and several novel ideas added to m ike this splendid attraction even b ' i II more enjoyable After the per­ formance arranpements have been mole to serve lunch free to all up stairs in the banquet room where a social hour will be enjoyed. It is ex- p cted that a larpe number will be p sent as it certainly will be a most pleasant occasion, and the low | rice of a ¡mission, only twenty.five cents for b Ah concert and lunch, oupht to apain li I the hall. Remember that the proceeds po to- w.rds carryinp on the work of the local Y. M. C. A. Mr. hw 1 Mrs. i ’ lHrcnce Lovern, Mrs. W. I>. Lewi* and Mrs. K« Herman mot'ired to Medford WedniaJay after noon. Idblc Kock Mrs. W. S. Reese had a brief visit from a sister last week. Rev. Ilyrum has left for bis usual Spring carnpaipn at the lumber camps. Jasper Hannah from Trail was here last week pettinp seed oats at the Nealon ranch. Miss Eva Hall left for the Meadows Sunday to take eharpe of the school there for the Sprinp term. Hr. Anderson made a professional call at the home of Andy Klum Mon day. Mrs. Klum beinp taken suddenly ill. Mr. and Mrs. Suren (¡repory and baby were puests at the home of Mrs Gregory’a parents Mr. and Mrs. S. ( ’ Collins Sunday. Rev. II. S. Smith the state secretary f r the ( onprepational Sunday school visited our Sunday sehool ani »äSM IftO TO «. I C A . 1» K H L n i : k .\ i , k h u t o r AN I» I a i i i v i . m i : r I'liilvrtakiiiR Parlors, Cow­ ley Mock. Office With Rogue River Hardware & Phimhing Company. I GI VE M Y P E R S O N A L A T T E N ­ T I O N TO E V E R Y CASE E N T R U S T E D TO M E l M l- 0 , 1 1 M U II I t , , ,l|t N i l . H I I I I I I’ ll,IS K How. I,. I IS-put, I , of C.-unly HONORED WOODROW WILSON. The President Who Will Rule the Na tlon for the Nest Four Years. V Jw MOB OBSTRUCTS SUFFRAGE PARAGE »I* The Central Point State Bank ►f* *^e »ja narmacy M A R Y A. M IE . Proprietress AT H O M E People of Princeton Wish President- Elect God Speed. Princeton, N. J.—Thousands of the home folk of Princeton and with them the students of Princeton University, gave Woodrow Wilson a farewell de- pionstration as they bade him god­ speed to the white house. It was a unique tribute to the man who. after 37 years of residence In the historic town, had been elevated to the presidency of the United States, In that both students ami townsfolk joined In cheering him. A brass hand, a glare of fireworks, and continuous cheering brought the president elect to tlie door of his bun galow. The streets were muddy, but the marchers trudged merrily along. When they reached the Wilson home a great cheer went up. C. S. Robin­ son, n Republican, and A. S. Leigh, a Democrat, bore a silver loving cup, Colonel David M. Flinn presented it In a brief speech. H* Centra Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, who will be first lady of the land and preside over the White House four years. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Thurnhrue of Iteaple are moving their house hold furniture this week to their new home in < cntral Point. LEVI ST RA IIS S Ik CO Oregon. INYAL’S PREPARAI IONS I.other Wortmen o f Oehenger Gap was a business visitor in Central Point, M ilfnrd and Engle Point lust Sunday and Monday. A now pair F R E E if they rip - You can secure right here in this store and to assure you high grade drugs we have for you selection a complete line of W ILS O N BOYS’ OVERALLS - Everything That is Found in at Up-to-Date Drug Store M RS. W O O D R O W W ILS O N BE At 11:45 o'clock Vice-President Mar shall, accompanied hy the congress tonal committee, was ushered Into the senate chamber and given a seat In the front row. faring the presiding officer, and when all the guests were assemhled he stepped up to the desk and at 12:34 o'clock took the oath. The march from the senate chamber to the east front of till- capitol where the oath of office was administered followed. President Wilson was led by the senate sergeant lit arms lie i htnd them came the Justices of the United Stntes supreme court wearing flowing Judicial robes over their over coats Wilson amt l ift, walking, fol I lowed Wilson removed Ids hat to test the weather and a gale of wind quickly disarranged tils linlr. He re placed his tint Immediately. At 3 05 o'clock the new president entered a four horse carriage and r,i turned to the White House He took * the right hand seat. To his left rode William It Taft, the retiring pres I ! dent Opposite Wilson sal Senator Macon of Georgia and opposite Taft sat Senator Crane of Massachusetts Crane and Bacon were members of the congressional inaugural commit tee. Behind the presidential party came troops of cavalry. Infantry and bands Mrs Wilson and her daughters a l e occupied carriages In the triumphal march from the capitol to the While House The trip up Pennsylvania avc nue waa one continued ovation, with President Wilson, holding tils silk hat In Ills hand, bowing to right and left Retiring President Taft sat back sol emnly In his seat, looking stolidly at the crowd. The Inaugural parade was declared the moet pretentious of any in history In length, numbers, and novel feature'­ ll was unique For nearly three hours It wended It* way through Pennsyl­ vania avenue. 4 Medford, W. L. Spicer, district manager of the Woodman of the World and J. VV. Ling pf Medford Camp were in our city Wednesday in the interest of the camp. T’jey anticipate organizing here. IMcngcr (»dp Itrec/es T W O HORSE BRAND California-Oiegon Power Company The Tax rolls for personal and city property were received at the Central Point State Bank Widnesday and the same may be paid at the bank. Fete Stowell nf Eagle Point was a business visitor in Medford the first of t le week. School licpiin at three districts in this part of the enmity, last Monday, March 3 I’hey are the Antioch where Miss Flora St any a former pupil of that school will teach the mountain district where Miss Malile Scott of Sams Val­ ley will teach and the Meadows district where Miss Eva Hall of Table Kock will tench. Get your job work done at the Cen­ ga-;irg stations were maintained during tral Point Herald. (Of course) the year about 20<> point*. These recotds The United States Geological Survey o f the year, and year after, are o f the has published as Water-Supply Paper utmost importance in the consideration 311, its annua! volume for 1911 showing o f all projects related to the develop- for irrigation the results of the measurements of the m :it of water supply principal streams of the Pacific coast in power, etc. A copy of the report may California. The field work has been car- be obtained free on application to the Washington.— Five thousand wo- (non, marching in the woman suffrage pageant Monday, virtually fought their way foot by foot up Pennsylvania ave­ nue through a surging mob that com­ pletely defied the Washington police, swamped the marchers and broke the procession into little companies. The women, trudging stoutly along under great difficulties, were able to com­ plete their march only when troops of cavalry from Fort Myer were rush­ ed Into Washington to take charge of Pennsylvania avenue. No Inaugura­ tion has ever produced such scenes, which In many Instances amounted to nothing less than riots. Later, in Continental Hall, the wo­ men turned what was to have been a suffrage demonstration Into nn Indig­ nation meeting, in which the Wash­ ington police were roundly denounced for their Inactivity, and resolutions were adopted calling upon President­ elect Wilson and the Incoming con gress to make an Investigation and lo­ cale the responsibility for the indig­ nities the marchers suffered. The parade, in itself, in spile of the delays, wss a great success. Passing through two walls of antagonistic hu maulty the marchers for the most part kept their tempers. They closed their ears to Jibes and Jeers. Few faltered, although several of the older women were forced to drop out from time to time. A band of yeggtnen Mew open thè safe In the general store of lavnglois g falsforth. a' Riddle, and robbed It Of $75. and escaped ► t » « » » v » « » » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< FRESH AND CURED MEATS AND SAUSAGES OF A L L KINDS L A 10 pounds for R 1) 5 pounds for 75c $1.45. Rendered in our own shop and absolutely fresh and pure. Hams, lb 20c. Breakfast Bacon, lb 20c and 22c. Cured by ourselves and guranteed first class. Fresh Salmon and Halibut Sealship Oysters 50c pt I GE AND Central STORAGE Point Meat Market P h o n e . M a in 01 Rea. P h on e 3 0 X 3 VV. D . L ew is & Sons P L A N Y O U R T R IP T H R O U G H C A L The Land of SUNSHÏNE AND v ia FLOWERS the A THO ROUGHLY ENJOYABLE ROUTE Y o u C a n S ee In C a l i f o r n i a : A ttr a c tiv e seaside resort*, farm i;s h. hot and nut lo w sport*. A t Pasadena *he w il l fa in «d iw*tr ch fa r nn ! m a: litici-” .* h-»-nés» A t San Bernadina and R iverside the Oranvre Graven. A t Ostali a. th-.’ w n i* -fu i v.b m a rin e iraniens, and at various oth er i* inta at trac tu ns t th a td « ttfht the « ye and inform the mind. L o w O n « W a y or Round Trip F arcs Round tn ;» tir! » Lne An*reles - n aaftl • !.. . r h ’ -■ r- ’. mit and sto p -ovef» at w ill I f voli wish 1 - - • «-ast. • i ‘ » • * \- i ail rail, or rail and steam er thn*u> h N e w Oi eeured at reasonable rates. Fu rth er p a rticu la r« ■ applh ma, or **W ay suie N te •. do: John M. S c o tt, Cenerai mt. A - k f ' r le- H; rive litera tu re on CaHfor- Francuvt) lo N ew Orleans. F asscrger Agent. Portland. O regon