Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, October 03, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    Is Everything
To the Young Man
We give him the style, but we add to it the
goodness o f fabric and making that preserves
the style and counts for economy.
Our garments for older men, while fashion­
ed on more conservative lines, have that air
o f smartness that is becoming to men of every
Suits -
How to get one: Earn some, spend less
$10.00 to $40.00
$10.00 to $35.00
$10.00 to $30.00
:T h e Sale o f
and deposit the balance with the
Society Brand Clothes,
(Three of the foremost lines in America.)
:Is Confined To Us for This Locality.:
■ -
" ”
Where Your Dollars Weigh Most at
Î Central
(OE -----
30 )
■Jasper Rodgers of Beagle was in the
eity on business Wednesday.
The (¡lass Brothers have finished the
run of threshing for thiB season.
Theordore (¡lass from near iUutglc is
hauling wheat to town this weuk.
J. T. Williams o f I.itt’ie Butte is in
I he eity today looking after business
Robert I,ewis o f I’ersist was a busi­
ness visitor in tins eity the latter part
o f last week.
B. C. 1’eart has a crew or thirty
pickers and packers in the apple busi­
ness these days.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Scott o f Medford
were in this eity Wednesday for a visit
with relatives here.
K 1 R 8 AI.K 2| Millit'irn wagon as
nood as new am) one heavy made to
"t'der single work harness.
I’oint l.umher company.
[ Q l
H. C. Murray is shipping a car load
Dr. Anderson and Wm. Nicolaus
of hay from this point to {¡rants Bass drove to Medford Tuesday afternoon
for a short visit.
to-day (Thursday.)
Mrs. F. J. Taylor and Mrs. Hanby
R. W. Gilkerson, living seven miles
went to Medford Tuesday afternoon northeast of the city, has been hauling
for a short visit in that city.
out |uniber Hn,j budding material for a
Mrs. Cridermsn went to Gold Hill new house on his place.
Wednesday to spend a couple of days I
visiting friends at that place.
By u sober industrious party capable
J. H. Gay,Miss Hamrick and C.Sher-
| of handling orchard, stock or hay ranch.
ley were among the passengers to
Write to Central Point Herald.
Medford Wednesday afternoon.
A reduction in the price of Mazda
George H obs is hauling in his bailed
is announced by W. C. Leever
hay and will store it in this city await­
ing such time as he is ready to dispose which places the schedule as follows:
25 watt, 40c; 40 watt, 45c; 60 watt, 60c;
o f it.
100 watt, 00c; 150 watt, $1.10.
There are several changes o f ads in
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peart and son
this paper. You should keep track of
our advertising and see what they have and daughter,» Duke and I.ela, drove to
the Eagen ranch at the foot of Roxie
to tell you from time to time.
Ann Sunday for a visit with Ben Peart
Frank Hawk was taken seriously ill and family.
the later part o f last week and is still
Mrs. Joe Williams and child returned
unable to attend to his blacksmith busi­
ness. His friends hope that he may Wednesday to their home in this city
soon be able to be out and around again. from Rochester, Minnesota, where she
lias been for the past few months for
medical treatment for the child.
The Regular Boy
Staunch materials are chosen;
expert tailoring is insisted upon;
the seams are silk sewn, and the
hidden parts, where the wear
counts, especially strengthened.
They’re not afraid o f the Boy,
and he’ll like their appearance.
Rouble Breasted Suits £1.00. $5.<X) to $12.50.
Norfolk Suits $4.1X1, $5.00. $0.50 to $12.00.
Blouse Suits, $5.00 to $8.50.
Tin* Fall and Winter Styles are ready and we
are confident that we can please every Boy and
every Parent that calls.
Model Clothing Co.,
Comer Main and Bartlett.
Medford, Oregon.
parents are invited to meet him in the
The Presbyterian Sunday School of
afternoon as he will speak of matters Central Point picniced here last Friday
of interest to them.
being chaperoned by Rev. and Mrs.
Miss Eva Lydiard was married last Hearst, Mrs. Hatfield and several oth-
Wednesday to Dr. Ringgold of North er good ladies. The young folks had a
Dakota at the home o f her parents, merry time while the grown-ups visit­
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lydiard, Rev. ed the Ray Goldists.
Shields of M«dford performing the cer­
Mrs. F. Chamberlain received a cable­
gram last Tuesday from London, Eng­
Many of our young people went to
Eagle Point last Tuesday evening to the
old soldiers reunion but as they did not
reach camp until just before “ taps”
they missed seeing a good program well
rendered by the Central Point friends
of the veterans.
FOR SALE—Milburn
wagon as
good as new and one heavy made to
order single work harness.
Point; Lumber company.
Roy Davidson returned Wednesday
from Utah where he had been with the
remains of his father, the late John
Davidson, for burial.
Word was received in the city thia
week stating that George Craddock, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Craddock for­
merly of this place, had his head blown
o ff in an explosion at Lakeview
week ago Tuesday. We have not been
able to get any particulars of the acci­
land, announcing the sudden death of
her sister. Miss Lillian Fisher. Miss
Fisher was the fourth daughter of Mr.
George Fisher of Finsburg Park,
London, England, and was a most tal­
ented young lady o f a beautiful Chist-
ian character and beloved by all who
: knew her. Her death comes as a great
f shock to all her friends and was all
Dcbenger (»dp llree/es
’ the more sad being on the eve of her Dr. J. V. Anderson
Herbert Johnson o f Wilhiteville will approaching marriage to an estimable
leave for Prospect the first o f the
Office second floor Rostel Building,
young man holding a responsible posi­
Corner Third and Pine Streets.
Phones: Bear Creek, Table Rock. Trail Creek
tion in the civil service o f the city of
Willow Springs—each XX6
School began in tha Debenger Gap
CENTRAL P O I N T ........................ OREGON
district last Monday with Miss Mable London.
Scott as teacher.
Dr. Kirchgessner made a professinal
visit to Central Point Friday and was
recalled to that city again Saturday.
Billie Ferguson left this city Tuesday
Miss Alberta Stacy,our popular school
| morning to go to Prospect with Joe I
teacher, attended the teachers institute
Hitch's team and where he will lie cm- 1
at Ashland the latter part of last week. ■
I ployed by the Cnlifornta-Oregon Eight1
and Power company fora month or so. j Alberta Stacy and her two sisters,
Flora and Bessie, attended a meeting
Have you noticed the liberal display of the Table Roek Literary soeiety at
of lanterns in the show window of the : ; that place Saturday evening and report
Hogue Hiver Plumbing and Hardware a very pleasant time
company. You ought to he able to pick
out one that will just suit you from I Burdette L. Dodge o f the Riverside
ranch has purchased a fine gasoline
such an assortment.
threshing outfit for his own use.
Quality first, last and all the time is says that with so much grain in the
I the aim of the Siskiyou management. country and only two machines that if
I High grade package sweets. A min- he waited for them his threshing would
! eral water fountain, and a standard he done about Christmas time.
line o f smoker's supplies are our
Theodore Glass, a prominent indus­
| spcialties.
trious farmer of Beagle, has returned
Wayne Eeever with a party of friends to his home after spending several
from Medford, Mrs. A. E. Jerome. Miss weeks in the Williamette Valley dur­
: Fern Jerome, Keneth Jerome and Miss ing the threshing season.
He says
Jessie Budd of Whitehall, Montana, that locality does not compare with the
| drove to Crater Lake Satuday evening Rogue River Valley according to his
for a short visit.
way of thinking.
H. H. Tuttle, secretary o f the Y. M.
There was quite an accident at the
C. A., is very busy these days getting
Buzzard mines last Sunday when a
I things in sha|>e for the opening of that
quantity o f powder exploded and one
| institution and expects that they will man was hurt quite badly.
Dr. Porter
soon tie able to accommodate the memb­ o f Medford was called and attended to
ers with the use of the rooms andequqv-
the man's wounds and said there was
no cause for alarm on his part as the
Misses Fern Jerome, Jessie Budd, paticntwould get along nil right.
j Laura Berry and Mrs. H. II. Lincoln
| came down from Medford Wednesday
Kd) (»old Items
j morning and drove out in the country
has quite recovered
| where they attended a two-days house
! party at the home of their friend. Miss from his illness.
! May Hoke.
Mrs. Wm. Mansfield o f Tolo is im­
proved in health lately, we are pleased
to note.
Idble Kthk
The public in this vicinity is very
Miss McBride arrived home last week much pleased to note the improvement j
from California where she has been in the Central Point Herald under the j
i studying to become a trained nurse.
new management.
The Misses Gladys Miller, Eva Hall,
Mr. Wafferety is busy shipping prun
Mae and Rose Nealon were in Ashland es these days. The crop is very abund­
last week attending the teachers’ ant this year caused by the frequent j
| institute.
rains o f last Summer being very suit-(
The exercises o f the Arrowhead Lit­ able to the soil.
erary society Saturday evening were
Ray {¡ok! is in her Autumn color­
| largely attended, there Wing many vis­ ing and looks lovely, attracting many !
itors present.
visitors every day. The grounds are be­
D. C. Henrjr. school superintendent. ing put in good shape under the super- k
will viait our ftebool next Friday and tho vision of Mr. Karren.
He goLs everywhere.
He climbs everything that he
dot's n’t break through.
*. lis sensible Mother likes it,
h\it dreads the effect on his
‘clothes. She need not, if she
knows about the durability of
Powell Auto Company
Wish to Announce They are Now Located
at 123 South Front Street Medford, Oregon.
We are now equipped to give service and do repair work on
short notice. Also car storage.
o im »
is that which receives the greatest care
and the finest treatment. The use o f
ordinary soap will spoil any complexion.
Every lady ought to use Cold Cream as
it has a most soothing and emollient
effect upon the skin, and it beautifies it
better than any cosmetics could. Try
our celebrated Cold Cream, it gives
permanent satisfaction to all who use
it and it is not at all expensive. Every
possible requisite for the toilet, bath
and dressing table.
Everything in the line o f toothsome sweets
High grade boxed candies cur specialty
A wide variety o f tobaccos, cigars, pipes
and smokers’ sundries constantly on hand
G . S. M O O R E
At the old stand