CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1912 For Rent, For Sale, Etc. For rent liood business room 30x60. Four good rooms second Moor, suitable for offices or living rooms. Brick build­ ing. Modern improvements. Enquire A. C . Walker, Phone Farmer 139. 4Ktf o f the Braden pla-c, a In Kit three miles west o f Cen­ tral Point, for cash or grain rent. En­ quire of White & Trowbridge, Medford, Oregon. 43t f Why Not Send The Herald 'POULTRY NOTES Good form To some friend back East? IVY make $1.50 do as much to advertise Central Point and vicinity to peo­ CM. BARNITZ ple you would like to see interested in this Valley. lU V I R « D E PA. Just try it once. 52 Times a Year This City wiil B e Brought to Their At­ A Girl’. Manners. There are many small and unseen reefs upon which the girl seeking so­ P R O F E SS IO N A L cial success may como to grief, and one of the most dangerous is that of broken social cngageufcnts. Dr. J. V . Anderson In the present day old fashioned P H Y S IC IA N S A N D S U R G E O N S courtesy and consideration seem to be OHìc»? r a -one! floor KoatH Building, asleep or else to have left society en­ U oi ' ik r Third and Pine Streets. tirely. The modern hostess only too Illune-;: B« nr Creek. Table Rock. Trail Creek Willow Sprjnirs- each X X 5 frequently receives a telephone mes­ C E N T R A L P O IN T .............................. OREGON sage from some guest at the last mo­ ment saying without the least com­ punction, "So sorry, but It is Impossi­ J. J EMMENS ble." D Practice limited to As a rule, this sort of thing Is Inex­ \li. NOSK, THROAT KYE, may tin t!)v toHti-d and triasses supplied cusable. Of course conditions :‘ \i\ E Main Street, over arise under which nothing else enn he ml Hardware Company done, but the girl who usually sends a . 1 1 ft in to |K:00 t>. m. ;>iJ71. Home 1 LX Medford, Oregon message of this kind is of the selfish type and rarely succeeds In attaining popularity. She is thinking more of her own caprice than of her hostess. It Is not an easy matter to till In at V A L U A B L E IN F O R M A T IO N FR E E dinner or luncheon or bridge. No mat­ If von have an invention or any pat­ ter how well poised a hostess may be, ent n ,;' 1 1 er. write immediately toW . W a disappointment of this kind is upset­ WRiGIIT. registered attorney. Loan & ting. and the selfish or thoughtless girl Trn -t Bldx WASHINGTON D. C. who is the occasion of her embarrass­ ment Is apt to have a black mark D i i . C L A R K E S A U N D E R S , j nguiust her name in that particular hostess’ mind. Ph ysic ian and S u rg e o n . The trouble 1» that the girl of today Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Is too careless In her acceptance of in­ vitations. On the spur of the moment Nose and Throat. she accepts and then frequently de­ CLASSES rURNISHEU W H E N N E E D E D . cides that the whole thing Is a bore, G a r n o t t -C o r e y B u ild in g . M e d f o r d . or something else comes np that she would prefer doing, and she finally ends by declining the Invitation at the I last moment, thus arousing an nntago- | nlsm that cannot help but handicap her In her social career. It Is a simple matter to decline In FUNERAL DIRECTOR the first place. A declination of this sort n hostess has no right to resent, AND E M B A L M E R but once her list is closed it Is nuother matter. l ! ndertak i ng Parlors Corner There is no other way in which you can (KtKtSPONDEKCC SOLICITED U /\ tention In a way which is sure to greatly interest them. * 3 . . & [T h e s e articles be r e p rin ted j aion.] ~ and Illustrations must not without special permis- THE SLY OPOSSUM. When »now piles up and zero winds whistle It's then the sly opoasuu sneaks down from the woods to rob Hie henroost. In summer ho Is busy, In leafy tree nml thicket, robbing birds’ nests, gathering berries and fruits and ÄTENTS The Oliver Typewriter ....THE S T A N D A R D MACHINE.... Visible Work. Simple Construction. General Favorite. I f / -A ***« V #w J K Ê \ \ 1 V f i ■ ' ' ’ ” Handles Every Class n * * r m , Í of i li > t , % W ork Perfectly You Can Buy One -Æ / r" Requires Little Care This Month for a Or Attention............. Song and Sing the Outlasts All Other Song Yourself. . . . Typew riters............. BYRON H. Y O U N G First and Pine S t r e e t s . LADY ASSISTANT WHEN DESIRED. Call night or day. Phone CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. NIW HID BARN N O W OPEN And Ready to Accommodate farmers and Country People I Will DO MY DISI IO GIVI YOU 0000 SIRVIO». J. C. .MA I ill WS • Prop. GEO L. NEALE Auctioneer and Valuator S A L E S CONDUCTED Have had 25 years experience and can guarantee satisfaction A share o f your patron­ age is solicited. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON Clubbing Offer S e m i W e e k l y O r e k o « lo u r n e l S I .S O IS O S 3 OO Both Papers One Year $ 2 T h e S e m i W e e k ly O R EG O N JO UR N AL r n h l i .h r « irrn p h ir m a rk t i r r w h e r e th e Ost rind mont complet tele- i»f the world, vi von i reliable is jt Is puMinhod ut P rthind, ui I n - and la o r re e t ,,>h\ It also has a liageo f tn and home, an en- id i» i»»»gp or more of roes to the subscriber nés a year. n l to iln te • per-ial m i to rtain im * The Central Point Herald iyd news and happenings and i*r V home In this vicinity •ra make a splendid i*omhina- VO di I N Y By sondntK y our sub- • I «, «Id otHoe Wr lubhi «I . o.’v e our suhacrlber* a , i ho Ihuly and Sunday1 Jour- •n n f h the Herald. Senil Y o u r O r t U r *« One# to T h e Muralo, C o n t r a i Point. m o o F F s Po I S O N Ä oa REMEDY M. Barn It*. MB. O IO S S I U HIMSELF. A young girl recently remarked that she accepted every Invitation which came to her, then picked those she pre­ ferred, throwing over the others. This sounds well, but sooner or later It will result In unpopularity. Neither cour­ tesy nor consideration Justifies such a course. Naturally one has preferences. There are certain things one would rather do. A girl should make up her mind what these things are and accept them before everything else, but she should not play fast and loose with Invita­ tions she does not want. Let her decline them definitely the moment they are presented to her and she will find she makes fewer ene­ mies. while at the same time she pleases herself. One hears the impulsive girl sa.v, “ Oh, that Is all very well, but what can one do In this day when people call you on the telephone and fire In vltntlons at yon point blank and your mind Is ns destitute of excuses as an empty birdcage?” The best advice for this situation Is to learn to think quickly and decline definitely If It Is a thing one does not care to do. One can always have nu engagement to sit at home and culti­ vate one’s mind. 17 CENTS A DAY rearing a big family of chicken sneak thieves, and when Jack Frost ripens the persimmons he hangs by his re­ tractile tail among the golden fruit 2 iiid stuffs all day. But the birds wing south, deep snow cuts off his food supply, and this pig headed, ratty tailed, dull white marsupial is forced What Easier Plan Could from his haunts to seek food. He Is a "night raider,'* shows little fear and appears in unexpected places You are apt to And him upstairs under the bed, down in I lie cellar feasting on pumpkin pie and apples or out in the henhouse sucking eggs and skinning roosters. Iiis appetite for chicken is only sur­ ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 f « passed by that of a fully matured ♦ dominie. lie has the trick of getting Into a place without keys, of mysteri­ ously escaping when thought to be se­ curely caged anti of playing dead pos­ sum so well that tlie elect can hardly teU. Twelve generally constitute n litter, three families a season to the pair. Kangaroo style, the mother carries her young in a pouch and is sometimes found with newborn young hi her era $5.00 Down And $5.00 Per Month for 19 Months. S. A. PATTISON, Agent, You Ask? Call and Let Us Talk it Over. Herald Building, Central Point, Oregon. ♦♦♦♦♦♦* ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦AA- IRRIGATION Is Rogue River Valley’s The average girl will sa.v that this Is a trivlnl subject, and If courtesy and consideration ore trivial then It Is, but It Is the little things that r o often got us disliked and land us In the lonely land. The girl who accepts an Invitation ns an evidence of good will and treats It with perfect courtesy will find her social path smoother and her own pleasures less complicated. Greatest Need Th e Rolling Stunt. A Great T o ta l Telephone Is One Cause. C. Courtesy Always Pays. arranged and O n e Year C e n t i •*! P o in t H e r a ld , y e a r This Superb Machine is Yours for Only Photo by K bit VMolîo P i c c a , I ► fU .B l.4 lN 9 » I L O N * . « U 9 N 5 . e t c 4 V A C O A t i c e H O U 1 H *f Q c o » A C V C • 1C OAwwC>»»4 • » u |V J * » i f c k V T i Ä 0 *1 • 1®u 4 * r Nat known to th« multitude Is Iho fact that almost every rich ami portly «lame has n “ rolling snlt." which very much resembles the small child’s flan- noletto nighty or the uiiNtufiVd cover- Ing of a rag doll. When one o f Iho aforementioned dames clltnbs Into her suit It Is very much stuffed, and the extent to which her avoirdupois 1ms been reduced Is gauged each day by the fit of tlio suit Worn with It Is » cap that ties on like a bathing enp. for madam’s luilr Is apt to collect ilnst from the floor space I where Ihe rolling stunt Is performed, j Fifteen minutes before breakfast j and again at bedtime Is the allowance for this pnstlroc, which Includes 100 turns over and back each time. Tills | means all the way over and twice over If apace allows. Little or no effort I Is required for the turning, and If the I exercise can lie followed by a hot hath so rnnch the better I Those who wish to rednoo more rapidly than Is accomplished b y rolling i alone have recourse to touching the finger tips or palms of the hands to : Ihe floor without bending the knees, is additional efforts, and also to the | equally old and reliable method of | tying on one’s back on the floor and ; raising each leg straight np from the 1 body for fifty consecutive times and j then both together for ns many more ! times. These natural motions and walking, thongh slower and requiring greater hope and patience on the part of the robnst one, are much safer than drugs, for medicines powerful enough to dls pel adipose tissues have an Injurious tffect upon the organs of the body, and too many cases of “heart trouble" have resulted from trying some little pellet recommended by a former’y fat \ .j friend. '< ’Igf’V. l Our project is the only present medium for fur­ , i | nishing irrigation. We have the water ready for de­ livery and are only waiting for assurance from the landowners that they really want water and are ready to take it at a fair and reasonable compensa­ tion. Our Mr. Boos is having fine success in his cam­ NOW FOR A ROAST. fflo nml twelve, half grown, on her bm k. with tabs hooked to her a r c h e d caudal appendage. The possum hero shown made a r a id on Riverside roosters and p u m p k in pies nml met his finish. On prying open his strong jaws fifty «harp teeth were disclosed, the death trap of many a fat hen. Those fowl fiend« are easily t r a c k e d a ml trapped, and when one Is k i ll e d fowls’ furry foes are not only fewer, but. oh, you roast possum an’ sweet port a tore! DON’T 9. Don't let Utter In the duck house get rank. Damp means lame ducks and thetr finish. Don't forget thal turkeys are not far re mo vet I from the wild and must not be shut up In a hot box. Don’t fall to scatter grain evenly over the litter so all have a chance, and keep the Utter even on the scratch­ ing floor. Don't expect to keep breeding geese right on a straight grain ration. Geese are vegetarians and to keep healthy and be prolific mast have vef- »tables regularly. _ , paign in the Willow Springs section and the suc­ cess of the project in the immediate future seems al­ most assured. Help along with this improvement by seeing Mr. Boos at once and indicating to him how many acres you can be prepared to irrigate wherr the water is ready for delivery. Rogue River Canal Co FRED M. CUMMINGS. Mgr. I . . . . . . . . . . . . » . « « « » • « « » » « « ♦ .♦ ♦♦♦ •