Image provided by: Rogue River Valley Irrigation District; Medford, OR
About Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
4 CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY. M AY 2. 1912 LOCAL MENTION Or. Davis is an up to date Dentist. . .Judge Garvin and family moved Tues day into the Warner house. Seed Corn and Seed Potatoes at the Central Point Feed Store. f> Otf Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bray ton spent Sunday visiting Medford friends. Try rolled wheat in place of barley! It's cheaper at the C. P. Feed Store, ltf Col. Geo. P. Mimn is hauling lumber for a large barn to be erected on hi* ranch at Sevenoaks. B. C. Gleason of Phoenix visited his parents here a couple of days during the week. Dr. Edison’* Cushion Shoes make j life’s walk easy. At Faber and Me- i Donald. Mrs. Vcght of Ashland has spent the j week here as the guest of Mrs. Rob- , nett and Mrs. Meyers. The chicken pie supper given by the ladies of the Christian church Saturday j evening was very successful. Miss Laura Edgerton, who was the guest of Mrs. H. N. Aldrich,* returned to her home in Hose burg last Thursday, j Mrs. R. L. Wilson has gone to Chicago to be present at the marriage of her j son, R. E. Wilson, which takes place! during the present month. Lee Watkins and family moved their household good" to Medford M o n d a y j where they will conduct a looming I house recently acquired by them. Mrs. K. H. Henry, who Lias been the* I guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Gleason, for some time past, went to Phoenix Saturday for a visit with relatives. The words of tLie poet, “ It. rains and the wind is never weary," are pretty well demonstrated in this month of April in the Rogue river valley. It rains, all right, day and night and the wind has no business to be weary be cause it doesn’t blow enough here to make itself tired. Condon, ami other Easturn Oregon papers please copy. Match Anderson and Milarland W. Nichols, a registered pharmacist who came here from Cleveland, Ohio, a few months ago, has accepted a posi tion in the England Pharmacy. This popular store is arranging to put in an up to date fountain before the advent of the warm season. Mr. and Mrs. V. Nichols arrived from Cleveland, Ohio, last Saturday to join their son, W. Nichols, who came here several months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols expect to invest in some home property and make their perma nent home here. S. V. Moore, was in town yesterday from Medford visiting friends and look ing after business matters. The Medford Athletic club has matched Bud Anderson of Vancouver with Tommy McFarland the Fond du Rack, Wis., lightweight, for the cluh’f next smoker Tuesday evening, May 7. Both hoys are well known to Medford fans, each having scored a win in their only appearance here, McFarland hav ing defeated Bobbie Evans, while An derson only recently won from Austra lian Arthur Kelly. Each lad has a host of local admirers who think their idol the best boxer. Ever since McFarland won with such comparative ease from Bobbie Evans the fans have been longing to see Mc Farland opposed to a boxer more his own equal. In meeting Bud Anderson, McFarland has a hard task cut out for him, for the Vancouver, Wash., boy is without question the classiest liglit weight boxer turned out of the north and must soon be reckoned with at the top of the light weight division. Anderson has been on the ground since his last bout and has been doing light training si» as to keep on edge McFarland will be here in a few days from San Francisco, where he lately boxed a ten-round draw with Abe Label one of Frisco’s best lightweights. $ 2 0 0 0 HOWARD 5-PASSENGER TOURING CAR Fully Equipped With Top, Windshield, Speedometer, Clock and Self-Starter. GIVEN A W A Y FREE!! How To Secure This Handsome Car i We will issue trade coupons with every purchase made. These coupons are good for their face value in votes, at the rate of one vote for every cent of purchase. The person securing the largest number of votes at the close of this contest will receive this handsome car absolute ly free of all cost. The coupons are transferable, so if you are not interested in securing this car for yourself, you can make some relative, friend or acquaintance happy by saving your coupons for them. NO P U B L IC ITY E Q UAL C H A N C E FOR A LL Nomination blanks can be clipped from this circular or can be obtained at our place of business. Upon receipt of your nomination you will have a particular number assigned to you. The published bulletins of all the contestants will he by number only, thus avoiding any publicity to your name. All votes received will at once be entered in a voting register, and immediately after the close of the contest the winner will be an nounced and the prize awarded. No lucky number will win this car. Simply sign a nomination blank and have a particu lar number assigned you, and then boost for your number among your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Have them patronize our store and save the coupons for you. The rules are simple. The chance costs you noth ing. An opportunity for any hustling man woman or child to secure a prize that will give life long joy and pleasure. SIGN B L A N K Rules o f the Contest Read Carefully the Rules of This Contest as it Will Make it Much Easier to Understand the Methods Used. G E T P A R T IC U L A R S . Now is the Time to Get Busy The earlier you start, the more advantage you will have in the final count. Remember, the object of this contest is to get business. We are going to give this fine automobile to the person who will accumulate the greatest number of votes; therefore it is to the inter est of every contestant to ask their friends and neighbors to buy from this store. Then the contestant who gets the greatest number of friends to trade here and give them their coupons will receive the greatest number of votes. No m em ber or em ploye of th is firm Is eligible in th is c o n te st. N O M IN A TIO N BLANK Good for 2 0 0 0 Votes Place to my credit 2000 votes and notify me what my number will be. Also send me full particulars how 1 can win the Howard Automobile. Name............................................................................ Address......................................................................... Gut out and mail. Always in Earnest Obey the Impulse No names of contestants will be published. 2 . Every contestant gets a number. 3. Standing of contestants’ numbers published 2nd and 16th of each month. All votes must be brought in for recording 1st and 15th of each month. 5. Votes must not be written on. 6 . Color of certificates will change monthly and must be recorded monthly to count. 7. Votes ore transferable before recording. 8. Contestants will not be permitted to solicit votes within our store. 9. Contestant having largest number of voter wins auto. 1. Getting Acquainted With NewCustomers We do not expect to recover the expense of this contest through a greater per cent of profit, but through a larger volume of busi ness; we expect the larger volume of business to more than offset the cost, and it will be our earnest endeavor to give you even more for your money in the future than we have in the past. If you are not in the contest, make some relative, friend or acquaintace happy by saving your coupons for them. D on’t Throw Thom Away. Coritest iO pens IVlay 1l / l 12 C ontest C loses Nov. 1l / l 12 FREE COUPON Good for 2 o V O T E S iP"P-«-MAT A U T OM OB IL E c o n t e s t Cut out this coupon and present at our store and receive 25 votes free. This coupon is good until May 15. The Toggery, OF C O U R S E . Largest and Finest Equipped Clothing Store South of Portland. For Sale—Aermotor windmill in good, Miss Lelah Mee and Mr. and Mrs. portunity for securing publicity for the Mrs. Jas. Grieve, of I’rospect, was here for a few days during the week J. F. Harper, of Jacksonville, visited valley at a nominal expense, and pledg condition. Make me an offer. A. J 2tf visiting relatives and superintending their cousins. Miss Mary Mee and Mrs. ing the moral support of the club to Dunlap, Central Point, Ore. ------ -------- ---- — ----. the packing of household goods for Emma Bebb, last Sunday. Mr. and Miss Grace Garvin, who expects to be ____ shipment to Prospect where Mr. and Mrs. Harper recently returned from member of the excursion party, in her Mrs. Grieve have taken lease on the Nebraska where they spent the Winter campaign for subscriptions. The Best Bib Overall and to say that they are delighted to Prospect hotel for a term of years. N e w L a I’NDRY Gim Gay, directly be back in the Rogue river valley is no from San Francisco, has bought the joke. A direct tax on franchise and land Ohh Lee Laundry, on Manranita street, Y. M. C. A. Notes Edmond Aldrich, young son of Rev. holdings assessed for $10,000 or more, between Second aral Third streets, Gim Gay is a modern, scientific laundry man There will he an entertainment given and Mrs. Aldrich of the M. E. church, graduated on an Increasing scale as and guarantees perfect satisfaction. in the Y. M. C. A. hall Friday evening. : met with a painful accident laat Friday the ‘valuation-.Increases, is proposed S ive money and get the best work by May 10th. Everybody is invited to day evening while learning to ride a in an Initfeitivwtpetition soon to be cir bicycle on Pine street. Losing control culated with mi 'view to Its submission patronizing him. 3tf come. of the wheel the boy collided with a to the people at the November elec Rex Lampmnn, hard of the Gold Hill The Junior base ball team defeated passing delivery wagon and was thrown tion. A N e w P a ir News, and his big brother, Ben H. the Gold Hill boys by a score of 24 to 2 to the ground with such viloence at to The body of James Mitchell, the lamptnan, recently of North Dakota, last Saturday. Gold Hill didn’t even cause an ugly gash acros s his forehead. young man who fell overboard from blew in at the Herald office Tuesday give the boys good practice which was Dr. Anderssn dressed the wound which the gasoline'schooner Gerald C.. while afternoon where Kex proceeded to make partly owing to a conple I f T h e y R ip their regu required six stiches to close. the veeeet was lying at the Elmore himself at home w hile his brother, who lar players being absent. . dock at Aatorla last November, was LEV I S T R A U S S * CO. is lacking in some of the superabund* I MFRS., SAN FR A N CISC O fouad floating In the river opposite The Boy Scouts are planning an over Commercial Club Meets ance of nerve that about three years the Talfent A Grant «cannery by two residence here gives a fellow, enjoyed night hike in the near future. Only A lively meeting of the commercial Flnnlshr fishermen. a pleasant visit with the editorial and those who have qualified for tenderfeet club was held Monday evening when a OffiotoL complete registration re will be permitted to go. office force. Hex uster be able to fool i number of matters i t importance to turns aa (compiled bytthe secretary of us some when he blew in but since his j A men’s bible class has been started the welfare of the ci ty were discussed state s (¿Tice were given out showing dad called and put us wise to the young at the Y. M. C. A. It meets every at soma length. Wiirranta were drawn a total «of 131,800 Oregon voters re* Ä R E M E D Y ¿Sfitti «•ne s curves we have become protec Tuesday night at 7:30. Come and for dues to Oregon Development League leteredfbefore the primaries. Of these r i t t a . C H IL B L A IN S r C L O N S . B u m NS. E T C I b l e m o u * c h o l o s a l v c tionists. Just the same Kexall writes | bring some one with you. Next Tues and fer current ret*, t bills, etc. A reto -1 03,070 «were republicans. 33.417 derao- ALL O A w a e v * i* a T l S u a HAVC IT OR «V iti. O S ^A'»* O » K C Q U t ace c a t MO s u s j r T y r e s a paper that makes some people sit up day the Life of Christ will he taken up lution was passed < indorsing the Pacific cra»s.f4B28 socialists. 1656 prohibition- r r r c c 23 Cenfy _______ and take notice sometimes anyway. Northwest excun g>n as a splendid op lets an(3 16 nonpartisan. as a study in the class. A number of the members of the »cnl Odd Fellows and Rebekahs lodges went to Ashland last Friday evening to attend the Odd Fellows convention held in that city. All report having had a pleasant time. Tw o H orse B rand FREE BED ANDERSON Tht latest find in the light-weight division who may some »lay wear the crown. He is matched to l>ox Tommy McFarland ten rounds next Tuesday night in Medford. P 0 lS O N CQ AK!