CENTRAL new Opal Point bridge with an automo­ bile. LOCAI MENTION First Class Dental Work Consult Me Before Going tlsewhere Sauer kraut in bulk at the Qual- itv store. with HeraW to the that the building and furniture o f the Y. M. C. A. “ as it now stands has cost almost $10,000, all Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gay visited | o f which had been paid or pledged be­ friends at Ashland Sunday fore the opening, but $1,200,“ was an Harry I.indsay visited friends at error. That amount only represented Ashland Saturday and Sunday. the Moating indebtedness, and is in ad­ Brand new line o f overcoats for men dition to a loan o f $3000, whicn was ne­ gotiated some time ago, and is secured and boys at Cranfill & Robnett’ s. by a mortgage mi the property. All my work absolutely Ladies’ and Misses' heavy coats go­ One gray mare, weight about 850 ing at big discount. Cranfill & Rob- pounds, branded “ C” on right shoulder. nett. Owner can have property by calling on 36tf Dr. E. Davis, Dentist, Rostel Build­ D. L. Grigsby, near Agate. ing- 14tf Mrs. Moon spent Grants Pass friends. Those living out of town will nut br kept wailing Full set of teeth, on rubber plate - - $7.50 Best set o f teeth, on rubber plate - - $10.00 Painless extraction - 50c All other work in proportion 22-karat gold crowns $5.00 Porcelain crowns 5.00 Bridge work (per tooth)5.00 Gold fillings $ 1.50 and up Silver fillings 1 .0 0 and up Christmas Pure country sorghum at the Quality store. Bring you r pails. g u a ra n te e d Parker Pens ink the point and not the finger. A t England’s. 35tf Right Jewelry England's. L ost Hunch o f E U ♦ l ta i , ► i lO le l Dunlap and I • at right prices at 35tf keys. Finder leave at J . receive reward,35t3C Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Watkins spent Christmas with relatives in Grants Pass. REMEMBER, THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUAR­ ANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST DR. BARBER, The Dentist An Edison Phonograph would make a good Xmas present. Get one at Eng­ land’s. 35 tf Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 a. m. to I p. m. Phone Main 653 207-8 Farmers’ & Fruitgrowrs Bank Building Cor. W. Main and Grape Streets Medford, Oregon Tom Merriman and family spent Christmas with friends and relatives at Medford. Lee and George Ingram visited friends at Hornbrook, California, dur­ ing the week. Ralph Holmes, o f the local S. P. de­ pot force, spent Saturday with Med­ ford friends. FRESH A N D CURED M EATS A N D SAUSAGES j Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Warner and children are spending the holidays with his parents at Eugene. O F A L L KINDS Mr. and Mrs. Goodhugh, o f Medford, were the guests o f Councilman and M rs. A. J. Dnnlap Christmas. Try our home-made bacon, lard and compound B. L. Barry, a former newspaper man but who is now engaged in the in­ surance business, was a visitor here Tuesday. Boiled ham and other delicacies always on hand Orders taken fo rfresh fish and oysters Thursdays Wholesale & retail agts. Ashland Creamery Butter Central Point Meat Market Pho ne, Main 01 Res. Phone 10X3 W . D. Lewis & Sons « » « 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ►-4*4-4 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ y « 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Holiday Goods Our stock o f Holiday Goods was never m ore com plete than at present. Toys, Dolls, Toilet Sets, Jewelry, Stationery, and Gift Books in great profusion. . . “ D o your Christmas shopping early” and save money by buying at the old established emporium for Christmas things............................................................. Central Point Pharmacy MARY A. MEE. Prwrletress : ►444444444444« k 4-4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VT • I O U T I llO t O Will make a most acceptable Christmas present fo r your best friends. Give your order early before the HOLIDAY KISH. Q Q 1 . of Southern Oregon scenery will delight your eastern friends. It is a beautiful portfolio. O n a p O n O t S a ls o i “ s LESMEISTERS STUDIO Central Point, Oregon 144444 444*444444444444444441 ► ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4-4 4 4 4« 4444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ► JOHN A. PERL U N D E R T A K E R and EM B ALM ER ( S u c c e s s o r to T . M . J O N E S i TELEPHONES-Pacific office 471. Night 473 Home Phone 179L, Medford CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT Am bulance Service Id .. Farmers X4. ctMT" A*in0AH nT«?"r«l. ■>,«-*.« 3-d * ««*> H. F. CATON, Assistant, ► ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•A Central Point Express and Drayage New and Second Hand Goods ^ C om itiO ll The statement published in last w eek ’ s Examingtion and advice c o s t you nothing and may save you many dollars. My office, the most up-to-date in southern Oregon, is fitted with all modern electrical appliances and thus enables those living out o f town to have their work done promptly and get home the same day. Compare my prices with others and see if thsre is any reason why you should pay more,' lady Attendant R. E. MURRAY, . *" Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cowley and ristmas toys at Lesmeiater s. 31t37 family were dinner guests o f Mr. and For Sale Two pigs, 2 1-2months old. Mrs. Henry Farnum Christmas. E. T. Neale. ------------------------------- • A T HONEST PRICES 3 POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1911 Don’ t fail to see those portfolios o f Rogue River scenery views at Lesmeis- ter’ s. Nothing better for Holiday gifts. 31t37 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper, o f Grants Pass, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Williams, in this city. W. E. Brayton and family, who have been visiting relatives at Spokane for a couple o f weeks, are expected home today. A. W. Moon spent the holidays with his family here, but will soon return to Grants Fass to look after business mat­ ters. Jos. T. Williams and family, who have been visiting friends at Spokane and other northern and eastern points, are at home again. W. J. Nichols, o f the National For­ estry service, stationed at Eugene, is here for the holidays and to get ac­ quainted with his family. For Sale—U. S. Cream Separator No. 6, capacity, 450 lbs. per hour; nearly new. Will take $25. 37tf A. J. D unlap . Lawrence Brown, Theodore Ellistad and Miss Mae Nealon, who are students in the O. A. C. at Corvallis, are spend­ ing the holidays at their respective homes here. The Ladies’ Aid Society o f the Chris­ tian church will give a market on Sat­ urday at Faber’ s store from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Get your cakes, pies, salads, beans, etc., at the market. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. England, Mrs. Caldwell, Misses Beulah Caldwell, Paul­ ine Potter and Edith Nelson o f Ash­ land, were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. M. R. England Christmas day. Home merchants snd home enter- piises should receive your patronage. Try this with your home dentist. He will take as much interest in your wel­ fare as anyone else. 34 tf To utilize that wet spot on your ranch sow timothy. I also carry alfalfa oats, vetch, cheat, winter rye, field peas and beardless barley, suitable for hay or soiling. The Central Point Feed Store. Mill Creek Falls, Blanket Falls, Na­ tural Bridge, Big Sugar Pine trees, are some o f the scenes in our Southern Oregon views. Nothing better for Christmas p r e s e n t s . Lesm eister’s Studio. 31t37 Miss Esther Merritt, who is a student at Berkeley, California, is spending the holidays with her father, J. W. Merritt, and her grandmother, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Merritt, who is spending the winter at Berkeley for the benefit o f her health, did not come home for the holidays, fearing the change o f climate at this season. August Muller, o f Eugene, arrived Sat urday afternoon to join his family, who preceded him a few days, and to spend the holidays with Mrs. Muller’ s par­ ent«, Mr. and Mrs. P. Olsson. Olaf Olsson. S. P. train dispatcher at Rosc- hurgi arrived Sunday evening to join in the Christmas festivities beneath the parental roof tree. Hay Grain Coal Wood : Central Point, Oregon ♦ Phone Main 47 4 4 4 4 4 4444444 iuken Ip . NOTICE for p u b lic a tio n . Dopar m «nt o f the Interior. U. S. Land Office at t Ros Roseburg, Ore- gon, O ctober 30,' 1911. N otice is hereby given that Wilburn W ilcox, whose postoffice address is R. F. D. No. 1. Med- furd, Oregon, did, on the 6th day o f April, 1911, hie in this office Sworn Statement and application No. 07111, to purchase the NE 1-4Section 22, Town- S.. Raru:e l East W illamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of j the act o f "Tune 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known l,nnu' " as «*“ the “ Tim ber and Stone Law,” at such value as might be fixetl by appraisement, ami that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have l»cen appraise»! #400. the tim­ ber estimated 1175,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $125.00; that said applicant will offer final p roof in support o f his application and sworn statement on the 26th day o f January, 1912, be­ fore W . II. Canon, United States Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be­ fore patent issues, by filing a corroborated affida­ vit in this «»ftice, alleging facts which would de­ feat the entry. BENJAM IN F. JONES. 30t41 Register. we are headquarters for Carriage Lanterns I ¡NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roselmrg, Ore­ gon, O ctobor 3n, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Anna Lane, whose postoffice addicss is R. F. D. No. 1. Me4444444 >4444444 >44444444 THE WOODBURN NURSERIES Established in 1863 by J. H. SETTLEM IER Owned since Jan. 1, 1892, by F. W. SETTLEMIER The oldest and largest in the northwest. Only one change o f owners— and that from father to son in nearly fifty years at our present location A B S O L U TE L Y i NOTICE for Publication. Department o f the 11 Interior, United States Land Olficee at Rose- burg, Oregon, Dec. 13, 1911. N otice is hereby given that Harvey B. Spencer, o f Dudley. Oregon, who, on June Ifh, lull), made homestead entry No. 349534 Serial No. 06321, for neVi nw 'q, w '/j neG, s e 'i neV* and lot 2, section 12, township 84 south range 2 «»ast Willamette merid­ ian, has filed notice o f his intention to make Final Five-Year proof, to establish claim to the lan«l above described, before Register and Receiver United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 26 day of January, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: W. W. Spencer. B. G. Phares, W. B. Read, L. Jones, all of L)udl y I Oregon. B enjam in F. J ones , • 35t6 Receiver. NOTICE for Publication, Department o f the In, teri'.r, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Or«*g-.n- December 13. 1911. N otice is hereby given that John Merion, o f Butte Falla, Oregon, who, on November 10. 1910, mad«* Homestead entry Serial No. 06715, for s e 1 1 s w 'i, s w 't s e 'i and lot 4. section IK, township 34. S, range 3, East W illam ette Meridian, has file«! notice o f intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above des­ cribe«!. before W . II Canon, Unite«! States Com ­ missioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 26 day of January, 1912. Claimant names nr witnesses: C. P. Briggs, Edmond E. Emerson, Frank Carson, O. Adams, all o f Butte Falls, Oregon. B enjam in F. J ones , 36t6 Register. (Land is in the Crater National F«*rest.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Department o f the ' Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ gon, D«*eember 13, 1911. N otice is hereby given that William W. Spen­ cer, <*f Dudley, Oregon, who, on June 4, 1910, made homestead entry serial No. 06329, for N ' j S W and SV9, N W 1«, section 12, township 34S range 2, East Willamette Meridian, has tiNni no­ tice o f intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the lan«l above described, Ike- fore Regi.-ter and Receiver Unite«! States I ¿and Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 26 «lay <»f Jan­ uary. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: II. B. Spencer, B. G. Phares, A. L. Jones, G eorge F. Jones, all of Dudley, Oregon. B enjam in F. J ones , 3Gt8 Register (In Crater N a tion al Forcai) M o i ICE FOR PUBLICATION. D ep a rtm en t o f the I" Interior. I U. S. Lurid office t Roseburg, Ore- gun, Dec'»ml»er 14. 1911. N otice is hereby given that G eorge F. Jones, o f Dud'ey, Oregon, who, on June 4. 1910, made homestead entry sei ial. No. 06351, for S k i , sec­ tion 3, township 34 S. range 2, East Willamette Meridian, has file«! notice o f intention to rnak« final five je a r proof, to establish claim to the land above «lcscrihe«!, l»efore Register and Receiver United Suites Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 26 day o f January, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses; II. B. S|»encer, A L. Jones, B. Glenn j Pharse, W. W. Spen«er, all of Dudley, Oregon BEN JAM IN F. JONES. 36t6 Register. IN D E P E N D E N T We are not connected with any subsidiary concerns we do business under one name only. We plant such varieties and quantities as we deem best; grow the heaviest crops consistent with quality; sell direct to the planter, saving him the agent’s commission. W e have 2,000,000 trees, all o f our own growing we handle no others Send us your list o f wants for prices NO AGENTS T H E W O O D BU R N N U R S ER IES F. W. SETTLEM IER, Proprietor WOODBURN, Fresh, Dainty Confections Everything in the line o f toothsome sweets High grade boxed candies our specialty A wide variety o f tobaccos, cigars, pipes and smokers’ sundries constantly on hand G. S. M O O R E At the old stand Coal & W ood Heating Stoves at (In Crater National Forest) - - - (06896) (LOTICK m > r i ' hi p ATI •• D e p a r tm e n t o f th e gon, December 14, 1911. N otice is hereby given that Bessie Glenn Phares. of Dudley, Oregon-, who on June 4. 1910, made home»u. O w r, 86t6 BEN JAM IN F. JONES. Register. (In the Crater Natk/nal F«#re*t, be»344) LO TIC E For Publication D**partm«»Bt o f the Interior, I ’ Lsn-i Office at Jl •»♦•burg, Ore­ gon. December 14, 1911. N««tice is hereby g i v e n that Jasper N Miller, o f Du»i!ey, Oregon, who «m June 7. 1910. made h‘ *ne*U*ad entry serial N » 63844, for ,NW! t, S E 't , ard Lot* f, and 7, section 27. township '.I S, ra n ge 2. East W dlam eite Meridian, has filed notice of m- tentktm to make final five year prin t, to establish claim to the land above described, before W H Canon, Unite».' « ‘ ate* Ornimissioner. at Medford, Oregon, an the 26 «lay of January 1912 Claimant r.am*« as witne • e« Amos J Cote le»gt>. Jotin CobUigh. John B. McKee. Andrew Kauffman, afl of Butte Falls. Oreg.m B enjam in F So J6&4 Register. OREGON J >♦♦ •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 W.C.LEEVER’S The Hardware Man