C E N T R A L P OIN T H E R A L D , T H U R S D A Y Going out Of Business Local Neves Notes. Surprise Valley. Darker, Conklin and Waterman (By a Discoverer.) pens at England’s. Two mile* west of Central Point, Chop suet for mince-meat at the si-ugly resting in the lap of sheltering Central Point Meat Market. One of Medford’s biggest stores is foot hills where fragrant pines tower Home dressed dolls at Lcsmeister’s.37 in splendid majesty, lies a hidden vale Holiday books and stationery at Les- going out of business Christmas eve: CUTHBERTS of wonder and delight Surprise Valley. meister’s studio. 3i t r Little known by outsiders, this charm are now closing out their entire busi- , Remember that Dr. Hermann II' i ness ing district offers all the lure of a “ terra incognita.” Securely protected der»tands the di>e ised condition They are selling goods below cost from south westerly winter storms, it I he eves a > well a> the relraetion and many people have taken advantage Sam McLendon and Riley Hammersly of this exceptional opportunity to gel northern side is invitingly open to th< cooling summer breeze ami unfolds a were here from (¿old Hill yesterday. Furniture, Rugs, Ranges etc, at such superb panorama to the eyes of the | Mr. and Mrs. McLendon leave soon for low' prices. San Diego to spend the Winter. They are selling beautiful 9 x 12 Wil- amazed visitor. Hugh and marvelous in symetry rises Miss Avis B* Edwards, of Niagara ton Rugs for $23.00 that were $45.00 the impeccable cone of Mt. Me Laugh- j Ealls, N. Y., is expected to arrive this and Axministcr Rugs at $10.00 that iln like a magnified pyramid of Cheops. • evening to spend the Winter with her were $30.00. A little on the left the Watchman am) j cousin, Rev. II. N. Aldrich and family. The prices on Furniture have been ! (¿lacier Peak loom distinctly on the rim | Married At the M. E. parsonage in cut and slashed all to pieces. Lace Cur­ of Crater Lake, whose “ incomparable this city, Sunday, Nov. 2b, 1911, Rev. tains, Couch Covers, Fortiers, and all grandeur,” says Jack London, “ no man II. N. Aldrich officiating, Miss Caroline Drapery Goods are going at less than can hope to describe.” Poole to Mr. Richard Thomason, both half price. Even the snow capped tops of Red of this city. When one can buy a $45.00 Range Cone, Desert Cone and Bald ( rater are for $22 50, th at’s goin* some. The funeral of Mrs. A. Martin, who faintly discernable in the distance. One can do that at Cuthbcrt’s. died at the farndy home south of town Farther north the bare ragged tooth of Monday, will he held at the M. E. Diamond Rock pierces the blue ninety church at 10:00 o’clock this hiorning. Al the Dunlop hotel is w lie re |)i miles away. Completing the semi-cir­ inumi) will stop, so call Interment will be at the Rock Point him il cle, the broken game teeming moun­ cemetery. Ml have anv eve trouble. tains of the Umpqua Divide mark the northern limit of .Jackson county. Dark and forbiding. Lower and Upper Table Rocks everlastingly guard the Will make a most acceptable course of the turbulent Rogue river Christmas present f o r your like two mediaeval strongholds. No best friends, (jive your order curly before Ihe 1101 IDAY RUSH. longer will weird council fires beckon from their heights the Indian braves on Q |L Southern Oregon scenery will the war path. The age of strife and O n a p i J n O l S also delight your eastern friends. blood are past and the gracefully scat­ tered homes of Central Point mark the It is a beautiful portfolio. progress of peace and industry. Also toys, Dolls, Hooks Matchless view, exclusive home sites orni Stationery. . . and refined neighborhood are not how ever, the only inducements which Sur­ Central Point Oregon prise Valley can offer to the weary fu­ gitive of the maddening crowd. The well kept hearing orchards of Mr. C. E. Velin, Mrs. («race Ball and Mrs. II. ( . Huillier amply testiliy as to the ex­ cellent quality of its soil. Its altitude placing this privleged valley entirely above the frost belt, abundant crofts arc thereby assured. Nowhere else are conditions more favorable for the suc­ I S u c c e s s o r to T. M. JONES I cessful raising of poultry. That this advantage has not been overlooked by TELEPHONES-Pacific office 471. Night 473 its residents may be observed by its numerous chicken houses which adorn Home Phone 179L, Medford Mrs, Ball’s ranch. These and a massive C A L L S A N S W E R E D D A Y OR N IG H T concrete reservoir for irrigation pur­ poses are conclusive evidence of wide A m h n l-in c p S n rv ie p rt-iuouicince cset Vite c e n t r a M l a n p i o a i n n i t t a o S f t f r e i c e e t , . b e t w e e n 3 r d & 4 t h awakeness and initiative. The timber and mineral wealth on Let., IdrmiTs X4. H. F. CATON, Assistant, Cenlrdl Poinl Mr. Velin’s place are also useful re­ minders that Jackson county’s re­ sources do not solely embrace the pro­ duction of famous apples and pears. The fact that a substantial and ideal home may at the same time offer great possibilities for development and profit is efficiently demonstrated by Mrs. II. IS FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER C. Huillcr’s highly attractive ranch. The old stage road, which in days For its splendid hostelrios, its varied attractions, its fine past was the most traveled path to beaches, hot springs and pleasure resorts—All these can be Jacksonville, cuts through Surprise reached with ease by the Valley and makes it historical ground. t Who can tell how many hold ups and ♦ desperate encounters took place on this worn and hidden lane when the gold laden stage turned its steep curves un­ ♦ suspecting of the daring ambuscade. : Road o f ti Route o f Now this last vestige of gold frenzied i » , SUNSET times lies obscure and forgotten amidst I OGDENd, SHASTA] Thousand ROUTES the whispering woods and is but seldom disturbed by the noisy steps of the idle stroler. Won dors’ lim ited Your Photo : D E C E M B E R 7, 1911 BUY YOUR NEXT SUIT, OVERCOAT or RAINCOAT AT THE I Largest f Finest Clothing Store Between Portland and Frisco LESMIISTERS STUDIO JOHN A. PERL C O U R TE O U S S A LESM A N A T UNDERTAKER and EMBAUMER E MEDFORD TOGGERY OREGON ( of course ) CALIFORNIA i : I R R I G A T I O N AJdilionul J r.rie n, nf Watkins, ae com pared hu- |lrilihl.r, -In... H y rm . home last we Mrs. V\, K Knnnry and Mrs, Sarah Wlirnx tvti.m ed Mo idav from their Idaho trfp. repairing nt 131 f Metti fnr ne1 nrc-tiu at at the t 'entrai Point Mi'at 'Market. Cacar Sw ackcr. pinnucr, teli demi at al hh Eoo t* rrcck hoirue ycalerilay nf liearl dir,'ano. He wa.» about 7*' ye.m old. " -Meli «ml k ’’ /Intuì». jewe ry : If you want to g et this irrigation movement started in time to use the w ater next year you must SIGN U P NOW. It takes time to build ditches. Give the Canal company a chance. You have the land, we have the water. They must be mixed in proper proportions in order to produce wealth. The proposition is a mutual one—we will both benefit- but we must co-operate, pool our in­ terests, get together or we will both continue to lose. f t Utili' \ou Kr«id h? The Adler i ka hook, tolii ig hi»w voli ntn FA SI I N guani again it /»npetidi- ritili and gei INSTANT relief frorn constipation or gas on thè stornile h. is being remi with nuich interest by Cen­ tral Point peuple. lt is givon HV a y free by Mary A. Mee, Druggjst. Wheezing in thè längs ìm lu'iU ^ tb.it! ph le-m is o b s t r u c t i n g III« l u r pa>>-| l i M . I . A I I D ’s IIOUI H O I M " ntf»'». M lit !'1 lo o m « the phlegm «•» that »•. • nil he i , mulled np and ejected. Tre e J.'ie, ,i(l e mid *1 till per botile • Sold l>> M i" M i n A. M. e. _ t 1 Rogue River Valley CanalCo. F R E D N. C U M M IN G S . M gr. R. P. C0W 6ILL. LOCAI RfPRfSfNTATIYi