4 CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1911 amount, $293.15. Ordinance No. 76. A sse ssm e nt No. 17.W ayne Lccv*.*r, A m ordinance declaring he cost of I In* improvement o f Pine stre et f r o m lot 2* block 33, original town-ite. City Sixth street to tlie east side of o f Ce ntra l Point, O regon; fro n tag e Tenth street, and asse ss in g the p r o p ­ .55 feet on south side o f Pine s t r e e t ; e r ty benefited thereby and d e c l a r i n g ( r a te p e r front foot, $5.33; a m ount, M ich a sse ss m e n t a n d directing the $293.15. A ssessm ent No. 1H. Wayne Hoov­ e n try th ere o f in the doeket of city er, lot 3. bloek 43, original towusite, liens. , The people <>. the P i t y *rt C e n tr a l| City of Central Point, O re gon; f r o n t ­ age .5.5 feet on sout liside ot Pine Point do ordain a s follow : s t r e e t ; r a te per front foot, $>.33. Section 1. T h at no p r o te s ts hav-j amount, $293.15. ing been filed against the improve A ssessm ent No. 19. Wa.vne Leev- meiit of pine street from Sixth s t r e t •r, lot 4, bloek 43, original towusite. to the e as t side of T enth stre et, dtp City of Central Point, O regon; f r o n t - notice of the intention of the council »ge .5.5 feet on south side of Pint to cause said improvement to he mad* str e e t; r a te pe r fro n t foot, $5.3.3; linving been given and said im prove­ imoiint, $293.15. ment having been ordered made, tin Assessm ent No. 29. John (Iriffith council, having considered the m a t t e r 'o ts 1, 2, 3 and 1 ,bloek 1, O r if tith ' herewith a sc e r ta in s the cost of mak oltlitioii to tin1 City of C entral Point ing such improvement to he the sum Oregon; f r o n t a g e 221 feet on south of $HJ.50.00. -dde o f Pine s t r e e t ; ra te per front And said council f u r t h e r finds that loot, $.>. 3 3; amount. $1177.93. the special a n d peculiar benefit ac A ssessm ent No. 21. John G riffith » ruing to each lot or p a r t thereof a d ­ 'o ts 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5, bloek 2, Grit jacent to said improvement and u fitli’s addition to City o f C entra j 1 1 t proportion to the benefits de Point, Oregon ;froiitage 297 feet o' l ived I herefrom, to be the respective south side of Pine s t r e e t ; r a te pe» a m o u n ts h e rein afte r set opposite the ♦’rout foot, $.5.33; amount. $1,583.01 num ber or description of each lot m Assessment No. 22.il. V. Anderson parcel or p a r t thereof, a nd sir'll ill o f the t r a c t of land described i» a m ounts respectively a re hereby d e ­ the deed recorded in book HI a t png' clared to be the p roportionate s h a re ¿1)2 of the deed records o f Ja c k so i of each lot or p a r t thereof, o f the •»unity .Oregon, lying west of the east c o s t o f M id i improvement, and are ine of T enth street, extended, ii hereby declared to lie assessed ' 'e ntral Point, O regon; fro n tag e 15* against such hits or pa rce ls re sp ec ­ Vet on south side of Pine s t r e e t ; rat* tively, the nam e annexed to each de t>er front foot, $5.33; am ount scriptiou being the name of the ow n ­ $838.01. e r or reputed owner thereof. Section 2. And it is hereby or Assessm ent No. 1. W. A. Cowley dnined a n d ordered that the said lot 5, block 17. original luwnsite of se veral a s se ss m e n ts a n d the lien*- the City of C etral Point, Oregon: I hereof be entered in the lieu docket frontage 7 m feet on north side of >f said city, a nd that th ereupon n o ­ Pine s t r e e t ; r a te pe rfronti f o o l tice be givent o the ow ners and re $5..'»5; amount, $293.17». nited ow ners o f sa id p ro p e rty a s by Assessment No, 2. \V. A Cowley, jiw provided, and t h a t the sam e In lot li. block 17, original towusite of •ollected in the m a n n e r provided b\ the city of Central Point, O apgon; I lie c h a r t e r o f said city l o r the col frontage 7 m feet on north side of Vet ion o f a s se ss m e n ts f o r the ini Pine s t r e e t ; r a te pe r fr o n t foot. orovernents of s t r e e t s therein. $7».:»3; amount $2 93.17». Section 3. It is f u r t h e r ordered Asse ssment No. 3. W. A. Cowley, that toh notice above provided b* lot 7, block 17, original towusite, published in the Central Point Her City o f Central Point, O regon; f r o n t ­ aid, a n e w s p a p e r published and of age 7>7) feet on north side o f Pine general c ircula tio n in said city, ns 1>\ s t r e e t ; r a te p e r fl o u t foot, $5.33: law provided. amount, $293.15. The foregoing o rdinanc e w as p a s s ­ Assessment No. 1. \Y. A. Cowley, 'd by the common council o f the City lot H, block 17. original towusite, Cit \ >f C entral, Point, Oregon, on Hu of Central Point, O regon; frontage Hth da a y of November, 1911, by th* 5.5 feet on north side of Pine str e e t : folowlng vote: Myers, y e s ; Lin dsay r a te p e r front foot, $5.33; amount. yes; Dunlap, y e s ; Grim, y e s ; Pearl $293.15. m d Whiteside, absent. A ssessm ent No. 5. H enry Riley, Approved Novem ber H, 1911. lot .5, block Hi. original towusite, Cit> W. C. LKKVKR. o f C entral Point, O regon; frontage Mayor. .55 feet on north side o f Pine s t r e e t . A t t e s t: r a te per front foot, $5.33; amount. f. W. JA COBS, $293.15. Recorder. Assessm ent No. \ Assessm ent No. 7. \V. A. Cowley, »aid ordinance, ns recorded in tin lot 7, block Hi, original towusite, City docket o f city l ie n s : of Central Point, O regon; tornlng* You a r e hereby notified that tin .57) feet on n o r t h side of Pine s t r e e t ; asse ssm e nt declared by the foregoing r a te pe r front foot, $.5.33; amount. o rdinanc e lias been m ade and tin $293.15. h’li t h e r e f o r e ntered in the city lien Assessment No. 8. \V. A. Cowley, docket, a n d that the sa m e is due and lot 8, block It», riginnl towusite, City you a r e hereby required to p a y tin of C e ntra l Point, O regon; frontage «¡ame to the city re c o r d e r witlii ten .5.5 feet on north side o f Pine str e e t : ¿lavs from the service o f this índice r a te p e r front foot, $5.33; amount, which service is m ade by publication $293.15. *f this notice and the foregoing or Assessm ent No. 9. Mrs. R. M d im m e r in the Ce ntra l Point llernld \ \ hitoside, lot 7», block 2, Shields a d ­ p u r s u a n t to an o r d e r o f the commoi dition to the city o f C entral Point "ounril of said city. Oregon; f r o n t a g e .59 feet on north .1 \ \ . JACOBS, side o f Pine s t r e e t ; r a te pe r front City Recorder. foot, $.5.33; a m o u n t. $2<»tl.50. A->M»sMiient No. 19 K. 0 . White Notice of Sale of Improvement side, lot ti a nd the west half of lot 7. Bonds. block 2. Shield s addition to the City The city council o f the City **f o f C entral Point, Oregon; frontage Ce ntra l Point, Oregon, will receive 7.5 feet on n o r th side of Pine street sealed pro|»osals fo r the p u rc h ase •»t r a te per front foot, $7». 3.3; amount, $13,000.00 six pe r cent ten y e a r im ­ $399.75. provement bonds (optional a f t e r (In Assessm ent No. 11. 9 . II. Sturt first y e a r ) at a meeting to he held vnnt ,h*t 8. a n d the east Imll of bd November II. 1911. 7, block 2, Shields addition to the K adi bid tun'd lie accom panied by t ’ 11 v\ « ) f (Vn trnl 1*«lint Oregon ; a certified check equal to 7» pe r cent front it*;«» 77) tV«*t on llol III sill*’ «>1 •»t the amount bid for, sa id check to rim* n | i ** t ; into |> *r fro n t foot. be m ade p a yable to the city t r e a s ­ $ 5 . l.T; (I VII« »II lit • $itlMI. •). u r e r o f III«’ City o f C e ntra l Point \SH«'SS mon t No. 1 _ ‘run West Oregon, and to be forfeited to said oil, 1«»t 7» llloi’k 1. Sill •Ills mltlitioii to city in case said bnl is a cc epte d and < it\ of i Vntrnl Point. O n non ; front said bonds a r c not p u r c h a se d in a c ­ age .59 feet on north side of Pine c o rd an c e with said pro p o sa l within s t r e e t ; rale pe r front loot, $.5.33; 20 «lavs a f t e r the notice o f said a c ­ am ount $2til».7»0. ceptance. A-.-e-sment No. 13. F Child All bids must he tiled with the f i t \ ers, lot I», block 1, Shields addition re c o r d e r p rior to 5 o'clock p. in., to (lo* City of Central Point, Oregon; November I t , 1911. The council r e ­ f r o n ta g e 50 feet on north side of Pine serves all light to reject a n y or .ill s t r e e t . r u t e |>er f r o n t f o o t . +. y : i t bids. a m o u n t . $ Jilt». 5 0 . J. NY. JA COBS. •niie n t N * • 1 ft. W . K . » liil. i City Recorder. r r s , 1«»t 7. b M 1 . N l m • M s m l d i t i o i i «o D a ted Novem ber H, 1911. Local News Notes. Sale of Doll* a t W a r d ’s. Supervisor Henry re p o rts every teacher of supervisory d istrict No. 2, in attendance at the institute and also many of the school officers p re sen t at the school officers’ meeting held on F r i­ day in connection with the institute. Dr. Hermann will give you the best quality of work and mat» rial. Charges reasonable. The general public is invited to a t ­ tend a reception to be given in the High School building Thursday evening, Nov­ ember 9th, in honor of the Freshm an class. WHY DON’T YOU? Sale of Dolls a t W ard's. Roy Dunlap left for San Francisco Sunday ami it is the general supposi­ tion th a t his s t a te of alleged single blessedness will end before he returns the l a tte r p a rt of this week. Dr. Hermann looks a f te r all kinds of eye troubles ami will not fit glasses where they are not needed. Umbrellas Raincoats Winter Clothing Heavy Underwear Presbyterian Home Missionary soci­ ety will m eet at the home of Mrs. W. H. Norcross Wednesday, November 15, at 2:30 P. M. Hosteaes Mrs. Norcros:- and Mrs. E. II. Strohmeier. Leader, Mrs. I). Green. Topic: “ Mexicans in the United S t a t e s . ’* Say. Men! Right here in your own town you have an opportunity t o help build the kind of business you would like to see. Place an order for your Thanksgiving Suit and Gvercoat with one of the best made-to-measure Mer­ chant Tailors. All ga rm e nts guaran teed to give satisfaction. Call anil learn prices, styles, etc. I). H. Stur- tevant, resident agent. 29tf Ju d g e Colvig has been rc elected president and m anager of the Medford Commercial club, this time with a sal­ ary of $250 per month. He will devote all of his time to the club’s promotion work. Judge Colvig is recognized as king of all the boosters in Oregon. at C h am berlain’s S tom ac h a n d Liver T a b le ts do not sicken o r gripe and m ay be take n with perfect s a f e t y by the m ost delicate woman o r tin youngest child. The old a n d feeble will also find them a m ost suit abb remedy for aid ing a n d strengthening their weakened digestion a n d f o r reg 'd a tin g the bowels. F o r m i !** by M a n A. Mee. • 6 6 Medford THE (of TOGGERY course) f 9 Oregon Finest Clothing Store South of Portland Largest and S h ip w re c k e d M arin ers. Among the early Greeks and Romans shipwrecked mariners were regarded as enemies and ns such were either pu* to death or sold Into slavery. Q u e e r A r t G a l le r y . C orreg g io ’s b e s t p a in tin g s w ere p laced o v er th e c re v ic e s In th e royal Ita lia n s ta b le s a t th e n o rth to prevent th e w ind from b lo w in g upon th e b n ck s o f th e horses. S p u y t e n D uyvil. R pnyten D uyvil Is a D u tch p h ra se a n d is sa id to h a v e been th e e x c la m a ­ tio n o f n rid e r w ho w ould cro ss th e s tre a m “In sp ite o f th e dev il,” "C rooked w e ig h ts an d m e a s u re s h av e b een u sed sin c e th e y e a r 839 IV C.” “ W h a t m a k e s yon so p o sitiv e o f the d a te ? " “T h a t's w hen w e ig h ts an d m e a s u re s w e re in v e n te d ." —B irm in g ­ h a m A g e-H era Id. Baked boons when I’m hungry; Butterm ilk when I’m dry: G reenbacks when I'm hard up; H eaven when I »lie. —B oston Transcript. " T h a t’s queer." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D e p a r tm e n t o f th e Interior. U. S. I»and Office a t Roseburg. Oreg«»n, October 19, lull. j Notice is hereby given that James J. Burrows, & whose post office address is 602 Division street. Oregon City, Oregon, did, on the 19 day of June, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1011, fil«* in this office Sworn Statement and Appli­ Office second floor K«»stcl Building, cation No. 07287, t»> purchase the SI-2 Sl-2 Sec. 18, Corner TI ini um> Pine Streets. Tvvp. 34 S . Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of Phone«: Boar Creek, Table Rock, Trail Creek the act of June 3, 1878, an»l acts amendatory, W illow Springs- each XX5 known as the “Timber and Stone Law," at such CENTRAL POINT - - - - - - OREGON value us might be fixed by appraisement, ami that, pursuant to such application, the land and Q it .lt. P. II ARC RAVE timber thereon have been appraised $560.00, the timber estimated 655,000 board feet at75can»i$1.00 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOf per M. and the land $20.00; that sai»l applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 29 day of December. Office over First Nations Bank 1911, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Of­ fice, at Roseburg. Oregon. McJford i s : : Oregon Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase l»efore entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat this entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, 10-20 Register PROFESSIONAL Drs. Anderson Pollnitz !>it. E. DAVIS, DENTIST. Practi.M l, Modern D entistry a t Live and L et Live Price» Office in Ki »tel Umidir.« Central Point - - p ACL F. KLEIN - Oregon PAUL F. KLEIN " W h a t is? " TEACHER OF TEACHER OF " L a s t w eek m y d a u g h te r w ro te me PIANO VIOLIN fro m Hie su m m e r re so rt th a t s h e is e n ­ , Pian«* Tuninir Graduât® Illinois g ag ed to a m an n am e d F ra n k , and in a Specialty Conservatory of Mustc INQUIRE AT HOTEL DUNLAP h e r n e x t le tte r sh e c a lls him J o h n .” — D etro it F re e P re ss. Among Ihe Churches. SCIENTIST. r \ K . J. J. EM M E N S Practice limite»! to EVE, EAU, NOSE, THROAT Eyesight scientif cally test«! ami triasses supplie I Offices, J1H F:. Main Street, «ver M*xlfortl Hardware Company Hours: 8:30 a. m. t«»|h:00 p. m. Phones. Main 5671; Home 158 M».-dford, Oregon Christian Science services a re held every Sunday morning a t 11:00 in the lodge-room, second floor of the G. A. i K. building. Sunday-school a t 9:45 A. M. All interested are cordially invited I Ç L A R K & WRIGHT to attend these services. METHODIST BI'IHCorAL. LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. D. Sunday School 10:00 a. m., preaching matters. Final proof. Desert lands. at 11:00; Junior League at 3:00 p. m.. i Public land Contests and mining cases. Scrip. Miss Caldwell. Supt.; Kpworth League Associate work for attorneys. devotional service 0:45; preaching ser­ vice 7:30, each Sunday. P ra y e r m eet­ PIONEER ASSAYING & REFINING CO. ing Thursday a t 7;30 p. in. Rev. Hor­ ace N. Aldrich, pastor. 113 Fifth St., ne #r U. S. Mint Morning theme. “ Christian Confi­ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. dence.’’ Children’s sermon, “ How We buy gold - rich ore -amalgam and all mining God Plowed the E a r t h . ’’ Evening sub­ j products. We pay cash and . 1 0 a square deal. ject, “ Working for God. BAPTIST. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m . ; morn­ ing service at 11:00; evening service at 7:30 each Sunday. Rev. R.B. Shoun, pastor. Morning them«', “ Source of S t r e n g th ” Evening, “ The Most Successful Man in all History.” You will be greeted with good lights ami a song book. I it V «if < V i i t i . i l P ‘••int. < )i'»‘m » n ; 1 r u n t Don’t forget t«> hear Miss Weyburn, II o,» 7)0 f e e t o n m u l l í f*i«le «) f I ’ i n r 7»«* e a c h f«*r gallon s y r u p pails at of Portland, who speaks in the Baptist M t i w t ; in t« * |»er f r o n t f o o t . church Friday night a t 7:30. the Q uality store. l i m o n i t i . $ J<»0 5 0 . « CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. Seaman and Mr?. Caldwell, of A ^ e » o n e n t N * • 15. school at 10 a. in.; preaching N. 1 r iiiM Woodville, were here during the week. at Sunday 11:00; Christian Endeavor at 7 p . m . ; er-», lo t 8. h l n e k 1. S l i p *l«l‘ » » « M itio n t«> evening service at 7:30. T. M. Jones, Sale of Doll« at W a rd 's City o f Ce ntra l Point, Oregon;! W. G. Aldenhagen. representin g the elder and acting minister. f r o n ta g e 50 feet «ni north side of FREE METHODIST. R. R. Electric Co., was here on busi­ Pine s t r e e t ; r a t e pe r f r o n t fo*»|t | Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.; Sunday ness Monday. $ * .33; amount. $2t»ti..50. preaching services 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 Get a |>air of Dr. H e rm an n ’« well p. m.; prayer meeting every T hursday’ A"M -sment No. 10 W ayne f»ec\ at7:30 p. m. Chas. G. Shaw, pastor. er, lot 1, block 43, original townaite,I fitted resiling glasses. Morning subject, “ Being and Doing” City of C e ntra l Point. O re gon; i r o n o 1 Mrs. R R Whiteside waa down from Text. Prov. 4:23. Evening, evange age 7>5 feet on aouth side o f Pinel Medford Monday, looking a f te r her listic. The public is cordially invited to attend any or all of these services. s t r e e t ; r a te p e r front finit, $5.33 ;| property interest« here. i The Weather Calls for Them Assaying POe. Established 2*» years. Reference. First National Bank of San Francisco GEO. L. NEALE A u ctio n e e r and V a lu a to r SALES arranged and CONDUCTED Have had 25 years experience and can guarantee satisfaction A share of your pntron- a>re is solicited. UKNTK.U. POINT. OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o f the 1 ' I n te rio r, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- gon, Octobor 30, 1911. • Notice is hereby given that Anna Lane, whose postoffice «»ldrcss is R. F. IT. No. 1, Medfor»!, Or- ♦*g<*n, did. on the 6th day of April, 1911, file in this « Dice a sworn statement and application. No. 07112. to purchase the SW1-4, Sectjon 22, Town­ ship 35 S. Range 1, East Willamette Meridian, ami the timber thereon, umler the provisions of tin* act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Slone I.aw,” at 6uch value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant, to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised. $410, the timber estimated 310,000 board feet at $1,00 per M, and the land $100; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application ami sworn statat«*mcnt on the 26th day o f January, 1»12, be­ fore W H. Canon, United States Commissioner at Medford, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase I*-fore entry, or initiate a contest at any time be­ fore patent issues, by filing a corroborate«! affida­ vit in this office, alleging facts which would de­ feat the entry. BENJAMIN F JONES. SOI I! Register. WOTICE f o r p u b l ic a t io n . Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office at Roseburg, Ore­ gon, Sep» ember 28, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Martin L. Spencer, of Dudley. Oregon, who, on June 4th, 1910, made homestead entry 349512 Serial No. 06331, for SE1-4 SE1-4Sec. 15, and W1-2SW1-4, NE1-4SW1-4. See. 14. Township 34 S., Range 2. East Willamette Me­ ridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five your Proof, to establish claim to the land above described» before W. H. Canon, United States Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 17 day of November, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: J. L. Spencer, B. W. Read, E. E. Spencer and J. A. Moore, all of Dudley. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. J» 25d30 Register. IN the County Court of the State of Oregon, for 1 the County of Jackson. In the matter of the estate of John S. Simms, deceaaed.—Citation. To Maud Chapman and other all persons inter­ ested in said estate, greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby called and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, at the court room thereof, at Jackson­ ville. in the County of Jackson, on Wednesday, the 29th day of November, 1911, at 9 o’clock in the foren»;on of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale of the real estate belonging to said estate should not be sold in order to pay and satisfy the coats of ad­ ministration and the claims against said estate. The real estate for which an order of sale has been petitioned for is described as all of Lots 16 and 16 in Block 4 of the Town of Central Point, Jack- son county, Oregon, said sale to be made by said administrator at private sale. Witness the Hon. J. R. NEIL, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 20th day of October, 1911. [ s e a l ] Attest. W R. COLEMAN. Clark. 28-32 NOTICE f o r p u b l ic a t io n . Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ gon, Sept. 8, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Ida L. Reichman, whose post office address is Medford. Oregc-n. did, on the 10th day of August, 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application No. 07461, to purchase the Sl-2 SW1-4 section 6. township 34 S. range 1, west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o f the “Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might 1 ’ Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ be fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon gon. October 30, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Wilburn Wilcox, have been appraised $388, the timber estimated ____ r postoffice __ ________________ _ ___ whose address is R. I F. . _ D. No. 1, _____ Med- 540,000 board feet at 60 cents and $1.00 per M. and f.»rd, Oregon, did, on the 6th day of April, 1911, ! the land nothing; that said applicant will offer file in this office Sworn Statement and application I final proof in support of his application and sworn N 07111, to purchase the NEl-4 Section 22. Town- statement on the 24th day of November, l»ll. ship 35 S.. Range 1 East Willamette Meridian, before W. H. Canon, United States Cocnmis- and the timber thereon, under the provisions of sioner, at Medford, Oregon. theeirt of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory.) Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase known a s the “Timber and Stone Law." at such . before entry, or initiate a contest at any time value a s might be fixed by appraisement, and l*efore patent issues, by filing a corroborated that, pursuant to such application, the land and affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would ’ tim- BENJAMIN F. JONES. timber thereon have been appraised ----- $400. the tim­ ! »lefeat the entry. Register. ber estimated 275,000 board feet at $1.00 per M. and the land $125.00; that said applicant will offer final p ro o f in s u p p o rt o f h is a p p lic a tio n a n d sw o rn NOTICE f o r p u b l ic a t i o n . Department of the ......* on ... * the »... ■> : , V. .Ian . f T.n.ia O ».A ’ Int nnnr T T S. g Ta n.l office at a f U ...iiKii ... Oregon, O. — i ■ i Interior. U. Land Roseburg, statement 25th day . of January. 10l 1912. be­ - fore W. H. Canon, United States Commissioner, Sept. 28. 1911. Notice is hereby given that Jesse T. Spencer. at Medford. Oregon. Any person ts at liberty to protest this purchase ! of Dudley. Oregon, who, on June 4th. 1911, made liefore entry, or initiate a contest at any time be­ Hornestead e ntry 349636 Serial No. 06325. for SE fore patent issues, by filing a corroborated affida- 1-48W1-4. S1-2SE1-4. Sec. 14 and 8WI-4SW1-4. vit in this office, alleging facts which would d«»- i Sec. 13.Township 34 S. Range 2 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make feat the entry. BENJAMIN F JONES. Final Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above »lescribed. before W. H. Canon. United Register. Stotes Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon, on the N o t ic e FOR publication . Department of the 17 day of November, 1911. " Interior. Inferí..r U. It S. S I.and I and Office Officp at Rotebunr. Claimant names as witn witnesses: R«»seburg. Ore- Ore­ Martin Spencer. E. Spencer. R. W Read and gon, October 30, 1911. _ . E. _ _________ Notice is hereby given that Elisabeth Wil- J. A. Moore all of Dudley. Oregon, cox. whose poatomee address is R. F D . No. 1. 25.130 BENJAMIN F. JONES. Medford. Oregon, did. on the 6th day of April. Register • 1*11. file in this office Sworn Statement and —----- ----------- ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ . — - ■ — A p p lica tio n No. 07113. to purchase the NW1-4 N<)TICE f o r p u b l ic a t io n . Department of the Section 22. Township 35 S.. Range 1. East Wiliam- Interior. U. S. Land office at Roseburg, Ore- ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the gon, October 14. 1911. Notice is hereby given that provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts N Hazel Enyart, of Trail, Oregon, who on April amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone 11. 1910. made H. E. serial No. 06067. for N E l-4 Law. ' at such value as mipht be fixed by apprais- NWl-4. Sl-2 NW1-4. and NE1-4 sW’1-4. Section ' »cut, am i that, pursuant to such application, the 32. Township 33 S.. Range 1. East Willamette Me- land and timber thereon have been appraised ridian. has filed notice of Intention to make final $410.00, the timber estimated 310.000 hoard feet at commutation proof to establish claim to the land $1 per M. and the land $100 00; that said ap- above described, before W H. Canon. United plicant will offer final proof in support of his State* Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon, on application ami sworn statement on the 26th day the lat day o f December. 1911. of January. 1912. before W. H. Canon. United Claimant names as witnesses: Henry Morgan. States Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon. Edward Pence. Thomas Spangler. Ruben Johnson. Any perwm is at liberty to protest this purchase all of TraiLOregon. before entry, or initiate a contest at any time BENJAMIN F. JONES, before patent issues, by filing a corroborated 27-33 Register, affidavit in this office, alleging facts which w o u ld ----------------- . . , , F o r p a ins in tin* >id- n r rlivsl ani|x n a pivvi* *d tlanntd * illi 1 lia:n- c r i a i t ' s taininn nt a n d hind it on c vr tlio scat o f pain. T h ere is F o r ale hv M arv A. .i-f—t th. tiling b< m t, t\ m ir r BENJAMIN f »-'hop suet for mince m eat a t th« k Central Point Meat Market.