CENTRAL POINT HERALD. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1911 ♦ 44-4-44 444 44-44 44-4 4 « 4 - 4 i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W lien Coid Rains I Come P R O F E S iid N A jL 44 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AN OLD TIME DUELIST — — —— — Drugs, Medicines, By R. PEMBERTON SLADE Toilet C opyright. 1910. by A m erican Pres« A ssociation. Articles, In the olden time, when dueling was prevalent among the higher classes, there lived In a small town In Mary­ land a young man named Arnold Kemper, who kept everybody about him In a state o f terror on account o f his predilection for the code, He knew o f every meeting between prominent men that had occurred in the colonies from the settlement o f Virginia. He tfften declared that no gentleman should refuse to light when challenged and if he did so should be posted as a poltroon and a coward. Kemper had never been out himself, but averred that nothing had ever oc- j curred to necessitate his fighting. But If— Here he would end his prophecy o f what he would do in case he were Insulted, but only so far as words were concerned, for the expression on his face was something frightful to be- ! held. Girls would clutch their lovers’ arms and tremble for them. The men J themselves looked upon the threatened with mingled fear and admiration. If any one happened to stumble j ► 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « against the duelist’s foot or spill a \ drop o f liquid on the ruffles that \ adorned his shirt front, oil would come ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ » ♦ - ♦ ^ 4 » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »4 4 »44 the unlucky man’s hat and out would I come an obsequious “ Beg your par­ don.’’ Kemper would scowl, then his features would relax and he would say, “ Certainly; It was accidental,” leaving those present to Infer that If it had been intended It could only be washed out in blood. One day there cam e to the town a quiet, unobtrusive young man who, knowing nothing o f Kemper’s reputa­ tion for ferocity, was not so careful as others in avoiding offending him. BUY Y O U R T R E E J OF A FI R M Kemper was a Tory, while the stran­ ger was a Whig. That was at a time ' T H A T H A J A R E C O R D F OR P U T ­ when the storm o f revolution was brewing and opinions on one side or TING OUT TREE J T R U E TO the other were running high. One evening Kemper was in a tavern tell- \ ♦ N A ME , A N D T R E E .5 T H A T WI LL ing what he would do when it became j Z necessary to defend the king's sover- t GROW. W E I NVI TE I NS P E C T clgnty, whereupon the stranger walk- j Z ed lip to him, pulled his nose and said: j T I o n o f o u r « s t o c k , c a l l on “ That’s the way I would treat the j I king.” I * Every one present expected to see I the stranger annihilated. Kemper ' I rose from his seat, made a profound j Z bow to the man who had insulted him ( J and retired from the tavern. Present­ One and one-half miles northeast from Central Point. ly one o f his friends returned bearing a challenge to the stranger. It was accepted, and the challenged man, having tho right to choose the weap­ ons to be nsed, chose pistols and in­ sisted that the principals should fight lu a dark room. Kemper declared such a meeting en­ tirely without the code. The stranger said that he didn’t care If It was. He would fight in a dark room or not at It will be to your interest to all. Kemper then declared the affair Call on us before placing your off. Ills friends were surprised. They told him that either he must fight or Order for fruit and ornament­ forever lose his reputation as a duel­ al trees, bulbs, seeds and ist. Kemper demurred. Several days I small fruits. passed, and the stranger who had 1 pulled the terrible man’s nose still | lived. Then Kemper, finding that j C. F. COOK, Manager those who had stood in aw e o f him | were treating him with contempt, 25 West Main Street, Medford, Oregon. yielded. It was agreed that the meeting should take place at the tavern in a >4 4444 4444 44444-4 4 4 44 4 room on tho second floor and at 10 o’clock at night The shutters were closed so that not even a ray o f star­ light oould get In, and every article of furniture was removed from the room. There Acre tw o doors to the chamber, and each o f the principals was let in Cool weather is coming on, and with it our new assortment to It by one o f these doors. Once In they were to remain standing by tbeir o f the finest candies ever shown in Central Point. respective doors till the word “ Fire!” was given by a man outside with a stentorian voice, after which each should be at liberty to kill tbe otber as soon as he pleased. Ten minutes after the signal had been given not a sound hail been henrd. But the chamber was a largo one. and the parties might in their ma­ At The Old Stand * neuvers have passed each other a num­ ber o f times without knowing It Then ♦ ► 4444 4 4 44-44 44 4 4 444 4444 444444 4 suddenly a shot was heard. One pis­ tol had been emptied, nnd as each maa had been supplied with but one weap­ ► 444 4-4444 ►4444444 on with a single barrel half the bat­ 444 4 4 4 4444 4 4444444 444 4 < tle had been fought. Several minutes elapsed, and another sj^ t was heard. Then the doors were thliivru open, and those outside rushed in with candles. Only one o f the participants, the stranger, was visible. He looked as much puzzled as the rest. “ For henveu’s sake!” exclaimed one We carry a full and complete stock o f all o f the party. “ You can't have eateu kinds of Fresh and Cured I Meats, Sausage, your adversary.” Bologna, Weinerwursts, Hamburger, etc. "Eaten him? JCo. I explored the room till I was tired; then I heard a TR Y OUR O W N RRAND OF H AM S and BACON shot. I didn't see the flash, for my back was turned at the time. O f Boiled Ham and other delicacies are always course, after that he was at my mercy, kept on hands. We have the best equipped and since I couldn't kill an unarmed man I concluded to discharge nt.v pis­ shop in Southern Oregon and are always pre­ tol In the olr. The only way to do that pared to serve our customers with the best »afely was to fire tip the chimney.” This turned the attention o f the par­ Fresh Columbia River Fish, Wednasdays and Fridays. ty to tbe big fireplace common In those times, and one o f the party, holding a candle there, exclaimed: BU Y YO U R M EAT A T AN UP TO DATE SHOP “ There’s blood on the hearth!” At that moment down dropped Kem- Wholesale and retail agents per Then there was an explanation. Kemper’ s pistol—It had a hair trigger —went off on account o f his nervous­ ness. Then he had crawled up the ♦ chimney for safety. The stranger, fir­ ♦ ♦ ing “ in the air,” gave him a flesh ♦ wound In the leg. Proprietor* ♦ W . D. Lewi* & Son* ♦ ¿That ended Kemper’a supremacy. Prescription work a Specialty CENTRAL POINT PHARMACY j : The Hardware Man. »»>♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PROP. M A R Y A-M EE W . C. Leever ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» Fruit Trees Fruit Trees Home grown trees on Home grown r o o t s . HEY THERE This is to announce to the public that RUBE has opened a new SECOND-HAND STORE in the Merritt building, next door to Freeman & Wiley, s, where he has some New and Second-hand Goods to sell at The Right Prices, RUBE also handles Coal, Wood, Hay and Grain, and if you want a useful Christmas present for your boy or girl it will pay you to see RUBE. Phone 47, Central Point Yours for Business, R. E. MURRAY, OREGON. Hathaway & Contractors and Scott Builders. Plans and Estimates Furnished on all classes of buildings. Modern Cottages and Bungalows our specialty. W e Guarantee all Our W ork. | Ore. W. H. FERGUSON I Livery | : : When her child is in d a n g e r a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk o f life is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain’ s Cough Kemedy and all danger is avoided. For sale by Mary A. Mee. : : : OREGON. You are probably aware that pneu­ monia always results from a cold, but you never heard o f a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain’ s Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by Mary A. Mee. Mrs. Fay Brophy, o f Ashland, visited Will Scott and w ife were Medford her mother, Mrs. Belle Pleasants, for visitors last Friday. 1 a day or two last week. N ot Sisters N ow and again >ou ice tw o women pa«»- ing down the street who lo o k like sistera. Y ou are astonished to ler,rn that they are mother end daughter, anil you realize that a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it s o ? The general health of woman is so in­ timately associated w its the local health o f the essentially feir.inine organa that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there it female weakness. W o m e n w h o h s n suffered from this trou ble h s r s found p rom pt relief end c u r e in the use o f D r. P ie rc e 's R a r o r itr P rescrip tion . It gives vig or end vitelity to tho organs o f w o m a n h o o d . It clears the c o m p le x io n , brightens t h . e y e s and re d d e n s the cheeks. N o alcobul, o r habit-forming drugs is contained in "Fevorite Prescription.’ ’ A ny sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. I.very letter is held as sacredly confidential, and answered in e plain envelope. Addreae: W orld's D rpem ary Medical Association. Dr'. R .V . Pierce. Pres.. Buffalo. N T . > 1 ) | Oregon E. DAVIS, D r . DENTIST. Practical, Modern Dentistry at Live and/ Let Live Prices Office over Hatfield’ s Store Central Point - - - Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department o f the Interior. U. S. land Otfice at Roeeburtr. Oregon. December 22, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Lincoln E. Whiting, of Eagle Point. Oregon, who, on February 2, 1909. [nude Homestead Application 14Î09, Serial No. 04381,for N 1*, NWV, and SEH.lNWVi, Section 28. Iwp 35 South, Rangel West, Willamette Meridian ha* filed notice of intention to make Final com­ mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. H. Canon, United States Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 21st day o f February, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Brown Mrs. Harry F. Brown and Aron Smith, of Eagle Point. Oregon; Frank Smith, o f Medford Oregon BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the matter of the estate o f Mary Yotta Pan* key, deceased. Notice is hereby given that by virture o f an order o f the County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ gon, dated January 31, 1911, the undersigned. Chas. A. Pankey, administrator of the estate of Mary Yetta Pankey, deceased, will make Anal settlement o f his account« with said estate, at» such administrator, before said Court, on Saturday, the 1st day of April, 1911, being a day of subsequent term o f said Court, to-wit, of the March term thereof, at 10 o ’clock A. M. o f said day, at which time any and all per­ sons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and make objections, if any they have, to the settlement of this estate. C has . A. P anbjcy , Administrator o f the estate of Mary Yetta Pan^ key, deceased. CHAS. FULLER Merchant Tailor. Cleaning and pressing All kinds of repairing Prices reasonable. A Full and Complete Line of Telephone Building, Nursery Stock. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. Fresh Confections You Can’t Beat Them Front Street, $ CENTRAL POINT M .gford J. F. HOPKINS Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Ask those for whom we have built how they like our work. Central Point, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over First National Bank ful articles. Makes. CENTRAL POINT Q R .H . P. HARGRAVE useful and beauti­ Bridge Beach, Great Western, Cole’s Celebrated Air Tight, ► ♦ ■ ■■■«*•% PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office second floor Rostel Building, Corner TLird and Pine Streets. Phones: Bear Creek. Table Rock. Traii Creek Willow Springs—each XX5 CENTRAL P O I N T ........................ OREGON Watches, Jewelry, HEATING STOVES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ " Dr». Anderson ¿c Poilnitz and many other 4 4 4 — — — —— Stationery, Books, The Home Circle is made cheerful with a pieas- antjblaze. A comfortable room makes the heart glad and we are now prepared to gladden the hearts of humanity with our excellent line of All Other Leading — —— MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY. All kinds Laundry work solicited Leave package at Stone’s barber shop or see T. J. Kelso who will call for and deliver family work. Work guaranteed. Prices right. Fine Watch Repairing. I am again on deck with my watch repair shop, which I have re-opened in R. E. Murray’s Second-Hand Store. Bring mo your work and I will guarantee satisfaction and reasonable prices Agent for the celebrated Alad­ din Lamp. P. J. HICKEN. G S MOORE, AT CENTRAL POINT MEAT MARKET BED 1 tim e ' Fresh Meats of all kinds Ashland Creamery Butter. Tho llttla people aro u s u a lly a f r a id o f t h o d a r k , a n d a li g h t b o d r o o m g iv e s t h e m c o n f id e n c e . • B u t a bod ro o m by open ta k e s *» lig h t e d f la m e m e th o d s a w a y fro m th e bg - c u ro fo e lin g o f th o p a r e n ts . U s e e l e c t r i c i t y f o r lig h t a n d t h o r e w i l l lie n o d a n g e r o f f i r e to t h o t in y o n e s . T h e y c a n t u r n It o f f a n d o n w it h o u t d a n g e r . S en d fo r th e m a n N O W . CENTRAL POINT MEAT MARKET I ♦ ► 4444 4444 444 44 444444 444444444 4444444444 44 4 4 Roaue R ive r Ele ctric C o . «