Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, February 02, 1911, Image 2

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ÇE k t ê à l P oint H er a ld
a. A. P a t t is o n , P u b l is h e r .
flbHT SPRING fR0srs-
TH U R SD A Y, F E B R U A R Y 2. 1911
A Good Bluff.
He iros young ami Luid just gradu­
ated from law school. Ills resources
were exhausted, but lie bravely swung
forth bis .shingle uml waited. But uo
clients stopped on tiiut side o f the
street. His office rent was due, and
his clothes were becoming shiny, bet
he went to his office with a regularity
that would indicate a thriving prac­
tice. He wa9 deep In an imagiunry
case, and when the authorities n e w -
all noted and arguments prepared be ¡
started forth downtown and thrashed j
the mayor’s son, whom he met in the j
street. The act aroused the righteous [
Indignation ot the townsmen, and he
faced an angry court. But iu his tes- |
timony he wus able to include a sharp
attack on the mayor and his adminis­
tration. He quoted law from Lycur-
gus nnd Solon and gave them the
page, number und chapter every time.
The case was continued and sent up
to a higher court At last it reached
the supreme bench, and the young
man made the most o f his opportunity
to show his ability as a lawyer. He
lost the case and paid his line cheer­
fully, for he had established for him
self- a practice which assured his fu­
ture.—Joe Mitchell Cbupplo In National
Some o f the Rogue River val­
ley orchardists will add another
material this spring to the fuel
P U B L l& H k D L V K K Y T H U R S D A Y .
supply for firepots during the
Suhscrip^on yriec. $1.50 per year, in advance.
brief frost period at. hlooming
Entered as Second-class matter. May 4 1906,
a t the Post office at Central Point, Oregon, under time.
Heretofore the material
tb « ect o f Congress o f March 3. 1879.
used has been crude oil distillate
TUIC PAP! W Is kept on file at the L ake A n ­ o f twenty-eight degrees test and
i l IIO l H i i ii vERTisfNG A g e n c y , I n c ., 427
South Main Street, Los Angeles, and 779 Market wood.
This spring a number o f
Street. San Fiancisco, where contracts for adver-
t ^ i r g can be made fo r it.
orchard owners will substitute a
.cheaper distillate for the more
W e deliver all goods to your
BIST PAVING BY ALL nfANS ' expensive quality, the cheaper
| grade ijcing known in commercial
door in Central Point with our
The present terrible condition oil circles as “ slop” distillate.
our streets precludes the pos- j This cheaper material will it is
own wagons and men.
sibility o f entering into an argu­ said, do the work as well as the
ment on the imperative demand more expensive grade.
for permanent street improve-,
Regarding the frost period and
ments before another winter sea­ preventative measures, Professor
son rolls around. It may be safe­ P. J ; O’Gara gave the informa­
ly assumed that no business man, tion contained in the foregoing,
property owner or - plain citizen said:
who is in his right mind is satis-j “ Heretofore there have been
fled with present street conditions, a number o f different kinds of
President Johnson’ s Impeachment.
The house Impeached President John­
or that anyone would seriously, firepots used by Rogue River
son op Nov. 25, 1807. charging him
attempt to block some form of valley orchardists, but this year with kaviug removed Secretary of
W e are responsible until your
street improvement. The only \ the number o f different makes War Stanton In direct violation o f the
question is, what kind o f pave- j to be used will be- cut down to tenure o f office act, with having ap­
pointed General Thomas contrary to
raent will give us the highest Ue-1 two or three. There will be the same act, with conspiracy with
gree o f comfort, cleanliness and about 15,000 pots in use.
General Thomas and others for the
service for the money expended
‘ “ ‘Preparations will be made to Intimidation o f Secretary Stanton aud
the unlawful disbursement o f the war
It should not be so much a ques-! fire as the orchards begin to department’s money and with inducing
tion o f the least cost as o f the bloom. This will be about the General Emory, commanding the de­
greatest service, comfort, con­ latter part o f March or the first partment of Washington, to dl3obey
are in your own home.
venience and eleganco o f appear­ o f April. Last year several or­
The house adopted the resolution of
ance being considered.
chardists fired up to offset a frost impeachment by u vote of 120 to 42.
The people o f Central Point on March 23.
Practically no After the trial o f the case before the
senate the vote for Impeachment there
can as well afford first-class damage was done, as it was too stood 35 to 19. thus being short o f the i
pavements and other municipal early to injure the blooms. The necessary two-thirds. The senate ad- I
improvements as can the people night o f April 13 a frost came journed sine die, however, without
voting on some o f the primary articles
o f any town or city on earth, and j and was met by the orchardists embraced in the charges against the
we will show our wisdom Jay be - 1 with firepots. The frost was president. Thereupon the chief justice
ing satisfied with nothing short j confined to a few spots on the o f the United States court entered a
verdict o f acquittal on the record.—
o f the best. It is not like ‘ ‘burn­ floor o f the valley. The temper­ New York Times.
ing” money or busying it in the ature was 26. Though no harm­
earth to invest it in modern con­ ful results followed.
Bessie—Wonder why several o f the
men at the wedding the other night
veniences and improvements, but
“ Firing had not been practiced didn’t congratulate the bridegroom.
rather it is like investing our in Rogue River valley for the
Jnines—I suppose it was because
dollars in gilt-edged securities past three seasons. I introduced they were all married themselves.—
that are absolutely safe and that the practice here, and at first Philadelphia Bulletin.
will return us many fold on our many growers looked askance at
I don’t bollove, ae has been- said,
That "a dollar saved* Is a dollar made.”
the idea and a few thought I -was For
a dollar saved today tomorrow *d
Be pretty certain to be borrowed.
Past personal experience o f forcing a fight to’offset a danger
—Catholic Standard and Times.
the people o f Central Point has that did not exist. Yet all have
proved this statement to be true now come to realize that it is
Subscribe for the Herald.*
not only in the case o f building best to lose firepots occasionally,
and equiping a modern school and have accepted the practice
house, but also in the matter of as settled and necessary as spray­
our new water system. Both of ing.
! i
these improvements evoked some
The frost belt in this region,
opposition when presented to the the blossoming period, is limited
people for settlement, but both to only a few spots on the valley
have long since proven them­ floor, and is not the fearful men­
You can save 25 to 53 per cent on all
your purchases o f Cut Glass, Silver­
selves good investments for the ace it is in some other fruit dis­
I am adding- to ray stock a line o f
ware, etc., by doing your purchasing
The beginning o f the tricts I could name.”
at our store. You can’ t find finer
consisting o f all the best
r e s u r r e c t i o n o f Central Point
The cost o f using firepots,
styles nor more exclusive patterns.
from a dead village to a live, stated Professor O’Gara, was
We are specialists in Watch Repair-
growing, modern town dates from $3 to $4 an acre.
ing, Jewelry Manufacturing and En-
from the building of the first
brick school house five years ago
Sedentary habits,, lack o f outdoor
W e Will Give You Absolute Satisfaction.
and the greatest and most sub­ exercise, insufficient mastication- of
stantial growth o f the town in
B L U 5 B O O K ..
and anxiety, are the most common
medford regon
any one year has been within the
causes o f stomach troubles. Correct
past 10 months, or sinee the in­ your habits and take Chamberlain’ s
stallation o f a modern water sys­ Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will
tem has been assured. Property soon be well again. For sale by Mary
If there is anything you want that is
values have advanced from prac­ A. Mee.
not in this list I will order it for you.
tically nothing to $500 and $600
Lee Grigsby, o f upper Table Rock, is
for desirable resident lots and reported to be quite ilk
the little old town has been final­
Bear creek bridge is again open to
ly put on the map in red ink.
traffic and people are now crossing
Some citizens advocate a street steadily.
Prof. V. C. Davis hae resigned as
o f crushed rock and sand as be­
Electric Light Fixtures,
ing “ good enough for Central teacher o f the school at Table Eock
and Miss Beaver, o f Ashland, has been
Point” because it is considerably
amployd to finish the term. She will
Electric Flat Irons,
cheaper than a hard surface take charge February 6.
» » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦■»♦ ♦ 4
pavement and “ just as good.”
Electric Toasters,
It is not as good, however, nor is
“ Is your wife backward with your
it probably, in the long run, as
"Not a bit. She has already begun
Electric Heaters,
cheap. A macadam* road is just
to teach sister how to look stylish aud
as dusty in summer as the old
mother how to cook.” —Kansas City
Nickel and Copper Chafing Dishes,.
streets we have now and almost
as muddy in winter. True, the
I saw an objeot cross the «treat.
Universal C offee Percolators,
Which hopped along on two small feet
mud will not become so deep as
And seemed to be In much distress.
It was a maid fn hobble dress.
it is now - until the macadam
—Chicago Record-Herald.
Casserole Ware,
cuts through but foot passen­
gers will find the crossings just
"Even if you do not like- mamma (I
Caloric fireless Cookstoves.
admit that she Is sometimes a little 1 ♦
as nasty as they now are. Such
trying), you should remember that she t
a street cannot lie cleaned and in
will leave us a great deal when she ♦
Motor Washing Machines,
appearance the town will look
dies,” the young wife said consolingly. I I
like a county crossroad village.
“ Yes," he admitted. Then be bright- i
Universal Heaters and Ranges.
It has been estimated that the
•nod for a moment.
\ ♦
cost o f first-class paving will be
“ Do you suppose,” he suggested, t
Come in even if you don’t want to
“that she would be willing to leave us *
about double that o f 'nacailam
less when she dies and once iu awhile * J
It is a pleasure for us to
and will last several times as
before then?” — Harper's Rnr.ar.
in our new store on Sec­
long. Then by all means let us
ond Street, jn3t around the corner
He cleaves the cloud with canvas wings. | ♦
have the best to start with and
High o’er the domes he maketh rings,
from Pine.
Clearing tha snowy peaks, by Jlngs!
have some modem comforts
A n I ndepicn I'KNT local newspaper devoted to
the interest* o f (Central Point and the Rogue
Kiver Valley.
Delivered Free!
No Freght Damages,
No Scratches,
No Trouble.
Furniture, Rugs, Stove or
Next P. O.
Central Point
while we are going through this
life. We will all be a Jong time
Mr*. I. J. IMrktypilf made a trip to
Grants Pass last Saturday.
Dr. E. Davis, dentist, over Hatfield'*
HH i
? 1 O
Some o f Our Specialties
Oregon. :
He looketh down on ships and shops;
He soars again—hfci chug-chug stops!—
Then like a bumbershoot h# drops!
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Aviator (to workman who has res­
cued him from the sea)—Ah, my pre­
server. my good preserver!
Workman (dejectedly)—Stow tt, guv-
’nor. Don't chaff a feller Just because
be works la a Jam factory.—TU-Blta.
j Rogue River Plumbing and j
W . A.
Hardware Co.