Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917, June 30, 1910, Image 2

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JUNE 30, 1910.
"Where am I,” gasped the
C intpal P oint H erald frighten'
d maiden. "No need
to scream, my pretty Amazon,’’
replied the coarse villain, who
bore her in his burly arms, "you
are in a mossback store that
never advertises and no one will
you. You are in Ashland,
A n iN oerfiN D EN T I <»1 pmu -r>aj>»-r devoted to
t h e in tt' -si ' o f C entral P o in t and t h e Rojfue
R iv e r V alley.
P l ui . is h e d E v e r y T h u r s d a y .
S u b s c rip tio n p rio c, ll.&O p e r y e a r, in a d v a n c e .
E n te re d a s S e c o n d -c la ss m a tte r . M ay 4 1W*'.
a t th e pi/At » rtin e a t C e n tra l P o in t. O re g o n , u n d e r
t h e e c t o f C o n g re s s o f M arch
Ib T J.
ia k e p t o n file a t th e D a k r A d ­
v e r t is in g A g e n c y , I n c ., 127
S >utii M ain S tre e t. L os A ng ele» , am i 77y M a rk e t
S 'r o e t , S a n Francise»), w h e re c o n tr a c ts fo r a d v e r ­
ts ùnti c a n be mad«- f o r it.
The vinegar bottle of auction
sale harness did not catch any
great number of rural flies at
Central Point last Saturday. Cod
bless the citizen who has sense
! enough to pass up the punk ped­
SPURS 01 lilt M0S1LNT.
dlers of eastern auction goods
for the good reliable article
Knocking will never unearth
which can be purchased just a s :
the pay-streak of prosperity.
'cheaply from home business
I men.
Do a little good every day and
you will wind up with a much
If you are unable to have ev­
larger bank account of good
erything just as you want it, just
deeds in the exchequer of the
consider that other people have
Master, than you will by period­
ideas and rights as well as your­
ical spurts of piety.
self. The man who will concede
"Thou Shalt Not Kill,” but if nothing to his fellowmen is a
you do, for the sake of progress bactilic, billiou3 and blue idiot,
kill a mossback and throw your­ whose ideas are no higher than
self on the mercy of the court. those of a brickbat. A man
Your trouble will go no farther elected to office by the people, is
a servant of the people and not a
than the coroner’s inquest.
dictator nor Czar upon whose
Central Point bas quit baseball head the constituency must place
and gone into the Fire Depart­ a coronet. Leaders of men are
ment business. Home runs don’t necessary, but the power of the
count any more, but the oppor­ slave-driver died at Appomattox.
tunity for climbing the ladder of
fame presents itself in a more
subtle form.
“ 5000, IN 1912”
We believe there is a field in Medford and the Rogue river valley for High-Class Drapery
Work and have shown our faith in the possibilités by employing a skilled expert in this
line. Mr. W. F. Harrison, formerly in charge of W. & J. Sloan’s San Francisco drapery
department and shops, is the man alluded to. We solicit your orders and we know that
we can please you. We are also prepared to take any and all shade orders and guarantee
Carpets With Borders
Will be properly made and laid. No matter what the shape
of your floor. We can fit it and fit it properly with a carpet
and border.
Local and Personal.
The laws of the land have just C entral Point ia not “ boominpr,” but
about put an end to gambling, it is m aking a substantial grow th which
such as poker, faro, craps, rou­ will cause the o th er tow ns of this
country to sit up and tak e notice.
lette, monte, blackjack, dice
The p laste rers have finished th eir
and bucket shops, but the halle-1 work on the palatial home of A. W.
lujah shell game is busy and Cowley on E ast Pine stre e t and the
many are the lambs that are be­ workm en a re busy w ith inside finish
and decorations.
ing shorn.
Mr. R. B. Ilaw lev of Creswell, O re­
Harvey Scott of the Oregonian gon, who was hero last week visiting
is unfriendly to the Crater Lake friends, is m ore th an pleased w ith Cen­
road. That’s nothing. Harvey tral Point and says w ere it not for the
fa c t th a t he has invested heavily m
is unfriendly to any earthly thing Creswell, he would not h e sita te to put
that does not empty its treasure up a cem ent business block in this
into the coffers of Portland. own.
Harvey will kick on the fountain The Caldwell family, who le ft here
of life in the New Jerusalem some tw o y ears ago for Yoncolla,
when he finds out that it is not w here they invested in real e sta te , re ­
turned to C entral Point and will locate
the source of the Willamette here
perm anently. The investm ent
j m ade by them a t Yoncolla w as a good
I one
th e ir
Fresh Confections
Cool weather is coming on, and with it our new assortment
of the finest candies ever shown in Central Point.
You Can’t Beat Them
At The Old Stand
Fresh Meats of all kinds
We carry a full and complete stock of all
kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausage,
Bologna, Weinerwursts, Hamburger, etc.
Boiled Ham and other delicacies are always
kept on hands.
We have the best equipped
shop in Southern Oregon and are always pre­
pared to serve our customers with the best
Wholesale and retail agents
Ashland Creamery Butter.
W. D. Lewis & Sons
We carry an exclusive line. Just the
ie thing for a border around a rug and inexpensive. Also well suited for stair
runners, etc.
We also save you money on all lines of
Many people leave Central th ere some tim e ago a t an advance of
Point only to return again to in­ I 100 per cent, over th e price paid.
vest permanently. All Oregon Jam es Caldwell, his m other and sister,
and all the Pacific coast is beau­ arrived last T hursday afternoon on No.
Frank cam e a day or two la te r w ith
tiful, but the Rogue river valley a Ill, car
of stock and household goods and
is the flower garden in this great | Steve cam e through overland w ith a
empire of peace and plenty and I team and several head of horses. They
when it comes to settling down liked the Douglas county town p re tty
in life’s last cozy corner, "there is well, hut are glad to he hack in the
Rogue R iver valley which they IooK
no place like home,’.’ when it is in upon
as the ideal place f o r a perm anent
the vicinity of Central Point.
The Rug business is one of our specialties. Whether you require an Ardebil Wilton, a Brussels, an Axminster, a
Tapestry, an Ingrain, a Grass Rug or other floor covering, we can suit you.
Furniture and House Furnishings, Stoves, Ranges, Etc.
have a large line to select from and
the prices will please you.
OIL STOVES Our Florence Automatic Blue Flame Stove—Wickless, Valveless, odorles, is something new,
and solves the cooking problem in the warm weather.
Medford, Ore.
Just a short walk from the Nash Hotel corner, due west on M tin street. Look for big sign on our tent store near the
Washington school.
We deliver e rect to Central Point at Medford prices.
Ashland is now shedding cro­ 1 ment to their memories but a
codile tears over the momentous board shack. Every man who
question as to whether dogs and makes his fortune in a town
horses shall be allowed to quench i should endeavor to leave some
their thirst at the Carter Coat respectable mark to his memory,,
some building, park or fountain
of Arms.
at which his children and friends
A town does much for some can point with pride.
people who never do anything
for the town. We have lived in Rev. E. M. Coen has tak en charge
towns where men have grown o f th e pastoral work fo r the P re sb y te ­
rian church of this city and in th e fu­
rich in a business way, but tu re services will be held every Sunday j
should they pass away they m orning in the A. O. U. W. hall, cor­
would leave nothing as a monu- n e r Second and I ine stre e ts
Ashland, Oregon,
JULY 12 to 22, 1910
Ex-Governor Folk of Missouri, and
other big attractions. Write for booklet.
Aids Nature
T h e g re a t success of D r. Fierce** G o ld e n Medical D is ­
c o v ery in c u rin g w e ak sto m a ch * , w a ste d b o d ie s, w eak
lungs, and o b s tin a te and lingering cough*, is based o n
th e re c o g n itio n of th e fu n d a m e n ta l tr u th th a t “ G o ld e n
M edical D isco v e ry * ’ su p p lies N a tu r e w ith b o d y -b u ild ­
ing, tis su e -re p a irin g , m u scle-m ak in g m a te ria ls , in c o n ­
densed and c o n c e n tra te d fo rm . W ith th is h e lp N a tu re
su p p lies th e n e c e s sa ry s tre n g th to th e s to m a c h to dig est
food, b u ild up th e b o d y and th e re b y th ro w off ling erin g
o b s tin a te c o u g h s. T h e “ D isc o v e ry ” re -e s ta b lish e s th e
d ig estiv e and n u tritiv e o rg a n s in so u n d h e a lth , purifies
and e n ric h e s th e b lo o d , and n o u ris h e s th e D erves—in
s h o rt e sta b lis h e s so u n d v ig o ro u s h e a lth .
I f y o r r r d e a f e r flKlfV a o m
I t Is p r o b a b l y b e t t e r F O R
R u t you a re th in k in g o f th e
th e re 's n o th in g " l u s t as f o
e t h i " l u s t a s Qood.**
H IM » » l t pays better.
c u re n o t th e p r o fit, so
o d ' * f o r y o u . S a y so.
D r. P ie r c e ’s C o m m o n Sense M ed ic a l A d v is e r, In P la in F n g lish ; o r , M ed-*
icine S im plified, 1008 page*, o v e r 700 illu s tra tio n s , n ew lv re v ise d u p -to -d a te
E d itio n , p a p e r-b o u n d , se n t fo r 21 o n e -c e n t sta m p s, to c o v e r c o st of^ m a ilin g
en iy. ('.lo th -b o u n d , 31 s ta m p s. A d d re ss D r. R . V . P ie rc e , B uffalo, N . A .
You don’t need to be an
expert to buy diamonds
from ns with assurance
that you are getting
your money’s worth.
You can depend on
what we
tell you
about diamond values.
B. T. Van De Car,
Reliable Jeweler and Diamond Merchant.
P H I P r S B U IL D IN G .