CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 21 1910. A Healing Salve fo r Barns, Fruit Trees Home grown trees on Home grown r o o t s . u i 1 .— > As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Cham barlain’s Salve is most excellent. It allays the pamot a burn almost instant­ ly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Mary A. Mee. Different. WWI BUY YOUR TREE.S OF A FIRM THAT HAJ A RECORD FOR PUT­ TING OUT TREEJ TRUE TO NAME, AND TREE^ THAT WILL grow , “What do you consider a woman's declining years?" "The years of youth and beauty. Then she declines all proposals. After that season has gone"— "Does she no longer decline propos­ als V" "She no longer gets them."—nous- ton Post. w e invite ; in ^ pect ion of o u r . s t o c k , P R O F E S S IO N A L Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. Drs. Anderson & Pollnitz Ride In A Buick —- Car----- and you will know how superior they are to PHYSICIANS ANf> SURGEONS Office second Hour JoLn c a l l on J.F.HOPKNS -- J. S. BARNETT One and one-half miles northeast from Central Point. The OFFICE CAFE ------------------------- Residence at Central Point Hotel C E N T R A L P O I N T ............................. much When hot and dry drop in and get a cool glass of Weinhardt Beer When cold and wet try a smile of Astor Whiskey I am still doing business at the same old stand and will assure all courte­ ous treatment and pure goods. I J R .H . P- H A R G R A V E PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON other cars Office over First National Bank Medford The Buick Cars have won over 90 per cent of the world’s To be well Dressed IS Impossible without correctly fitting footwear. Fashionnble^footwear is"our hobby as it will be yours if you allow us to dress vourjfeet for a^season. ! Textiles may be rendered Dreproof. | according to the Paris board of fire | commissioners, by steeping them In a 10 per cent solution of phosphate of | ammonia, then drying them In the ! opeu air. I ------------------------- □ More than ninev’out*fof, 'V',crv~ ton c ises of^rheumatism are.^mipiy meu- matism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic’ rheumatism. In such cases no internal treatment is required. The free application o f Chamberlain’s Liniment is all that is needed, and it is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain and soreness. The medicines usually given internally for rheumatism are poisonous or very strong medicines. They are worse than useless in cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For saie by’Mary A. Mee. It vvas'a Buick Car that made 233 miles at an average of i l t Oregon DAVIS Resident Dentist Central Point 70 miles an hour - Oregon It was a Buick Car’ that won the great Arizona sand POINT LODGE NO. C ENTRAL I. O. O. F. contest The Buick Car was victor in“the Lookout Mountain climb Come and see [the wonderful Buick Car at our garage. 193 Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. in A. O. U. W. Hall, corner Second and Pine Sts. Visit­ ing brothers are specially invitd to meet with us when in town. E. E. S cott , J a s . E. G rieve , Secretary. Noble Grand. The triumphs of the Buick Cars would fill a volume. 1910 Models 10, 16 and 17 there for your inspec­ tion. No trouble the Buick. to Hotel Demonstrate doing Edmeades Bros. The C O R N E R O T II Medford Buick Co. Dealer In and S a d d l e s Keep your horse dry by using Waterproof Horse Covers Keep yourself warm while driving by using Clark Heater Robes, W hips, etc. Call and see my stock. I can please you ¡M E U F O E D Glen Fahrick, Prop. Hodson Garage Medford Leave'package at Stone’s barber shop or 'see T. J. Kelso who will call for and deliver family work. Printing I dunno whar ter stay. An* It’s mos' too late ter go, Kaze 1 'frald dat trouble Ketch m . •i'o' 1 k n o w -’to* 1 know! —Atlanta Constitution. your supply And see what you need in the'way of Stationery— phone to us and we will send a man to see you. Our stock of paper is the most complete ever shipped to this city and comprises the best qualities of.bonds and linens in all .colors and weights We make a specialty of society printing- card*, invitations, announcements, etc Give us a trial order Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, A pril 15, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Albert Morine, of Trail, Oregon, who, on June 5 1901, made Homestead Application (01313), No. 10758. for N h s w a . N m 4 SEV* s w . N E , 8 « I i Tp .T^ESouth, Range 1 East. W , M. ha.- filed notice o f intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W H. Canon, U. 8 . Commissioner, at his office, at Medford, Oregon, on the 27th day of May. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses; John Winning- ham. Rube Johnson, Charles Morine, Julia Mor­ ine, Frank Morine, all of Trail. Oregon. B E N J A M IN F. J O N E S . Register. T rade M a r k s D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . A n r o n e ■ending a «k etch and description m ay q uickly ascertain o u r op in ion free w h eth er an Invention Is p roba b ly paletti able. O >mrn inden­ tions strlatly confid entia l. HANDBOOK <>n P atente «eut. free, old e st awrem y foi aecurlng patenta. l ’ ut enta taken th rou g h Munii A Co. receive ■prêtai notice, w ith ou t c harge, In the Scientific A m e ric a n . One Price to all Livery Stable FERGUSON & MURRAY DOC RYAN, I 1 A h andsom ely llluatrated w eekly. I,arrest efr- eola tion o f any gcietitltlo Journal. T erm s. $3 a y ea r; fo u r m onth«, $1. b o ld by all new sdealers. MUNN & Co.38"” 0* W 1"*» New York Brauch Office. (725 K ash in gton . I). C. ÂT BED TIME (SUCCESSOR TO YOUNG & HALL) SOLICITS Y O U R ORDER FOR REFRESHMENTS GENERAL AUCTIONEER. If you have live stock or other per- j sonal property to sell, see me for plan terms. I will make all arrangements for advertising, etc., if desired and will j guarantee you satisfaction in results, i It is easy to get good prices for prop- : erty if you know how. I know how \ That’s why you need me. Cali on or address G eo . I.. N eale , Central Point. Ore. Prices right. OVER 6 5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE at least, is what a young baby ought to gain in weight. Does yours? If j not there’s something wrong with its digestion. Give it McGee’ s Baby j Elixir and it will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach and bowel troubles, aids digestion, stops fretfulness, good for teething babies. Price 25c and 50c. I Sold by Mary A. Mee. N O TIC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . Our Job Printing department is equipped‘with the latest and best styles of Commercial type* and we are prepared to turn out the highest grade of work .oil the shortest possible notice Work'guaranteed. I -4 o f Pound a Week N O TIC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . Department o f the Interior. U . S. Land Office at Rooeburg, Oregon. March 5, 1910. Notice is hereby «riven that Carl B. W ebster of Derby, Oregon, who, on November 4, 1908, made Homestead Application, No. 0404, for NVi of S F 'i , N E 1/* o f S W 1/*, and SEV. of N E 1*, Section 26, Township 33 South, Range 1 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W . H . Canon. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Medford, 1 Oregon, on the 23rd day of April, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: J. B. McKee, | Charles A . Toney. Tarcey A . Boothby and Frank M. Manning, all of Derby, Oregon. B E N J A M IN I. J O N E S . Register. OREGON All kinds Laundryiworkjsolicited * a aal J. C. SMITH D A V IS MEDFORDDOMESTIG LAUNDRY. TO U VELLE I dunno ef de bright light Is a-breakln', Kaze de w ort Is mighty fond er trouble maltin'. - AND PORTLAND M ANAG E R An' I dunno whar ter stay. An' 1 dunno whar ter go, Kaze X 'frald dat trouble ketch me *Fo* i Know—'to' 1 know! Proprietors New building, newly furnished, h o t a n d cold water in every room. In the heart of the business center. In the Solemn Country. mln'l H o u s|t o n BAUGHMAN BROS. W e take pleasure in so I eorter thinks de skeery time la cornin’. An' 'pears ter rae a narncane is hum- OUR line of Instep Straps, Ankle Straps, Patent Leather Oxfords etc.ijs particularly well selected. Call and see Look over l Practical, Modern Dentistry at Live and Let Live Prices Office over Hatfield’s Store track contests Rheumatism. M E D F O R I) O R KGO X JOHN HARRINGTON ommercial OREGOM Fireproofing Textiles. l 'u n Harness Creek W illow Springs—each X X 5 D u .E . TW building, Phone-*: Bear [Creek, Table Rock, Trail Best Treatment for Colds. “ Most ordinary colds will yield to the simplest treatment,” says the Chicago Tribune, “ moderative laxatives, hot : foot baths, a free prespiration and an | avoidance of exposure to cold and wet after treatment.” While this treat­ ment is simple, it requires considerable trouble, and the one adopting it must remain indoors for a day or two, or a I fresh cold is almost sure to be contract­ ed, and in many instances pneumonia follows. Is it not better to pin your faith to an old reliable preparation like Chamberlain VCough Remedy, that ¡3 famous for its cures of colds and I can always be depended upon? For I sale by Mary A. Mee. Rous over Herald office. Tine street. Mail Orders Given Prompt Delivery. Phone 1771, M EDFORD. T h e littlo p e o p i o a r e usually afraid of the dark, and a light bed room gives them cor.fidonco. «? ■i But a bod room lighted b y o p e n fin m o m othods i | takes a w a y fro m tho s c - c u r o f o o lin g o f tho parents. U bo e le c tric ity for light and th e re will bo no danger of firo to tho tin y ones. T h e y c a n tu r n it off and on w ithou t danger. Send for tho man N O W . Rugue River Electric Cu. * LOTS FOR SALE The Central Point Herald Lota in the Central Point Townsite and the Pattison Addition are for sale by S A. Pattison. who is ant homed to handle this property during the winter- Warrantv deeds given without delay. Call at Herald office. Fourth street. Read THE HERALD N o TU K I have accep ts th<* <>ntral Point nsr»*nry of the A ah land Steam Laundry. Laundry will he s«nt on Monday and return f»n Wedne.-*!»’' f t each week. Glenn Ow#*n». •'»•-tf