C E N TR AI. PO IN T HERALD. TH U RSD AY C entral P oint H erald S. A . F A T .I., o W. I'U BUSHKR. A r,, .iCii!"nt local newspaper the interests •>{ Central Foint amj the Rogue Rivue Valley. Published Every Thursday. S u b sc rip t.^ price. $1.50 pep year, in advance. Entered as Second class Matter. May 4. at the Post Otjlce at Ceatral Point. Oregon,, ut(der the A - t o f Congress of March 3. 1879. •Iffro D. Robafeller is making s tr e «;i effort to hand Uncle Sain j. a loaded cheroot along with his ‘ \ojndation fund.” T H jle u u y rose o f petroleum finance will have a chance before many years tsx form a trust in a warmer state than Florida, somewhere in the ^ dominion of his Satanic Majesty C in the proverbial sulphuric valley. A P R IL 21, DIO. F. A. H A W K Fine Watch Repairing HORSESHOEING New Diamonds and Genera! Blacksmithing Rubber tires'for Go-Carts, Ruby Carriages, pump wagons Rogue .River Pruning Knife, Opposite Post Office- Centra! Point | is the name o f a new publication .»k ep to n file at the D a k k Alt- rra n H B H o a n ra ^ n v I HIS PAPER / u r t i s i n o A g e n c y , I n c ., \¿ 7 to be issued by the Farmer-Fra- StHit.h Main S tre«^I. 1!. NASH, PHOT. CONFECTIONERY— RESTAURANT, YVholesome’ cooking Prompt service Reasonable prices Our Sunday dinners strike the right spot :: :: r: Geo. Ross Bldg. Corner First and Pine Sts. Snowy Butte OrcSiard Tracts now on the m arket You cannot possibly make a mis­ The famous Snowy Butte Orchard, consisting o f 300 Acres o f the Cream o f Rogue River take in buying one tracts, suitablefor ideal orchard, homes, and ment. of these lots Lots 50x150, East frontage, good drainage City water avail­ able for the coming summer Valley soil, has been subdivided into small is now on the market Plats o f the Property, with prices, terms, etc., can be seen at our office in the Herald Building We are ex­ clusive sales-agents for this property in Central Point KAHLER & PATTISON A number o f these choice lots have already been sold and i f you want one o f the very best you should get busy soon Easy Terms ! Fresh Confections Cool weather is coming on, and with it our new assortment o f the finest candies ever shown in Central Point. Kahler & Pattison, Owners H era id Bldg. Y ou Can’t Beat Them Central Point G- S. M O O R E, A Fearful Earthquake. One of the most destructive earth­ quakes In the world's history was that which occurred in Tokyo in the year 1703, when 100,000 people were killed. that out-door exercise is needed by the Street Organs In Verviere. American people. That’s all very well, Organ grinders in Verviere. Belgium, but how can people with rheumatism must keep their instruments lu tune. follow that advice? The answer is J Every morning they nre required to go very sim ple-use Ballard’s Snow Lini­ before the police superintendent and The organs ment and the rheumatism will go, leav­ play their instruments. which chance to be out o f tune must ing you as spry as a colt. Gives quick i be set In order before a license to and permanent relief from rheumatism, i p|ay on , he street9 wlil be grailted. neuralgia, lame back and all pains. Sold by Mary A. Mee. No Change. “Married life is apt to grow monot­ onous.” “I don’t know. My w ife Is as kind to me ns the day we were married.” “That is something to be thankful for.” "Oh. I don't know. She hit me over tlie heud with a bromusUck the first day.” Point either for a home or as an invest­ For Constipation. Our First Public Library. Peterboro, in New Hampshire, es­ tablished the first fi^e public library In the United States in 1S33. and as early us isp> a general law authoriz­ ing taxation for library purposes was passed. to Central The soil is fertile and the location is all that can be desired—close in to the business center and in a most desirable locality Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver .Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation.’ ’ Give these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Trice, 25 cents. Samples free, j or sale by Mary A. Mee. Some o f the folks in the beau­ tiful city o f Ashland are not fond A KNOCK!R o f that part iailar brand o f eccles- siasticml perfumery tendered to »* a man who can't see good in any | Dr. Oliver last Saturday evening. person or thing. It's a habit caused hv a disordered liver. If yon find that , The aroma, however, was not you are beginning to see things through so pre|H>nderoustv obnoxious. blue spectacles, treat your liver to a by several deg res as the language good cleaning out process with Rallard's used by the h arried evangelist Herbine. A sure cure for constipation, about mothers who allow their dy*P*P*«*, indigestion. sick hea^ohe. daughters ley are to be found in this latest res­ The development o f the re­ sources of a community, a county, a state or a nation, depends al­ most entirely upon the public spirit o f its citizens. Enterprise will flourish like unto the laurel and the bay, but mossbackism grows but a poor crop on the best o f land and the crop is invariably prodigal in a yield o f retrogres­ sion. Twentieth century busi­ ness cannot be transacted with tenth century methods. YVe arc living in an age when the good seed o f enterprise must be sown if we desire to reap the bountiful harvest o f progress. Drop your little petty strifes and pull together for Central! La Fuerza. Point. Don’ t pull down your) j The oldest Inhabited dwelling in tile own town to air your foolish western hemisphere is said to be I.a anger, and when your tongue Fuerza, lu Havana, built about 1538. Ollier forts and some convents lu Santo bturns with stinging vituperations Domingo antedate it. but they are all and vitriolistic verbs, don’ t let broken ruins now, while La Fuerza ts it loose my pet, but “ put it on of service still as a storehouse and bar­ racks for the rural guards. ice a while, put it on ice.” The Oregonian discovered last week that there is such a place on the map as Southern Oregon. That worthy publication actually mentioned Medford in an edi­ torial and hinted that some fruit is being grown in the Rogue River Valley. Harvey Scott is not such a bad old boy after all. The finest residence lots in the val­ THE CRYSTAL Our admirable old pedestrian, Ed ward Fa.vsou Weston, is certainly a de­ light. Not satisfied with having walk­ ed across the continent after ho had reached threescore years and ten, he now proposes to turn face and "hike" back again, doing tlie distance in 100 days. That mysterious eartliquake of New Year's day may have been the shiver­ ing o f Central American dictators over the sudden strenuousness of Uncle Sam. The Tenderfoot Farm er It was one of these experimental farmer«, who put green spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory was that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as she was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered into his ca'culations. It’s only a “ tenderfoot" farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feed* him - St-lf regardless of digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well eat shav­ ings for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach grows “ weak” the actum of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and tha agonies of nervousness. T o s t r e n g t h e n the s t o m a c h , r e s t o r e the a c t i v i t y o f t h e or* H an s o f d i g e s t i o n a n d n u t r i t i o n a n d b r a c e u p th e n e r v e s , use D r . P i e r c e ' s G o l d e n M e d i c a l D i s c o v e r y , i t is a n un> f a l l i n g r e m e d y , a n d has t h e c o n f id e n c e o f p h y s i c i a n a as we /l as the p r a i s e o f t h o u s a n d s h e a l e d b y Its use, Tn the strictest sense “ Golden Medical Disco vary“ is a temperance medi­ cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol as from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on its outside wrapper, Don t let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach, liver and blood “ just as good” as “ Golden Medical Discovery." At The Old Stand GENERAL POINT MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats of all kinds W e carry a full and complete stock [o f all kinds o f Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Weinerwursts, Hamburger, etc. TR Y O U R O W N BRAND OF H AM S and BACON Boiled Ham and other delicacies are always kept on hands. We have the best equipped shop in Southern Oregon and are always pre­ pared to serve our customers with the best \ B U Y Y O U R M EAT A T A N U P TO DATE SHOP CENTRAL POINT MEAT MARKET W . D. Lewis & Sons Proprietors HERALD ADS BRING GOOD R[$LL! Ò c